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1、Unit 1 Part ASummery workcreativity Good learner are creative and experiment with language risk-taking Good learners are willing to take risks. They are able to learn under conditions of some uncertainty.recallGood learners use techniques like rhymes and word associations to recall what has been lea

2、rned.errorsGood learners are not discouraged by making errors but rather make errors work as a constructive part of the learning process. getting exposure to the foreign language Good learners find ways of getting increased exposure to the foreign language outside of the classroom. This may take the

3、 form of talking to native speakers, watching TV programs and videos and reading extensively. using rules and knowledge of the first language Good learners develop a thorough understanding of the rules of the foreign language and how to apply these rules. They also use knowledge of their first langu

4、age to help them master the foreign language.Part B Interpretation 1. b ) Teachers2. Opposed Learning strategies (just before paragraph13)Contrasting Learning styles(just before paragraph 8 )Effective Language Learning Behaviors (just before paragraph 2 ) 3. Paragraph 7 and 13Developing your skills

5、Part A38131Part B 632514Part C*Part Davoidant dependent participant competitive collaborative independent Extending your vocabularyPart A cefbad Part B hgjabidecfUnit 2 Words to note 45132 Understanding the text 1. c) d)2. d)3. a)4. d)5. receiving full details of imported production processes ,which

6、 they use to copy and sell the products of these processes.6. buy the expensive software sold by western companies and because software countries apply international copyright laws with unfair harshness in Asia. Developing your skills Part A Text 1 Londax Rondex The breakfast cereal, Kelloggs Cornfl

7、akes ,was copied as Kongal Cornstrips Local laws should be changed to protect companies intellectual property rights and if this fails companies should employ more inspectors to check for copyright abuse. Text 2 The concept of intellectual property is a Western one and can harm the progress of other

8、 countries. For this reason, copyright infringement should not be considered illegal.Copyright laws are not applied fairly; some countries (notably those in the Middle East) are allowed to abuse copyright more easily than other countries. Part B The concept of intellectual property should be held in

9、 doubt .It is resent and ignores ancient contributions to knowledge which are not changed for.Companies suffer financial losses and as a result are less likely to invest in building production plants in the offending country. The existence of piracy also makes companies less willing to put money int

10、o new research and development projects. Copyright claims should be waived, or at least levied at a discounted rate for developing countries. Extending your vocabulary Part A blatantfakeadvancedmassiveessentialPart BedghcbafUnit 3 Words to note 45312Understanding the text Part AFTFTTPart B 1. b) 2.

11、d) 3.a) 4.b)Developing your skill Part Ac b d e aPart B Insert the paragraph between the present paragraphs 1 and 2 Part CParagraph 3 and paragraph 4 need to be reserved.Extending your vocabulary Part Adownload programme interface email ICQ virus games Excel Part B a) of b) dance c) spherical d) wal

12、k e)hold Expending your creativity WebTraditional MediaIt is possible to put any kind of material up on Web and reach a very large audience.Publishing companies select authors very carefully; books are received by experts, and editors and designers make further improvement.There are no checks on mat

13、erial to be put up on Web and one result of this is the very large amount of pornography available.The content of TV, video and radio programmes is controlled by law to protect audience from bias, sex, violence and bad language.Unit 4 Words to note5 8 1 6 10 4 2 7 9 11 3 Understanding the text Part

14、A 1. d) 2. c)Part B1. c) 2.d) 3.c) 4. d) 5 .a) Developing your skillsPart A 311212Part BA2. but people who take dietary supplements (especially those which destroy free radical molecules )may feel more energetic .A3. extending the human life span might well lend to serious effects .A4. fighting canc

15、er, because proteins which destroy cancer cells also cause aging.A5 .healthy food, low stress and an outdoor life style are best for long life Part C 1. l Your feelings about yourself are very important ;ninety-year-old people can feel and act like fifty year olds if they have the right attitude to

