最新中考初中英语常用构词法归纳(DOC 16页).doc

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4、ike喜欢,borrow借,change改变虚词冠词articleart.a, an不定冠词,the定冠词介词prepositionprep.in在里,before在前面,beyond超过、在外面连词conjunctionconj.and同、和、与,when当时候,until直到为止,if如果,once一旦感叹词interjectionint.oh啊、噢,ah啊,aha啊哈,alas啊呀,hurrah好哇从上面的表格中我们简要地讲解了英语十大词类的基本用法。同学们可以仔细的体会一下此表的内容。这将有助于你们对句子和文章的理解。(二)构词法语言的基本要素之一是词汇。在语言发展的最初阶段,人们使用

5、的是少量而简单的词汇,这些词汇只表示日常简单的事物和概念,构成语言最基本的词,称为原生词,也叫基本词或词根词。英语里的原生词大都是单音节的。如:sun, man, head, foot, fish, see, run等,其数量是有限的。随着社会的发展与进步,语言的扩充与融合使语言变得复杂,原有的原生词已不够用,人们便创造了一些新词来表示新有的事物与概念,按照语言一定的规律创造新词的方法,就是我们所说的构词法。在初中阶段我们学习了下列构词法,了解了这些构词法,我们对词的用法就更方便一些。1. 合成法合成法至今保持着旺盛的生命力,在现代英语中不少新词都是借助原有的词合成的。1)名词+名词名词bas

6、ket(篮子)+ball(球)basketball篮球 book (书) +shop(商店) bookshop书店book(书) + store(商店) bookstore书店 house(房子) +work(劳动) housework家务劳动home(家庭) + work(工作) homework家庭作业2) 形容词+名词名词black(黑色的)+board(木板) blackboard黑板 English(英国的)+man(人) Englishman英国人loud(大声的)+speaker(说话者) loudspeaker扬声器3)动词的-ing形式名词dining room 餐厅drin

7、king water 饮用水sewing machine 缝纫机running water 自来水washing machine 洗衣机writing desk 写字桌walking stick 拐杖writing paper 信纸4)名词动词的-ing形式shoe-making 制作鞋子letter-writing 写信handwriting 书法dressmaking 做裙子story-telling 讲故事central heating 中央供暖注意:合成词的构成方式有3种:词与词之间加连字符“-”; 词与词合成一个词; 词与词分开;3) 介词+名词名词(或形容词)after(在后)+n

8、oon(正午) afternoon下午 under(在下面)+ground (地面) underground地下的4) 名词+过去分词形容词man(人)+made(做) man-made人造的5) 名词(形容词)+名词+ed形容词glass(玻璃)+topped(顶部的) glass-topped玻璃罩着的 kind(善良的)+hearted(心) kind-hearted好心的6) 副词+名词介词in(里面)+side(边) inside在内 down(在下)+stairs(楼梯) downstairs在楼下2. 派生法派生法是通过在词根上加后缀或前缀构成新词。它不仅扩充了英语词汇,而且丰富

9、了语言的表现力。后缀(后缀多数改变词性而不改变词义):1)动词或形容词+er/or 名词write (v.)写 writer (n.)作者 travel (v.) 旅行 traveler (n.)旅客 foreign (adj.)外国的 foreigner( n.)外国人invent (v.)发明 inventor (n.)发明家 visit (v.) 参观 visitor (n.)参观者2) 动词 +(t)ion/sion 名词invent (v.)发明 invention( n.)发明 operate( v.)做手术 operation( n.)手术 decide( v.)决定 decis

10、ion( n.)决定 attend (v. )注意/参加 attention( n.)注意3) 动词+ing/ed 名词或形容词build v. 建筑 building n.建筑物 interest v.使感兴趣 interesting/interested adj.有趣的please v.使高兴 pleased adj.高兴的4) 名词+ese 名词和形容词China( n.)中国 Chinese ( n.)中国人 (adj.)汉语的 Japan( n.) 日本 Japanese ( n.) 日本人 (adj.)日语的5) 名词或动词+ ful 形容词help( n.) 帮助 helpful

11、 (adj)有帮助的 use( n.)使用 useful( adj.) 有用的6) 动词 +able 形容词enjoy( v.) 喜 欢 enjoyable( adj.)有趣的 forget (v.) 忘记 forgettable( adj.) 容易被忘的7) 名词 +en 形容词wool ( n.) 羊毛 woolen (adj.)羊毛的 wood ( n.) 木材 wooden( adj.)木制的8) 名词 +y 形容词sun ( n.) 太阳 sunny (adj.)阳光灿烂的 cloud ( n.) 云 cloudy (adj.)多云的luck( n.) 运气 lucky( adj.)

