Unit5 Lesson2 单词讲解(ppt课件)-2023新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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1、UNIT5LESSON2单词讲解Rescuevt 营救,援救 He had attempted to rescue the drowning man.他曾试图去救那个溺水的男人。rescue sb./sth.from sth.vt 拯救,挽救(生意等)He rescued his company from near bankruptcy.他拯救了他的公司,使其免于破产。n.营救,救援 A major air-sea rescue is under way.一项重要的海空营救行动正在进行中。同近义词:营救;援救;解救 n.deliveranceVehiclen 交通工具,车辆 Are you t

2、he driver of this vehicle?你是这辆汽车的驾驶员吗?n.实现目的的)工具,媒介 Art may be used as a vehicle for propaganda.艺术可以用作宣传的工具。同近义词n.车辆车辆;工具;交通工具;运载工具;传播媒介;媒介物 instrument/engine/tool/gear/implementmotor vehicle 汽车;机动车辆 electric vehicle 电动车辆词根词缀:veh(way)路+-icle 名词词尾,工具Trapvt把.困在,使陷于(尤指危险之地)They were trapped in the burn

3、ing building.他们被困在燃烧着的楼房里。vt设陷阱(或夹子、捕捉器)捕捉 Raccoons used to be trapped for their fur.人们过去经常猎取浣熊,以获得其毛皮。n圈套,诡计She had set a trap for him and he had walked straight into it.她给他设下圈套,他就径直钻了进去。set a trap 设陷阱 fall into a trap 落入圈套Interruptvt.&vi 打断,打扰 Can I interrupt you just for a minute?我可不可以打断你一会儿?vt 使

4、暂停,使中断 We interrupt our programmes for a newsflash.我们中断自己的节目给即时新闻简报让路。同近义词vt.中断;打断;插嘴;妨碍 violate vi.打断;打扰cut in on/to break in on n.中断break/broken off词根词缀:inter 中间,之间+-rupt 打断,破坏death n.死亡 eg:He luckily escaped from death.他幸运地死里逃生。My little cats death saddened me.小猫的死去叫我伤心。accidental death 意外死亡拓展:de

5、ad adj.无生命的;呆板的;废弃了的 adv.完全地 dying adj.临终的,垂死的 n.死亡 dying v.死,死亡;枯萎;失去活力(die 的 ing 形式)deadly adj.致命的;非常的;死一般的 adv.非常,如死一般地 deathly 死一般的;致命的 adv.死了一样地;非常 deathless 不死的,不灭的 deathlike 像死人的;死了一样的 loss n.损失;丢失;亏损 eg:The loss of his wife was a great blow to him.妻子去世对他打击很大。make up a loss 弥补损失bear a loss 蒙受

6、损失loose adj.松的lose v.遗失、错过(过去式 lost,过去分词 lost)lost adj.丢失的damage v.损害;破坏n.损害;破损serious damage 严重损伤eg:The flood caused a lot of damage.水灾造成了巨大的破坏。structural damage 结构性的破坏break/destroy/ruin 破坏,损坏measure n.衡量;量度;措施;方法v.测量;衡量;度量eg:If this measure fails,there are other methods.如果这个方法失败了还有其他方法。They measur

7、e the room to find out how big it is.他们量了这房间看它有多大。Measure the diameter of this circle.量一下这圆的直径。measuring n.测量 beyond measure 无法估计,极度take some measures 采取措施operation n.操作;运行;手术eg:The operation of this machine is simple.这个机器的操作很简单。The surgeon has performed the operation.外科医生做了手术。I am skillful with com

8、puter operation.我的计算机操作技术很好。operate v.操作,动手术operator n.接线员operational adj.操作的,运作的 operation red sea 红海行动overseas adj.外国的;海外的adv.在国外;在海外eg:We enjoyed the overseas travel.我们喜欢去国外旅行。Our overseas commerce has increased a great deal.我们的海外贸易已大大增加。My brother lives overseas.我兄弟住在国外。over(越过)+seas(海洋)overseas

