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1、Unit 3 Computer 学案一、请从课文中找出以下短语:1)和有共同点_ 2)把和比较_3)根据_ 4)计算出,解决_ 5)把按顺序排列_ 6)听起来简单_ 7)以.开始 _ 8)在那时_ 9)解决问题_ 10)流逝,经过_ 11)因此_ 12)把和连接_ 13) 和分享信息 _ 14) 和,而且 _ 15)提供给某人某物_16) 充满 _ 17) 一种高质量的生活_ 18)一个忠诚的朋友_二、 知识详解1 .common. (课文重现)_看这些图片,结对讨论它们有什么共同。【观察思考】1)The problems are common to all society。2)Jane an

2、d I have nothing in common.3)I have nothing in common with Jane【归纳用法】Common在1)中为 _ 词,in common意为“共有,公用(在句中多作状语)”,have nothing/little/a lot/something in common _ sb.与某人没有/许多/有些共同之处【即时活用】1)You know, Dorothy, you and I have _ _ _ _ (有一点是相同的).2)We just had _ _ _ (一点共同点都没有)and I couldnt communicate with

3、his hull friends.2 .compare. (课文重现)_写一张清单,与你的同伴作比较.【观察思考】1)Compare this one with this one.2) We often compare children to the nations flowers. 【归纳用法】compare A _ B 把A与B比较compare A _ B 把A比作B注意:当compare的过去分词短语作状语时,与with或to搭配都表示“与相比”e.g :_(与其他许多同学相比较), you are very lucky.3.simplify sum (课文重现)_尽管当时我还年轻,但

4、是我能简化一些复杂的数学题。【归纳总结】simplify 简化;使简明 _ adj.简单的;朴素的 _ n.简化2)sum n.总数,总和;金额,钱数 v.共计in sum _ sum up _1)I think the process must _ (simplify) to make things easier and to save our time.4it took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage.It took/was + 一段时间+befo

5、re从句是一固定句型,意思是“过后才”【拓展】It didnt take/was long (或一段时间) before.过了不久(一段时间)就It will take/be long (或一段时间)before要过很久才It wont take/be long(或一段时间)before不久就会【即时活用】1) It took five hours _ we arrived at the village.A. since B. than C. before D. after5.go by(课文重现)_随着时间的推移,我被弄的越来越小。【拓展】go against 违背;对不利 go witho

6、ut 勉强维持,凑合;没有而将就go in for _ go over _ go ahead _ go through _go out _ go off _go up _ go down _【即时活用】1) You must _ your papers before you hand them in.A. go down B. go across C. go outD. go through2) Would you please _ this form for me to see if Ive filled it in right?A. take off B. look after C. gi

7、ve up D. go over3) 对不起,房子里的炉火灭了。Im sorry, the fire in the house has _ _.6.as a result (课文重现)_因此,我完全改变了我得形状。【观察思考】1)He runs every day, as a result,he has lost weight.2) She was late as a result of snow.【归纳用法】as a result _(单独使用,其后不接宾语,可位于句首或句中)as a result of _result_由引起;由于(意思等同于lie in)result _结果;导致(意思

8、等同于lead to)【即时活用】1)单项填空He fell the bike and broke his leg as . A. down; result B. off; a result C. onto; a result of D. to; a result of 2)完成句子 由于大雪,他迟到了。He was late the heavy snow. 他考试不及格是由于粗心造成的。His failure in the exam his carelessness. His carelessness _ _ his failure in the exam.7.explore (课文重现)_

9、我还被放置在太空火箭里去探测月球和火星。【思维拓展】explore vt. & vi. 勘探; 探测; 探险 _n. 勘探; 探测; 探险exploratory adj. 勘探的; 探测的; 探索的【即时活用】用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空1) Well take a voyage of _. (explore)2) Columbus discovered America but did not _ the new continent. (explore)8.anyhow(课文重现)_不管怎样,我的目标就是给人类提供高质量的生活.【观察思考】1)He told me not to buy it

