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1、2022年山东省青岛市市南区中考二模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1The _ is so strong today that my hair keeps flying in the air.AcloudBsnowCsunDwind2The beach party tonight _ the end of our summer vacation. Tomorrow we are all going back home to get ready for school.AchangesBmeansCpassesDsaves3Everyone in the class enjo

2、ys playing chess _ Bill. He thinks the game is boring.AlikeBforCexceptDwith4Beatrice loves to draw apples. You can see _ in her notebooks, on her letter paper, and even on her school bags!AoneBothersCthemDit5I think the road ends here, it wont go any _. Shouldnt we turn back?AcloserBfartherCfasterDd

3、eeper6The little boy jumped up and down happily when he heard a bird _ in the tree.AsingBsingingCto singDsings7 Your bike looks nice. Is it ? I dont know how much it is. Its my brothers.AexpensiveBheavyCnewDuseful8 Will you answer the telephone? Sorry. I _. Im busy.AmustntBcantCmay notDneednt9_ subj

4、ect math is!AWhatBHowCWhat aDHow easy10Its raining outside. Stay at home _.Aif you have an umbrellaBsince it stopsCafter it stops to rainDtill it stops二、完形填空Zurich, the largest city in Switzerland, is also the richest city in the world.If you cannot live without your car, Zurich might be the _11_ ci

5、ty you would like to visit. In Zurich, people are welcome, but cars are not! Over the past 20 years, this city has used smart ways _12_. One is to keep the same-total number of parking spaces. _13_, if 50 new parking spaces are built in one part of the city, then 50 old spaces in other parts are tak

6、en away for other uses. _14_ the total number does not change. Some are unhappy that there are never enough spaces. That is just what the city has in mind. If people find parking more difficult, they will drive _15_.(In many big Asian cities, such as Seoul and Tokyo, there is a flood of cars, trucks

7、 and buses on the streets. This has caused terrible traffic jams that polluted the air.)_16_, the total number of cars in the city is counted. Over 3,500 little computers are put under Zurich roads to check the _17_ of cars that enter the city. If the number is higher than the city can deal with, th

8、e _18_ on the roads that enter the city will be kept red. So drivers who are traveling into Zurich have to stop and wait _19_ there are fewer cars in the city. Now, you may wonder _20_. The answer is simple. The city wants to make more space for its people.11AfirstBlastCrichestDbeautiful12Ato make t

9、raffic lighterBto invite people to visitCto make itself a famous cityDto build more parking spaces13AHoweverBFor exampleCWhats wrongDTo our surprise14ABecauseBSoCWhyDWhether15AlessBmoreCby yourselfDeverywhere16AThis wayBHoweverCThenDAlso17AdateBdevelopmentCuseDnumber18AstreetsBroadsCtraffic lightsDc

10、rossings19AforBtoCifDuntil20Awhy Zurich is doing thisBwhat all this has cost ZurichCif Zurich should try other waysDif Zurich can deal with angry drivers三、阅读判断判断正(A)误(B)JUST ASKHi, Im Daniel, a writer from the US. Here, I team up with a reader of your age to help solve your problems.Q:Whenever I get

11、 better grades than my friend, he treats me coldly and even quarrels with me. Now we are more and more distant(疏远的)from each other. What should I do?StevenA1:Dear Steven,I understand your feelings. You just did your best at school, but now you are suffering(受苦)because of it. Maybe your friend is env

12、ious(嫉妒的). Or maybe his parents compare him to you, which makes him feel upset.Or maybe its you. Perhaps, when you talk about your grades, you sound snobbish(恃才傲物的).Now I am in my thirties. Heres my rule: If a friend makes less money than I do, I dont talk about it. If someone makes more money than

13、I do, I dont talk about it. Money is everybodys private information.Guess what else is private information? Your school grades. So keep them to yourself. If someone asks you about it, just say, “I need to keep working.”Keep your friends close and your exam scores closer.DanielA2:Dear Steven,I have a

14、 friend just like yours. She always treated me coldly after she knew I got a higher score than her. What I did was just comforting her. Everyone wants to be the best, and its normal to be upset when she doesnt achieve her goals.I think you can study together with your friend so that you can make pro

15、gress together. Its not only good for your study, but for your friendship as well.Another reason for my friend treating me coldly is that her parents often scold(批评)her when she doesnt do well. If you praise your friend more in front of his parents, maybe he will be more friendly to you.Above all, r

