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1、2022年四川省广元市朝天区中考一模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1Leap is _ unusual film about the Chinese womens national volleyball team; _ film is directed by Peter Ho-sun Chan.Aa; anBa; theCan; theDthe; the2I bought a skirt for _. I hope you like _.Thank you, mom. I cant wait to try it on.Ayou; oneByou; itCme; oneDm

2、e, it3Whats _ mountain in the world?Qomolangma. It is 8848. 86 meters high according to the latest report.AhigherBhighestCthe highestDhigh4_ we continue to put together, we will keep winning the game.AAs long asBAs soon asCEven thoughDBecause5_ bad weather it is! We cant go out to play sports.AWhatB

3、HowCWhat aDHow a6My mother will be _ years old next week. Im planning to buy a gift for her _ birthday.Afourty; fourtiethBforty; fortiethCfourty; fortiethDforty; fourtieth7Vivian refuses _ her children to the weekend training centre for extra classes.Ato sendBsendingCsentDsends8I wonder if Li Hua _

4、to the hospital to receive COVID-19 vaccinations (疫苗接种).Im sure he will if he _ time.Agoes; will haveBwill go; hasCwill go; will haveDgoes; has9Could you please tell me _? Theres a department store not far from here on Center Street. You can buy anything you want there.Awhere I can do some shoppingB

5、if there is a bank near hereChow far the shopping mall isDwhere can I do some shopping10I m very nervous the night before the big exam. _. Im sure you can make it.ATake it easyBTake your timeCGo aheadDEnjoy yourself二、完形填空Little Anna is 6 years old. One day, she was invited to one of her friends birt

6、hday party. But she didnt have a nice _11_ for the party. _12_, Annas mother was good at making clothes. The night before the party, Anna got a very beautiful dress from her mother. The next day, Anna _13_ the new dress and went to the party. On the way, there was a forest. Anna got her dress a litt

7、le broken when passing some bushes (灌木丛). However, Anna was _14_ happy to notice it. Then, she walked on a stone and fell to the ground. The dress got some dirty on it. Still, Anna was so worried about the party that she didnt pay any attention _15_ her dress. Finally, Anna got to the party. Everyon

8、e was _16_ when they saw this little happy girl and her dress. Anna kept _17_ and did not look down at the dress. She played and danced with her friends happily. And people said that Anna was beautiful. _18_ arriving home, Anna looked at the mirror and cried. She couldnt understand _19_ people liked

9、 her in spite of (尽管) her dirty dress. Her mother came and told her that she was _20_ not because of her dress, but her smile.11AbagBdressCshoesDhat12ASuddenlyBNearlyCLuckilyDNaturally13Aput awayBput upCput offDput on14AsoBtooCenoughDvery15AtoBforCofDat16AboredBpleasedCtiredDsurprised17AtalkingBcryi

10、ngCsmilingDsinging18ABeforeBAfterCSinceDWhile19AwhatBwhenChowDwhy20AbeautifulBluckyChappyDfriendlyEileen Gu, a Chinese-American skier (滑雪运动员), is already dreaming of gold medals at the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. However, she wont receive her_21_ under US flag. Gu will compete for China.Gu was born t

11、o an American father and a Chinese mother. She was_22_ in San Francisco. She lived there for over ten years. The girl, however, has always been _23_that she has a Chinese root (根). She speaks Chinese well and calls herself a Beijing girl.Gu _24_ skiing when she was only three. She got her first _25_

12、 at the age of nine. Gu competed for the United States in that competition. Hoping to_26_ tens of millions of Chinese children to love skiing, last June, the girl joined Team China.Gu has already brought China medals. In August, she _27_ the Australian New Zealand Cup. The young skier won two gold m

13、edals in the competition. Her_28_ congratulated her online. After the competition, the number of them even increased to 200,000. People called _29_ a born skier.Gu says she is only getting started. How many gold medals will she win for China at the 2022 Games? The _30_may surprise us all! Lets wait

14、and see.21AmedalsBbillsCgiftsDmails22AdiscussedBhatedCraisedDnoticed23ArelaxedBmadCafraidDproud24AstartedBforgotCkeptDregretted25AabilityBwinCjobDsubject26AencourageBallowCinviteDadvise27Asuffered fromBjoined inCset upDpaid for28ArelativesBclassmatesCcoachesDfans29AherBitChimDme30AstandardBpolicyCre

