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1、最新人教精通版六年级英语下册第二单元测试卷(含答案)Unit2There is a park near my home.班级_ 姓名_ 得分_满分:100分时间:60分钟听力部分一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组。(10分)()1. A. on footB. by bikeC. by bus()2. A. restaurantB. post officeC. hotel()3. A. an hourB. half an hourC. an half hour()4. A. turn leftB. go straightC. turn right()5. A. near the parkB.

2、near the libraryC. in front of the park二、听录音,选出听到的句子。(10分)()1. A. You can go there by No. 6 bus.B. You can go there by No. 16 bus.C. It is in front of the post office. ()2. A. You are welcome.B. You are right.C. Not at all.()3. A. The post office is near the hotel.B. The post office is behind the ho

3、tel.C. The post office is far away from the hotel.()4. A. You can get off at the first bus stop.B. You can see the second bus stop.C. You can get off at the second bus stop.()5. A. The book is on the left.B. The bookshop is on the left.C. The bookshop is on the right.三、听录音,给图片排序。(10分)()()()()()四、听录音

4、,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(10分)()1. The bookshop is behind the park.()2. The City Library is not far from the post office.()3. Go down this street and turn left, you can find the park.()4. The restaurant is in front of the bank and the bank is near the river.()5. There is a hospital in the community. It is a re

5、d building.笔试部分五、根据汉语提示完成句子。(5分)1. This is police announcement(提醒). Look at the (交通灯).2. Im going to have lunch. Lets go to the (饭店).3. How can I get to the (书店)?4. Go straight, (右转), and you will find it.5. The restaurant is (在前面) the bank in the (城市).六、看图,写词组。(5分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 七、单项选择。(10分) ()1. I

6、m hungry. I know a great . Lets go!A. museumB. restaurantC. bookshop ()2. Where is the museum? Turn left the traffic lights. Its the right.A. at; atB. on; onC. at; on ()3. How can I get to the park? A. The hospital is far from us.B. You can go there by bus.C. Lets go. ()4. Excuse me. Where is the li

7、brary? A. Its next to the school.B. Yes, here is.C. Go home.()5. Your school is very near. You can go there .A. by the subwayB. by planeC. on foot八、连词成句。(10分)1. go, Beijing, plane, to, I, by(.)2. can, get, How, we, there(?)3. us, The, far, is, hospital, away, from(.)4. foot, there, long, to, How, do

8、es, on, take, go, it(?)5. bus, is, about, It, an, by, half, hour(.)九、 选择合适的句子,补全对话。(10分) 1. Yes? Could you show me the way to the train station? Yes.2. Can I go there on foot? 3. Thats too far. Is there a bus? 4. 5. A. Yes. You can take the No.1 bus. B. Thanks a lot.C. You can go there on foot. It w

9、ill take about half an hour to get there.D. Excuse me. E. Go straight.十、阅读短文,选择正确答案。(10分)Liu Xing is a student in England. He studies English in a school. He is new there. He often visits beautiful places(地方). But now he is not feeling well, and he is looking for a hospital. Look! He is asking a wom

10、an for help.Liu Xing: Excuse me.Woman: Yes?Liu Xing: Is there a hospital near here?Woman: Yes. Theres one hospital near Louis Supermarket.Liu Xing: Where is the supermarket?Woman: Walk straight and turn right at the first crossing (交叉路口). Then turn left at the second crossing and then turn left agai

11、n at the third crossing, you can find the supermarket on the right.Liu Xing: Im sorry. I cant understand you, Madam.Woman: Well, come on. Ill take you there.Liu Xing: Thats very kind of you!()1. Liu Xing is in England.A. a new studentB. an old studentC. a tourist(游客)()2. Whats the matter with him?A.

