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1、2023年上海市杨浦区中考一模英语试题一、听力匹配题1根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片。ABCDEF1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _二、听短对话选答案2ASalesman and customer.BDad and daughter.CTeacher and student.DPoliceman and suspect.3AListening to the womans story.BTelling the woman what he likes.CGiving the woman her drink.DWaiting for the woman to pay.4AHe fee

2、ls the woman made it well.BHe thinks it will be broken easily.CHe believes its too small.DHe cant believe she can make a bag herself.5AWhat she thinks about herself.BWhat she likes about him.CHow she feels about the book.DWhy she enjoys reading.6AHe doesnt have an ID card.BHe doesnt behave well.CHe

3、wears casual clothes.DHe looks too young.三、听短文判断判断下列句子是否符合你听到短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示7A buddy should be like a teacher as well as a helper.8Joey and Matt are in the same class.9Matt found it difficult to spend time alone during the school breaks.10Joey helped Matt to become better at sports.11From

4、his experience with Matt, Joey has learnt that it is OK to be different.四、听录音补全句子听对话,用听到的单词完成下列句子。每空格限填一个单词或数字12Angela and her friends made a fire and told _ at midnight on Tuesday.13They _ because they all wanted to listen to and watch the wildlife in the forest on Wednesday.14On _ there were no cl

5、ouds and Angela watched the stars.15They climbed a mountain and found a cave with _ bats on Friday.16They discovered _ in the forest on the last day.五、单项选择17I wrote a note to remind _ not to be late for the meeting.AIBmyCmineDmyself18_ match between Brazil and Croatia finally sent Brazil home in adv

6、ance.AABAnCTheD/19The doctor could find nothing wrong _ the patient.AwithBaboutCofDfrom20With April 18s railway speedup, highway and air transport will have to compete for _ service for passengers.Athe bestBbestCbetterDgood21My umbrella was here a minute ago! _ took it by mistake, Im afraid.AEverybo

7、dyBSomebodyCAnybodyDNobody22The kid looks so _ that everyone wants to take a picture with him.AgentlyBsafelyClovelyDproperly23Terry _ eight novels in the past two years. He is called a highly productive writer.Ahas writtenBis writingCwas writingDwill write24We cannot find the owner of the purse beca

8、use no one knows _ it belongs to.AwhoseBwhoCwhenDwhy25Ted: Is the girl over there Amy?Jim: It _ be her. She has already gone to Tokyo.AmustntBmightCcouldDcant26The three astronauts finally _ after 183 days in space on 4, December 2022.AreturnedBare returningChave returnedDwill return27The police que

9、stioned Green but he denied _ anything illegal.AdoBdoingCto doDdid28All staff are advised _ their own lunch boxes because the canteen was burnt.AbringBbringingCto bringDbrought29Dont stay up late, _ you will feel sleepy the next day.AsoBorCbutDand30I felt he was wrong, _ I didnt say so at that time.

10、AwhenBsinceCifDalthough31_ exciting the result is! I couldnt believe I passed the exam with a full mark.AHowBWhatCHow anDWhat an六、短文选词填空将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次。FOLLOW THAT CAR!Have you ever thought of being a private detective?AstillBpretendsCprobablyDinterviewE. imagineWhen we think of private de

11、tectives, we usually _32_ middle-aged men dressed in brown coats and wearing soft hats. But a successful detective agency in the south of England has a special group of “teen detectives”. One of these detectives is Marnie, who started working for the agency while she was _33_ at school. Her first jo

12、b wasnt as a detectiveshe was a data clerk. One day, one of the other detectives was following a suspect and he asked Marnie to act as his niece. “I was scared, but it was also really exciting!” Marnie is now 20 years old, but sometimes she wears a disguise1 and _34_ to be a school student. “Young p

13、eople are better at surveillance2,” she says. “If you notice a schoolgirl standing on the street corner, you _35_ wont suspect shes a private detective!”AsituationBhiddenCboringDsafetyE. independentBut isnt the job very dangerous? “Sometimes it is, but often its just very _36_. When you do surveilla

14、nce work, you often have to wait in one place for hours and hours. Last week I was in my car outside someones house for six hours. By the time I had finished, the car was full of empty sandwich boxes, drinks cans and magazines!” Marnies boss, the head of the detective agency, is very careful to prot

