Unit 3 The internet Words and expressions(ppt课件) -2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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1、Unit 3 THE INTERNET必修2Words and expressionsListening and Speaking1.blog/bl/n.博客博客;/vt.写博客写博客 on the blog 写博文写博文 发博文发博文 博客作者博客作者;博主博主n.like/share/comment a blog 1 write a blog post a blog blogger/bl(r)/点赞、分点赞、分享、评论博文2.engine/endn/n.引擎引擎;发动机;发动机;engineer 工程师search engine(互联网上的互联网上的)搜索引擎搜索引擎use search

2、engines like Baidu,Souhu and Googlethe engine of my car13.chat/tt/vi./n.聊天聊天;闲聊闲聊chat with sb.about sth 与某人闲谈某事与某人闲谈某事=have a chat with sb1chatterv./n.唠叨,喋喋不休唠叨,喋喋不休 chat-chatted-chattingv./n.因(冷或害怕)打颤因(冷或害怕)打颤,咯咯声咯咯声Janes endless chatter was beginning to annoy him.I can hear the chatter of his teet

3、h.4.stream v.&n.v.流淌,流出流淌,流出n.一一连连串,流串,流 n.小河;溪小河;溪 v.流播流播If you stream a video,you play it on your computer while it is not being downloaded from the Internet.A steady stream of visitors came to the house.Tears were streaming down her cheeks.The valley is watered by a stream.a stream of a stream of

4、 traffictraffic streaming streaming coldcoldstream videos and music 在网上播放视频和音乐在网上播放视频和音乐川流不息的车辆川流不息的车辆 She sat with tears _(stream)down her face.Sunlight streamed _the windows.A steady stream _visitors came to the house.streamingthrough搭配 stream from .从.流出;stream through 穿过,流过ofgo against/with the s

5、tream 他没有勇气逆舆论潮流行事他没有勇气逆舆论潮流行事.He _of public opinion.doesnt have the courage to go against the stream(不)随波逐流 1.He has been on the computer all afternoon,_(chat)with his friend.2.I shared my favorite books and _(chat)with her after class.3.He is one of Chinas most popular _(blog).4._ search engine is

6、 a tool that helps you find what youre looking for.5._(stream)a movie,you must first connect it to the Internet.6.Hearing the news,tears _(stream)down her face immediately.7.I like basketball,so I write a lot _ my blog about my favourite team.8.A blog is like an online diary _ you write about someth

7、ing you are interested in.语法填空语法填空chattingchattedbloggersATo streamstreamedonwhere5.identity/adentti/n.身份身份;个性个性identity card 身份证身份证identify identification identity theft cyber identity 造句:使用搜索引擎时,不要泄露你的身份信息。When using search engines,do not leak your identity.2=ID cardv.认出,确认认出,确认 n.识别,鉴定,确认识别,鉴定,确认

8、身份盗窃网络身份Where is your house?Is there any _ in the neighbourhood?AidentityBaccessCmilestoneDlandmarkDlandmark 显而易见的地标,路标;identity 身份;access 通道,入口;milestone 里程碑,划时代的事件.6.convenient/knvinnt/adj.方便的方便的;近便的近便的不便利的不便利的 adj使生活越来越便利使生活越来越便利 如果你方便的话如果你方便的话 (形主形主)做做.很很方便方便 convenience n便利;方便便利;方便 在某人方便的时候在某人方

9、便的时候 为了方便起见为了方便起见 如果你方便的话,我想和你聊会天,写一篇关于你的工作的博文。如果你方便的话,我想和你聊会天,写一篇关于你的工作的博文。If it is convenient for you,Id like to chat with you and write an article about your work.2inconvenientmake life more and more convenientif it is convenient for/to you.It is convenient for sb.to do sthfor convenience at ones

10、 earliest convenience7.cash/k/n.现金现金;金钱金钱 pay in/by cash 用现金支付用现金支付 pay by credit card 用信用卡用信用卡 coin 硬币硬币 bill(US)/note(UK)纸币纸币 1)We no longer have to wait in line or carry cash around when we go shopping.2)It doesnt matter whether you pay in cash or by credit card in this store.2cashier 收银员收银员1.Pas

11、sengers are asked to _(identity)their own suitcases.2.Each product has a number for easy _(identity).3.Internet has done much more for people than simply make life _(convenience).4.If it is convenient _ you,I plan to visit you next Sunday.5.If you have any further questions,please feel free to conta

12、ct me _ your earliest convenience6._convenience,he bought a second-hand car.7.Im sorry for the _(convenient)I have brought to you.8.It doesnt matter whether you pay _ cash or by credit card in this store.语法填空语法填空identifyidentificationmore convenientto/foratForinconveniencein/byReading and Thinking8.

