Unit 3 Extended reading 文章解析(ppt课件)-2023新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx

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1、XB3 Unit 3 Hell comes to pearl harbor2 0 X X.X X.X X1.hell n.地狱;苦难的经历,悲惨的境况地狱;苦难的经历,悲惨的境况 (不加不加 a/the)2.aboard prep.&adv.在(车、船、飞机等)上,上(车、在(车、船、飞机等)上,上(车、船、飞机等)船、飞机等)board n.告示牌;董事会告示牌;董事会 v.上船上船(或火车、飞机等或火车、飞机等);寄宿寄宿go aboard 上船;上飞机上船;上飞机 on board 在船上在船上3.rub vt.&vi.擦,磨,搓;(使)相互摩擦擦,磨,搓;(使)相互摩擦rubber n

2、.橡胶;橡皮橡胶;橡皮4.washroom n.洗手间,厕所洗手间,厕所5.uniform n.制服;队服制服;队服 adj.一致的,统一的一致的,统一的形近词:形近词:abroad 在国外在国外broad 广阔的,宽阔的广阔的,宽阔的6.violently adv.猛烈地,厉害地;强烈地,激烈地;凶狠地猛烈地,厉害地;强烈地,激烈地;凶狠地violent adj.暴力的暴力的,猛烈的猛烈的violence n.暴力暴力,暴行暴行7.eagle n.雕雕8.dive vi.俯冲;跳水;潜水俯冲;跳水;潜水 n.冲,扑,俯冲;潜水;跳水冲,扑,俯冲;潜水;跳水go diving 潜水潜水 div

3、e into 跳入;钻研跳入;钻研9.thunder vi.轰隆隆地响;打雷轰隆隆地响;打雷 n.雷,雷声雷,雷声10.freeze vi.&vt.(froze,frozen)突然停止,呆住;结冰;冻僵突然停止,呆住;结冰;冻僵frozen adj.冷冻的冷冻的 ;结冰的;结冰的 freezing adj.结冰的;极冷的结冰的;极冷的be frozen to death 被冻死被冻死(be)frozen with fear 因害怕而呆住因害怕而呆住freezing point 11.deck n.甲板,舱面甲板,舱面12.meanwhile adv.同时;期间;对比之下同时;期间;对比之下13

4、.drag vt.拖,拉;缓慢而费力地移动拖,拉;缓慢而费力地移动14.chaos n.混乱,杂乱混乱,杂乱in chaos =in a mess 混乱;纷乱混乱;纷乱 15.15.navy n.海军,海军部队海军,海军部队16.bleed vi.(bled,bled)失血,流血失血,流血blood n.血,血液血,血液bleeding n.出血出血bleed to death 流血而死流血而死17.hatch vt.密谋,策划;使孵出密谋,策划;使孵出 vi.孵化;孵出孵化;孵出 hatch out vi.孵出;策划孵出;策划18.plot n.阴谋;故事情节阴谋;故事情节 vi.&vt.密

5、谋密谋 (plotted,plotting)plot(with sb)to do sth (与与.)密谋做密谋做.hatch a plot to do sth 策划阴谋做某事策划阴谋做某事19.infamy n.臭名昭著,声名狼藉;恶行,罪行臭名昭著,声名狼藉;恶行,罪行fame n.名声;声誉;名气名声;声誉;名气famous adj.著名的;出名的著名的;出名的infamous adj.臭名昭著的,名声狼藉的臭名昭著的,名声狼藉的20.sink vi.&vt.(sank,sunk)下沉,沉没;坐下;降低下沉,沉没;坐下;降低 n.(厨房里的厨房里的)洗涤池,洗碗槽洗涤池,洗碗槽sunken

6、 adj.沉没的;凹陷的;比周围低的沉没的;凹陷的;比周围低的21.memorial n.纪念碑(或像等);纪念物纪念碑(或像等);纪念物memorize vt.记忆;记住,背熟记忆;记住,背熟memory n.记忆力;回忆记忆力;回忆22.pray vi.&vt.企盼,祈求;祈祷,祷告企盼,祈求;祈祷,祷告prayer n.祈祷,祷告;恳求;祈祷文祈祷,祷告;恳求;祈祷文pray(to sb)for sb/sth 祈祷;恳求祈祷;恳求23.episode n.一段经历,片段;一集一段经历,片段;一集24.textile n.纺织品;纺织品;(textiles)纺织业纺织业25.reform