15、ect her _37_. “My detectives always wear a buga _38_ microphone, so that I can follow them and listen to them. If the _39_ gets dangerous, well move in very quickly.” Marnie now connects her detective work with university studies. “Many of the students on my course have part-time jobs while they stu

16、dy, but Im the only private detective!”Word box1 disguise n. 伪装2 surveillance n. 监视七、用所给单词的正确形式填空40Fruits like apples and oranges come in a great many _. (variety)41Your description about the accident does not agree with _. (her)42Russia is the worlds _ largest exporter (出口国) of oil. (two)43People s

17、taying at the hotel were _ foreign tourists. (main)44This was a nasty attack and the woman is still very _ now. (shock)45The restaurant provides good _ Chinese dishes. (tradition)46She felt the _ of his arms around her. (warm)47Sue doesnt have the ability to _ in business. (success)八、改写句子48Cartoonis

18、ts make drawings look funny by changing some face features. (改为一般疑问句)_ cartoonists _ drawings look funny by changing some face features?九、划线部分提问49You can find the pictures of the four characters on page 108. (对划线部分提问)On _ can you find the pictures of the four characters?十、改写句子50They built Stadium 97

19、4 with 974 shipping containers in Qatar. (改为被动语态)Stadium 974 _ with 974 shipping containers in Qatar.51I cant remember what time I have to start my speech. (改为简单句)I cant remember what time _ my speech.十一、同义句转化52To give more information, we use infinitives after some nouns. (保持原句意思基本不变)We use infinit

20、ives after some nouns _ we can give more information.十二、改写句子53Is the university far away from here? Can you tell me? (将两个句子合并为一句)Can you tell me _ the university _ far away from here?十三、将所给单词连成句子54You, to enter, have, a ticket, are not allowed, unless, you (连词成句)_.十四、阅读单选55The section of “What Would

21、 You Do?” seems to _.Ado a survey about how people spend their pocket moneyBtest the readers how honest they areCcheck how much readers know about crimesDlearn about the readers learning habits56Which shows the relationship between “What Would You Do?” and “Real-Life Stories”?A1-C, 2-D, 3-B, 4-AB1-A

22、, 2-B, 3-D, 4-CC1-D, 2-A, 3-B, 4-CD1-A, 2-D, 3-B, 4-C57The underlined word “refund” in Story B probably refers to the money that _.Ayou must pay if you do something wrong or commit a crimeBis given back to you if you are unhappy about something you boughtCyou get because you have done something good

23、Dyou havent spent and you are keeping for a future event58Which of the following is true about the four stories?AChris gave Justin $10,000 for finding his wallet.BSenior citizens steal $16.5 billion of things every year.CThe friends bought the sofa from a 91-year-old woman.DThe mother took the place

24、 of her daughter in the exam.59From the underlined sentence “ authorities might ban the girl from taking other exams for five years” in Story D, we can learn that _.Athe girl would be in prison for five yearsBthe girl wouldnt be allowed to go on with her studiesCthe girl would receive a hard punishm

25、entDthe girl would not be able to enter any university in the future60The page is probably from the “_” section in a childrens newspaper.ABCD十五、完形填空Dough Bruce, 35, walked into Coney Island Police Station on 3 July 2003. “I woke up on the subway a few minutes ago. I dont know where Im going, where I

26、ve been. I have no idea who I am,” he told the police. He had a backpack with a few things in it: a Spanish phrase book, a set of keys and a map of New York. “I dont know anything. It was like being _61_,” he later said of the experience.The police were confused. “Weve never had anything like this b

27、efore,” Lt. Peter Pena said. They took Doug to Coney Island Hospital. The nurse had to put a special name tag on his bed._62_Although Doug could form sentences without difficulty, he had no memory of his past and his knowledge is patchy1. Dr Leonid Vorobyev, an expert at the hospital, _63_ that he h

28、ad only seen such cases “in movies and my textbooks”.Finally, the hospital staff found a number in his phrase book. This was the number of a friends mother. Doug phoned, and when his friend Nadine spoke to him, she immediately _64_ his voice. “Is that you, Doug?” she said. “I dont know,” came the re

29、ply. Nadine went to the hospital, told the doctor who Doug was, and took him home.“Home” was a wonderful apartment in downtown Manhattan where he shared with two dogs and three parrots. Dough discovered that he had lived in Paris, where he made a lot of money working at the stockexchange2. _65_, he

