2023新人教版七年级下册《英语》期末备考Unit 7 It’s raining! (ppt课件)—单元基础知识复习.pptx

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1、英语新目标 七年级单元基础知识复习课件单元基础知识复习课件根据汉语提示或词形变化要求,写出相应的单词根据汉语提示或词形变化要求,写出相应的单词 1下雪下雪(v.);雪;雪(n.)_2天气天气(n.)_3做饭做饭(v.)_4公园公园(n.)_5信息;消息信息;消息(n.)_6困难;难题困难;难题(n.)_7再一次;又一次再一次;又一次(adv.)_重点单词snow weather cook park message problem again 8干燥的干燥的(adj.)_9加拿大加拿大(n.)_10夏天;夏季夏天;夏季(n.)_11假期假期(n.)_12冬天;冬季冬天;冬季(n.)_13多风的多

2、风的(adj.)_(n.)_14晴朗的晴朗的(adj.)_(n.)_15他他(pron.)_(主格主格)_dry Canada summer vacation winter windy wind sunny sun him he 16寒冷的;冷的寒冷的;冷的(adj.)_(反义词反义词)_17温暖的温暖的(adj.)_(反义词反义词)_18坐坐(v.)_(现在分词现在分词)_19国;国家国;国家(n.)_(复数复数)_20滑冰滑冰(v.)_(现在分词现在分词)_cold hot warm cool sit sitting country countries skate skating 根据汉语

3、意思,写出相应的英文短语根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语1.玩电脑游戏玩电脑游戏_ 2.听起来像听起来像_ 3.捎个口信;传话捎个口信;传话_ 4.给我回电话给我回电话_ 5.没问题,没关系没问题,没关系_ 6.在公园里在公园里_ 7.现在现在_重点短语play computer games sound like take a message call me back no problem in/at the park right now 8.在加拿大在加拿大_ 9.做某事很开心做某事很开心_ 10在池塘边在池塘边_ 11喝橙汁喝橙汁_ 12暑假暑假_ 13度假度假_ 14写信给某人写信给某人

4、_ 15戴帽子戴帽子_in Canada have fun/a good/great time doing sth.by the pool drink orange(juice)summer vacation/holidays on(a)vacation write to sb.wear hats/wear a hat 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.“广州的天气怎么样?广州的天气怎么样?”“多云。多云。”_ the weather _ Guangzhou?Its _2.“情况如何?情况如何?”“还不错,谢谢。还不错,谢谢。”_ it _?_ _,thanks.

5、重点句型Hows in cloudy Hows going Not bad 3“贝蒂在做汤吗?贝蒂在做汤吗?”“不,她不会做汤。不,她不会做汤。”_ Betty _ soup?No,she isnt.She cant _ soup.4.我可以为他捎个口信吗?我可以为他捎个口信吗?Can I _ _ _ _ him?5.“你能告诉他给我回个电话吗?你能告诉他给我回个电话吗?”“当然可以,没问题。当然可以,没问题。”Could you just tell him _ _ me back?Sure,_ _Is making make take a message for to call no pro

6、blem 6.我正在加拿大看望我的朋友,过得很愉快。我正在加拿大看望我的朋友,过得很愉快。Im having a great time _ my friend _ Canada.7.我想给你打电话,但我的电话坏了,所以我在给你写信。我想给你打电话,但我的电话坏了,所以我在给你写信。I want to call you but my phone isnt _,so Im _ _ you.8.你们国家现在你们国家现在(天气天气)很热,是不是?很热,是不是?Its hot _ your country now,_ it?visiting in working writing to in isnt 9

7、.请问我可以和露西通电话吗?请问我可以和露西通电话吗?_ I speak _ Lucy,please?10.“你现在正在做什么?你现在正在做什么?”“我正在房间里看书。我正在房间里看书。”What are you doing _ _?Im _ a book in my room.May to right now reading Hows the weather?Its cloudy./Its sunny./Its raining.What are you doing?Im cooking.What are they doing?Theyre playing basketball in the

8、park.Whats he doing?Hes studying at his friends home.Hows it going?Great!/Not bad./Terrible!Grammar Focus.有关天气的表达:有关天气的表达:询问天气的句型:询问天气的句型:Hows the weather?Whats the weather like?常见天气的描述:常见天气的描述:1.晴朗:晴朗:Its sunny./The sun is shining brightly.2.阴天:阴天:Its cloudy.3.刮风:刮风:Its windy./The wind is blowing.4

9、.下雨:下雨:Its raining/rainy.5.下雪:下雪:Its snowing/snowy.语法探究语法探究.电话常用语电话常用语 1.我是我是 This is(speaking)2.你是你是吗?吗?Is that (speaking)?3.是的,我就是。是的,我就是。Yes,speaking.4.请问您是谁?请问您是谁?Who is that speaking?5.我可以和我可以和讲话吗?讲话吗?May I speak to?6.他不在这儿。他不在这儿。Hes not here.7.我能给我能给捎口信吗?捎口信吗?Could I take a message for?8.你能告诉他