15、sultDreason三、阅读单选Like reading? Want an interesting book to read? Here are our books. Just pick the one that you like best. The best of the Song Books: By Harlan CobenList Price: $15.00 Price: $12.00 You save: $3.00(20%) Customer Review: Bookmarks by Phillips: Magazine by Patricia Cornwell List Price

16、: $24.00 Price: $18.00 You save: $6.00(25%) Customer Review: The Mystery of Breathing: A novel by Peril KlausList Price: $28.00 Price: $21.00 You save: $7.00(25%) Customer Review: Ten Little Fingers: Books for babies by Annie KebleList Price: $25.00 Price: $15.00 You save: $10.00(40%) Customer Revie

17、w: For further information, please click here: 31If you are interested in reading novels, you can choose _.ABookmarks by PhillipsBThe Mystery of BreathingCThe best of the Song BooksDTen Little Fingers32Which book is the most popular one according to customer reviews?ATen Little FingersBBookmarks by

18、PhillipsCThe Mystery of BreathingDThe best of the Song Books33Which book is the cheapest now?AThe Mystery of BreathingBTen Little FingersCThe best of the Song BooksDBookmarks by Phillips34If you buy every one of the four books, how much would you spend?A$92.00B$66.00C$26.00D$86.0035You can probably

19、read this advertisement _.Ain a novelBon the InternetCin a magazineDin a story bookDo you know the two lovely mascots? You may know the five “Fuwa” dollsfrom the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. On September 17 of this year, the two lovely mascots first showed on TV. Now, lets see who they are.Look at th

20、e panda! It looks like an astronaut. It wears an ice shell and looks fat, so we call it “Bing Dwen Dwen”. White is the colour of ice and snow. “BingDwen Dwen” likes ice sports very much and is good at them. Thats why it is the mascot of 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games.Do you think the red mascot l

21、ooks like a lantern? The lanterns name is “Shuey Rhon Rhon”. When the Chinese New Year comes, people always make or buy red lanterns. Red is the colour of hope and good luck, so people think their dreams will come true in the new year. “Shuey Rhon Rhon”can give players hope and help them do well in

22、the 2022 Beijing Winter Paralympic Games.Many people in different countries like the two mascots very much, and they show their love for them on the Internet.36What does the underlined word “mascot” mean in the passage?AA song of the Olympic Games.BA sport of the Olympic Games.CA symbol of the Olymp

23、ic Games.DA sign of the Olympic Games.37_ is the mascot of 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games.A “Fuwa” dollsBBing Dwen DwenCAn astronautDShuey Rhon Rhon38Why do people make or buy red lanterns when the Chinese New Year comes?ABecause it is easy to make red lanterns.BBecause “Shuey Rhon Rhon” is a mas

24、cot.CBecause people think red lanterns are very lovely.DBecause people think red lanterns can bring good luck.39Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A “Bing Dwen Dwen” can skate very well.B “Shuey Rhon Rhon” likes ice sports and is good at them.CThe two lovely mascots first showed

25、 on TV on September 16.DEverybody likes the two mascots and shows his love on the Internet.40Whats the best title of the passage?AThe sports in Olympic GamesBTwo Olympic mascots come to lifeC2022 Beijing Winter Olympic GamesD2022 Beijing Winter Paralympic GamesOn Dec 9, 2021, three Chinese astronaut

26、s gave a Science lecture 400 kilometers above Earth. Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu, who are working in the Tiangong space station, showed millions of students their life there. They also did some fun science experiments. Lets take a look at some of them. Use it or lose itThe human body gr

27、ows with the pull of Earths gravity (重). But In space, our bones and muscle (肌肉) dont need to sustain (维持) our bodys weight. This will cause bone and muscle loss. NASA says that astronauts can lose up to 20 percent of their muscles after just a couple of weeks. That is dangerous because they will be

28、 too weak to work. Astronauts have different ways to prevent this. During the lecture, Zhai introduced a special uniform Ye was wearing. Its called a “penguin suit”. There are many elastic bands (弹力带) inside the suit. Wearing it, astronauts use their muscles to stretch the bands. This keeps their mu

29、scles strong. _. During another experiment, Wang made a water film (膜). Then she added more. water drops onto the film to make it a water ball. This can never happen on Earth. Why? We need to first understand the surface tension (表面张力) of water. It is like a “skin” of water. The “skin” is there beca

30、use water molecules (分子) are drawn to each other. Most of the time, gravity is too strong and it breaks the “skin”. But with zero gravity in space, the “skin” stays strong and the water ball will not break. Water in space acts differently from water on Earth in other ways. For example, water will no