13、update vt.更新;向提供最新信息 n.更新;最新消息an updated editiona news updateupdate sb.on sth.update ones knowledge最新版本最新版本最新新闻报道最新新闻报道向某人提供最新信息向某人提供最新信息更新某人的知识更新某人的知识1.I called the office to _ them _ the days developments.2.He was back in the office,_(update)the work schedule on the computer.updateonupdatingget/be

14、 stuck in stuck withbe stuck onstick tostick to ones dreamstick to his word陷入陷入中,困在中,困在中中被迫接受;无法摆脱;肩负被迫接受;无法摆脱;肩负迷恋上迷恋上坚持(坚持(to 为介词为介词)坚持梦想坚持梦想履行诺言履行诺言stick vt.刺,戳;伸出;粘贴 vi.坚持;伸出;粘住(过去式stuck,过去分词stuck)n.棍,棒;枝条9.stuck adj.卡住;陷(入);困(于)10.keep pany 陪伴某人in company with.与与一起一起company n.同伴,陪伴同伴,陪伴 accompa

15、ny v.陪伴陪伴companion n.同伴同伴accompany sb.to a place be accompanied by陪伴某人去某地陪伴某人去某地由由陪伴陪伴11.database/detbes/n.数据库数据库;资料库资料库12.software/sftwe(r)/n.软件软件【U】work n.(互联互联)网络网络;网状系统网状系统;人际网人际网.vt.将将连接成网络连接成网络;联播联播;vi.建立工作关系建立工作关系a rail/road network 铁路铁路/公路网公路网expand ones social network 扩大社交网络扩大社交网络3 hardware

16、1.Do you know where to buy an (update)edition of the Chinese dictionary?2.They were _ in traffic and missed their flight.3.So involved in his teaching business has Mr.Wang become that he can hardly _ _ his family at weekends.4.An improvement of the road n_ was considered necessary to ensure the impo

17、rt and export of goods to the district.首字母填空首字母填空updatedaccompanystucketwork14.surf/s(r)f/vt./vi.浏览浏览;冲浪冲浪surf the Internet 网上冲浪网上冲浪15.benefit/benft/n.益处益处;/vt.使受益使受益;/vi.得益于得益于for the benefit of sb.for ones benefit为了某人的利益为了某人的利益sth benefit sb./sth.使某人或某物受益使某人或某物受益sb benefit from/by sth从从中受益中受益/获益获益

18、beneficial adj.有利的;有益的;受益的有利的;有益的;受益的be beneficial to.be of benefit to.对对有益;对有益;对有利有利4据说,瑜伽对我们的健康有很大的益处。据说,瑜伽对我们的健康有很大的益处。(一句多译一句多译)It is said that Yoga is _ our health.It is said that Yoga _ our health.It is said that we can _ Yoga.Yoga is said to enormously _ our health.of great benefit to is exce

19、edingly beneficial tobenefit considerably frombenefit 16.distance/dstns/n.距离距离 distant adj.遥远的遥远的keep sb.at a safe distance 与某人保持安全距离与某人保持安全距离at a distance(of)in the distance4在远处在远处inspired adj.品质优秀的;能力卓越的;受品质优秀的;能力卓越的;受影响的影响的inspiring adj.鼓舞人心的;激励的鼓舞人心的;激励的鼓励某人做某事 inspire sb.to do 用鼓励某人 inspire sb.

20、with sth.n.灵感;鼓舞 inspiration nspren 17.inspire v.鼓舞;激励;启发思考鼓舞;激励;启发思考 1.The actors inspired the kids _ their enthusiasm.2.By giving talks,they hope to inspire children _(protect)rare species.3.He gave me the _(inspire)to pick up my pen again.4.The lecture he made is _(inspire).5.I felt _(inspire)to

21、hear what he said.练 习 巩 固to protectwithinspirationinspiringinspired18.now that 既然既然;由于由于+从句从句造句:既然大家都到齐了,我们就开始上课吧。造句:既然大家都到齐了,我们就开始上课吧。Now that everyone is here,lets begin our class.19.access/kses/n.通道通道;(使用、查阅、接近或面见的使用、查阅、接近或面见的)机会机会;/vt.进入进入;使用使用;获取获取 have access to sth.有进入的有进入的(权利或手段权利或手段)have no