10、, but I bought it anyhow.2)It may snow, but anyhow I will go to the town.【归纳拓展】anyhow adv.(也作anyway)不管怎样,无论如何;反正;即使如此somehow adv. 以某种方式, 用某种方法;不知怎么地somewhat adv.有点,稍微【即时活用】1)He may not like my visit, but I shall go and see him 2)My jacket is like yours.3) we lost our way.补充练习: 作业册作业1&2Module 3 Unit

11、3 Computer学案高一级 课型:reading语言点 第4课时 编者 陈晓敏Reading1.Read the passage carefully and fill in the file for Andy.课本P23一、请从课文中找出以下短语。1.在某种程度上_ 2.毕竟_3.处理;对付_ 4.在.的帮助下_5.看管;照顾;看守_二、语言点学习1.signal(原句)_(P23)例如, 我已经学会了用计算机语言向队友示意 归纳拓展signal vi.发信号;vt.示意 n.信号;暗号(1)_警告信号(2)_向某人发出信号(3)_向某人发出做的信号(4)_ _用信号指示,警告【链接训练】

12、We waited for them to give us the _ to move.Asymbol Bsign Csignal Dmark2. personally adv.就个人而言 (原句)_我个人认为得冠军的那个队作弊了。(P23)探索与发现(1)That is your personal affair.(2) Personally, I think the team that won the first place cheated. (3) Personally speaking, I am against his suggestion. 归纳拓展(1)_ adj. 私人的,个人的

13、,亲自的 (2)_ adv.亲自,个人认为(3)_ 我个人认为,以我的看法来说(4) _ 一般而言 (5) frankly speaking 坦率地说练一练完成句子。 (1) _, I think that students are under pressure. 我个人认为学生承受很大的压力。3in a way 在某种程度上;从某一角度看(相当于in one/some way)。(原句)_ 从某种程度上看,我们的程序员就像是我们的教练。(P23)归纳拓展(1)_ 在某种程度上 (2)_the way挡住去路;碍事、妨碍(3)_ ones way to在去的路上 (4)_the way在途中(

14、5)_the way顺便说(问) (6)_way of通过、经由。(7)_this way通过这种办法 (8)_no way决不(9)_any way无论如何,不管怎样(10)_way of通过、经由。练一练用way的相关短语填空。Perhaps he should have said nothing,but _ it was his duty. Im sorry but your leg is _ . I got caught in the heavy rain _ home.4. make up(原句)_这样,我就可以用“人工智能”编制出新的动作。归纳拓展化妆;化装;捏造,虚构(故事,诗等

15、)(1)_ 化妆;化装;捏造,虚构(故事,诗等)(2) _补偿,弥补;(3)_ = consist of由组成(4)_有利于做成某事,有助于做成某事;走向;冲向(5) _理解;懂得;辨认出练习 中译英(1).她总是浓妆艳抹的。_.5. arise vi.产生;出现;vt.起源于,产生于 (原句) _然后她把我在新情况下能用得上的可靠动作准备好。(P23)练一练 ()(1) Many difficulties have _as a result of change over a new type of fuel. A. risen B. arisen C. raised D. lifted6.

16、with the help of在的帮助下 _!不管怎样,在我过目不忘的电子脑的帮助下,运用智能就是我的一切!(P23)归纳拓展(1)_在的帮助下 (因“帮助”体现平等关系,用with。)(2)under the leadership of _(3)under the direction/guidance of _(因“领导、指导”是上下级关系,所以用under。)练一练完成下列句子。 在一位警察的帮助下,我最终找到了他的房子。I found his house_ .(2) 在党的领导下, 我们过着幸福的生活。_, we are living a happy life. 7. after al

17、l毕竟,终究探索与发现He did come after all. Above all ,you must prepare everything you need before the examination.First of all please allow me to introduce myself to you.All in all,Im quite satisfied with it.联想拓展(1) _毕竟,终究 (2) _一点也不(3) _总共,总计 (4) _最重要的是,尤其是(5) _首先 (6) _总的说来8. deal with处理,涉及,对付 _ 这意味着它应该打扫房子,

