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1、Passage 1Jim and Bill are 1 .They are 2 twelve. They are American and they are in the same class 3 their school. 4 Li is 5 English teacher. He is a good 6 . They love 7 very much. They have two good 8 . 9 names are Lucy and Lily. They are 10 .( )1.A. teachersB. workers C. studentsD. twin( )2.A. both

2、B. all C. too D. two( )3.A. atB. in C. ofD. to( )4.A. MrB. Mrs C. MissD. Teacher( )5.A. aB. an C. theirD. they( )6.A. workerB. teacher C. fatherD. mother( )7.A. herB. his C. heD. him( )8.A. friendsB. students C. brothersD. sisters( )9.A. TheirB. Our C. TheyD. Theyre( )10.A. all American B. American

3、girl C. America D. American teachers答案与提示:Passage 11. C 由下文 They are twelve,确定他们不可能是teachers, workers,而选项D没有加s,因此只能选C。2. A both是“两者都”之意,用于be 动词之后。B项all是三者、三者以上“都”,选项C、D都不合题意。3. B “在学校”可用at school,但school前有修饰词a或ones 介词要用in.4. A 由下文He确定老师是男性,B项Mrs是“夫人”之意,C项Miss“女士”“小姐”均为女性,选项D为teacher,英语中对老师的称呼用Miss或M

4、r加姓,不能用汉语直译。5. C 由上下文判断此处应用物主代词 their“他们的”。如:李老师可说Miss Li, Mr Li而不能用Teacher Li.6. B 由文中知道He是老师。7. D him“他”是句子宾语,应用代词的宾格形式,四个选项中只有D为宾格。8. A 根据下文可知本句应是他们有两位好朋友。9. A “名字叫”names前要加物主代词their,句首要大写。10.A 此题用排除法。选项D是美国老师们,而这些孩子是学生不可能是老师,选项C是国家名词“美国”,B项American后面的名词未加s,且四个孩子不都是女孩。只有选项A适合题意,意为“他们都是美国人”。Passag

5、e 2 1 Miss Gaos class there are 2 students. There are twenty-four boys, and twenty-two girls. 3 of the boys is 4 . His name is Jim. All 5 boys are Chinese . All of the Chinese students are Young Pioneers. In the class there are two 6 girls. They are 7 . 8 names are Lily and Lucy. The other girls are

6、 Chinese. We are 9 friends. Theres 10 difference, American-English-Chinese.( )1.A. InB. At C. OnD. About( )2.A. forty sixB. forty and six C. fourteen sixD. forty-six( )3.A. AB. An C. OneD. Ones( )4.A. England B. English C. EnglishesD. Englandman( )5.A. otherB. others C. the otherD. the others( )6.A.

7、 AmericaB. american C. AmericasD. American( )7.A. twinsB. twin C. twinesD. twinies( )8.A. TheyB. Their C. ThemD. theirs( )9.A. AllB. all C. allsD. Alls( )10.A. notB. Not C. noD. No答案与提示:Passage 21. A In Miss Gaos class意为“在高小姐的班上。”2. D 基数词表示几十几时,先说几十,再说几,中间要加短横。3. C One of表示“之一”4. B English 可以作为形容词直接

8、放在be动词后面作表语,意为“英国人”。主语可以是单数,也可以是复数。5. C the other可以修饰复数名词,表示除前面提到的以外的“全部其余的”。6. D 修饰名词用形容词American .A项为名词意为“美国”。B项没大写,C项为错误表达法。7. A 句子单复数保持一致。8. B 名词前面要用形容词性物主代词作定语。they为主格作主语。B项为形容词性物主代词作定语。C项为宾格作宾语。D项为名词性物主代词可作主语、宾语、表语。9. B all为副词,没有单复数变化形式。10.C no用作形容词时,可直接置于名词前面。但如果前面已有a, this ,his much, any等词时,

9、则用not.Passage 3In our classroom you can see there is a 1 of a park on the back(后面的)wall. You can also see many children 2 the park. There is a river in it. Near the river there are not 3 , but there are many trees. Many 4 are singing in them. Near the trees there are some old men. They are sitting a

10、t a table. They are 5 tea and talking. There are two girls over there. They 6 new blouses. They are talking near the river. We can also see two boats in the picture. One is 7 but in 8 boat there are many children. Are there any young men in the 9 ? Let me see, there are some. They are swimming now.

