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1、2021届湖南省长郡十五校高三下学期第二次联考英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解Do you love outdoor challenges? And there are a bunch of really awesome hiking challenges out there now that will not only inspire you to get outside more and push yourself physically- but also provide you access to an awesome community of hikers and

2、often-times hiking groups focusing on the same challenges.1. THE 52 HIKE CHALLENGEThe goal of the 52 Hike Challenge is to get you outside moving every week for an entire year. The difficulty and length is entirely up to you. but the point is to get out and to get moving! Register online now and the

3、resources on their website allow you to track your journey as you complete each weekly hike and earn completion badges as you go.2. WE HIKE TO HEALWe Hike to Heal is a month-long womens empowerment and wellness campaign that organizes group hikes all over the world on the last Saturday of March. The

4、 organizations mission is to encourage women all over the world to tap into the healing and empowering influences within themselves and the Great Outdoors. You can join the movement for free in the link above and find free group hikes that will be happening all over the world.3. CURE-SEARCH ULTIMATE

5、 HIKEThis event is put on by CureSearch on February 4th every year, a non-profit organization dedicated to finding a cure and a way to raise money for children s cancer. To join this event that supports an incredible cause, you attend an informational session, register and get your own online fund-r

6、aising page and raise money to support your trek for childrens cancer research.4. THE 365 MILE CHALLENGEThis challenge is great because it is so simple. The goal is to get outside every day and walk a mile. This challenge focuses on small efforts that, over time, have big results and focuses on, cre

7、ating healthy habits to benefit your mind, body, and soul. To join all you have to do is register , join the Face book group, and start moving.1Which of the hiking challenges is specially intended for women?AWe Hike to HealBThe 52 Hike Challenge.CCure-search Ultimate Hike.DThe 365 Mile Challenge.2Wh

8、at do all the challenges have in common?AMoney-raising.BBadge-earning.CInternet-related.DGender-based.3How many challenges could you attend if you hope to work out regularly?AOnly one.BFour.CThree.DTwo.For most people, graduation is an exciting day the celebration of years of hard work. My graduatio

9、n day. was not.I remember that weekend two years ago. Family and friends had flown in from across the country to watch our class walk across that stage. But like everyone else in my graduating class, I had watched the economy turn from bad to worse. What I thought would take a week dragged into two.

10、 and then four, and 100 job applications later, I found myself in the exact same spot as 1 was before. And the due date to begin paying back my student loans was creeping ever closer.You know that feeling when you wake up and you are just consumed with fear? Fear about something you cant controlthat

11、 sense of approaching failure that remains over you as you hope that everything that happened to you thus far was just a bad dream? That feeling became a constant in my life. And the most frustrating part was no matter how much 1 tried, 1 just couldnt seem to make any progress.So what did I do to ma

12、intain my sanity(理智)? I wrote. Something about putting words on a page made everything seem a little clearera little brighter. Something about writing gave me hope. And if you want something badly enough. sometimes a little hope is all you need! So I channeled my frustration into a childrens book. A

13、nd then one day, without any sort of writing degree or contacts in the writing world just a lol of hard work and perseveranceI was offered a publishing contract for my first book! After that, things slowly began to fall into place. 1 was offered a second book deal. Then, a few months later, I got an

14、 interview with The Walt Disney Company and was hired shortly after.The moral of this story is. dont give up. Even if things look bleak now, dont give up. Things change If you work hard, give it time, and dont give up, things will always get better Oftentimes all we need is the courage to push beyon

15、d the river.4From Paragraph 2, we can learn that the author probably.Awas having an exciting graduationBwas getting into financial difficultiesCmissed the life in the universityDhad just applied for the student loans5How did the author change the frustrating situation?ABy sending applications.BBy of

16、fering contracts.CBy keeping writing.DBy publishing books.6Which of the following can replace the underlined word bleak in the last paragraph?AunattractiveBhopelessCthrillingDpromising7What is the passage mainly about?ASuccess belongs to the persevering.BA contented mind is a perpetual(长久的)feast.CA

