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1、广东省广州市海珠区第六中学2021-2022学年高三下学期三模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解Great Panda CenterJoin GoEco on a 7-day volunteer program in China to help wildlife at a giant panda center!Your scheduleDay 1: Arrive at Chendu Shuangliu International Airport. The local team will be waiting to pick you up and transfer you to

2、 the hotel in Chengdu.Day 2: Walk around Chengdu, visit Panda Breeding Center and enjoy delicious hot pot dinner.Day 3-6: Transfer to Panda Base in the mountains and take part in rewarding volunteer work! Each day, volunteers will work for 4-6 hours and in the evenings, volunteers will take part in

3、cultural activities ranging from dumpling making to Chinese language lessons.Day 7: Take a bus to either the airport or Chengdu City Center if extending stay.Some of your tasks include Preparing food for the pandas Cutting down and carrying bamboos Cleaning panda enclosures Occasionally participatin

4、g in observation and researchRequirements Ages 18-50 (This project may accept volunteers who are under 18 with a letter of consent(同意)from a parent) Basic English and/or Chinese Motivation to work with animalsTotal project cost: $1200 Whats includedRoom: Shared hotel roomFood: Three meals a dayAirpo

5、rt transfers: Airport transfers upon arrival and departure Whats not includedFlights, travel health insurance, personal expensesImportant note: Please apply for this program 1-2 months in advance. Families upgrading to private accommodations must pay an additional charge.1What might volunteers do on

6、 the sixth day?AVisit Panda Breeding Center.BClean panda enclosures.CTravel around Chengdu.DDepart from Panda Base.2What does the project cost include?AAccommodations.BPersonal expenses.CTravel insurance.DThe air ticket.3What is required of applicants?ABeing fluent in both English and Chinese.BHavin

7、g experience of working with animals.CApplying for the program in advance.DBeing at least 18 years old.My philosophy professor was a typical eccentric philosopher, whose behavior was somewhat strange. His disheveled (蓬乱的) appearance was highlighted by a well-worn tweed (粗花呢) sport coat and poor-fitt

8、ing thick glasses, which often rested on the tip of his nose. Every now and then, as most philosophy professors do, he would go off on one of those existential “whats the meaning of life” discussions. Many of those discussions went nowhere, but there were a few that really hit home. This was one of

9、them:“Respond to the following questions by a show of hands, ” my professor instructed.“How many of you can tell me something about your parents?” Everyones hand went up.“How many of you can tell me something about your grandparents?” About three-fourths of the class raised their hands.“How many of

10、you can tell me something about your great-grandparents?” Two out of sixty students raised their hands.“Look around the room, ” he said. “In just two short generations hardly any of us even know who our own great-grandparents were. Oh sure, maybe we have an old photograph tucked (收藏) away in a musty

11、 cigar box or know the classic family story about how one of them walked five miles to school barefoot. But how many of us really know who they were, what they thought, what they were proud of, what they were afraid of, or what they dreamed about? Think about that. Within three generations our ances

12、tors are all but forgotten. Will this happen to you?”“Heres a better question. Look ahead three generations. You are long gone. Instead of you sitting in this room, now its your great-grandchildren. What will they have to say about you? Will they know about you? Or will you be forgotten, too?”“Is yo

13、ur life going to be a warning or an example? What legacy will you leave? The choice is yours. Class dismissed.”Nobody rose from their seats for a good five minutes.4Which of the following can best describe the professor?AUntidy but considerate.BOdd but thoughtful.CFashionable and helpful.DNeat and r

14、esponsible.5Why does the professor mention “photograph” and “family story” in Paragraph 6?ATo share his own interesting stories.BTo suggest new ways to know the ancestors.CTo prove they are good ways to know the ancestors.DTo show peoples understanding of the ancestors are shallow.6What can we know

15、about this philosophy class?AIt aroused our thinking about life.BIt went nowhere like the previous ones.CThe professor was unsatisfied with our answers.DThe professor offered us his answers to the questions.7What is the best title of the passage?AOur philosophy professor.BA lesson about legacy.COur

16、memorable ancestors.DA gap among three generations.Few would have expected that viewers at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics would include animals. And yet, coverage of the event featured several sightings of wildlife, particularly leopard cats apparently seeking to get in on the action.On Jan 31, on