22、 access to 无法进入无法进入.e.g.Kids shouldnt have access to violent films(暴力电影暴力电影).accessible adj.可获得的,可取得的,可到达的可获得的,可取得的,可到达的 520.charity/trti/n.慈善慈善;慈善机构慈善机构(或组织或组织)C/Ucontribute/donate to a charity 向慈善机构进行捐助向慈善机构进行捐助21.go through 经历经历;度过度过;通读通读go through tough times 经历艰难时刻经历艰难时刻go through the passage 通

23、读文章通读文章22.tough/tf/adj.艰难的艰难的;严厉的;坚强的,强壮的严厉的;坚强的,强壮的a tough life 艰苦的生活艰苦的生活be tough on sb.对某人严格对某人严格a tough person 一个坚强的人一个坚强的人toughness n.坚强,坚韧,艰巨性坚强,坚韧,艰巨性523.province/prvns/n.省省24.conference/knfrns/n.会议会议;研讨会研讨会;正式会谈正式会谈conference room 会议室会议室press conference 新闻发布会,记者招待会新闻发布会,记者招待会annual conferenc

24、e 年会年会25.resident/rezdnt/n.居民居民;(美国的美国的)住院医生住院医生;adj.(在某地在某地)居住的居住的a local resident 一个当地居民一个当地居民residential area 住宅区住宅区26.plus/pls/conj.而且而且;此外此外;/n.加号加号;优势优势;/prep.加加;另加另加6Discovering Useful Structuresfunction as.function well/normallyperform/fulfill a.function起作用;具有功能运转良好/正常履行职责,发挥作用1.The chair ca

25、n also _(具有功能)a bed.2.In your new job you will_(履行多种职责).function asperform a variety of functions27.function n.功能;作用;机能 vi.起作用;正常工作;运转28.confirm vt.确认;使确信confirm that.It has been confirmed that.A mass of people have been confirmed COVID-19 positive recently.证实已确定 29.press/pres/vt.按,压按,压;敦促敦促press th

26、e button 按下按钮按下按钮the local press 当地报刊当地报刊pressure n.压力;劝说,强迫30.button/btn/n.按钮按钮;纽扣纽扣fasten a button 扣上纽扣扣上纽扣undo a button 解开纽扣解开纽扣button his coat 扣上衣服扣上衣服731.file/fal/n.文件文件;文件夹文件夹;档案档案32.in shape 状况良好状况良好 作名词作名词keep in shape 保持健康保持健康;保持体形保持体形out of shape 变形了的变形了的;不健康的不健康的 作动词作动词be shaped by 受受.影响影

27、响shape ones character 塑造某人的性格塑造某人的性格7Listening and Talking33.keep track of 掌握掌握的最新消息的最新消息;了解了解的动态的动态例句:这款例句:这款APP能够跟踪我所走的步数。能够跟踪我所走的步数。eg.This app can keep track of the steps I take everyday.lose track of 失去失去的动向的动向例句例句:我毕业以后就和我的同学失去了联系。我毕业以后就和我的同学失去了联系。eg.I lost track of my classmates after graduat

28、ion.track and field 田径场田径场8at a 20%discounta discount store/shopoffer/give sb.a discount打打8折折折扣店折扣店给某人打折扣给某人打折扣1.These goods will be sold _ a discount.2.The young woman often goes to the market to buy some _(discount)clothes.atdiscounted34.discount n.折扣35.account/kant/n.账户账户;描述描述 open a bank account

29、(在银行在银行)开户开户account for 解释解释;占占比例比例eg.I want you to account for every cent you spent.我想让你说明你花掉的每一分钱的用途。我想让你说明你花掉的每一分钱的用途。on account of 由于由于=because ofon no account 决不决不8accountant 会计;会计师会计;会计师take sth.into account=take account of sth.考虑到考虑到造句:我真心希望你能考虑我的建议。造句:我真心希望你能考虑我的建议。eg.I sincerely hope that y

30、ou will take my suggestions into account.=I sincerely hope that you will take account of my suggestions.give an account of sth 考虑到考虑到36.click/klk/vt./vi.点击点击click on the link 点击链接点击链接81.Keep a record and evaluate(计算计算)it weekly.Keep track _ your efforts and write down how you feel.2.The bad news was

31、 that we were completely _ the wrong track.3.Employees can buy books _ a discount.4.The professors warned the students that _ no account should they use mobile phones in his class5._ account of the heavy fog,the witness failed to give a detailed account _ the accident.6.What might account _ this str