12、 He is looking for a bookshop.B. He is asking a man for help.C. He is not feeling well.()3. He wants to go to the .A. restaurantB. supermarketC. hospital()4. The hospital is near a .A. cinemaB. supermarketC. police office()5. Can he understand the woman?A. Yes, he can.B. No, he cant.C. I dont know.十

13、一、写作。(10分)请画出你家到学校的路线图,然后描述一下如何从你家到学校。词数在5060之间。 参 考 答 案Unit 2单元测试听力部分一、听力材料1. How can you go to the park? I often go there on foot. It is not far from here.2. There is a post office near the hospital.3. Is it far from the hotel? Yes, it takes half an hour there. 4. You can go there by bus and get o

14、ff at the third bus stop and then turn left.5. Excuse me. Where is the school? Its near the bookshop, and its near the library.答案:1. A2. B3. B4. A5. B二、听力材料1. How can I get to school? You can go there by No. 6 bus.2. Thanks a lot. You are welcome.3. Where is the post office? The post office is behin

15、d the hotel.4. You can get off at the second bus stop. 5. Where is the bookshop? The bookshop is on the left.答案:1. A2. A3. B4. C5. B三、听力材料1. This is a hospital.2. I want to go to the post office.3. I can see the traffic lights.4. He goes to the bookshop on foot.5. There is a library.答案:3 5 4 2 1四、听力

16、材料1. This is my community. There is a park near my community. And there is a bookshop in front of the park.2. Excuse me. How can I get to the City Library? Its not far from here. Its near the post office.3. How can I go to the park? Go down this street and turn left, you can find it.4. There is a ri

17、ver near the bank, and the bank is behind the restaurant.5. Excuse me. Do you know the hospital near here? Yes. It is in my community. You can go there on foot. Please go straight and turn right, you can see a red building on the right.答案:1. F2. T3. T4. T5. T笔试部分五、1. traffic lights2. restaurant3. bo

18、okshop4. turn right5. in front of; city六、1. library2. traffic lights3. by bike4. turn left5. turn right 七、1. B2. C3. B4. A5. C八、1. I go to Beijing by plane.2. How can we get there?3. The hospital is far away from us.4. How long does it take to go there on foot? 5. It is about half an hour by bus.九、1

19、. D2. E3.C4. A5. B十、1. A2. C3. C4. B5. B十一、略附:小学英语学习方法总结 如今,小学英语起步越来越早,学校规定的是3年级开始学小学英语,但是家长却早早地把孩子送到辅导机构去,生怕孩子输在了起跑线上。其实小学英语学习千万不能盲目,应该把重点放在学习态度、学习习惯和学习方法上。前两点的行程是潜移默化的,而小学英语的学习方法却是在短期内就可以掌握的。这里给大家推荐6个有效的小学英语学习方法。1.培养学习兴趣 丰富学习形式,比如可以用动画来学英语表达,用音乐来记单词,用口诀来记语法等等。要时刻让孩子觉得学习英语是一件很有趣的事情。能不断地从学习中获得快乐,孩子也

20、就能持之以恒地学习英语了。2.培养学习自主性一定要让孩子明白学习英语是自己的事情,也就是要培养孩子学习的自主性。千万不能逼着孩子去学习,这样会让他们有“我学习是为了我爸妈”的想法。只有让孩子养成自主学习的习惯,他们才会获得真正的学习动力。3.从朗读入手 大量地朗读能培养孩子的语感,所以刚开始学英语的时候不要急着让孩子写单词、句子,而是要以阅读为主。可以采用色彩鲜明、设计新颖、内容趣味性强的书籍,这样能帮孩子集中注意力。4.重视口语交流 小孩子学习语言都是从模仿开始的,所以在小学英语阶段,一定要尽可能地让孩子多开口说。如果家长的口语还可以的话,可以用英语跟孩子交流,引导孩子用英语来表达自己的想法。孩子的学习能力和劲头都是很足的,长久下来能培养他们的语感。5.提高书写能力 小学英语阶段,书写能力也是不能忽视的。从书写英语字母到单词再到句子甚至是篇章,都需要一步步打好基础。从小对孩子的书写能力有一定要求,比如字迹工整、清晰等,能帮助孩子树立正确、严谨的学习态度。6.参加英语活动 寓教于乐是最好的英语教学方法。让孩子参加丰富多彩的英语活动,比如记单词比赛、说英语小故事、英语角色扮演等,不仅能增强他们的学习兴趣,还能提升他们运用英语的能力。小学英语阶段不宜把孩子逼得太紧,还是要提倡快乐学英语。小学英语学习也应当多考虑孩子的感受和需求。希望以上6个小学英语学习方法能对老师和家长有所启发。


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