17、 the alpine ski slopes (高山滑雪坡) in Yanqing district, 90 kilometers northwest of Beijing, a leopard cat was spotted wandering through an award-ceremony rehearsal. The event caught the attention of volunteers and staff, with many snapping photos. Three days later, a Chinese photographer captured anothe

18、r leopard cat in the woods near the Olympic ski slopes. The creature ran past him, jumped over a fence and looked back.Leopard cats are wild felids, slightly larger than house cats, and they mostly keep clear of human activity. However, according to Luo Shujin, a passionate skier and a conservation

19、biologist at Peking University, the frequent appearance of the animals close to the ski runs indicates that the species has persisted in this human-dominated landscape, which is relatively close to Beijing, Strangely, their calm manner suggests they are not frightened by human activity.In the absenc

20、e of any research data, it is too early to draw any conclusions that the creation of the Olympic skiing venue has not affected the surrounding forests and wildlife. However, its possible that the wild cats have to some extent already adapted to coexistence with humans, likely because people at the v

21、enue have not shown an aggressive attitude toward the animals since its construction.According to Luo, wild cats are rarely seen so close to big cities, especially metropolitan cities. “I think this is a little-known side of Beijing, ”says Luo, who is proud that such wildlife can be found so close t

22、o the capital city. “Such an event causes me to hope that we can try our best to ensure continued coexistence between wilderness and human settlements. ”8Which of the following best describes the presence of leopard cats around the venue?AEmbarrassing.BCommon.CAlarming.DUnexpected.9What is the natur

23、al characteristic of a leopard cat?AFriendly to humans.BSensitive to camera light.CEnthusiastic about sports.DAfraid of human activity.10Which of the following may Professor Luo agree with?AWildlife should not be disturbed by humans.BWildlife need to be kept away from big cities.CHumans should live

24、in harmony with wildlife.DHumans need to adapt to the lifestyles of wildlife.11What is the text type of the passage?AA news report.BA sport review.CAn official announcement.DAn animal encyclopedia.The term “social distancing” has been at the center of public conversation for a while. But its not “so

25、cial” distance we are trying to promote. Its physical separation. In fact, preserving social ties even at a distance is essential for both mental and physical health. The results of an analytic review done in 2017 indicate that a lack of social support is on a par with smoking cigarettes as a risk f

26、actor for health.Given this fact, how might we best stay connected to others while maintaining physical distance? Would we be better off e-mailing a friend? Making a phone call? Setting up a video chat? In our study, Nick Epley and I tested whether the media through which people interact affects the

27、ir sense of connection and how expectations about certain technologies impact the communication media they choose to use.In our experiment, we asked participants to reconnect with someone that they hadnt interacted with recently, either through e-mail or over the phone. Participants first made predi

28、ctions about what it would be like to get in touch if they reached out in these two ways. They generally believed that theyd feel more connected when interacting via the phone than over e-mail. But they also predicted that talking on the phone could be more uncomfortable than sending an e-mail. Alth

29、ough these participants believed that talking encouraged stronger bonds, most of them said theyd rather send an e-mail than call the person up. Fears about awkwardness, it seems, push individuals toward text-based methods for communicating.In the next part of the experiment, we had participants actu

30、ally reconnect using one randomly determined mode of communication and then followed up with them after they had done so. We found that people do form meaningfully stronger bonds when interacting over the phone than over e-mail. Importantly, though, there was no difference in the amount of discomfor

31、t when reconnecting on the phone.The next time you think about how best to connect, consider calling or setting up a video chat. Feelings of social connection are preferably facilitated by voice rather than a keyboard.12How does the author support his view on the importance of maintaining social tie

32、s?ABy stating a deep-rooted tradition.BBy citing a published report.CBy sharing public opinions.DBy presenting official documents.13What did the author and Epleys study focus on?AHow technologies impact means of communication.BHow social media choices affect feelings of connection.CWhy maintaining s

33、ocial separation is bad for mental health.DWhy reconnecting with friends over the phone brings awkwardness.14What can we infer from the study results?AThey changed the research objectives.BThey provided insights for future studies.CThey confirmed researchers expectations.DThey contradicted participa

34、nts predictions partly.15What can be concluded from the text?AFor stronger bonds, talk instead of typing.BKeeping in touch is key to a lasting friendship.CThink before you consider contacting an old friend.DText-based methods for communication cause discomfort.二、七选五True beauty is not found in looks.