11、What are the boys doing? They are 10 there.( )1.A. mapB. childrens clothesC. lake D. picture( )2.A. of B. on C. in D. under( )3.A. some flower B. flower C. any flowers D. some flowers( )4.A. cats B. apples C. dogs D. birds( )5.A. drink B. eat C. eating D. drinking( )6.A. put on B. wearing on C. are

12、wearing D. are putting on( )7.A. full B. empty C. big D. small( )8.A. the otherB. others C. another D. other( )9.A. riverB. basket C. bag D. box( )10.A. playing football B. playing the footballC. play football D. play the football答案与提示:Passage 31. D a picture of a park意为“一幅公园的画。”2. C in the park。意为“

13、在公园里。”3. C any 用于否定句或疑问句。some用于肯定句。4. D 能够在树上唱歌的应是鸟,而不是其它三项猫、苹果、狗。5. D 表示喝茶用drink,不用eat。另外,and前后的谓语动词形式要一致,所以drink要加-ing,构成现在进行时。6. C wear是“穿着”,“戴着”,强调状态,用现在进行时表示此刻的状态。Put on是“穿上”、“戴上”,强调动作。7. B 根据下文在另一只船里有许多孩子们表转折关系,说明本句应是一只船是空的。8. A 表示两者范围之内“一个是,另一个是”用one is ,the other is 9. A 下文说有一些人在游泳,说明本句应问在河里

14、有一些年轻人吗?10.A 球类运动前不要冠词Passage 4A: Hi, Kate . Its time for 1 B: Really? What 2 is it?A: Its 3 seven oclock.B: Oh! I must 4 up. Im late 5 school.A: Dont 6 , Let me 7 you.B: Give 8 my shoes, please.A: 9 you are. Thank you. I 10 go now. Bye-bye.A: Bye-bye.( )1.A. schoolB. go to schoolC. go schoolD. to s

15、chool( )2.A. colourB. time C. age D. light( )3.A. atB. onC. inD. about( )4.A. to getB. get C. gets D. got( )5.A. forB. ofC. atD. to( )6.A. worriedB. surpriseC. worryD. know( )7.A. giveB. bringC. help D. take( )8.A. meB. I C. my D. mine( )9.A. ThereB. Here C. Give D. Take( )10.A. canB. may C. must D.

16、 cant答案与提示:Passage 41. A Its time for school. 意为“是该上学的时候了。”2. B 下句回答了时间,说明本句应提问时间用What time.3. D about意为“大约”。4. B must为情态动词,其后面的动词要用原形。5. A 固定词组be late for意为“迟到”。6. C Dont worry意为“别担心”。本句为祈使句的否定式。7. C Let me help you意为“让我帮助你”。8. A give为动词,其后面的代词要用宾格形式。9. B Here you are,意为“给你”。10.C 根据上文,此处应用must表示“必须

17、”。Passage 5It is evening, 1 old cock(公鸡) is 2 in a tall tree. A fox comes to the tree and looks at the cock.“Hello, Mr Cock, I have some good news for you. ” says the fox.“Oh? ” says the cock. “What is it?”“All the animals 3 good friends now. Lets 4 friends, too. Please come down and play 5 me.”“Fin

18、e!” says the cock. “Im very glad to hear that. ” Then he looks up. “Look! There is something over there.”“ 6 are you looking at?” asks the fox.“Oh, I see some animals over there. 7 coming this way.”“Animals? ”“Yes. Oh, theyre dogs.”“What? Dogs !” asks the fox. “Well . . . well, I 8 now. Goodbye.”“Wa

19、it, Mr Fox,” says the cock. “ 9 go. They are only dogs. And dogs are our friends now.”“Yes. But they 10 that yet.”“I see, I see,” says the cock. He smiles and goes to sleep in the tree.( )1.A. theB. anC. aD. X( )2.A. sitB. sits C. sittingD. siting( )3.A. isB. am C. are D. be( )4.A. areB. beC. isD. a

20、m( )5.A. andB. toC. for D. with( )6.A. WhatB. How C. WhoseD. Where ( )7.A. He isB. They are C. She isD. It is( )8.A. must to go B. must go C. must goingD. must to going( )9.A. No. B. Not C. Dont D. Doesnt( )10.A. arent knowB. doesnt know C. dont knowD. isnt know答案与提示:Passage 51. B an 用在发元音音素开头的单词前。2

21、. C 横线前已有is,故选 sitting构成现在进行时,它的结构是:主语+be+动词的现在分词+其它。Sit 的现在分词要双写t再加ing.3. C 主语All the animals为复数。谓语动词用are.4. B 以 Let开头的祈使句常用来表示说话人的建议、请求、命令等。Let 后面的不定式必须省去符号to.5. D play with me表示“和我一起玩。”6. A What问“什么”How问“怎样”Whose问“谁的”Where问“哪儿”。7. B 根据前一句:“I see some animals over there”本句应为“它们正朝这边过来。”8. B must 意思

