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1、1萧红中学 2019-2020 学年度下学期九年级英语寒假检测题时间:时间:7070 分钟分钟总分:总分:100100 分分命题人:命题人:高平高平 同学们,请将所有试题答案完整书写在同学们,请将所有试题答案完整书写在“答题页答题页”上,否则无效。上,否则无效。一、考试说明单词短语部分(20 分)用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Asudden disease breaks out in China,many people are taking part in the fight_(active).2.Many doctors and nurses are fighting with the dis

2、ease,they are real _(hero)in our hearts.3.Wuhan,stay strong!China,stay strong!We are sure to get the great _(achieve)in the fight.4.All of us admire the volunteers_(behave)during the fight.5.It is wrong of you to have an _(argue)with your parents about homework.6.At the _(begin)of the meeting,we dis

3、cussed the schedule of the coming new term.7.It seems uncomfortable to take _(breathe)when wearing masks,but it is necessary.8.All the people around the world are watching the disease _(close).9.We will have a big _(celebrate)when we win.10.We should try to have a good _(communicate)with our friends

4、.同意句转换11-12Having classes online is convenient._ is convenient _ have classes online.13-14They have decided to help the people in Wuhan.They have _ a _ to help the people in Wuhan.15-16Teachers encourage us to study hard.We _ _ to study hard by the teachers.17-18The bank is opposite to the natural p

5、ark.The bank is _ _ the natural park.19-20In fact,we didnt know how to deal with the difficulty._ a _ of fact,we didnt know how to deal with the difficulty.二、单项选择(20 分)()21.Which of the following words has the same sound as the underlined letter of the word connect?A.conversationB.discoverC.memorize

6、()22.Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound?A.patient,patternB.aloud,pronounceC.speed,wisely()23.Which word of the following doesnt have the same stress from the others?A.almostB.aloudC.afford2()24.All the Chinese people have _ unusual Spring Festival._ festival is so

7、 different from the oneswe had before.Aan;theB/a;Ca;a()25.Im sorry I took your school uniform by mistake.But where is?Dont worry.Let me help you find it.AheBhisCmine()26.Have you heard of Doctor Li Lanjuan?Of course,she is adoctor,though she is in her _,she is still working very hard.A73-year-old,se

8、ventiesB73 year sold,seventyC73 yearsold,seventys()27.Nick,I lost my pen and I couldnt findanywhere.There are many pens in that box.Just take.A.it;itB.it;oneC.one;it()28.Dont stay inside such a sunny morning.Lets go out to enjoy the gentle wind and the sweet flowers.A.onB.inC.at()29.During this spec

9、ial holiday,we should study hard and in the spare time we can _some goodhobbies.A.put upB.take upC.cut up()30.What Chinese people have done during the disease makes the world _shocked _ WHOand many countries speak highly of China and Chinese people.A.so,thatB.such,thatC.in order,that()31.-Mum,can I

10、have some more pear juice?-Sorry,honey,there is _,what bout some warm milk?A.nothingB.noneC.no one()32.This winter,the disease in Wuhan is _ than_ in any other city in China.A.seriouser,itB.much serious,the oneC.more serious,that()33.After a long winter holiday this year,most of us prefer _ rather t

11、han_.A.to go to school,stay at homeB.going to school,staying at homeC.go to school,to stay at home()34.You are talented young adultsare full of hope for the future.A.whichB.whenC.who()35.What do you think of your junior high school life?I think it is enjoyable,I sometimes have some trouble in study.

12、A.ifB.thoughC.while()36.Nowadays,farmers leave their hometown to search for work in the cities.A.million ofB.two millionsC.millions of()37.Dad,can you tell me?I miss her very much.Next month,dear.After she _ the work in Hubei Province.A.when my mum will come back,finishesB.when will my mum come back

13、,will finishC.how my mum goes to work,would finish()38.-When we get to know so many moving stories in Wuhan,we cant help _to tears,but it is apity that we cant help _anything.-We are making contributions as long as we follow the rules and protect ourselves.3A.moving,doingB.to move,to doC.being moved

14、,do()39.During this special time,we have to stay at home in order to avoid getting sick.But sitting too much isdangerous and the more you sit,the weaker your body will be.For your health,you should _.spend more than seven hours sitting every day use your lunch break to move around.sit in the same wa

15、y for too long without moving move your body every 60-90 minutes during the study take breaks away from the computer.A.B.C.()40.To help students know about their sleeping habits,No.8 Middle School made a survey among 150students in Grade Nine.According to the chart below,_ students can sleep at leas

16、t 8 hours each night if theyget up at 6 a.m.Time to sleepBefore 10 p.m.At 10 p.m.Between 11 and 12p.m.After 12 p.m.Percentage(百分比)14%26%43%17%A.NinetyB.SixtyC.Twenty-one三、完型填空(10 分)My name is Damian Costa.I was born in a small village in Italy in 1952.I spent the first few Years of my lifethere befo