17、smooth sea never makes a skillful mariner.DMisfortunes tell us what fortune is.The Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 will now be held on July 2021 With less than three months to go. questions surrounding the safety have grown intense. How to do this safely with thousands of athletes and staff involved coming

18、 to Japan in the middle of the pandemic?A playbook released by the IOC and Tokyo organizers provided some insight. Besides masking up, avoiding crowds and washing hands frequently, travelers will have to produce a test negative upon arrival. They will not have to quarantine, but arent allowed to go

19、to public areas during their first 14 days. All travelers must submit a detailed route to Japanese authorities. They must submit details of their health and any symptoms they are experiencing into a mandatory(强制性的)mobile app. Anyone who breaks these rules could be sent back home.The IOC encourages a

20、thletes to get the vaccine if available, though not mandatory. Japan began vaccinating its citizens in mid February, so its likely many Japanese wont have received dosage by the start of the Games. Dr. Angela Rasmussen, a virologist in Georgetown University, believed the best action the IOC could ta

21、ke to safely stage the Games would be a vaccination requirement. Many attendees from countries with out-of- control coronavirus transmission are a threat to the public health, she said. “It might be challenging as the access and availability of vaccines varies in different countries, but that might

22、be the safest option for Japan.Despite many potential restrictions, nothing seems to stop the Olympics from taking place. First and foremost. money. Hosting the Olympics is quite costly and Japan has already spent over S 25 billion of mostly public finances. Even if fans arent allowed and athletes a

23、re heavily restricted in traveling outside of the grounds, this would still be an incredibly profitable event. Global broadcast rights make up roughly 73% of income generated from the Games, and sponsorships make up almost another 20%. Plus, Japan would still get major publicity.“The government is k

24、een to hold the Olympics for the reputation and to celebrate Japans virtues and strengths. said Jeff Kingston, a professor at Temple University. It wants to reprise the glory of the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games and lift national and global spirits that have plummeted during the pandemic. It also hopes t

25、o stimulate a depressed economy.8Attendees of the Olympics are required to do the following EXCEPT .Aget a negative test result upon arrivalBbe quarantined during their first 14 daysCreport their travelling routes in detailDinput any symptoms through an app9What can we infer from the passage about v

26、accination?AAll the athletes are supposed to get the vaccine before the Games.BRasmussen disapproved of the vaccinating requirements by the IOCCThe IOCs action to stage the Games will help local citizens get vaccinated.DAttendees from some countries might have difficulty in getting vaccinated.10Whic

27、h of the below is NOT the benefit the Olympics could bring to Japan?APreventing the pandemic,BRegaining the previous glory.CEnhancing peoples spirits.DBoosting falling economy.11Which column does the passage probably come from?ABusiness.BEducation.CSports.DTourism.Plastic pollution has long been a p

28、roblem, but now its gotten to a new height literally. Microplastic, referring to plastic fragments and particles less than 5 millimeters in diameter, have been found on Mount Qomolangma as high as 8,440 meters above sea level, just 408.86 meters below the peak of the mountain, according to a recent

29、study published in the journal One Earth.“These are the highest microplastics ever discovered so far.” lead author Imogen Napper from the University of Plymouth, UK, said in a statement. Scientists collected snow and water samples from 19 different locations from 4,200 meters above sea level all the

30、 way up to the summit of Mount Qomolangma. They found microplastics in all the water samples and part of the snow samples. The most polluted sample was from the Base Camp in Nepal, where most human activities on the mountain are concentrated. It had 79 particles of microplastics per liter of snow.Bu

31、t how have these fragments made it all this way and in such a great abundance? The answer is apparent human activities. It is climbers who bring plastic products to the mountain. Even if they dont litter, just walking for 20 minutes or opening a bottle of water can release microplastics into the env

32、ironment.The harsh fact is that plastic pollution has reached even the most remote places on Earth. Researchers even found a plastic bag al the deepest point in the worlds oceansin the Mariana Trench, located in the Pacific Ocean. The bag is the same as the ones commonly used in grocery stores. Even

