Unit 3 Sea Exploration-Using Language 公开课(ppt课件)-2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx

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Unit 3 Sea Exploration-Using Language 公开课(ppt课件)-2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 3 Sea Exploration-Using Language 公开课(ppt课件)-2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx_第2页
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Unit 3 Sea Exploration-Using Language 公开课(ppt课件)-2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx_第3页
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Unit 3 Sea Exploration-Using Language 公开课(ppt课件)-2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx_第4页
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Unit 3 Sea Exploration-Using Language 公开课(ppt课件)-2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx_第5页
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1、Using LanguageUsing LanguageGet to know about whales and other sea animalsBy the end of this period,you will be able to1.get the main idea and the key details by listening to the conversation.2.learn to use some words and phrases to express sequence.3.develop the awareness of protecting sea animals.

2、4.make a plan for a trip to see the animals.Lead inHow much do you know about these sea animals?Read the poster below and discuss the questions.1.What aspect of the camp would you like best?2.Do you think it is important to carry out research on whales and other sea creatures?1.I would like the oppo

3、rtunity to see the whales close up best.2.This research helps us learn more about the wonderful world we live in,and it also helps us learn more about these amazing creatures so that we can better protect them.Listening for main idea Listening Tips:Make short notes&write key wordsListen to the conve

4、rsation and answer the following question.What three things were the campers asked to do?1.To find out some facts for a whale profile.2.To think about why they do whale research.3.To go out with and write a report of the work they do.Listening for idiomsListen to the conversation again and number th

5、e following sentences in the correct order.After that,we gave the group of whales a name,and each member a numberThey will be added to the diretory so we can identify them in the future.Most whales have slightly different fins and marks,which can help us to tell them apart.Meanwhile,we also noted th

6、eir location,so we can track their movements and plot their migration path.Then we took pictures of their fins.Finally,we contacted other whale research groups around the world to share the information with them.1First,we followed a group of whales with the boat.Later,we created a database of their

7、fins and locations.6734285Listening for key information1.How many species of whales are there?2.What is the criterion to divide the main types of whales?3.What do whales use sound for?4.Why do the campers take pictures of the whales fins?5.Why do they contact other research groups?1.Over 80.2.The cr

8、iterion is whether they have teeth or not.3.They use sounds to communicate and hunt.4.This can help them to tell the whales apart.5.They want to share the information with them.Draw a mind-map to show the basic information about whales.SpeakingBrainstorm expressions showing sequence in the speaking.

9、Firstly,secondly,first of all,after that,next,later,meanwhile,finallyTell their partner about what happened in the whale watching camp.A:Today we learnt about whales and whale research.First,we found some information and facts about whales.We used the library and the Internet.B:What did you do after

10、 that?A:Well,after that we thought about why we do whale research.B:But why do we do whale research?A:There are lots of reasons.First of all,we need to know how many whales there are.Then,we need to know where they go.And finally,we need to understand more about them.B:Then what did you do next?A:Af

11、ter that,we went out whale watching,following a group of whales in a boat.B:That sounds neat.Did you just watch them,or did you do anything else?A:We started by taking pictures of their fins,so we could tell them apart.At the same time,we noted their location,so we could track them.B:What did you do

12、 afterwards?A:We created a database and gave each whale a name and number.Then finally,we shared our information with other whale research groups around the world.B:It all sounds so wonderful!I wish I could have joined you.A:I do,too.Watching and TalkingWatch the video Protecting Biodiversity and th

13、en talk with your partner and make a plan for a trip to see the animals.For our trip,we would like to go to the Shanghai Ocean Aquarium.We can first visit the special exhibition of saving sharks.Then we can go to see the seahorses whose number declined greatly for the past decade.However,most people

14、 do not know much about seahorses at all.I think we need to raise awareness about seahorses and marine conservation in China.The last spot will be The Chinese Pavilion,which displays the aquatic organisms and bio-system in the Yangtze River and some national endangered rare aquatic creatures,like Ch

15、inese alligator and Chinese Sturgeon.Using LanguageExpress your opinions on sea explorationBy the end of this period,you will be able to1.figure out the organization and language feature of an argumentative essay.2.learn to express their opinion on sea exploration.3.write an argumentative essay on s

16、ea exploration.4.develop a proper attitude on sea exploration.discover new speciesdetect energy resourcespredict potential disastersPre-reading:Warming upWhat do you know about sea exploration?Pre-reading:DiscussionWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of sea exploration?Advantages of sea explor

17、ation 1.Play a fundamental role in filling in the gaps on the blank information regarding the ocean.2.Offer information needed to better understand environmental changes and protect the sea.3.Help predict the potential disasters,such as earthquakes and tsunamis.4.Detect some new resources from the e

18、cosystems that might give benefits to the medical drugs and other products.5.Lead people to locate the parts in the ocean that are actually full of resources for us.Pre-reading:DiscussionDisadvantages of sea exploration 1.Continuous exploration may lead to overfishing.2.Cause damage to some ocean cr

