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1、(专科起点升本科)大学英语复习备考题库2011年词汇与语法知识练习一1. The workers have built a lot of new houses in Shanghai.A. in the past ten yearsB. for ten yearsC. last yearD. ten years ago2. Mother was out. I look after my little brother.A. have toB. mustntC. need D. had to3. I met a friend ofyesterday.A. Dicks motherB. Dick m

2、other C. Dick mothers D. Dicks mothers4. If you need any money, Ill lend you.A. oneB. it C. those D. some5. The population of China is larger thanof Japan.A. oneB. those C. thatD. these6. I carry only enough money to make change for a bill. A. tens-dollarB. ten-dollarC. ten-dollarsD. tens-dollars7.

3、Last summer I took a course on . A. how to make dressesB. how dresses to makeC. how to be made dressesD. how dresses to be made8. Dont be too about things you are not supposed to know. A. strangeB. amusingC. curiousD. conscious9. The water will be further polluted unless some measures . A. will be t

4、akenB. are takenC. were takenD. had been taken10. We have studied English for only one year, we can perform English short play already. A. forB. andC. yetD. or11. Early to bed and early to rise a man healthy, wealthy and wise. A. makeB. had madeC. makesD. will make12. Little about his own safety tho

5、ugh he was in great danger himself. A. does he careB. did he careC. he caresD. he cared13. “Where the recorder? I cant see it anywhere.” “I it right here. But now its gone.” A. did you put; have putB. have you put; putC. had you put; was puttingD. were you putting; have put14. Police officers workin

6、g on the murder have hundreds of families. A. askedB. researchedC. questionedD. demanded15. Few of us thought that the problem was worth . A. discussB. discussedC. discussingD. to discuss16. She his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right. A. looked upB. looked forC. picked o

7、utD. picked up17. Julie has gained more experience than in her restaurant and the customers like her. A. any waitressB. other waitressesC. the waitressD. any other waitress18. She seems to be too short for a . A. twenty-year old girlB. girl twenty-year-oldC. twenty-years-old girlD. girl of twenty19.

8、 The room was so quiet that she could hear the of her heart. A. hittingB. beatingC. hurtingD. striking20. what the situation would be like, they decided to keep silent. A. Knowing notB. Not knowC. Not knowingD. Having not known21. I up early this morning, so I stayed in bed until 8 oclock a.m. . A.

9、neednt have gotB. didnt need to getC. shouldnt have gotD. cant have got22. , the more you are aware of content and meaning. A. The more words you are familiar toB. The more words you are familiar withC. You are familiar to more wordsD. You are familiar with more words23. By the time he was twelve, E

10、dison to make a living by himself. A. would beginB. has begunC. had begunD. was begun24. “Are you ready for your paper?” “Not yet. I need to read through it.” A. other three minutesB. another three minutesC. three other minutesD. more three minutes25. Although she was frightened, she answered with a

11、 voice. A. quietB. silentC. stillD. calm26. Tom told his mother he was going to go over his lessons but he went to bed. A. almostB. actuallyC. immediatelyD. hardly27. that leather shoes are hand-made, the price seems reasonable. A. In view ofB. BecauseC. SinceD. Considering28. I dont think possible

12、to master a foreign language without much memory work. A. thisB. thatC. itsD. it29. you have done might do harm to other people. A. ThatB. WhatC. WhichD. This30. The boy his time between work and play. A. spentB. wastedC. separatedD. divided练习二1. good time they are having!A. WhatB. HowC. What aD. Ho

13、w a2. Half of the moneyyour brother.A. belong toB. belongC. belongs toD. belongs3. Thanks to Mr. Wang, he keptus to remember the important things.A. to askB. askingC. to be askedD. not asking4. I dont think the news you told metrue.A. areB. isC. beingD. am5. Mike knowsthe questions in English.A. to

14、answerB. answerC. how answerD. how to answer6. Of all the problems, this one is of the importance. A. greatB. moreC. lessD. greatest7. It happened to be very cold the morning of our sports meet. A. atB. ofC. onD. with8. The gate is too for a car; well have to walk through. A. shallowB. looseC. broad

