五年级英语下册教案-Recycle 1(3)-人教PEP版.doc

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1、An Alligator Under My Bed教学设计教学目标1. Make the students understand the following words: alligator/hide/ never/bait/ garage/hall/crawl/stairs/lock2. Learn the new sentence patterns.3. Let the students understand the story.4. Read the story and finish the mind map.5. Students learn by reading, help to i

2、mprove the students reading skillsand speaking skills.学情分析已经进入五年级第二学期学习的孩子,英语阅读有一定基础,思维活跃,大胆爱表现。重点难点Key points:1. The new words: alligator/hide/never/bait/garage/hall/crawl/stairs/lock2. The useful expressions: There is ./I put.down/into/on/next to./He crawls .down/into.Difficult points:1. Reading m

3、ethods and skills to guide and penetration.2. Use the useful expressions correctly.3. Finish the mind map.教学过程Step1 Warm upPre-reading1. GreetingsFree talkT: Good morning ,boys and girls. Whats the weather like today?Ss: Its sunny and cool.2. Lets doCan you try to act?(Present four pictures)Be happy

4、/ sad/worried/scared(设计说明:阅读故事前先通过热身模仿秀来熟悉四种情绪,为接下来的故事阅读做好铺垫。)3. Present a picture ( 恐怖的音效): A little boy sleeps alone at night.T: Is he happy? He looks scared. Why is he so scared? He thinks there is something in the room. Maybe its a (设计说明:通过出示一个害怕独自睡觉的小男孩图片,伴随音乐效果暗示绘本故事背景。)Step2 Lead in &Presenta

5、tionWhile-reading1. Talk about the storya. Present the picture and teach new word: AlligatorT:Look, whatcan you see at the picture?-A boy in the bedroom.Ss:I can see a boy/ a bed/a lamp/ an animal/room/an alligator.2. Introduce the writer and his storybooks.3. Task for today: Read the story and fini

6、sh a mind map for it. (设计说明:通过看图提问,引导学生走进故事,运用phonics学习新词alligator,在看图过程中感知将要阅读的故事。)4. Listen and answer : Can his parents see the alligator?Ss:No, they cant. New words:a.hide like bikeHe hides or something.b.never everThey never see it.(设计说明:看故事第一部分,培养学生的快速阅读技能,也为理解后面的故事发展做铺垫。)5.Listen,read and cir

7、cle:The boy wants something to lead the alligator leaving the room. What does he do first?Ss: He goes to the _.(kitchen) T: What can he do in the kitchen?Ss: He gets some bait.T: Which bait does he get?Ss: Cookies,a cake,fruit, vegetables and candy.(设计说明:仔细阅读故事, 渗透阅读指导方法,理解故事内容。在回答问题过程中运用自然拼读学习新词。同时

8、通过图片对比,理解bait一词, 并能通过关键词找到文中句子。)6.Listen and number: T: Where does he put the bait?Present some pictures and teach new words: bait,hall,stairs and garage. Teach the new words in phonics teaching method.a.baitrainI get some bait.b.hall-all,tall I put cookies down the hall.c.stairs-chaird.garage-bag(设

9、计说明:让学生带问题快速阅读故事,找出关键词,渗透阅读指导方法;运用找诱饵,听音排序,让学生初步了解故事发生的地点。培养学生信息获取能力,也为复述第二部分故事要运用的句型和词汇打下基础。)7.Group work:Read the story again and finish the map.a、Discuss in groups:Where is ?(设计说明:通过设计房间地点环节,借助文本插图,丰富学生形象思维,开启空间想象能力。)b、Retell the part 2He putsdown/in/on/next to(设计说明:让学生运用所学句型进行简单复述。)c、Can he put

10、the bait into the bedroom first?(设计说明:通过巧用文本导图,对故事情节提出疑问,激活学生思维,培养学生思维的逻辑性和深刻性。)8.Watch and answer: Does the alligator eat the bait? a: Where is the alligator?b: How does it go into the garage? (Read the story again).(设计说明: 通过借助文本插图,巧用思维导图,发展学生逻辑思维。)9.Look and say What is the boy worried of? a:What

11、can he do? b:Can you read the note?Step 3 EngagementPost-readinga:What do you think of this boy ?I think he is(设计说明:通过问题, 总结故事,引导学生评价故事中小男孩。)b: If someone is afraid of sleeping alone,can you give him some advice ?(设计说明: 通过问题拓展学生思维,让学生分析小男孩的行为,鼓励他们找出原因,并给出解决的办法。培养学生的品读能力和多元思维。)Step 4 Task fulfillment

12、Task: Finish the mind map. (设计说明: 借助完成思维导图,回顾并总结故事。)Step5 Summary & homeworkHomework:1、Continue to make up the story you like , and share it to your family or friends.-The alligator wakes up in the morning. He is hungry , so he wants to leave the garage2、Book lists for the Ss Little Critter (小怪物系列) NumbersI was so mad Good for me and you(设计说明: 通过续编鳄鱼第二天醒来找食物的故事,培养学生想象能力和写作能力,也是阅读课落实核心素养的课后延伸。并通过对作者其他作品的介绍,鼓励学生阅读绘本。)


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