16、life .l Somebody might say this to cheer another person up to encourage the person to feel better about himself or herself.l The speaker probably has an optimistic (and young) feeling about life.2.l Forty isnt “old”, its simply a “birth” into a new stage of life.l It might be said to some one approa

17、ching his or her forties birthday. l He or she doesnt fear to be forty, doesnt think forty is old, and thinks of “middle age” as being the beginning of an interesting stage of life when he or she can do new things.3. l Years arent important ; preserving youthful idealism is more important l In a deb

18、ate about the problem of aging, for example.l Youthful ideals should be kept throughout the whole life; if you keep these ideals, you can stay long in your attitude.4. l Young people anticipate the future with the pleasure; older people reminisce about their youth.l Perhaps in a situation when someo

19、ne is reflecting seriously about life.l Its a philosophical, analytical comment about attitudes. 5. l Age is not important; your attitude towards your age and life in general is crucial.l In a situation to encourage somebody to be more optimistic towards life.l The speaker is almost certainly optimi

20、stic; the suggestion is that there are many ways to be old and some of them are good.6. l Be virtuous when you are young if you want respect later in life.l Perhaps in a context where an older person wants to give friendly advice to a youngster when a younger person is wondering about the course of

21、action. l The speaker sees a direct link between actions in youth and the consequences in later life.7. l Youngsters only have opinions; their elders know the truth through experience. l Perhaps in a social setting where people from different generations are teasing each other l The speaker almost c

22、ertainly belongs to the older generation and is confident of his or her own superior knowledge.8. l The only alternative is to die - because you can not become young again.l As a joke or a humorous comment, perhaps after someone has said something negative about being old. l He or she certainly view

23、s aging in a positive light.9. l An old person who is loved has an extra bonus because love brightens their life; old age is like the winter of a persons life, but winter also has its beautiful or bright aspects, like flowers.l Perhaps it would be said to an older person, to remind him or her of lif

24、es blessing.l Its a comment reflecting both joy and sadness; it recognizes that some old people enjoy the love of family, friends, neighbors, etc. But some are alone and lonely 10. l Young people see forty as “old”, but older people see fifty as “young”. l This is perhaps more likely to be written r

25、ather than spoken -perhaps in an essay. The author seems to have some optimism about being fifty.l It is a reference to different perspectives, different attitudes of various ages to “age”.11. l People may think that being old is a misery, but having the years of experience old people help you to li

26、ve your life in a better way. An alternative interpretation is that it is not simply the old age which makes old people feel miserable. It is the accumulation of their experiences which make them miserable. The second interpretation of a rather wry joke. l Perhaps either as a joke or as a serious (b

27、ut pessimistic) comment of life, almost certainly made by an older person.l It could reflect a humorous, philosophical, non-serious view; or the opposite, a mournful cry.12. l Experience (“living long”) teaches us how to live well.l Again, perhaps it is more likely to be written than spoken.l Experi

28、ence over many years is seen as blessings and benefits.13. l Enjoy your youth and make the most of the opportunities which come your way; then, when you are older, you dont have any regrets that you wasted it.l An older person -perhaps a parent -to a younger people; the comment shows wry humor by su

29、ggesting that the main preoccupation older people in that they lament their lost youth. l He /She sees youth as priceless and not to be wasted.14. l The general, meaning is that people change as they grow older .the specific meaning of each stage depends on how people understand the metaphors of the

30、 animals (and this varies in different cultures). A likely Spanish interpretation is : at twenty people are concerned with their appearance ,at thirty they are brave , at forty they carry heavy burdens ,at fifty they twist and turn and cant be trusted , at sixty they are loyal ,at seventy they are w

31、ise ,at eighty they are nothing .l As its rather long, it is more likely to be part of a written paper . Now it could be said by anybody au any stage but probably originally it was written by an older person.l Perhaps it reflects a cynical attitude to the way people develop .perhaps students might h