19、eatures or marine life forms.3.Lead to the destruction of ocean treasures.4.Possibility of risks to ruin the ecosystems around the area.5.Lead to the waste of money,time,and energy.Pre-reading:DiscussionWhile-readingRead quickly for general understanding and answer the questions.1.Whats the genre(体裁

20、体裁)of the two texts?Argumentative essay2.What are the authors attitudes to sea exploration in these two texts?Text 1:opposed Text 2:supportiveLook at the two charts below and decide which one supports which text.Text 2Text 1In groups,discuss the following questions and take notes.1.What is your opin

21、ion about sea exploration?Do you agree with one argument more than the other?I think sea exploration is a wonderful idea,because even if there are no immediate rewards for it,to explore and find out more about our world is always a good thing.2.Has your opinion changed after reading the two texts?Wh

22、y or why not?Yes,my opinion has changed.Before reading Text 1,I did not know that sea exploration could add to sea pollution,via deep sea drilling for example.3.Are there any other aspects of sea exploration not mentioned that you think are important?We do not know what we dont know;we need to explo

23、re the ocean so that we can better understand issues such as acidification which leads to seawater to become more acidic,and how to fight these problems;studying the ocean causes the creation of new technologies that can help us in other areas.Writing:Argumentative essay on sea explorationBased on y

24、our note,write an argumentative essay on sea exploration,expressing your opinions with supporting facts.The following questions may help you.What is the purpose of sea exploration?How does sea exploration help us to protect the sea?How does sea exploration cause damage to the sea?Is there a good bal

25、ance between protection and exploitation?Use the PEEL method to help structure your argument.Point What point do you want to make?EvidenceWhat facts and examples can you find to support your point?How reliable are the sources?ExplanationExplain how the facts support your opinion and show other opini

26、ons to be incorrect.LinkConnect this point to the next point,or back to the main point of the essay or paragraph.文章架构文章架构明确体裁话题明确体裁话题议论文,探索海洋议论文,探索海洋确定时态人称确定时态人称一般现在时,第一人称一般现在时,第一人称布局文章架构布局文章架构首段:提出论点首段:提出论点中段:事例论据中段:事例论据尾段:明确结论尾段:明确结论列出核心要点列出核心要点1.1.使海洋可持续发展使海洋可持续发展2.2.了解海洋环境了解海洋环境3.3.更好地了解气候更好地了解气

27、候Useful ExpressionsMany nations have been faced with the problem of.Recently the problem has been brought into focus.Recently the issue has aroused great concern among.Nowadays there is a growing concern over.Never in our history has the idea that.been so popular.Faced with.quite a few people argue

28、that.According to a recent survey.With the rapid development of.论点论点Some people think/believe that.,other argue/claim that.The opposite/reverse is.Obviously it has both advantages and disadvantages .has many advantages.For example.However,just as every coin has two sides,.has its disadvantages It pl

29、ay(s)an important rolepart in.With the development of our economy and society,pollution is more and more serious论据论据From what has been discussed above,we can draw the conclusion that.It is high time that.We should take measures to control the rapidly increasing world population The government decide

30、d to take strong measures against.It is necessary that steps should be taken to.There is no easy method,but.might be of some help.To solve the above-mentioned problem,we must.In summary,if we continue to ignore the above-mentioned issue,more problems will crop up.结论结论Sample WritingEven though the oc

31、eans make up about 70%of the earths surface,more than 80%of the oceans remain unexplored.While some people say that we should not explore the oceans,their reasoning is not very sound.Exploring is not the same as exploiting.When we explore a place,we go just to see and understand what is there.We sho

32、uld explore the ocean,first and foremost,because we do not know what we do not know.We thought we knew many about the ocean,but we were wrong.There could be life forms in the ocean,for example,that fit none of the neat categories we have for life while we have no clue that they even exist.This bring

33、s up the second point.We already know many things about the ocean,but we need to learn more.A good example is ocean acidification.We know that it is causing coral to die.We know that using less fossil fuel would cause the process to slow down.However,we need to learn more to find out how to stop it.

34、We need more research to see what is going on,and to come up with plans and solutions.Finally,to do this research,we have to enter an extreme environment not very friendly to humans.This requires the development of new technologies that can also benefit us in other areas.For example,in many ways,the

35、 deep ocean resembles outer space.The technologies can benefit each other.For another instance,the technology of a mechanical arm to collect samples with has been used in factories and development of artificial limbs for humans.All in all,there are many good reasons to explore the oceans.If we care

36、about science,about protecting our oceans,and about developing new technologies,we need to do all we can to supportocean exploration.假定你是某假定你是某校的宣传校的宣传委员委员李华,应邀李华,应邀为学校网站为学校网站英文版写一篇有关海洋生物保护的英文版写一篇有关海洋生物保护的文章,请根据文章,请根据以下要点以下要点写一篇短文。写一篇短文。1.海洋受污染海洋受污染的现状的现状;2.保护保护海洋的重要性。海洋的重要性。注意注意:1.词数词数100左右左右;2.可适当