12、运气好的 noise( n.) 响声 noisy( adj.)喧闹的smell ( n.) 味道,气味 smelly (adj.) 有使人难受的气味的,臭的9)形容词 +ly 副词happy( adj) 高兴的 happily (adv.) 高兴地 wide (adj.) 宽广的 widely (adv.) 宽广地10) 形容词 +ness 名词good (adj.) 好的 goodness ( n.)好意 kind (adj.) 善良的 kindness ( n.)和蔼happy (adj.) 开心的 happiness (n.) 开心11) 名词 +ly 形容词friend ( n.) 朋

13、友 friendly (adj.)友好的 love ( n.) 爱 lovely (adj.)可爱的12) 名词 + less 形容词(词义与加ful相反)care + less careless (adj.) 粗心的 help + less helpless (adj.) 无助的13) 名词 + al 形容词nation ( n.)民族national adj. 国家的 education ( n.)教育educational adj.教育性的tradition ( n.) 传统traditional adj. 传统的14) 名词 + ist 名词science( n.)科学 scienti

14、st ( n.)科学家 piano ( n.)钢琴 pianist ( n.)钢琴家tour ( n.) 旅游,观光旅行 tourist ( n.) 旅行者,观光客15) 动词 + ment 名词develop (v.)发展 development( n.)发展 agree (v.)同意 agreement ( n.) 同意,一致, 协议argue (v.) 争论,辩论 argument ( n.) 争吵;论据16) 形容词 + ity 名词able (adj.) 能够的 ability ( n.)能力,才能 possible (adj.)可能的possibility ( n.) 可能性rea

15、l( adj.) 真的,真实的 reality( n.) 现实,实际,真实17) 名词 +ous 形容词danger ( n.)危险 dangerous (adj.)危险的18) 名词 +ish 形容词fool ( n.) 愚人,傻瓜 foolish (adj.)愚蠢的,傻的 child ( n.)孩子 childish (adj.)孩子气的,幼稚的book ( n.) 书 bookish( adj.)书生气的19) 形容词或名词 +en 动词wide (adj.) 广泛的,宽阔的 widen (v.) 弄宽 sharp( adj.) 锋利的,急剧的 sharpen (v.) 使.尖锐,变为锐

16、利fright( n.) 惊吓 frighten (v.) 使惊吓, 害怕,惊恐20) 名词或形容词 +ify 动词beauty (n.)美丽 beautify (v.) 美化,变美,修饰 simple (adj.)简单的 simplify (v.) 简化,使单纯21) 形容词 +ize 动词real (adj.) 真的,真实的 realize (v.)了解, 实现, 察觉;领悟 memory ( n.)记忆力 memorize (v.)记忆22) 动词 +tive 形容词act (v.) 行为,行动 active (adj.) 积极的,主动的 attract (v.) 吸引,有吸引力 att

17、ractive (adj.) 有吸引力的,引起注意的23)动词 +ess 名词(女性)host (v.)主持,做东 hostess (n.) 女主人 act( v.) 行动,扮演 actress (n.) 女演员wait (v.)等待,等候 waitress( n.) 女侍者,女服务员前缀(前缀一般只改变词的意思而不改变其词性):1) un- (不,非,表示否定,形容词前缀)happy (高兴的) unhappy(不高兴的)like (像) unlike(不像)2) im- (不,无,非,表示否定,形容词前缀,常用在p, b, m开头的单词前)possible (可能的) impossible

18、(不可能的)polite (礼貌的) impolite(不礼貌的)3) in- (不,无,非,表示否定,形容词前缀)Active(活跃的) inactive(不活跃的)Complete(完全的) incomplete 不完全的4) dis-(不,非,表示否定,动词或形容词或名词前缀)honest (诚实的)dishonest(不诚实的) agree(同意) disagree(不同意)advantage优势disadvantage不利,不利条件5) mis- (表示错误)understand (理解)misunderstand (误解)mistake (错误) misuse (误用)6) re-