7、vt.改进,改革,改良改进,改革,改良 n.改革,改良改革,改良reformer n.改革家;改革运动者;改良者改革家;改革运动者;改良者26.output n.产量,输出量产量,输出量 opp:input 输入输入27.cloth n.织物,布料织物,布料cloth意思是意思是“织物,布料织物,布料”时,是不可数名词。时,是不可数名词。意思是意思是“(一块)布;(尤指一块)抹布,桌布等(一块)布;(尤指一块)抹布,桌布等”时,是可数名词。时,是可数名词。cloth是可数名词时,其复数形式是是可数名词时,其复数形式是cloths,不是不是clothes.28.shift n.改变,转移;轮班改

8、变,转移;轮班 vi.&vt.(使)移动,(使)转(使)移动,(使)转移;改变移;改变 the shift fromto 从从到到的转变的转变 shift the focus 改变关注点改变关注点 night shifts 夜班夜班 working in shifts 轮班工作轮班工作29.cottage n.小屋,村舍小屋,村舍 cottage industry 家庭手工业家庭手工业 Do you know the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?Pearl Harbor is a U.S.naval base near Honolulu,Hawaii Ame

9、rica entered World War II after the attack What do you know about the attack on Pearl Harbor?Watch a movie clip about the event.ScanningThe text is organized in the order of _.timePara 1Beforethe attackPara 2-4Duringthe attackPara 5-6Afterthe attackPara 7PresentWhile reading,pay attention to the lin

10、king words that indicate the time order.historical events:historical events:the chronological chronological order /krnldkl/按发生时间顺序排列的 Part 1Part 1:Before the attackBefore the attack(Para.1)WhenWhen5:45 a.m.,Sunday,December5:45 a.m.,Sunday,December,19411941WhereWhereWhoWhowarship USS Arizona warship

11、USS Arizona WhatWhatSeaman Russell;Quartermaster Lousis ConterSeaman Russell;Quartermaster Lousis Conterawaken by.,made his bed,cleaned.,awaken by.,made his bed,cleaned.,went to the washroom,went to the washroom,dressed in their uniforms,dressed in their uniforms,sat down to breakfastsat down to bre

12、akfastIt was Sunday,December 7,1941.As usual,the wake-up call came at 5:45 a.m.The men aboard the warship USS Arizona stretched and rubbed their eyes.Seaman Russell Warriner was awakened by Quartermaster Louis Conter.Russell made his bed and helped clean the huge,shared room.The men went to the wash

13、room,dressed in their uniforms and sat down to breakfast.It looked like it would be a normal day on board the ship.那是1941年12月7日,星期天。和往常一样,起床号在早上5点45分响起。美国“亚利桑那号”战列舰上的人伸了伸懒腰,揉了揉眼睛。军需官路易孔泰叫醒了海员拉塞尔沃里纳。拉塞尔整理了床铺,还帮忙打扫了这个巨大的共用房间。人们走进盥洗室,穿上制服,然后坐下来吃早饭。看起这将是船上平常的一天。But nobody ate their breakfast:at that mom

14、ent,there was a huge crashing sound from above.The ship shook violently and the men looked at each other in horror.Above their heads,hundreds of Japanese planes circled like eagles.They were diving down to drop bombs on Pearl Harbor.The scream of their engines was deafening.As bombs thundered all ar

15、ound,clouds of black smoke rose into the sky and hung over the sea.但是没有人吃早饭:就在那时,上面传来一声巨响。船剧烈地摇晃着,船员们惊恐地面面相觑。在他们头顶上,数百架日本飞机像鹰一样盘旋,它们俯冲下来把炸弹投到珍珠港。发动机发出的轰鸣声震耳欲聋。炸弹在各处炸响,黑烟形成云,升上空并笼平着大海。Russell felt his blood freeze,but he quickly came to himself and rushed up to the deck.Moments later,a bomb hit the U

16、SS Arizona and Russell was thrown more than 100 meters across the ship.He suffered serious burns on his hands,arms and legs,and watched many of his friends die.拉塞尔觉得自己的血都凝固了,但他立马反应过来,冲到甲板上。片刻之后,一枚炸弹击中了美国“亚利桑那号”战舰,拉塞尔被炸到100多米开外。他的手、胳膊和腿被严重烧伤,眼睁睁地看着许多朋友死去。Louis,meanwhile,also standing on the deck,was