16、emember that competitions dont necessarily hurt our friendship. The way we treat competition is more important.Lu Siyi, 14, Beijing21Stevens friends always fight with him.22Daniel is a middle school student.23At school, grades are private information.24If we praise our friends more in front of their

17、 parents, maybe they will be more friendly to us.25Lu Siyi thought that competitions are more important.四、阅读单选Do you drink water thats been left sitting out overnight or even for another day? Have you noticed it tastes different?Tap water(自来水) that has been left to sit out slowly begins to get an of

18、f taste. Many people think that this is because of microorganisms(微生物). But thats not what makes old water taste not fresh. For that we can think of carbon dioxide(二氧化碳). After about 12 hours, tap water starts to go flat as carbon dioxide in the air starts to mix with the water in the glass, lowerin

19、g its PH and giving it an off taste. But its most likely not harmful to drink.However, back to those microorganisms. If you use a dirty glass day after day, there will be more chances to get bacteria(细菌). The risk will increase if you share the glass with another mouth as well. But supposing you use

20、 a fresh glass every few days, you probably wont have a problem unless the glass has been touched by dirty fingers, and especially if those dirty fingers went unwashed after using the bathroom.As for plastic water bottles that have been left out in the sun or in the car, step away from the bottles,

21、warns Dr. Kellogg Schwab, director of the Johns Hopkins University Water Institute. “A chemical named biphenyl-A, or BPA, along with other things used to make plastic can leach(过滤) into your water if the bottle heats up or sits in the sun,” he explains. BPA, as you probably know, has been linked to

22、everything from serious heart problems to cancer. Schwab also adds that plastic used for commercial bottled water isnt supposed to be washed or refilled, so use only one time and recycle. Or dont buy them at all; use refillable water bottles instead.26Tap water begin to have an off taste because of_

23、.Acarbon dioxideBBPACthe glassDthe microorganism27According to Paragraph 2, tap water thats been left sitting out for 12 hours_.Ahas few microorganismsBis still safe to drinkCtastes better than beforeDis likely undrinkable28According to Paragraph 3, what is the right way to drink with a glass?ATo sh

24、are the glass with another person.BTo hold the clean glass with dirty hands.CTo keep your hands and glass clean.DTo drink after using the bathroom.29What should we do with plastic water bottles that are left out in the sun or in the car?AUse them after they cool down.BClean them and use them again.C

25、Throw the bottles away.DRefill them with fresh water.30Which of the following is true about BPA?AIt is safe for people to use.BIt is a kind of new material.CIt is the main material to make plastic.DIt can cause great harm to people.Lend a caring earWhat would people in ancient times do when they mis

26、sed someone very much? What do you think of the invention of cellphones?My mom told me that when she and my dad were newly married, before people had cellphones, shed get phone calls from an elderly lady. The lady wanted to speak to someone named Donna. She was very friendly. My mom told her that sh

27、e was not Donna, but the lady would still say my mom was Donna.At least once a week this old lady would call for Donnasometimes more! Every call started with, “Hello, Donna! How are you?” She never cared if it was the wrong number.My mom never learned who that lady was. The lady only ever said her f

28、irst name. She talked about her daily life, her cat, her garden, and the newspaper. Sometimes shed talk about memories of Donna. She could only talk for 10 or 15 minutes before getting tired and saying goodbye.She normally called on Tuesdays or Thursdays around 8:00 pm. My mom made sure to be home a

29、t that time.The whole thing lasted for about a year. Then the calls just stopped. My mom thinks the old woman was lonely. From her stories, my mom guessed that Donna was a childhood friend of the lady.Why did she call? Why did she stop? My mom felt sad when the calls stopped. She still thinks of tha

30、t lady sometimes and wonders about her. Maybe that woman knew there was no Donna. Maybe she just had nobody else to talk to. My moms small act of kindness might have been a big help to someone in need.31What did the mom know about the lady?AHer cellphone number.BHer home address.CHer family name.DHe

31、r stories with Donna.32The underlined sentence shows that _.Athe mom was busy on Tuesdays or ThursdaysBthe mom didnt want to miss the ladys callsCthe mom didnt want to chat with the ladyDthe mom hoped to see the lady in person33From the story, we can learn that _.Athe lady called the mom for yearsBt