30、was tired of the business world, so he moved to New York and started a four-year photography course.Now that Doug had discovered who he was, he had to face other challenges. He was worried about seeing his family and friends. They were like strangers to him. His sister said that he had changed: befo

31、re his memory loss, he was very sociable and outgoing, but rarely showed his _66_. Now he was much more relaxed and was never afraid to show his feelings.He is happy with his new life and his story has now been made into a film. An old friend of his, Director Rupert Murray, made a documentary about

32、Dougs extraordinary experience called Unknown White Male.Word box1 patchy adj.零散的2 stock exchange n.证券交易所61Abehind barsBin the darknessCin the airDover the mountain62ADough BruceBMan lost in ParisCUnknown white maleDUncle no name63AadmittedBconcludedCthoughtDmemorized64ArealizedBrespectedCrefusedDre

33、cognized65AIn Rupert Murrays wordsBAccording to NadineCIn Doughs opinionDAs said by the doctor66AmemoriesBexcusesCmethodsDemotions十六、短文首字母填空在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。首字母已给出For centuries, people have asked what makes us different from animals. We share almost 99 percent of our DNA with our closest relativ

34、es, chimpanzees, but have you ever w_67_ why they have never evolved 1 as fast as we have? The answer is our complex 2 brains. The earliest human brains from around 2 million years ago were only big enough to deal with simple signals, such as sight and smell. As we developed into Homo sapiens 3 1.5

35、million years later, our brains grew three times bigger. This was to make space for new s_68_, like speech and problem-solving. However, recent research into animal intelligence has made some interesting discoveries, and scientists are starting to question the “f_69_” about our powerful intelligence

36、.Animals dont use language except that several chimpanzees have already learned to use sign language, and some other animals have learned to communicate in meaningful ways. In the 1990s, Dr Pepperberg published her studies of working with Alex, a parrot that could remember and name over 50 different

37、 objects! Most importantly, Alex r_70_ makes mistakes.Animals arent a _71_. of themselves except that some chimpanzees, and a few dolphins and elephants, have all passed the “Mirror Test”. In a mirror test, a scientist puts some paint on an animal, and then puts the animal in front of a mirror and w

38、_72_ its behaviour. When they see themselves in the mirror, these animals then check their own body for the paint.Animals cant solve problems except that some octopuses have the ability to c_73_ their movements and open containers with great force to get food out of them. People who work in aquarium

39、s4 have known this for years. And a study in 2014 made some important discoveries about some crows. It found that they could solve complex puzzles and use tools to get food.Word box1 evolve v.进化2 complex adj.复杂的3 Homo sapiens智人4 aquarium n. 水族馆十七、阅读回答问题Jack London was born in California, USA, in 187

40、6. As a young man in 1897, he took part in the famous Klondike Gold Rush, when a huge number of people rushed to the Yukon in Canada to look for gold. When London returned to California in 1898, he started writing stories. His novels The Call of the Wild and White Fang are based on his experiences i

41、n the Yukon. He died in 1916.An extract 1 from The call of the wildBuck did not read the newspapers. He did not know that trouble was coming for every big dog in California. Men had found gold in the Yukon, and these men wanted big, strong dogs to work in the cold and snow of the north.Buck lived in

42、 Mr Millers big house in the sunny Santa Clara valley. There were large gardens and fields of fruit trees around the house, and a river nearby. In a big place like this, of course, there were many dogs. There were house dogs and farm dogs, but they were not important. Buck was chief dog; he was born

43、 here, and this was his place. He was four years old and weighed sixty kilos. He went swimming with Mr Millers sons and walking with his daughters. He carried the grandchildren on his back, and he sat at Mr Millers feet in front of the fire in winter.But this was 1897, and Buck did not know that men

44、 and dogs were hurrying to north-west Canada to look for gold. And he did not know that Manuel, one of Mr Millers gardeners, needed money for his large family. One day, when Mr Miller was out, Manuel and Buck left the garden together. It was just an evening walk, Buck thought. No one saw them go, and only one man saw them arrive at the railway station. This man talked to Manuel, and gave him some money. Then he tied a piece of rope around Bucks neck.Buck growled2, and was surprised when the rope was pulled hard around his neck. He jumped at the man. The man caught him and sud


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