22、是“必须”是情态动词,它后面的动词用原形。9. C 本句祈使句的否定式,其结构为:Dont +V原形+其它。10.C 本句为非be动词的一般现在时结构。其动词的构成是:dont +V原形。Passage 6This is Lucy and that is Lily. They are twins. They look 1 . They are 2 . They are new students in 3 class. They are 4 Grade One. Jim can 5 them. They are new 6 . They go to the shop(商店) . They wou

23、ld like something 7 and drink. Lucy would like 8 some bread. Lily would like 9 a bottle of 10 . Jim would like some apples.( )1.A. a sameB. the same C. same D. an same( )2.A. twinB. sisters C. brothers D. American( )3.A. JimB. of JimC. JimsD. of Jims( )4.A. onB. atC. inD. of( )5.A. look likeB. look

24、afterC. look atD. look( )6.A. teachersB. studentC. friendsD. boys( )7.A. eatB. to eatC. eatingD. eats( )8.A. eatB. to eatC. eatingD. eats( )9.A. to drinkB. to eatC. to giveD. drink( )10.A. orangeB. an orangeC. oranges D. some orange答案与提示:Passage 61. B 固定词组look the same意为“看起来很像”。2. B Lucy和Lily为女孩名又是双

25、胞胎,所以她们应是姐妹关系。3. C 名词加“s”表示有生命的东西的名词所有格。4. C 表示在哪个年级,班级用介词in.5. B look after意为“照顾,照看”,look like意为“看起来像”,look at意为“看”look意为“看”。6. C 本句是说Jim和双胞胎两个是好朋友。7. B something to eat意为“一些吃的东西。” something to drink表示“一些喝的东西”,两者均为不定式作定语时放在所修饰词的后面。8. B would like后面接不定式,即: would like to do sth.意为“想要干某事。”9. A eat表示“吃

26、”,drink表示“喝”。10.A 瓶子装的应是桔汁而不是桔子。orange作“桔汁”讲时,为不可数名词,前面不可用不定冠词修饰,也不能加s.Passage 7My 1 is Ann. Mr Read is my father and I am his 2 . My father is an English man 3 my mother is a Japanese. I have a 4 . His name is Tom and we study in 5 middle school, but in different grades. We 6 7 seven 8 and 9 back h

27、ome after school in the afternoon. We have 10 friends. We love China.( )1.A. name B. namesC. a nameD. the name( )2.A. daughter B. sonC. sisterD. brother( )3.A. or B. and C. butD. /( )4.A. a bird B. a cat C. sisterD. brother( )5.A. same B. the same C. differentD. the different( )6.A. go to school B.

28、go school C. go homeD. go to home( )7.A. at B. in C. ofD. on( )8.A. in the morning B. in the afternoonC. in the evening D. on the morning( )9.A. be B. is C. goD. are( )10.A. good a B. good someC. a goodD. some good答案与提示:Passage 71) A2) A3) B4) D5) B6) A7) A8) A9) C10) DPassage 8Dear BillHow are you?

29、 1 very nice 2 you to write to me .Let me 3 something about my life in China. I think you 4 to know it . I live in Li Leis home. He is my 5 .His father and mother are both teachers. Their house isnt big. 6 of them are very friendly 7 me. They teach me Chinese 8 I teach them English. Now I 9 with the

30、m in Chinese . But I cant 10 very well. Chinese is very 11 to learn, I think. Mrs Li often teaches me how to 12 Chinese food. Hmm! How much I like Chinese food!My school is not far. I go 13 by bike. I 14 six classes every day. 15 I play games 16 my classmates. I have a good 17 here . 18 you want to

31、come? Please write 19 soon. Love 20 Jim.( )1.A. Thats B. Its C. YoureD. Heres( )2.A. to B. for C. ofD. about( )3.A. speak B. talk C. say youD. tell you( )4.A. want B. have C. like D. forget( )5.A. student B. teacherC. classmateD. boy( )6.A.Some B. All C. Both D. Any( )7.A. for B. with C. toD. at( )8

32、.A. but B. soC. orD. and( )9.A. am speakingB. am talkingC. am sayingD. can talk( )10.A. sayB. speakC. talk D. tell( )11.A. easy B. nice C. hard D. good( )12.A. make B. doC. cook D. study( )13.A. there B. to thereC. here D. to here( )14.A. do B. have C. studyD. make( )15.A. In classB. After school C.