15、D. narrow9. In Hangzhou Mr. Green was so struck by beauty of nature that he stayed for another night. A. /; /B. /; theC. the; /D. the; the10. There are altogether fifty students in our class, twenty are boys. A. of themB. of thoseC. of whomD. of whose11. Although he was so tired, he went to the conc

16、ert with his friend that night. A. butB. soC. yetD. and12. He finished his lunch very fast, because he attend an important meeting. A. neededB. mightC. used toD. had to13. I dont trust him at all. His smiles always make me . A. feeling sickB. be sickC. being sickD. sick14. Not until Mr. Smith came t

17、o China what kind of a country she is. A. did he knowB. he knewC. he didnt knowD. he could know15. road out of town is good. But this one is better than the other. A. BothB. AllC. NoneD. Neither16. He didnt know what while he was away from home. A. would happenB. happenedC. had happenedD. happens17.

18、 His speech made deep impression on the audience that they could hardly forget it. A. such aB. so aC. soD. such18. The computer center, last year, is very popular among the students in this school. A. openB. openingC. having openedD. opened19. is a fact that English is being accepted as an internati

19、onal language. A. ThereB. ThisC. ThatD. It20. Crusoes dog became ill and died, made him very lonely. A. asB. whichC. thatD. this21. Will the of houses and land continue to increase? A. worthB. valueC. costD. importance22. It can take up three months to a man to do this work! A. guideB. raiseC. train

20、D. learn23. Although he is considered as a great writer . A. his works are not widely readB. but his works are not widely readC. however his works are not widely readD. still his works are not widely read24. Students sometimes support themselves by of evening jobs. A. waysB. offersC. meansD. helps25

21、. I asked him to me a few minutes so that we could go over the problems. A. spendB. saveC. spareD. share 26. It rarely snows in the south in winter, ? A. is itB. isnt itC. doesnt itD. does it27. I wonder if he us, and I think if he us well be able to complete the task ahead of time. A. helps; helpB.

22、 will help; helpsC. will help; will helpD. helps; will help28. Dark glasses are sometimes worn to the eyes from strong sunlight. A. preventB. careC. defendD. protect29. He as well as I the suggestion you put forward just now. A. agree withB. agree toC. agrees withD. agrees to30. They often the scien

23、tists name, but they have never seen him. A. learn fromB. hear fromC. hear ofD. listen to练习三1. The story is long, but it is worth.A. to listen toB. listening toC. listening to itD. to listen2. The subject was sothat Tom became veryin it.A. interesting, interestingB. interested, interestedC. interest

24、ed, interestingD. interesting, interested3. You must clean the classroom, you?A. needntB. mustntC. cantD. dont4. “Alice couldnt answer the question, could she?” “_.”A. No, she couldntB. No, she couldC. Yes, she couldntD. Yes, she answers5. I havent seen the TV play. Rose hasnt seen it,.A. neitherB.

25、alsoC. eitherD. too6. “Can I help you?” “Well, Im afraid the box is too heavy for you, thank you all the same.” A. and B. soC. orD. but7. Not until the early years of the 19th century what heat is. A. man knewB. didnt man knowC. man did knowD. did man know8. The great noise produced by the machine w

26、ill sooner or later do to the workers hearing. A. damageB. helpC. wrongD. harm9. The research results show that the earth goes a little faster it is closer to the sun. A. as ifB. so thatC. thanD. when10. “Where do you suggest going?” “We promised the children to the West Lake.” A. takingB. to takeC.