31、t flow downward if you try to pour it into a cup. Thats why astronauts usually drink water through straws (吸管) in sealed bags.41What can we learn about the lecture from space?AIt is a part of the astronauts daily work.BIt took place in the International Space Station.CIt is one of the astronauts way

32、s to ask for help.DIt took place 400 kilometers above Earth.42What does the underlined word “they” in the passage refer to?AastronautsBmusclesCbonesDbodies43Which of the following is the best to fill in “_” in the passage?ASpace water is valuableBSpace water is differentCSpace water is importantDSpa

33、ce water is common44Whats the writers purpose in this passage?ATo raise peoples interest in space exploration.BTo explain the importance of space experiments.CTo ask readers to do more science experiments.DTo introduce the space lecture given by Chinese astronauts.45Where is the passage probably fro

34、m?AA science fictionBA history bookCAn art magazineDA news website四、阅读还原5选5Do you know 5G? It is the fifth generation of mobile networktechnology. These new networksare coming.China just issued commercial licenses ( 发 放 商 用 牌 照) for 5G on June 6. This means that Chinas telecom companies were soon ab

35、le to offer 5G networks for mobile phone users.Each mobile network generation is faster and more powerful that the one before it. 1G let us talk to each other. _46_ 3G gave us data and the Internet. And 4G made all of these things faster. Whats special about 5G?5G has a very short delay between send

36、ing and receiving information. Now, 4G takes about 100 to 200 milliseconds to send and receive date. _47_ This big change will not only make our mobile Internet faster, but also deeply change our lives. Read on to find out how.5G + entertainment5G networks are about 100 times faster than 4G. This me

37、ans you can download a movie in seconds using 5G._48_ The short delay of 5G will make the games feel even more real.5G + transportation_49_ These cars can send signals to each other. They also talk to traffic lights and road sensors. 5G will allow cars to react even faster than human drivers.5G + sm

38、art homes5G also makes the Internet of things possible. _50_ Smart homes are part of it.For example, your toaster can automatically start making breakfast after your alarm rings. And if its sensor feels the air becoming dry, a smart sprinkler could water your plants by itself.AAlso, virtual reality

39、(VR) games will become more popular with 5G.B5G will also bring us safer self-driving cars.C2G let us send messages.DInternet of things is a large network that connects everything to the Internet.EBut 5G will get it down to 1 millisecond or less this is almost real-time.五、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个恰当的单词或括号

40、内所给单词的正确形式。According to media (媒体) reports, _51_ 21st March, 2022. A Chinese plane _52_ (carry) 132 people and crashed in southern Guangxi region. The flight MU-5735 _53_ (take) off from Kunming, Yunnan province at 13:10 p.m. The plane was flying at an altitude (高度) of about 8,869 meters when it was

41、 halfway to Guangzhou. _54_ (lucky), about 2:20 p.m., “the plane suddenly started _55_ (lose) altitude very fast,” Flightradar24 said in a report. It made a vertical fall (垂直下降) of 6,000 meters rapidly. Soon, people heard the sound _56_ explosions (爆炸). Smoke flew over bamboo and banana trees. After

42、 checking the scene, villagers found the fire and called the police at once, and they gathered to put out the fires that had broken out in the hills. People in Teng County in the Guangxi region told the media that they didnt know what _57_ (happen) at first. Hundreds of rescue (营救) workers rushed to

43、 the wooded and remote area, where the plane crashed. But according to new reports, they only found some broken parts of plane, _58_ (include) parts of the wing, and some of them showing the log (标志) of China Eastern. Up to now, we are very sorry to hear that no survivors (幸存者) were _59_ (live). The

44、 area where the plane crashed was also filled with flowers sent by people from all over the country as a memorial to those who lost _60_ (they) lives.六、阅读填表阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,在下面的表格中填入与文章意思最符合的单词,每空填一词。Over 30 percent of all food produced goes to waste, according to food and Agriculture Organization of t

45、he United Nations (联合国粮织). Supermarkets throw away food that is not sold before its sell-by date, while families throw away food that they cant finish eating. To stop food waste, some people have come up with good ideas. Take a look for yourself. Food BankThe worlds first food bank was created in th

46、e US in 1967. The bank took donations of food from people and stores that had extra food. People could then go to the food bank and take the Food home if they could not afford to buy any for themselves. In Shanghai, there are “shared fridges” in some communities. The shared fridge stores (储存) food that is donated (捐赠) by nearby ma


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