10、给我回电话吗?你能告诉他给我回电话吗?Could you tell him to call me back?9.当然,没问题。当然,没问题。Sure,no problem.10.别挂断。别挂断。Hold on.11.请稍候。请稍候。Just a moment,please.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1Some boys are playing soccer in the _(公园公园)2How will the _(天气天气)be tomorrow?3We often swim in the river in _(夏天夏天)4I want to _(拜访拜访)my E

11、nglish teacher on weekends.5It is usually snowy in _(冬天冬天)in Changchun.单词回顾park weather summer visit winter 6The weather is too _(干燥的干燥的)and I dont like it.7Mary is _(滑冰滑冰)in the park and she does well in it.8The bread is _(坏的坏的).Dont eat it,my children.9That village is very beautiful and I want to

12、go there _(又一次又一次).10Would you like a glass of apple _(果汁果汁)or a cup of tea?Either is OK.dry skating bad again juice.用所给单词的适当形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空1The little girl is from Russia.So she can speak _(Russia)2They are making _(snowman)3She lives in the _(country)4Its _(sun)now.Lets play soccer.5The children

13、are having a good time _(swim)in the river.Russian snowmen country sunny swimming 6Where is Tom?I cant find _(he)7Australia is one of my favorite _(country)8Lily likes sports and she is good at _(skate)9My parents and I _(be)walking around the school.10Jane is _(sit)by the river and she feels relaxe

14、d.him countries skating are sitting 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空take a message,right now,call back,on vacation,write to,have a good time,sound like,play computer games1Can you help me do the dishes,Marie?Sure,Ill do it _2Helen,please _your teacher.He wants to know something about your Chinese.3The

15、 weather is nice.Bills family are _ in Hainan.短语运用right now call back on vacation 4Look!The kids are _ playing games over there.5Jack likes _ and he usually plays them on weekends.But I think the games are boring.6The girl is only five years old,but she can _ her parents.Also,she writes well.7It _ t

16、hey are having an English party in the next room.8May I speak to Tom?Sorry,he isnt in.Can I _ for you?having a good time playing/to play computer games write to sounds like take a message.句型转换句型转换1Eric is exercising with friends by the lake.(对画线部对画线部分提问分提问)_ Eric _ with friends by the lake?2They usu

17、ally play sports in the park in the morning.(用用now改写句子改写句子)They _ _ sports in the park now.3Amy is singing in the music room.(改为否定句改为否定句)Amy _ _ in the music room.句型突破Whats doing are playing isnt singing 4Ricks sisters are drawing pictures.(改为一般疑问改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答句,并作肯定回答)_ Ricks sisters _ pictures?5We

18、 are all having a good time.(改为同义句改为同义句)We are all _ _Are drawing having fun.连词成句连词成句1your,of,I,some,old,know,friends _.2to,my,happy,is,see,me,grandpa_.3right,could,your,I,phone,now,use _?4his,John,writing,aunt,is,to_.I know some of your old friends My grandpa is happy to see me Could I use your pho

19、ne right now John is writing to his aunt 5and,the,in,weather,warm,is,sunny,Kunming_.6doing,what,the,are,boys _?7may,to,Gina,speak,I_?8raining,in,is,Nanjing,it_.The weather in Kunming is warm and sunny What are the boys doing May I speak to Gina It is raining in Nanjing 假如现在是冬季,那么你家乡的天气怎么样?在这假如现在是冬季,

20、那么你家乡的天气怎么样?在这样的季节里人们一般都做些什么呢?请根据提示词写一样的季节里人们一般都做些什么呢?请根据提示词写一篇介绍你家乡冬季的短文。篇介绍你家乡冬季的短文。提示词:提示词:winter,snowy and cold,have a good time,take photos【参考范文参考范文】Its winter in Beijing now.The weather is snowy and cold.People are wearing warm clothes,but everyone is having a good time.In the park,lots of chi

21、ldren are playing in the snow.Mike is making a snowman and his mother is taking a photo of the snowman.Nancy is skating.She is wearing a hat and a sweater because its so cold.They like winter very much!根据下表内容,写一篇文章,介绍一下每一个人的情根据下表内容,写一篇文章,介绍一下每一个人的情况。文章的开头已经给出。况。文章的开头已经给出。Its foggy(多雾的)多雾的)in London.

22、Jack is wearing a shirt and pants.Hes eating in the restaurant._PersonPlaceWeatherWearingActivities(活动)(活动)Jack Londonfoggyshirt/pantse a t i n t h e restaurantAndrewSydneyhotT-shirt/shortsp l a y b e a c h volleyballLisaMoscowsnowycoats/scarfread at homeJeffShanghaicold sweater/pantsplay soccer Its

23、 foggy(多雾的)in London.Jack is wearing a shirt and pants.Hes eating in the restaurant.Its hot in Sydney,so Andrew is wearing a T-shirt and shorts.He is playing beach volleyball with his friends.But it is snowy in Moscow.Lisa is wearing her coat and a scarf.She is reading a storybook at home.Its cold in Shanghai,and Jeff is wearing a sweater and pants.He is playing soccer.【参考范文参考范文】


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