32、ere be asked to explain what each of the different creatures at the various stages of life represents in Chinese or other culture. 15. l The tide “ebbs” (i.e. its strength and power is lessened) and human beings get older and become less strong. The tide returns as strong as ever and other people ar

33、e young and their tide is rising.l Spoken or read in a poem.l Perhaps said by someone who, though he /she feels sad, can rationalize and see that there is no reason to be sad. Expanding your vocabulary 1breakthrough noun2dramaticallyadverb3dietary supplementsnoun4extendedverb5passivelyadverb6contrac

34、tingnoun(gerund)7eternaladjective8boostingnoun(gerund)9normallyadverb10controversialadjectiveFurther information l The child is the father of the man Children grow up to become adults and what happens in childhood is vitally important because adults develop on the basis of their childhood. Just as a

35、 child inherits genetics from their parents, the stage of early childhood for an individual is the social “inheritance” of each adult -this is the basis for the development of the rest of their life (when the child becomes “the man”). Parents have children who grow up; however, children also grow up

36、 to become parents, who have children in their turn who also become parents l Bad is never good until worse happens. When something bad happens it is difficult to see anything good about it .But when something even worse happens, what we thought was bad before doesnt look so bad after all .Of course

37、, what is “worse” may also seem not so bad when something worse still happens! Our perceptions of what are bad or good events are relative to their events. l Everything changes except change itself.Change is in everything .Only the law that everything changes does not change. On the other hand, if e

38、verything changes this should include change itself (the nature of particular changes should change or even the very nature of change itself.) If change changes then this must include no change which would be a change from changing .If change does not change, then there is something to which the law

39、 of change does not apply -which means that not everything changes. l All rules have exceptions, including this one.A rule is general statement .It may include everything in its scope or it may have its exceptions .The problem here is that if the rule is that “all rules have exceptions ” ,then there

40、 are exceptions to the rule that “all rules have exceptions ”: does this mean that the rule isnt a rule or that the exception isnt an exception or that the exception to the rule that “all rules have exceptions” means that there are no exceptions ,including the exceptions to the rule that “all rules

41、have exceptions ”?l A sadist is a person who is kind to a masochist.A sadist is someone who gets pleasure from hurting or being cruel to someone else. A masochist is someone who gets pleasure from being hurt. We expect the sadist to be nasty to others, including being nasty to the masochist. But the

42、 sadist knows that the masochist wants to be hurt, so being kind to the masochist (who expects to be hurt by the sadist) is a way for the sadist to get pleasure. The problem now is that the sadist is getting pleasure by not hurting someone (which means that the sadist isnt being a sadist .)A second

43、problem is that the masochist may be getting pleasure by anticipating being hurt (which he enjoys and looks forward to )and may therefore be getting pleasure from the kindness of the sadist (who as the masochist knows ,wants to hurt the masochist )because he anticipates being hurt by not being hurt

44、yet (which means that the masochist isnt being a masochist ).l Nothing is enough for the person to whom enough is too little .Some people are greedy .They want more than others .they want more than the amount which would satisfy others (and be enough for them ). So for the greedy person “enough” (fo

45、r others) is always too little (for the greedy one ). So there is never “enough ”and “nothing is enough ”for the greedy person; this means there is no “enough ”.But the problem is that it may also mean that if greedy person has “nothing”. It is “enough” (because “nothing is enough”), in which case t

46、he person is not greedy and is, in fact, satisfied with nothing (since he has “nothing” which is “enough”). l If the rich could hire other people to die for them, the poor could make a wonderful living.Everybody die at some time .Rich people may wish to keep on living because they have lots of money

47、 to enjoy their life .So if the rich people could pay poor people to die for them ,then the rich people could keep on living for longer and keep on enjoying their life. The poor would make a living (i.e., earn money to live )by dying instead of the rich .Of course ,paying one poor person to die instead of the rich person who is


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