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1、Unit 4AdministeringMedicationsWarming-upReading AListeningSpeaking4123Reading B5Writing6Project7Vocabulary and Structure8Unit 4AdministeringMedicationsWarming-upTask 1 Match the pictures with the proper abbreviations of administration routes.i.v.gtt.i.v.s.l.p.o.i.m.s.c.p.r.B G A F D E C Unit 4Admini

2、steringMedicationsWarming-upTask 2 Work in groups.Choose one administration route,and ask each other the matters that should be paid attention to in the administration process.Then report to the whole class your groups opinion.A discussion on p.o.Student A:What is the first thing to be paid attentio

3、n to in oral administration?Student B:First of all,it is not desirable for medical assistants to give medications for oral administration to patients without any doctors orders,which is against drug therapy.Student A:How to make oral administration effective in curing a disease?Student B:It is the d

4、uty of nurses to call patients attention to the target of medication and the exact dose of a drug.Student A:Then,are there any other points to think about in oral administration?Student B:Of course,there are a few major points,like the duration and different uses for taking different medications,say

5、 pills,tablets,capsules,sugar-coated tablets,or powder.Student A:In addition,it is usually required that patients take drugs as prescribed.For instance,before taking drugs,they should check the bottles for production date,etc.and learn about the side effects as well as contraindications.It is also n

6、ecessary that some medications be placed in dry,cool places to keep off heat,moisture or light.Student B:One more thing,drug bottles or boxes must be put out of the reach of children.Unit 4AdministeringMedicationsReading ATask 1 Before reading the passage,see how much you know about administering me

7、dications by answering the following questions.1.Why are medications administered or dispensed rather than given?2.What responsibilities would you take if you were a medical assistant or pharmacist?1.Medication is usually administered by a nurse to a patient,or dispensed by a doctor or pharmacist.Ad

8、ministering and dispensing medication means responsibility.So it is not advisable to“give medications”.2.To begin with,I would keep in mind and fulfill my responsibility as a medical assistant or pharmacist.I would follow the patient-oriented principle and give my top priority to patients health.Spe

9、cifically,I would be as cautious as possible in administering or dispensing medications to patients.For instance,I would always check the medications actions,side effects,and patient allergies before administering or dispensing a prescribed medication.It would be necessary for me to learn about the

10、dose,uses and expiration date of the drug shown on the bottle.Unit 4AdministeringMedicationsReading A Administering Medications Medical Assistants Dont“Give”Medications When it comes to medications they are either administered,or dispensed,but never given!Administration means that the medication is

11、actually placed into a persons body,usually by mouth or injection;dispensation means you hand medication over to a person to whom it is prescribed.Always check the medications actions,side effects,and patient allergies prior to administering or dispensing a prescribed medication.If you administer or

12、 dispense it you may be held partially or fully responsible even though the physician might have ordered it!Always make sure that the bottles are labeled clearly and that you understand the dose,frequency,and duration of the drug.Also,dont forget to check the expiration date!Also,ask yourself right

13、now what you would do if you look up a medication and find it is contraindicated for your patients condition!TranslationUnit 4AdministeringMedicationsv Reordering Medicationsv Medications have a limited shelf life,as indicated by their expiration dates.Medical office staff,including the medical assi

14、stant,is responsible for frequently checking these expiration dates and disposing of expired medications.Expired medications should never be dispensed to patients!v Pharmacy Sales Repsv When working in a medical office you will find that numerous different pharmacy sales representatives(also referre

15、d to as drug reps)will show up to educate the medical staff on their latest products and drop off their medication samples.v It is good practice to set up a certain time for them to arrive.It is customary that only one at the time will be allowed in to check the shelves and leave their samples in a

16、designated area.It is expected that they also take expired samples back to dispose of them properly,if asked.v Needless to say,the pharmacy sales representative is not allowed direct entry to the clinical areas,or access to the medication closet unless accompanied by one of the medical office staff!

17、Reading ATranslationUnit 4AdministeringMedicationsReading A Medication Disposal Medications must be checked regularly and disposed of properly when they expire.Liquids,ointment,and powders may be opened and poured down the drain.Tablets and capsules may be flushed down the toilet.Two employees shoul

18、d be present whenever medications are being destroyed.Legally,this provides a witness,and both signatures should be recorded in case that verification of this procedure should ever be required.TranslationUnit 4AdministeringMedications 给服药物给服药物护理人员不是在护理人员不是在“给给”药药 就药物而言,通常指给服或配发药物,而非给予。给服药物指药物通常通过口服或

19、注射的方式被置入人体内;配发药物则指把药物交付给按药方取药的人。在给服或配发处方药之前,要随时查验药物的作用、副作用以及患者是否有过敏症。如果你给服或配发了药物,即便医生或许下过医嘱,但你可能要负部分或全部责任。要随时确保药瓶标注清晰,了解药物的剂量、用法和药效时间。也不要忘记查看有效期!此外,如果你在查看某种药物时发现它因患者的某种病情而被禁用,那就要立刻问自己该怎么办。Unit 4AdministeringMedicationsReading A调整用药调整用药 如其有效期所指,药品的保质期是有限的。包括护理人员在内的医务人员担负着经常查看药品有效期和处置过期药品的责任。过期药品决不能配发