19、 (再,重复)tell 叙述 retell复述 build 建筑 rebuild 重建write (写)rewrite(重写)7) bi- (两个、双边的) bicolor 双色的8) inter- (相互、交互、在一起)interview, international, internet9) tele- (远) telephone, television10) kilo- (千)meter 米kilometer 公里,千米gram 克kilogram 千克11) micro- (微,小)microwave oven 微波炉microcomputer 微型电脑12) sub- (下,次,亚,准

20、,副)subway 地铁,sub-zero 零度以下的,subcollege 准大学程度的,subworker 助手,副手,suboffice 分办事处,subcompany分公司3. 转化法在英语发展过程中,由于词尾的基本消失,衍生出一种新的构词法转化法,而无须借助词缀,就实现词类的转化。1) 名词动词rain n.雨 rain v.下雨 shop n. 商店 shop v.购物water n.水 water v.浇水 land n.陆地 land v.着陆 name n.名字 name v.命名注意 不少动词转化为名词或名词转化为动词,词义没有什么大变化,易于推测出词义。如:answer(

21、回答),change(变化), fight(打架), love(爱), rest(休息), smile(微笑), shout(喊), study(学习), talk(谈话), visit(访问), wish(希望), work(工作)等。2)形容词动词last adj.最后的 last v.持续 tidy adj.整洁的 tidy v.使整洁 own adj.自己的 own v.拥有3) 形容词名词back adj.后面的 back n.背部,后面 light adj.明亮的 light n.灯4) 动词名词stop v.停止 stop n.车站 lift v.举起 lift n.电梯注意 词

22、形不变,读音的差别(字母s读z为动词,读s为名词或形容词)use v.使用 use n.用途excuse v.原谅 excuse n.借口词形改变的转化:live v.生活 life n.生活 fill v.装满 full adj.满的 save v.救 safe adj.安全的enter v.进入 entrance n.入口处 different adj.不同的 difference n.不同之处注意:形容词-名词importantimportance differentdifference4缩写和简写缩略法是把原有的词汇通过缩短,在读音和写法方面呈现新的形式。这种构词方式用得很普遍,特别是

23、近几年来,随着科学技术的飞速发展,产生了很多新的缩略词。缩略法主要有如下几种。(1)剪切法:剪切法是指从某个词的完整形式中删除一个或更多音节,由此构成新词的方法。剪切原词的开始部分bicyclecycle 自行车taxicabcab 出租车airplane/aeroplaneplane 飞机 telephonephone 电话剪切原词的中间部分examinationexam 考试taxicabtaxi 出租车photographphoto 图片laboratorylab 实验室(2)混成法混成法是指由两个词混合或紧缩而成为一个复合词的方法。这种复合词都保留了原来两个词的一部分,其后半部分表示主

24、体,前半部分表示属性。breakfastlunchbrunch早晨和中午之间的饭smokefogsmog浓烟motorhotelmotel汽车旅馆boatmotorbotor电动船newsbroadcastnewscast新闻广播televisionbroadcasttelecast电视广播cheesehamburgercheeseburger放有干酪的肉饼beefhamburgerbeefburger煎牛肉饼EuropeantelevisionEurovision欧洲电视网词汇的分类和构词法专项练习根据句子的意义,用所给单词的正确形式填空。1It is one of the highest

25、_(build) in this city.2Liu Yutian is the first person to walk the whole _(long) of the Great Wall.3I dont know how to make the problem much _(easy).4This baby just has three _(tooth).5He was one of the _(run) who won the race.6Look at the sun. Today is a _(sun) day.7The students are enjoying _(them)

26、 on the beach.8Im afraid hes made the wrong _(decide) on that matter.9Mrs Brown became _(worry) when she heard the news about her son.10Tony got the _(two) place in the maths exam last month.11There is a _(cut) machine in the middle of the workshop.12The wind blew _(heavy) on the evening of Christma

27、s Day.13Lets have ten _(minute) rest first, then well go on collecting the litter.14Li Hua won the first place in the sports meet. He is the _(proud) of our class.15Three Japanese _(climber) were trapped on the mountain last Tuesday.16The TV play is so _(interest) that I want to see it again.17Look!

28、 How _(happy) the children are dancing!18The room next to mine is always _(noise).19Dont open your books. Please keep them _(close).20The dictionary is very _(help) to my study.21Im going to give my sister some _(beauty) flowers for her graduation.22The weather here is very fine. We have a lot of _(

29、sun) every day.23Among all his _(invent), that is the most important one in his life.24A form was given Maggie to fill in her _(person) information.25China is a _country while America is a _ country.(develop)一、英语阅读理解专项练习试卷1阅读理解 We can make mistakes at any age. Some mistakes we make are about money.

