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1、译林版(三起)三年级下册 核心突破专项训练-情景选择(含答案)一、情景选择1你不想吃同学给你的糖果时,你可以说:()ANot, thank you.BNo, thank you.2你想问新来的同学是不是王兵时,你会问他:()AHe is Wang Bing.BAre you Wang Bing?CI am Wang Bing.3Look _ my coat. ()AafterBforCat4Sit please. ()AupBdownC5想告诉大家小鸟在树上,你会说:()AThe bird is in my desk.BThe bird is on the chair.CThe bird is

2、 in the tree.6想知道自己的书包在哪里,你会问:()AWheres your schoolbag?BWheres my schoolbag?CMy schoolbag is here.7老师想提醒同学们不要在课堂上喊叫,她可以说:()AListen to me!BDont talk in class!CDont shout!DLook at the blackboard.8你想请对方吃蛋糕,可以说:()AWould you like a cake?BEat a pie.CId like a cake.9别人问你想不想喝饮料,你不想喝,你说:()AWould you like som

3、e cola (可乐)?BNo, thank you.10当你想知道鸟在不在对方的课桌里时,你可以问:()AIs it on your chair?BIs it in your desk?CIs it on your desk?11外面刮风了,妈妈对你说:()APlease open the window.BPlease close the window.12你一边做家庭作业一边听音乐,妈妈会对你说:()AOpen your book.BDont listen to music.CClose the door.13老师请你进办公室,老师会说:()AOpen the door, please.B

4、Sit down, please.14当迈克想告诉杨玲这不是他的铅笔袋时,他会说:()AThis isnt my pencil.BThis is my pencil case.CThis isnt my pencil case.15上课了,老师要让同学们起立,对大家说:()AStand up.BSit down.16你告诉对方书在课桌上,可以说:()AThe book is in the desk.BThe book is on the desk.CWheres the book?17你在图书馆看书,有同学大声叫你,你会说:()ADont run here.BDont shout here.1

5、8_ name is LiuTao. ()AHisBSheCHer19当你手上拿着东西,没法开门,想让妈妈帮你开门,你会说:()AClose the door, mum.BOpen the door, dad.COpen the door, mum.20上课时,李老师让同学们看黑板,她会说:()ALook at me!BLook at the blackboard.CNo, thank you.21你想把东西给对方,你不可以说:()AHere you are.BHow are you?CThis is for you.22当你想知道书包是否在门后面时,你可以说: ()AIs the schoo

6、lbag behind the tree?BIs the schoolbag behind the door?23博比看不清远处是不是他的午餐盒,想请萨姆帮忙看一下,可以说:()AIs that my lunch box?BLook my lunch box.24They are my _. ()ApencilsBpencilCpen25Sam is _ friend. ()AmeBmyCI26别人问你五加四等于多少,你回答:()AIts nine.BIts eight.CIts six.27I like the red apples_I like the green apples, too.

7、 ()AbutBandCor28Please dont _ in class. ()AreadBrunCclose your book29你想知道那是不是对方的橡皮,你可以问:()AIs that your ruler?BIs this your rubber?CIs that your rubber?30你想知道对方多少岁了,你问:()AIm ten.BHow are you?CHow old are you?31Mum, _ is my friend, Yangling. ()AitBsheCthis32 _ stand on the desk. () Im sorry.ANotBDont

8、CPlease33当你想告诉别人这不是你的书时,你应该说:()AIm sorry.BThis is your book.CThis isnt my book.34老师让同学们打开书,她说:()AClose the book.BOpen your books.35老师让同学们坐下,她会说:()ASit down, please.BStand up, please.36当你第一次见到朋友时,你应说:()AGoodbye.BNice to meet you.CIm sorry.37这是什么?应该说:()AWhats this?BWhats that?38这些是什么?()AWhat are these

9、?BWhere are those?39上课时,你提醒同桌不要说话,你会说:()ADont eat.BDont run.CDont talk.40想知道自己的书包在哪里,你会问:()AWheres your schoolbag?BWheres my schoolbag?CMy schoolbag is here.41你想知道那是什么,应该说:()AWhats this?BWhats that?42想知道远处的铅笔是不是对方的,你会问:()AYes, it is.BIs this your pen?CIs that your pencil?43当你想询问别人那是否是他的钢笔时,你会说:()ATh

10、at is your pen.BIs that your pencil?CIs that your pen?44司机提醒你不要在公共汽车上吃东西,你应该回应:()AThank you.BIm sorry.CYes, please.45This is for you. ()_.AThank you.BYes, it is.CYes, please.46刘涛上课时开小差,老师提醒他要认真听讲,老师会说:()ALook at the blackboard, Liu Tao.BDont listen to the teacher, Liu Tao.CListen to me, Liu Tao.47你跟

11、别人玩捉迷藏,别人找到你时会说:()AWhere are you?BHere you are.CWho are you?48你上课迟到了,应该说:_ ()AThank you. Here I am.BIm sorry. Im late.49当对方问你这是不是你的橡皮时,如果不是,你会回答:()AYes, it is.BIts my rubber.CNo, it isnt.50_ sorry, Su Hai. () AImBAre youCI试卷第3页,共4页参考答案:1B2B3C4B5C6B7C8A9B10B11B12B13B14C15A16B17B18C19C20B21B22B23A24A25B26A27B28B29C30C31C32B33C34B35A36B37A38A39C40B41B42C43C44B45A46C47B48B49C50A答案第1页,共2页


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