33、 In the roomD. School over( )16.A. and B. with C. for D. by( )17.A. day B. book C. time D. week( )18.A. Arent B. Cant C. Doesnt youD. Dont you( )19.A. back B. to back C. for meD. letter( )20.A. to B. with C. from D. of答案与提示:Passage 81. B 动词不定式作主语时,常常用it作形式主语,放在句子的开头,把动词不定式放在谓语的后面,但翻译时不必译出来。2. C it作形

34、式主语时,如果形容词是表达不定式逻辑主语的性质用of。如果修饰不定式的动作用for.3. D tell的意思是“告诉”,后面跟宾语或双宾 语结构。常用于tell sb (to do) sth结构。 say后面不能跟双宾 语结构, speak后接表示语言类的词。talk意为“谈话”“交谈”指相互之间的的谈话。4. A want意为“想要”常用于句型want (sb) to do sth.5. C student意为“学生”,teacher 意为“老师”。classmate意为“同学”。boy意为“男孩”,根据上下文可知C项合适。6. B 表示“三者或三者以上全都”用all,表示“两者全都”用bo

35、th, some 和any均意思为“一些”,分别用于肯定句和否定句。7. C 句型be friendly to sb意思是“对某人友好。”8. D 连接两个并列句用and.9. B talk with sb意为“和某人交谈”。10.B speak的宾语往往是语言名词。11.C 根据上句我英语说得不好,本句意思应是汉语对我来说很难。12.C 表示做中国食物用cook,不用do, make. study表示“学习”。13.A 固定搭配come here来这儿,go there去那儿。14.B have classes意为“上课”。15.B after school 表示放学后。16.B with表

36、示和“某人在一起”。17.C 固定词组have a good time “玩得高兴。”18.D 本句为一般疑问句的否定式即否定疑问句。19.A write back soon意为“尽快回信”。20.C from表示“来自”Passage 9A fox is 1 food. He is very hungry. Now he 2 near a wall. The wall is very 3 .The fox is looking up. He sees 4 fine grapes 5 the wall. He smiles and says, “ 6 nice they are! I want

37、 to eat them. nice they are! I want to at them.” The fox is jumping. He jumps and jumps, 7 the wall is too high . He 8 get the grapes. The fox says “I must go now. I dont like those grapes. 9 are green. They are not 10 to eat. ”( )1.A. seeingB. finding outC. looking forD. finding( )2.A. getsB. comes

38、C. goes D. stands( )3.A. muchB. smallC. strongD. high( )4.A. a littleB. few C. muchD. a lot of( )5.A. inB. onC. atD. for( )6.A. WhatB. How C. What aD. How a( )7.A. andB. orC. but D. where( )8.A. cantB. can C. hasntD. isnt( )9.A. WeB. ItC. You D. They( )10.A. badB. good C. hard D. better答案与提示:Passage

39、 91. C 从第一句话中的单词food,我们可以推断:一只狐狸在找食物。2. D 选项A: gets, B: comes, C: goes之后都应跟介词to+地点名词,而原句中所给的却是near,所以选择D。3. D 从下文狐狸跳了又跳,可还是够不着,可以得出,这座墙很高。4. D 这句中的名词grapes是复数形式。5. B 表示“在之上”用介词on,所以选择B 。6. B 这句是感叹句,感叹句有两种形式:以What开始的感叹句,其后接名词短语;以How开始的感叹句,其后接形容词。此选项后是形容词nice,所以选择B。7. C 这句是个转折句,他跳了又跳,可墙太高。8. A 因为墙太高,他

40、够不着葡萄。9. D 这句的主语应指上句提到的葡萄grapes.10.B 狐狸因为够不着葡萄,他说葡萄不好吃,所以选择B。Passage 10Its a fine day today. Jims family 1 having a picnic(野餐) .They put a big cloth (布)on the ground(地面). 2 it are some yellow bananas, red apples, 3 and some white eggs. The woman in the white trousers 4 Mrs Green. She is thirty-five

41、. She is 5 English teacher in No. 12 Middle School. The man is 6 father. He is forty. His shirt is black and his trousers 7 yellow. He is a teacher, too. They have a black car, but you cant see 8 in the picture. 9 that boy? Thats Jim. He is drinking(喝水).His shirt is green. The girl 10 him is his sister, Kate. 11 is in a red dress today. Can you see the bag? Yes, its behind thei


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