20、给患者。医药销售代表医药销售代表 当你在医生办公室时,你会发现众多不同的医药销售代表(亦称为药品推销员)到场向医务人员介绍最新产品并交付样品。约定在某段时间接待医药销售代表是一个好的习惯做法。按惯例,只有在这时医药销售代表才被允许查验药品货架并在指定地点留下样品。人们所期望的是,如果要求医药代表将过期的药物样品带回去加以妥善处置,他们也会这样做的。毋庸多言,医药销售代表不得直接进入临床区域,也不得靠近药品柜,除非在一名医务人员陪同的情况下。Unit 4AdministeringMedicationsReading A药品处置药品处置 当药品过了有效期时,一定要定期对其加以查验及妥当处置。可以开

21、启药液、药膏和散剂并倒进下水道。片剂和胶囊可顺着马桶冲掉。无论何时处置药品,都应该有两名员工在场。从法律上来讲,这一做法提供了一项作证的依据,并且应该将两个人的签名记录下来,以免日后需要对这一程序进行查证。Unit 4AdministeringMedicationsReading AReading ATask 2 Read the passage,and match each subheading with the corresponding aspect of administering medications.Administering MedicationsSubheading 1Sub

22、heading 2Subheading 3Subheading 4a.No pharmacy sales representative is allowed entry to the clinical areas.b.Rather than given,medications are usually administered or dispensed.c.Medications must be checked regularly and disposed of properly when they expire.d.Expired medications should never be dis

23、pensed to patients!bdacUnit 4AdministeringMedicationsReading ATask 3 Read the passage again,and tick the facts mentioned in the passage about administration of medications.InjectionSide effectsLogos of pharmaceutical manufacturersExpiration dateUses of medicationsClinical applicationThe dose,frequen

24、cy,and duration of the drugClearly labeled bottlesDifferent prices of drugsContraindications for patients conditionUnit 4AdministeringMedicationsReading ATask 4 Match the following terms with their Chinese meanings.1.by mouth or injection2.patient allergies3.prescribed medication4.expiration date5.s

25、helf life6.medical assistant7.pharmacy sales representatives(drug reps)8.designated areaa.处方药b.医务助理c.保存期限,保质期d.口服或注射e.患者的过敏症f.有效期,截止日期g.指定区域(范围)h.药品销售代表deafcbhgUnit 4AdministeringMedicationsv Task 5 Suppose you were a medical assistant.What major details would you pay attention to when you administe

26、r medications?Reading AUnit 4AdministeringMedicationsdispenseadministerprescribedosev.give sb.a medicine or drug to takee.g.The antibiotic may be administered orally or by injection.v.prepare and distribute medicinee.g.The doctor dispensed a prescription to his patient.v.designate or order the medic

27、ine ortreatment a sick person should havee.g.What medicine did the doctor prescribe for your illness?n.the measured quantity of a therapeuticagent to be taken at one timee.g.Take one dose of this cough syrup three times a day.expirationn.the fact of coming to an end or the point at which sth.endse.g

28、.This medicine has passed its expiration date,and so it is now invalid.Unit 4AdministeringMedicationsReading Adesignateaccessv.point out the location ofe.g.Smoking is permitted only in designated areas.n.permission,liberty,or ability to enter a placee.g.Dont allow patients access to this appliance.U

29、seful expression:access to 接近Unit 4AdministeringMedicationsReading Acapsulen.a plastic container shaped like a verysmall tube with medicine insidee.g.The capsule is filled with small soluble cases.Unit 4AdministeringMedicationsReading AListeningTask 1 Helen is in a Chinese medicinal herbs store.List

30、en to the conversation between Helen and the chemist and put the following steps of decocting herbal medicine in correct order.Simmer the herbs for 30 minutesSoak the herbs in cold waterPour out the liquidPlace the herbs in a potLeave the herbs to coolHeat up quickly123456ScripUnit 4AdministeringMed

31、icationsTask 1ScripHelen:Good morning.Would you please fill the prescription for me?Chemist:Certainly.Please wait for a moment.Helen:All right.Chemist:Here is your herbal medicine.Helen:Could you tell me what I should do with it?Chemist:First,place the herbs in a pot.Before decoction,soak the herbs

32、in cold water for about twenty minutes to make them soft and moist,and then heat it upquickly.As soon as it begins to boil,turn down the heat,and simmer for thirtyminutes.Then turn off the heat.Leave it to cool,and then pour out the liquid to drink.Be careful not to let any of the leaves go into the

33、 cup.Helen:It is quite complicated.By the way,can I use a steel pan?Chemist:No,you cant do that.Youd better use an earthenware pot in order to prevent chemical changes.Helen:Thank you very much.Chemist:Youre welcome.I hope you will recover in no time.Unit 4AdministeringMedicationsListeningListeningT