18、拖地板,做饭以及接打电话。(P24)辨一辨 deal with与do with(1)do with中的do是及物动词,表示如何“处置”,常与what连用,what是do的宾语;(2)deal with中的deal是不及物动词,表示如何应付或安排什么,常用how,how是deal with的状语。练一练 单项填空 (1)He knows _ to deal with man but when he meets women, he doesnt know _ to do. A. what; how B. what; what C. how; what D. how; how三、重点句型。新坐标学案

19、P36补充练习:作业册作业四现在完成时的被动语态一、概念【观察与思考】1.Our classroom has been cleaned,so you neednt clean it now.2.The letters have not been typed by now.3.Have the clothes been washed?现在完成时的被动语态强调一个发生在过去的被动动作,它有两层意思:1_ 2. _二、现在完成时被动语态的构成 现在完成时被动语态的肯定式和否定式的构成_现在完成时被动语态的一般疑问式和特殊疑问式的构成_三、现在完成时的被动语态的用法1表示被动的动作发生在说话之前(即现

20、在的过去),强调对现在造成的影响和结果。如:The door has been locked门被锁上了。(结果是现在没有人能进去)2在过去发生的一直延续到现在的并可能持续下去的被动动作或状态。常与for或since引导的时间状语连用,或用于“How long.?”句型中。这台机器已经使用了三年了。The machine _ for 3 years.这部车修了多长时间了?How long_ the car _?三、使用现在完成时的被动语态需要注意的问题1现在完成时的被动语态有两个助动词,即 _和_,两者缺一不可。He has repaired the computer. Have they pa

21、inted the door?_ _2注意与一般过去时被动语态的区别。(1)一般过去时的被动语态表示一个被动的动作发生在过去某个时候,其结果对现在没有影响;(2)而现在完成时被动语态的动作或状态尽管发生在过去,但侧重说明该动作或状态对现在造成的影响和结果。例如:_这房子是去年建造的。_这房子已经建好了。3非延续性动词,如borrow,finish,begin,start,buy,marry,open,join等构成的现在完成时的被动语态不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。若要表达相应的意思,则要改换动词或时态。How long has this dictionary been borrowed?()

22、(改为一般过去时)_ _(换动词keep)_但这类动词的否定式可表示动作的持续过程,具有延续性,因而可与since或for引导的时间段连用。例如:No books have been bought since last week自上周以来,没有人来买过书。4. 副词的位置often, usually, always, never, hardly等副词通常置于have/has和been的中间。如:Such a man has been hardly believed. ()正:_5短语动词是一个不可分割的整体,在被动结构中要保持完整性,不可省略短语动词中的介词或副词。例如:The police

23、have looked into the problem._补充练习:作业册作业三Writing Task for Unit 3 computers任务一、用括号中所给的词翻译下列句子。1、在计算机的帮助下,人类的生活十越来越方便了。(with the help of, technology, human race, convenient life) 2、我们可以把材料或信息输入计算机,通过网络与我们的生意伙伴进行交流。(type, teammates) 3、计算机也可以在程序员的操作下取代我们处理很危险的工作。(deal with) 4、在某种程度上,计算机的优势超过人类的优势。(in a

24、way) 5、人们创造一些人工智能的机器人来帮助我们人类。(artificial intelligence) 6、一些人担心滥用计算机会出现危险的问题。(arise) 7、就我个人而言,有政府的监督,计算机可以弥补我们的不足并且帮助我们做很多事情。(personally, watch over) 任务二、将以上句子合并成一篇5句话的连贯的短文,题目:The use of computer。(常用模板) There is a widespread concern over the issue about the use of computer.(这句为文章开头部分,题目给出的,不计入句子数量)

25、Most of people think that.(观点一). In their views,in the first place,.(论据一). Furthermore,in the second place,.(论据二). As is known to us all, every coin has two sides, and some people hold the idea that.(观点二).As far as i am concerned, I firmly support the view that.(自己的观点). There is a widespread concern over the issue about the use of computer. _


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