30、But most mistakes are about people. Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen? When I got that great job, did Jerry really feel good about as a friend? Or did he envy my luck? When we look back, doubts like these can make us feel bad. But when we look back, its too late. Why do we go wrong ab

31、out our friends or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning. And if we dont really listen, we miss the feeling behind the words. Suppose someone tells you, Youre a lucky dog. Is he really on your side? If he says, Youre a lucky guy. or Youre a lucky gal. Thats being friendly.

32、But lucky dog? Theres a bit of envy in those words. Maybe he doesnt see it himself. But bringing in the dog bit puts you down a little. What he may be saying is he doesnt think you deserve your luck. How can you tell the real meaning behind someones words? One way is to take a good look at the perso

33、n talking. Do his words fit the way he looks? Does what he says square with the tone of voice? His posture(体态)? The look in his eyes? Stop and think. Spend some time thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you, and you may save another mistake. (1)The questions in the first paragraph t

34、ell us that the speaker _. A.feels happy because his friends were nice to himB.feels he may not have read his friends true feelings correctlyC.thinks it was a mistake to have broken up with his girlfriend HelenD.is sorry that his friends let him down(2)From the example Youre a lucky dog, we can lear

35、n that _. A.the speaker of the sentence is friendlyB.it means the same as Youre a lucky guy. or Youre a lucky gal.C.sometimes the words used by the speaker give a tip to the feeling behind the wordsD.the word dog shouldnt be used to describe a person(3)The passage tries to tell you how to _. A.avoid

36、 mistakes about money and friendsB.bring the dog bit into our conversationC.be friendly to other peopleD.avoid mistakes in understanding what people tell you(4)What is important in listening to a person? A.To notice his tone, his posture and the look in his eyes.B.To listen to how he pronounces his

37、words.C.To check if his words go well with his manner, his tone of voice and his posture.D.Dont believe what he says.(5)If you follow the writers advice, you would _. A.be able to get the real meaning of peoples wordsB.avoid any mistakes while talking with the people who envy youC.not lose real frie

38、nds who say things that do not please youD.be able to observe people as they are talking to you【答案】(1)B(2)C(3)D(4)C(5)A 【解析】【分析】主要讲了怎样避免误解他人。(1)细节题。根据 When we look back, doubts like these can make us feel bad. But when we look back, its too late.可知当我们回过头思考朋友说的话时,疑惑可能会让我们感觉不好,即没有正确理解朋友们的真实情感,故选B。(2)细

39、节题。根据Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning. And if we dont really listen, we miss the feeling behind the words.可知有时人们说的话后面隐藏着真正的意思,故选C。(3)主旨题。根据 How can you tell the real meaning behind someones words?可知主要讲了怎样辨别他人语言背后的真正意思,即怎样避免误解他人,故选D。(4)细节题。根据One way is to take a good look at the per

40、son talking. Do his words fit the way he looks? Does what he says square with the tone of voice? His posture(体态)? The look in his eyes?可知听别人说话时要注意他人的说话方式、语音语调和体态,故选C。(5)细节题。根据pend some time thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you, and you may save another mistake.可知遵循作者的建议后你会理解说话者真

41、正的意思,故选A。【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题和主旨题常考题型,细节题要注意从文中寻找答案;主旨题需要通读全文,了解大意之后找出中心思想。2阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。D Friendship can help you stick to your aims and make you more successful, according to an article in Times. Carlin Flora, the writer, who has studied friendship for years, finds that if you re

42、ally want to change something in your life, you can develop friendship with people who have the same aims as you do. Friends can help make your own will stronger. Following good examples can help you get rid of bad behaviors and form new, healthier ones. For example, after a busy and tiring day, you

43、 probably want to go home and watch TV. However, your friend knocks on your door and asks you to go jogging with him. After jogging, you talk over coffee together. This is much better than just sitting in the room watching TV. Flora also points out that its best to stop bad habits by turning attenti

44、on to different, good ones. Instead of staying at home alone and spending hours in front of your computer, building up friendship with those who have the values and habits you admire will lift you up more easily. We all wish to be with, and be liked by our friends. When you have friendship with people with strong wills and good behaviors, you will not only succeed more easily, but also find joy on your journey.(1)The underlined word ones in the third paragraph means .A.examplesB.behaviorsC.friends


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