34、ask 2 Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with what you hear.Nurse:Good morning,Bob.I am Jodie,one of the nurses to look after you this _.How are you feeling today?Bob:Im feeling a little better than yesterday.Nurse:Its good to hear that.Now its nearly 8:00.May I give you breakfast-tim

35、e tablets?Bob:All right,thanks.Nurse:Here you are.There are five tablets in the cup.The two white round ones are for your_.The yellow capsule is to prevent the nausea and_.The other two pink ones are antihypertensive medication.Here is your water.Bob:By the way,Dr.Wang has mentioned _.Should I take

36、now?Nurse:Oh,that is a new one.We dont have this in the ward.I have to_.Bob:Thats fine.Should I take these tablets on the empty stomach?Nurse:You can take them either on empty stomach or_.But for the newantibiotics,you should take them_30 minutes before the breakfast andbefore you go to bed.Twice a

37、day.Bob:I see.Thank you very much,Jodie.Nurse:You are welcome.shiftdiabetesvomitingsome oral antibioticsorder it from pharmacywith foodat leastUnit 4AdministeringMedicationsListeningTask 3 Eric has a bad cold and now he is in a pharmacy.Listen to the conversation and decide whether the following sta

38、tements are true(T)or false(F).1.Eric has got a terrible cold and a sore throat.2.Doctor has given him a prescription for some medicine to relieve the symptoms.3.The chemist recommends some over-the-counter medicine and painkillers to him.4.With the prescription from the doctor,Eric is allowed to bu

39、y some penicillin.5.Eric also intends to buy some ascorbic acid and cough syrup.FFTFTScripUnit 4AdministeringMedicationsTask 3ScriptEric:I have a terrible cold.Apart from that,I have a severe headache.Could yousuggest something I can take to relieve the pain?Chemist:Dont you have a prescription?Eric

40、:No,I havent gone to see a doctor.Chemist:I can recommend some OTC medicine to relieve the symptoms of cold and some painkillers for your headache.Eric:Which are the best headache tablets?Chemist:We have a number of them.They are all very good.Eric:Could you sell me penicillin?Chemist:Sorry,sir.I ca

41、n not sell it;you must first get a doctors prescription,and then I can fill it for you.Eric:Well,then.Would you please give me some ascorbic acid and cough syrup?Chemist:All right.Here you are.The instructions could tell you how to take them.Make sure you read them carefully.Eric:Thank you for remin

42、ding me.Unit 4AdministeringMedicationsListeningListeningTask 4 Listen to the conversation and then answer the following questions.1.Where does the conversation take place?2.What is the relationship between the two speakers?3.How does the woman pay for her medicine?4.What medicine does Dr.Johnson pre

43、scribe?5.How should the woman take the medicine?It takes place in a pharmacy.Chemist and patient.By insurance.Antibiotic medicine and cough syrup.The woman should take one tablet of theantibiotic medicine three times a day beforemeals,and take two spoonfuls of the cough syrupthree times a day.ScripU

44、nit 4AdministeringMedicationsTask 4ScriptPatient:Good morning.Chemist:Good morning,madam.What can I do for you?Patient:Could you fill the prescription for me,please?Chemist:Of course.Do you have insurance,or will you be taking care of this yourself?Patient:I have insurance.Heres my card.Chemist:Just

45、 a moment,please.All right.Your prescription is ready.Patient:Thank you very much.Chemist:My pleasure.By the way,you got the prescription from Dr.Johnson,didnt you?Patient:Yes,I did.Chemist:Did he tell you how to take the antibiotic medicine?Patient:No.He didnt say anything about it.Chemist:All righ

46、t.Let me tell you what you have to do.Take one of these tablets three times a day before meals.Patient:How about this cough syrup?Chemist:First shake the bottle.Take two spoonfuls of the cough syrup three times a day.Patient:Thank you very much indeed.Chemist:Youre welcome.I hope you will be well so

47、on.Unit 4AdministeringMedicationsListeningSpeakingTask 1 Work in pairs.Practice making conversations between a nurse and a patient with the words provided according to the example below.Example:Daniel/take the tablet on a full stomach/bring down temperatureNurse:Good morning,Daniel.How are you feeli

48、ng today?Daniel:Im feeling much better.Nurse:Glad to hear that.Here is your tablet.Take it on a full stomach.Daniel:I see.Whats it for?Nurse:Its for bringing down your temperature.1.Adam/take with meals/lower blood glucose2.Carol/give a drip/bring down intracranial pressure3.Sophia/take after meals/

49、eliminate inflammation SampleUnit 4AdministeringMedicationsTask 1Sample Dialog OneNurse:Good morning,Adam.How are you feeling today?Patient:Im feeling much better.Nurse:Glad to hear that.Here is your tablet.Take it with meals.Patient:I see.Whats it for?Nurse:Its for lowering your blood glucose.Sampl

50、e Dialog TwoNurse:Good morning,Carol.How are you feeling today?Patient:Im feeling much better.Nurse:Glad to hear that.May I give you the drip now?Patient:Yes,thank you.Whats it good for?Nurse:Its for bringing down your intracranial pressure.Sample Dialog ThreeNurse:Good morning,Sophia.How are you fe


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