17、re my family 41 to Perth AustraliaWe arrived in Australia in the summer of 1957.I went to 42and I had to attend special classes to learnEnglish as all the lessons were taught in English.We did not have much 43.so we lived very simply.My parents worked as cleaners.They earned(挣钱)justenough for us to

18、survive(维持生活)and 44a little money.My father had always wanted to 45 a small restaurant.Finally,46 ten years of hard work,in June1967,he managed to save enough and opened our first pizzeria(比萨饼店).47 business was slow at first,it soon got better.I helped out at the pizzeria after school and at weekend

19、s.Thenhe decided to 48 me the art of making wood-fired pizzas.Today we have three branches(分店),in Perth.Sydney and Adelaide.My children have 49 learned how tomake pizzas and they quite enjoy it.I hope to50the business to them.()41.A.movedB.returnedC.pointed()42.A.schoolB.hospitalC.business()43.A.hou

20、seB.moneyC.health()44.A.saveB.borrowC.share()45.A.sellB.seeC.open()46.A.beforeB.afterC.during()47.A.BecauseB.IfC.Although()48.A.likeB.teachC.believe()49.A.perhapsB.neverC.also()50.A.pass onB.call onC.turn on4四、阅读理解(20)A.Dear JennyImgoingtotakesome important exams nextmonth and I am really worriedabo

21、ut them.I cant eat or sleepwell.I keep thinking I may getbad grades.Please help me!Mary,15ChicagoDear Jenny,My little brother refuses to letmewatchmyfavoriteTVshow.Instead.hewatches whatever he wants allthe time.What can I do?Nina,14New YorkDear Jenny,My dad has got a new jobandheworklonghours.Heoft

22、enhastoworkatweekends,too.So we spend very littletime together.I miss him.What should I do?Jim,13BostonMain parts of the two replies from the editor of the magazine Students Life:A.You should discuss this problem with your parents.Have you talked to your father?Surely,hemisses you,too.Tell him how y

23、ou feel,and perhaps he would spend more time with you.You canalso ask your mother to do something fun with you when your father isnt home.B.You shouldnt worry so much.If you study hard,youll do well.Try to relax,find time to go forwalks and eat three healthy meals every day.Dont drink coffee or tea,

24、or you wont be able tosleep.You d better drink a glass of hot milk before going to bed.根据语言材料内容选择最佳答案()51.What does Jenny do in the passage?A.AteacherB.AdoctorC.An editor()52.Match the letters with the replies.Which is right?A.-A;-BB.-A-BC.-A;-B()53.What problem does Jim have?A.He misses his dad.B.H

25、e worries about his dad.C.He has to work at weekends.()54.What may be the proper advice to Nina?A.Turn off the TV when her brother is watching it.B.Find programs that theyre both interested in.C.Ask their parents to punish her brother.()55.Where do the three teenagers probably live?A.In the USB.In A

26、ustraliaC.In the UK5BOne weekend when Jim was a boy,he went to visit his grandparents in the countryside.On his way home,a car hit him and cut off his arms because it was too fast.Several days later when he woke up at the hospital,he realized he had to spend the rest of his life withoutarms.How sad

27、and scared he was at that time!But slowly he knew he had to face the fact and got over it.Hecouldnt get his arms back even though he cried every day.Easier said than done.It took Jim about half a year to get out of the sadness completely.He got so muchfrom his past story.From then on,he could treat

28、his life with a normal(正常的)mind.Ten years has passed.Jim now enjoys his colourful life.As a middle school student,he does well ineverything in his own ways.In daily life,many of Jims classmates often get worried about little things.Forexample,they dont have the latest mobile phone but others do.Jim

29、thinks hes lucky to realize somethingimportant from an accident.It is a waste of life to focus on what we have lost.We should always think of what wehave,including health,family and friends.Happiness depends on what we have!Its in our heart.Its a state of mind.Someone owns a lot,but maystill feel un

30、happy.Happiness comes from appreciating and taking pleasure in what we really have.根据短文内容判断正误。正确的写 A,错误的写 B。()56.Acar hit Jim one weekend because he walked too fast.()57.After Jim woke up at the hospital,he cried every day.()58.Jim spent about six months to get out of the sadness completely.()59.Jim

31、 thinks hes lucky to realize something important from an accident.()60.The passage mainly tells us that happiness depends on what we have not what we have lost.CIf you read some books or watch movies from the 1960s and 1970s about what life would be like in the2000s,you would probably laugh a lot.Ma

32、ny scientists believed we would be living in space and traveling inflying cars by now!Nowadays,some scientists make a living from making predictions about the future.They are calledfuturists(未来学家).With the help of technology,futurists make predictions that are much more possible comingtrue.Lets take