17、lucky not to be thrown into the sea.With only minor injuries,he was able to help others who were severely burnt and in terrible pain.After receiving the order to abandon ship,Louis saved more men from the water,dragging them into the lifeboat.此时,路易也站在甲板上,很幸运没有被炸进海里。他只受了轻伤,还能帮助那些严重烧伤、病苦不堪的人。在接到弃船的命令后

18、,路易从水中救出了更多的人,把他们拖上了救生艇。In the chaos and confusion after the attack,the US Navy sent a message to his family that Louis had been killed in the attack.Luckily,he was able to get in touch with them before the message arrived.Despite his remarkable actions,Louis did not think that he was a hero.“The he

19、roes are the ones that gave their lives that day,”he said.发生袭击后一片混乱,美国海军给路易的家人发送了条消息,称路易已经在袭击中丧生。幸运的是,他在这则消息到家之前已经与家人取得了联系。路易虽然做出了非凡的举动,但他并不认为自己是英雄。“英雄是那些在那天献出生命的人,”他说。Russell was saved from the water,but he was badly burnt,bleeding heavily.Fortunately,he was taken to hospital and survived.For many

20、years,Russell refused to talk about what happened that morning,describing it simply as“hell”.His wife Elsa said,“When he opened up later on,he always mentioned the horror of it.”拉塞尔被从海里救了出来,但他被严重烧伤,大量出血。幸运的是,他被送医院并活了下来。多年来,拉塞尔一直拒绝谈论那天早上发生的事情,只是简单地把它描述为“地狱”。他的妻子埃尔莎说:“后来他敞开心扉时,总是提到那次袭击多么可怕。”Louis and

21、Russell would never forget the terrible scene of the attack,but they were fortunate enough to be among the few survivors from the Arizona.Nobody had expected the bombing.Japan had hatched a plot to launch a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor,so the attack began without warning and without declaring war

22、 on the United States.路易和拉塞尔永远不会忘记受袭击时的可怕场面,但他们足够幸运,是“亚利桑那号”的少数幸存者。没有人料到会有空袭。日本策划了突袭珍珠港的阴谋,所以对这次袭击没有发出任何警告,也没有对美国宣战。The attack destroyed nearly 20 American ships and over 180 airplanes.In total,more than 2,000 American people were killed and over 1,000 others were wounded that day.More than 1,000 pe

23、ople aboard the Arizona lost their lives.Out of 37 sets of brothers,Russell and his brother were the only full pair to survive the attack.这次击毁了近20艘美国军舰和180多架飞机。当天共有超过2,000名美国人死亡,1,000多人受伤。“亚利桑那号”上有1,000多人丧生。在37对兄弟中,拉塞尔和他的兄弟是唯一存下来的完整的一对。The surprise attack came as a great shock to the whole nation.Th

24、e next day,President Roosevelt delivered his famous Pearl Harbor Speech,in which he described December 7 as“a date which will live in infamy”and asked that the US Congress declare war on Japan.In response to the attack and the presidents address,the United States joined the Second World War.这次突然袭击使美

25、国全国大为震惊。第二天,罗斯福总统发表了著名的珍珠港演说),他称12月7日为“一个耻辱的日子”,并要求美国国会对日本宣战。为了回应这次袭击和总统的演讲,美国加入了第二次世界大战。Today,the USS Arizona lies where it sank:in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.Its location is marked with a memorial shaped like a bridge,which crosses the ships sunken remains.Each year,more than two million peop

26、le visit the memorial.今天,美国“亚利桑那号”战列舰仍在其沉没的地方:太平洋的中央。人们在它所在的位置建了一座桥状的纪念馆,横跨沉船的残骸。每年都有200多万人参观这个纪念馆。They come to see the shadow of the ship at the bottom of Pearl Harbor,to learn about the attack,to show respect for those who had lost their lives in the attack and to pray for world peace.Although about eight decades has passed,the attack on Pearl Harbor,one of the darkest episodes in American history,will never be forgotten.游客来到珍港看那艘船在海底的影子,了解袭击的情况,向那些在袭击中丧生的人表示致意,并为世界和平祈祷。尽管过去了约80年,但美国历史上最黑暗的事件之一珍珠港事件永远不会被人们遗忘。


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