27、 takenD. took11. When we breathe, the oxygen in the air with our blood and gives us life. A. fillsB. goesC. takes inD. mixes12. “Im sorry to keep you waiting.” “Oh, not at all. I here only a few minutes.” A. have beenB. had beenC. wasD. will be13. If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any d

28、ifficulty, great it is. A. whatB. howC. howeverD. whatever14. You never told us why you were one hour late for the last meeting, ? A. werent youB. didnt youC. have youD. did you15. I dont quite remember the key the question though I answered it correctly. A. ofB. toC. forD. about16. If you drink too

29、 much, your health will get even . A. badB. poorC. worseD. not well17. The thing that is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try or not. A. mattersB. caresC. considersD. minds18. “Which of these two ties will you take?” “Ill take to give me a change sometimes.” A. eitherB. bothC. neitherD.

30、all19. He didnt keep on asking me the time any longer as he had had his watch . A. to repairB. repairedC. repairingD. repair20. By nine oclock I that my guests were not coming. A. recognizedB. realizedC. understoodD. noticed21. Youre your time trying to persuade him. Hell never join us. A. spendingB

31、. wastingC. losingD. missing22. Alice received an invitation from her boss, came as a surprise. A. itB. thatC. whichD. he23. Not only the data fed into it, but it can also analyze them. A. can the computer memorizeB. the computer can memorizeC. do the computer memorizeD. can memorize the computer24.

32、 Mrs. White found her husband surrounded by letters and papers and very worried. A. lookingB. looksC. lookedD. to look25. took us several hours to clear the snows and open the road to traffic. A. TheyB. AllC. HeD. It26. The doctor suggests that I should sleep with the window open its very cold. A. i

33、fB. unlessC. whenD. since27. His grandma in bed for a week. A. liesB. has lainC. has laidD. has lied28. he said at the meeting astonished everybody present. A. WhatB. ThatC. The factD. The matter29. It is reported that people have entered for the competition. A. hundredsB. hundredC. hundreds ofD. se

34、veral hundreds30. The boy used to watch the planes and land far away. A. take awayB. take offC. take outD. take up练习四1. There are trees on _ sides of the square.A. every B. both C. neither D. all2. The Browns went to the parkthey had had breakfast.A. afterB. beforeC. whileD. as3. She is only seven y

35、ears old. Shebe a middle school student.A. mustntB. may notC. cannot D. should4. Is there anything in yourhand?A. otherB. the other C. another D. each5. When she was walking by the playground, a football hit.A. her in her face B. her face C. her in the faceD. her on her face6. “What do you think of

36、the cake?” “Its nice. Id like to have .” A. some otherB. anotherC. othersD. other7. When my sister phoned me, I could not hear clearly what she was . A. speakingB. sayingC. talkingD. telling8. The number of the teachers in our college greatly increased this term. A. isB. hasC. areD. have9. Her Engli

37、sh is the best in the class. A. speakingB. spokenC. talkedD. writing10. no need to take any kind of vitamin pills if we eat well and properly. A. It isB. ItsC. There hasD. There is11. The British people and the American people not only speak the same language but a lot of special customs as well. A.

38、 shareB. spareC. holdD. carry12. The book I the other day can be found nowhere. A. borrowB. borrowedC. are borrowingD. was borrowing13. She doesnt speak her friend, but her written work is excellent. A. as well asB. so often asC. so much asD. as good as14. “Where do you live?” “I live 550 Dalian Roa

39、d.” A. onB. atC. toD. for15. They are working hard to what they have lost. A. make up forB. keep up withC. catch up withD. make out for16. I like spring. I hope good weather will . A. go onB. stayC. keepD. continue17. There are usually at least two of looking at every question. A. meansB. directions

40、C. viewsD. ways18 The reason why the car was stopped was . A. that the road was slipperyB. due to the slippery roadC. because the road was slipperyD. because of the slippery road19. He wont to bring me my umbrella unless I tell him again. A. forgetB. remindC. rememberD. realize20. It was the trainin

41、g that he had as a young man made him such a good engineer. A. that B. hasC. whatD. later21. He called the police for help, that the problem was more than he could deal with. A. to realizeB. having been realizedC. realizedD. realizing22. The moon to a large mirror which reflects the suns light to the earth. A. comparesB. can compareC. can be comparedD. may compare23. Science has made possible for machines to take the place of human labour. A. this


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