33、 a look at some of their predictions for the next fifty years.In the next ten years,futurists say we will have computers that are dinkier than our fingertips(指尖).Computers used to be the size of rooms,then tables,and now people have them in their phones.The next step ishaving them so small that we c

34、an put them under our skin(皮肤)!This leads us to the next prediction:having a small translator in your ear that could help deal withcommunication problems.These machines might be made before 2030.That means people will not need to learnlanguages anymore.They can just turn on their translator in order

35、 to communicate with someone who speaks adifferent language.Also,futurists believe that humans will be living on Mars.There will still be people living on the earth,andthey will have better lives than what we have now.They say that this is because there will be no more pollutionand people will live

36、longer.Looking further ahead,some futurists say machines will be able to read minds.This means that we will havecars that do not need drivers.People will live with robots and no longer have to work!Some of these ideas sound amazing,while some sound believable.Which of these do you think will cometru

37、e,and what predictions about the future do you have?6()61.The underlined word dinkier in the passage means _ in Chinese.A.较小B.较贵C.较重()62.People may laugh when they read old books or watch old movies about life in the 2000s because _.A.its very difficult to make a flying carB.people will never know w

38、hat is going to happen in the 2000sC.the future that was predicted is very different from what we have now()63.According to the passage,futurists _.A.are scientists who make predictions about the futureB.study books and movies about the futureC.make predictions that are less possible coming()64.Whic

39、h of the following predictions is NOT TRUE according to the passage?A.Some books or movies from the 1960s were about how life would be in the 2000s.B.People will be living only on Mars because there will be more pollution on the earth.C.Not all of the ideas of the futurists are believable.()65.What

40、is this passage mainly about?A.Its mainly about how technology has progressed rapidly over the years.B.Its mainly about some predictions that futurists have about the future.C.Its mainly about some crazy ideas about the future that will never happen.DIf you want to be successful,you should learn how

41、 to start your day.66starting your day in a correctway is still important.Here are some ideas on how to start your day right.Get up an hour early.67.This means that people who get up early can have a goodstart and are more likely(可能的)to succeed.68Health experts say drinking a cup of water in the mor

42、ning can speed up our bodysmetabolism(新陈代谢).Then we can study or work more actively.Dont play with your mobile phone.Your breakfast is ready.But you decide to check WeChat quickly.Well,youd better not,69Exercise in the morning.Some people may disagree with this one.Some people like to exercise after

43、 work.70because by the end of the day,you may not have the time or energy to exercise.Exercising in themorning prevents that from happening.A.The early bird gets the worm.B.Drink a glass of water.C.Experts suggest doing exercise in the morning.D.It will waste your morning time.E.Although you cannot

44、achieve all your goals in one day,五、交际应用(10 分)A.从 A-G 选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。(选项中有两项多余)A:Lingling,you look unhappy.Whats up?B:Dad.I have a problem with my best friendA:717B:Weve been friends for five years.We went to different schools last term.And she came to study at my schoolthis tern.I was very ha

45、ppy at first,72A:Can you tell me how shes different?B:She doesnt like me to see my other friendsA:73B:Yes.I have.But she refused to listen.A:74B:No.I dont know.A:Maybe she doesnt feel sure of herself,75B:Maybe.What shall I do then?A:You can introduce her to your other friends and encourage her to jo

46、in in more.B:I see.Thanks,Dad.填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。A:Hello!This is Li Nan.76that?B:Du Cong speaking,I want to have a talk with you,is that OK?A:No _77_,let me see what I can do for you.B:My mum was sent to Wuhan,I feel _78_about her very much.A:Your mother is a hero!But dont be so nerv

47、ous,all the people _79_ together,we are sure to win.B:You are right.We should learn _80_ this experience that we should protect the environment and thewild animals.A:Please call me if you have any difficulty,I would like to help.B:Thanks a lot!Good bye!A:Bye!六、任务型阅读(20)A.she,surprise,

48、lucky,twelve,something,true,have,in a low voice,On the day of the interview,I got up at 6:00 in the morning.I got to the interview place without81breakfast.I was the 16thinterviewer(应聘者)and the82was a short ordinary-looking girl.I nodded to her.Iasked her where she graduated.“I didnt graduate from a

49、 famous college,”She told me83.I didnt expect the interview would last so long.As I didnt have breakfast,my stomachache came to me.Ihad to sit by the table for a rest.Just at that time,the girl came and asked me what happened.I told her,“I didnthave84this morning,so I had a stomachache.”After a whil

50、e,a worker came in and handed me a bottle of milk and a piece of bread.It was certain that theywere bought by the girl.I felt warm all over my heart because I hadnt imagined she would be so nice to helpmeher rival(竞争对手).85,I got the job.The first day I went to work,I was86to see the girl there.She a


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