35、 _16_ Changing the way you think about beauty will give you life-long confidence.Place your beauty in your identity but not your identity in your beauty. If you hold onto youthful beauty as a narrow definition of yourself, you wont enjoy your looks as you age. _17_ Mirrors tell us only a part of wha

36、t we show to the outer world. Go past your reflection and see the real self!The fountain of youth doesnt exist. Despite many anti-aging products, there is no magic solution to stopping the effects of aging. You should stop devaluing (贬低) yourself just because you are getting older. Aim for a healthy

37、 life and keep yourself strong and fit. Eat healthy diet and be committed to a daily exercise routine. Lots of efforts are needed. _18_Beauty relates to physical and psychological aspects. _19_ However, Serena Williams never hides her unusual muscular physique. Instead, her showing her muscles enhan

38、ces her appeal. Many fans think she is beautiful. This proves that looking beautiful and attractive goes beyond our looks. _20_ Beauty matters to all women, but to those who age beautifully, it matters neither too much nor too little. Do enjoy our lives to the fullest, True beauty is about accepting

39、 yourself. It is also about feeling good about yourself.AEveryone does it.BIt comes from the inside.CGo beyond your mirror image.DYou will feel better over a long term.EIts human nature to believe beauty is everything.FPeople generally think beauty is only a skin-deep issue.GBe less scared of aging

40、and you will look more beautiful.三、完形填空In order to control kitchen waste, I started composting (制作堆肥). We have a small backyard and I knew we needed a _21_ that stood no chance of attracting rats or other animals that would make us _22_ neighbors. I landed on a compost container, which can reach tem

41、peratures high enough to _23_ practically anything my kitchen produces. I spend a few weeks learning how to _24_ use it.Dealing with our food waste made me think a lot harder before _25_ to it. It seemed _26_ to fill the garbage bin with perfectly good vegetables, so those went into a bag in the _27

42、_. When berries, pears and bananas got too _28_ to eat, I froze them for making drinks. Cooked foods and meat and cheese can turn into an unpleasant _29_ on a compost heap (堆), so those leftovers became my first _30_ for weekday lunches. Composting was one change that _31_ my day-to-day behaviour.Af

43、ter focusing on getting food waste out of the garbage bin, I wanted to _32_ single-use materials. Now, my family of five puts out just one bag of _33_ per week, a lighter load made up of snack bar wrappers and used tissue and the _34_.All you need to make _35_ changes to your own kitchen is a little

44、 bit of effort and a solid game plan.21AsystemBtheoryCpromiseDstandard22AinactiveBunpopularCdishonestDimpatient23Aput upBwork outCbreak downDset aside24AefficientlyBsuddenlyCslowlyDsecretly25AcomparingBreplyingCagreeingDadding26AformalBcrazyCwiseDinnocent27AcookerBfireplaceCfreezerDbackyard28AbigBso

45、ftCprettyDbitter29AprocessBnoiseCtruthDmess30ApurchaseBprincipleCpriorityDsuccess31AexplainsBvaluesCprovesDshifts32AtackleBinventCrecommendDseek33AgiftsBvegetablesCweedDgarbage34AgoodsBlikeCbackDlight35AseasonalBlegalCsimilarDexpensive四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The traditional Chi

46、nese lunar calendar divides a year into 24 solar terms. The Spring Equinox(春分), as the fourth term of the year starts on March 20 _36_ ends on April this year.The Spring Equinox signals the equal _37_ (long) of the day and night time. The day of the Spring Equinox is _38_ the sun is directly above t

47、he equator. After the equinox, the sun moves northwards, resulting in _39_ (gradual) longer day time in the Northern Hemisphere and longer night in the Southern Hemisphere.Standing an egg upright is a popular game across the country during the Spring Equinox. It is an old custom that_40_ (date) back to 4,000 years ago. People practice this tradition to celebrate the coming of spring. It _41_ (believe) that if someone can make the egg stand, he will


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