32、he mom was also very lonelyCthe lady found the real Donna in the endDthe mom felt sad after the lady stopped calling34The mom _ the old lady.AmissedBnever talked aboutCforgotDtried to save35What does the writer want to express in this story?AEveryone should respect the elderly.BTrue friendship will

33、never end.CA small, kind act helps others.DLife is hard for the elderly.五、阅读还原6选5Do you often have strong feelings? How do you deal with bad emotions?We feel angry or guilty(内疚的)about the things we did or did not achieve, about the things we cannot have, and many other things. It seems that everyone

34、 carries their own bad emotions. But neither guilt nor anger can help us. Over time, _36_These bad emotions dont do anything good for us at all. _37_is it possible to put down this heavy burden(负担)and give yourself a break? It is quite possible.Start by actually looking at your feelings. How do they

35、 get inside of us? Why do we carry them for so long instead of putting them down? _38_By thinking about our bad emotions, we can find healthy ways to deal with them. Unhealthy behaviors are not the way to do this. They provide no relief(宽慰). Instead, there are better ways to deal with them. One of t

36、he best ways is forgiveness(原谅)._39_ We should forgive ourselves first. We shouldnt keep bad emotions inside. We must also forgive others who have made us guilty or angry. This is not always easy. But when we learn to forgive ourselves, it becomes easier to forgive others as well.There is nothing go

37、od about carrying years of emotional burdens. By forgiving ourselves and others, we can put down our burdens and feel better about ourselves. The moment you do this, you will start to feel a lot lighter. _40_ Youll start to feel like you have more energy and youll be much happier with your life.ACan

38、 we live without them?BLook at the picture on the right.CYears of heaviness will be magically lifted!Dthey can be heavy weights on our shoulders.ESo you might ask yourself.FForgiveness is a powerful tool.六、多句选词填空用所给词的正确形式填空。每词限用一次。offer, remember, take care of, invent, open41While I was reading in t

39、he study, Jane _ the baby.42A really good song _ forever.43The shop _ at 9:00 every morning.44I _ a lot of chances since he came here, but he accepts none.45Who _ matches?七、根据汉语提示填空46We are from _.(中国)47No place is _ than home.(安全的)48_ thinking twice, I took off my coat to warm the little dog.(没有)49

40、The theatre was _ empty.(一半)50I looked at _ in the mirror and felt satisfied.(自己)八、多任务混合阅读April 20th, Chinese Language DayApril 20th is Chinese Language Day, a day all about learning its history and help others to use Chinese with friends, at work or at home.Today, many members of the United Nations

41、 work with Chinese. It is spoken by the most people in the world.The Chinese language is known as one of the most difficult languages to learn, and it has a long history. So, who created the Chinese language? It is said that it was Cangjie!April 24th, National Pigs-in-a-Blanket DayIn the United Stat

42、es, April 24th is National Pigs-in-a-Blanket Day. Pigs-in-a-Blanket is often hot dogs or sausages wrapped(包裹)in biscuit. Pigs-in-a-Blanket are generally served as an appetizer(开胃品)or as breakfast. However, it can be served at any mealtime!April 25th, World Penguin DayWorld Penguin Day recognizes one

43、 of the special birds on the earth. There are 17 kinds of penguins, and all of them live in the Southern part of the earth.The Emperor Penguin is the biggest penguin and largest of all birds. There are about 595,000(2017)adult Emperors today, and from birth, they spend their whole life around the An

44、tarctic ice. They give birth to their babies like other birds, only they can do so in about -50!May 18th, International Museum DayFew places in our world are more educational than museums. But there are millions of people have never even visited one.There are many possible reasons for thisperhaps th

45、ey think just looking at old things would be boring, or perhaps they havent realized just how different the world was in the past and see no reason to take an interest.Though it may not be as popular as some days, International Museum Day is something that should be held in high importance.Nowadays,

46、 what you need to realize is that the answer you get online is quite possibly wrong. A study said that over 48% of all available historical facts available online are inaccurate(不准确的)or downright(完全)wrong.Days like International Museum Day should be something to get yourself and your young ones excited for; after all, while there will be children filling their heads with nonsense(谬论), you have the ability to fill your children with truth.The further we move forward, the more we leave behind.51对号入座:将下列各图代号(ABCD)填在空格


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