33、 covered in ice, the Arctic is still a victim of plastic pollution. A 2020 report published in Nature suggests that there are 2.000 to 17,000 plastic particles per cubic meter in Arctic ice cores, and between 0 to 18 microplastic particles per cubic meter from the water beneath ice floes. Experts th

34、ink microplastics may be transported by air and then reach the North Pole in snowfall.“What we don t yet fully know is the potential problems these tiny pieces of plastic could be having to ecosystems, to organisms and even to our own health as well,” said Christian Dunn of Bangor University, UK. Th

35、en what can we do? “We need to start focusing on deeper technological solutions that focus on microplastics, like changing fabric design and including natural fibers instead of plastic when possible.”12What are the first two paragraphs mainly about?AThe polluted samples from the peak were the most s

36、erious.BPlastic pollution has been discovered at high altitudes.CHumans have .climbed to the peak of Mount Qomolangma.DMicroplastics are a newly-found material by researchers.13What can we infer from Paragraph 4?AMicroplastics may go far beyond the range of human activities.BThe means of microplasti

37、cs transportation has been confirmed.CThere are frequent exchanges between Arctic ice cores and ice floes.DBags from grocery stores are the main source of plastic pollution.14According to Christian Dunn, the key to addressing microplastic pollution is .Ato prohibit the use of plastic productsBto div

38、ersify the design of microplasticsCto apply only natural fibrous alternativesDto develop more advanced technologies15Which of the following is the best title?ALitter in the Mariana TrenchBNew One Earth CampaignsCPollution Reaches New HeightDAdventurous Human Activists二、七选五Being a teenager can be dif

39、ficult, since youre dealing with higher expectations and the process of finding your place in the world. _16_ The following are things you can do to achieve that!_17_ Everyone is different in their teenage years. Some teens prefer to spend time with friends, while others prefer to study and work; so

40、me prefer to be quiet wallflowers, while others are loud. Saying that theres only one way to enjoy your teenage years is wrong.Develop your sense of self, focusing more on your own thoughts._18_ Stop paying so much attention to them as many of them are based on what other people think, instead of wh

41、at you think. Go ahead and do what you want, without factoring others opinions.Work on your work ethic(职业道德).What you accomplish in your teen years may determine your opportunities in your adulthood, so dedicate some time to studying and do your best. Learn how to prioritize, whether its with school

42、 work, or any extracurricular activities. Boost your studying skills._19_Keep good relations with your family as much as possible._20_ Its the building blocks for ail relationships you develop, whether theyre friendships, romantic relationships, or a family you choose to have later on in life. And p

43、lus, you see them every day why not make it nice to spend time with them?AAvoid rushing to figure out who you are.BFor lots of people, the teenage years are full of worries.CBut that doesnt mean you cant enjoy the teen years.DFamily is one of the most important connections in your life.EIt may not s

44、eem enjoyable, but its helpful later on in life.FUnderstand that theres no one set-in-stone way to enjoy your teenager years.GBeing a teenager is not necessarily any easier or more difficult than other life stages.三、完形填空A group of children from poverty stricken areas across China gathered in Beijing

45、. Once, they were confused and challenged by _21_ unimaginable for many of their contemporaries(同龄人)who were used to a_22_ way of life.Thanks to a charity sports program _23_ by Sun Lingfeng, former captain of Chinas national mens baseball team, these “children in hardship, as Sun described them, no

46、w see _24_Recently, the documentary film Tough Out brought this story into the _25_Released on Dec.11, it is so far the highest rated Chinese film in 2020 on Douban.The filming began in 2016 and _26_ the world of these children. Due to their _27_families and painful childhoods, most of them were har

47、d to _28_ . Ma Hu, for example, was angry and disobedient. But when he joined the team, he had to learn to _29_ with his teammates to be successful. When his team lost a game, Ma would learn to _30_ his teammates. Whether the children will take baseball as their _31_ or not, they have already achiev

48、ed so much, Sun told China Daily.Unlike many other sports films, Tough Out doesnt simply focus on the _32_ part. Instead, it shows audiences about the kids _33_. In the film, this team never won a baseball competition. For this reason, some children lost faith and left.“This film is so realistic. The struggles that children _34_ inner con


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