32、ange phenomenon?语法填空语法填空ofonatonOnofforReading and Wrting37.privacy/prvsi/n.隐私隐私;私密私密 private adj.私人的私人的 privately adv.38.theft/eft/n.偷偷(窃窃);盗窃罪盗窃罪 thefts pl.thief n.小偷小偷-thieves(pl.)39.rude/ru:d/adj.粗鲁的粗鲁的;无礼的无礼的 be rude to sb.rudely adv.rudeness n.近义词:近义词:impolite940.target/tt/n.目标目标;对象对象;靶子靶子;/vt

33、.把把作为攻击目标作为攻击目标set a target 设立目标设立目标achieve/meet ones target 达到目标达到目标hit/miss the target 击中击中/脱靶脱靶be targeted at 以以.为目标为目标941.troll/trl;trul/n.发挑衅帖子的人发挑衅帖子的人;恶意挑衅的帖子恶意挑衅的帖子42.cyberbully/sab bli/n.网霸网霸;/vt./vi.网络欺凌网络欺凌 cyber violence 网络暴力网络暴力 bully v.欺凌欺凌 bully.sb 欺凌某人欺凌某人43.false/fls/adj.假的假的;错误的错误的

34、 true or false 真假真假right or wrong 对错对错91.Choose a campsite with _(private)and minimum influence on others and the environment.2.Mexicans may use silence when instructions are given by a person in authority rather than be rude _ that person by arguing with him or her.3.Success is _ moving targetas so

35、on as you hit your target,you raise it again.4.The professor spoke_(private)to the candidate after the oral test.privacytoaprivately44.particular/ptkjl(r)/adj.特定的特定的;特别的特别的;讲究的讲究的particularly adv.尤其是,特别是尤其是,特别是in particular 尤其,特别尤其,特别be particular about/over sth.对对讲究,挑剔讲究,挑剔eg.Of all the subjects,I

36、like Maths in particular.45.embarrassing/imbrs/adj.让人难堪让人难堪(尴尬尴尬;害羞害羞)的的embarrassed adj.感觉尴尬的感觉尴尬的embarrass vt.使尴尬使尴尬embarrassment n.尴尬尴尬1046.make fun of 取笑取笑;戏弄戏弄make fun of sb.=tease sb=laugh at sb.嘲笑某人嘲笑某人have fun doing sth.做某事做某事有有趣趣47.upset adj.心烦的心烦的;苦恼的苦恼的;沮丧的沮丧的;/vt.使烦恼使烦恼;使生气使生气;搅乱搅乱be upse

37、t about sth.对对烦恼烦恼/不安不安upset the schedule 打乱安排打乱安排 upset the vase 打翻花瓶打翻花瓶101.You save me from an _(embarrass)situation.2.After a few minutes,the woman came back with a look of _(embarrass)on her face.3.It is a rude manner to make fun _ the disabled people.4.Theres no point getting upset _ the past.

38、5.Whats _(particular)interesting is the attitude various cities have toward Johnsons business.6.Hes very particular _ the kitchen-everything has to be perfectly clean and in its place.7.He loves science fiction _ particular.语法填空语法填空particularlyaboutinembarrassingembarrassmentofabout48.familiar/fmlj(

39、r)/adj.熟悉熟悉;熟知熟知be familiar with sth.对某事熟悉对某事熟悉be familiar to sb.为某人熟知为某人熟知familiarize v.使熟悉使熟悉familiarity n.熟悉,通晓熟悉,通晓1149.keep(.)in mind 牢记牢记=bear/have sth.in mind 牢记牢记50.define/dfan/vt.给给下定义下定义;界定界定;解释解释define sth.as把某事定义为把某事定义为definition n.定义定义51.case/keis/n.盒盒;箱箱;情况情况;案件案件(just)in case以防,以防万一以防

40、,以防万一(+从句)从句)in case of sth 如果,假使如果,假使in this case 既然这样既然这样 in that case 假如那样的话假如那样的话111.My d_ for happiness is the capacity for enjoyment.2.The bank has strict g_ and requirements as to who they can lend money to.3.There is only one person who can d_ success in your life,and thats you.1.Though the

41、plot(情节情节)is familiar _ me,it was its language of light and warmth of life details that moved me a lot.2.Always bear _ mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than anything.3.The speaker provided a lot of tips_ learning English,which were very useful for high school students.Practicedefinitionguidelinesdefinetoinon/for首字母填空首字母填空语法填空语法填空


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