37、增加可适当增加细节,以细节,以使文章连贯使文章连贯。The Importance of Protecting Our Oceans As we all know,there are varieties of resources under the sea.However,the past ten years has witnessed that some creatures have died out.Therefore,marine pollution has been greatly concerned by the whole world.On the one hand,we must

38、make people realize the importance of protecting the ocean.As a matter of fact,to protect the ocean is to protect human beings.On the other hand,the government should take immediate measures to keep the balance of nature.In no way should we abandon protecting the environment.Only by raising peoples

39、awareness of protecting the environment and making great efforts to prevent pollution can the problem be solved.negative cyclespill sth into the seamine for resourceswithout mercy address important issuestake action have more options for tap waterso-calledbe home toin possession ofaccess the deep oc

40、eanbe balanced withamounts of Useful words and expressions1.When people talk/speak of/about exploring the sea more =Talking of/about.=When it comes to more sea exploration 当人们谈到多进行海洋探索的时候当人们谈到多进行海洋探索的时候2.exploit vt.开采,开发,开拓开采,开发,开拓(minerals/resources/rainforests for.)vt.运用,发挥运用,发挥(the potential of)v

41、t.利用利用(an opportunity/ones youth)(为自己谋利)(为自己谋利)vt.剥削,压榨(某人)剥削,压榨(某人)3.cause/lead to/produce/present/result to many problems 造成许多问题造成许多问题4.spill(oil)into the sea 使使.溢出、洒出、溢出进入溢出、洒出、溢出进入.pspill(water/milk/coffee)down/over/on/onto ones shirt/desk 使使.洒、泼倒在衬衫、桌子上洒、泼倒在衬衫、桌子上p(water/milk/coffee)spill from/

42、out of the pot(液体)从(液体)从.溢出来溢出来p(water/milk/coffee)spill down/over/on/onto ones shirt/desk(液(液体)洒在(体)洒在(.)Thousands of gallons of crude oil _(spill)into the ocean.(spilt,spilt;spilled,spilled)were spilt5.Plastic pollution is also bad,_(kill)many birds and fish.The hospital has recently obtained new

43、medical equipment,_(allow)more patients _(treat).killing,allowing为为 现在分词短语,作结果状语,现在分词短语,作结果状语,to be treated 为为不定式短语作宾补不定式短语作宾补。6.be very damaging(to ones health/the environment)=be very harmful(to.)=cause much damage/harm to.=dam7.warn sb that./of sth 警告某人警告某人.8.hunt(animals)for(their meat/fur.)为了为了

44、.而猎杀而猎杀.killingallowingto be treated9.(murder/hunt/kill/treat)without mercy =.mercilessly 无情地无情地.10.human beings possessions 人类的财产人类的财产pones treasured/prized/precious possession(s)某人珍贵的财产某人珍贵的财产pones personal possessions/belongings 某人个人财产某人个人财产p(sb)be in possession of sth 某人拥有、某人拥有、占有、持有占有、持有某物某物p=(

45、sb)has possession of sth=possess sthp(sth)be in sbs possession/be in the possession of sb 某物为某人所拥有、某物为某人所拥有、占有、持有占有、持有ptake possession of sth 开始拥有、占有、持有开始拥有、占有、持有 =begin to possess sth _ her fathers death,she came into possesion of a vast fortune./a vast fortue came into her possession.(=she got/rec

46、eived a vast forune.)You cannot legally take possession of the property _ three weeks after the contract is signed.He was charged with _(拥有)(拥有)a shotgun without a licence.11.address/tackle/solve important issues 解决、解决、应对重要问题应对重要问题 =addres oneself to important issues12.manage one resources/time/mone

47、y well/better 很好很好/更好地管理某人的资源、时间、资金更好地管理某人的资源、时间、资金On/uponuntilpossessing/in possession of 13.logging new species/all phone calls =officially record/make an offical record of.正式纪录.14.accessing the deep ocean 进入深海15.vast/enormous/huge/tremendous amounts of.(+不可数名词不可数名词)=a.amount of./=a.quantiy of./=a

48、 great deal of 大量的大量的.16.balance.with/against/and.权衡权衡/比较(利弊)比较(利弊)pbalance.with/and.同等重视、兼顾同等重视、兼顾There is a need _(balance)the demands of the workplace _ those of family life.Devolopment has to be balanced _ environmental cencerns.You have to balance the advantages of living in a big city _ the di

49、sadvantages.She tries to balance home life _ career.to balancewith/againstwith/againstwith/againstwith/and17.Hopefully,as technology improves,we may have more options for managing this balance.随着技术的进步,我们有望会有更多的选择来驾驭这一平衡。随着技术的进步,我们有望会有更多的选择来驾驭这一平衡。=It is hoped that,with the improvement of technology,

50、we may.=We are/feel hopeful that,.=As/With.,we are/feel hopeful of having more options for managing this balance.2.as 引导的状语从句引导的状语从句1.He became less active as he grew older.2.As his family was unable to pay tuition,he was forced to give up his studies.3.When in Rome,do as Romans do.4.Its not so/as d


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