9、越过海洋海外的,国外的 oversea adj.来自海外的 adv.向海外 abroad adv.在国外;出国site n.位置;场所 eg:The site for the new factory has not been decided yet.新厂的地址 尚未选定。historic site 历史古迹building site 建筑工地website n.网址location n.位置place n.地方position n.位置,职位seat n.职位,座位process n.过程;进程;工序v.处理;加工eg:A meeting is in process.一场会议正在进行。to p

10、rocess the data 处理数据 Building a car is a long process.制造一辆小汽车有很长的工序。proceed v.继续进行,着手procession n.队伍,行列procedure n.程序,步骤processible adj.适合加工的;可处理的battle n.战斗v.战斗eg:They battle with the wind and the waves.他们与风浪搏斗。He proved his courage in battle.他在战斗中证明了自己的勇气。This is a doubtful battle.这是一场胜负难测的战争。duty

11、 n.责任;职责;义务Eg:Eight are on duty today.今天有八个人在值班。I think it is my duty to serve the people.我认为为人民服务是我的责任。fulfill one s duty 履行某人的职责duty/obligation/responsibility/function这些名词都有义务的意思。suffering n.痛苦;苦难;折磨v.遭受;忍受;suffer的现在分词adj.受苦的;患病的eg:There is so much suffering in this world.这个世界上如此多的苦难。a suffering a

12、nimal 一只患病的动物 l am suffering from headache.我在遭受头痛之苦。suffer v.(因病/逆境)受苦,受折磨suffer from sth【因疼痛而】受折磨重感觉suffer sth【一般表示得了什么病事实】患(某病)conduct v.实施;表现;指挥;引导;传导(电、热)n.行为,举止;实施eg:He has to learn how to conduct business.他得学习如何经营生意。His moral conduct was praised by people.他的德行受到人们的称赞。Most metals conduct electr

13、icity.大多数金属能导电。conductive adj.传导的;传导性的 conductor n.导体;售票员;领导者conductivity n.导电性;【物】【生理】传导性 conductance n.电电导;导率;电导系数 consult v.查阅;请教protection n.保护eg:Her coat gave her protection from the rain.她的外套使她免受雨淋之苦。The government instituted a consumer protection agency.政府设立了一个消费者保护机构。strengthen environmental

14、 protection 加强环境保护pro(向前)+tect(覆盖)+ion(名词后缀:状态)=向前覆盖保护的状态protect vt.保护,保卫preserve vt.保护,维护,保持,保存lamp n.灯;台灯turn off a lamp 关灯electric lamp 电灯eg:The lamp hung over the table.那盏灯悬挂在桌子上方。nearby adv.在附近adj.附近的eg:You should rope your horse on the nearby tree.你应要把马拴在附近的一棵树上。We will stop nearby for lunch.我

15、们就在附近停下吃饭。She came from a nearby village.她来自附近的一个村庄。near 近;接近;靠近 nearly 几乎;差不多 There is a school nearby.附近有一所学校。breathev.呼吸;透气;呼出;低语eg:Breathe in deeply and then breathe out.深深吸一口气,然后再把气吐出来。Some have breathed sighs of relief.一些人如释重负。breath n.呼吸breathe in 吸入breathe out 呼出,低声说出breathe freely 透气,安心brea

16、the deeply 深呼吸,引申为放松dustn.粉尘;尘埃v.擦去.的灰尘dust bin 垃圾箱eg:I dust the living room.我擦了擦客厅的灰尘。There is a lot of dust on this table.桌子上有许多灰尘。dusty adj.落满灰尘的duster n.抹布,掸子;除尘器;打扫灰尘的人 dustiness 灰蒙蒙;多灰尘;尘污run out 用完;耗尽;跑出去;到期eg:My British visa began to run out.我的英国签证要到期了。Weve run out of petrol.我们的汽油用完了。the BBCs royal charter runs out.BBC 的皇家契约到期了.sth run out 主语是物sb run out of 主语是人THANKS记得及时记忆单词


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