初中英语动词时态所有考点100道单选题(附答案)(DOC 20页).docx

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初中英语动词时态所有考点100道单选题(附答案)(DOC 20页).docx_第1页
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初中英语动词时态所有考点100道单选题(附答案)(DOC 20页).docx_第5页
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1、初中英语动词时态所有考点100 道单选题(附答案)1. WhereUncle Sun yesterday?A. was B. were C. did D. does2. Theygoing to see Mr. Sun tomorrow.A. isB. are C. am D. be3. Some arein the river and some aregames.A. swiming, playingB. swimming, plaiingC. swimming, playingD. swimming, plaing4. Where is Dick? Heto the reading-roo

2、m.A. has been B. wentC. has gone D. goes5. Mark Twain, an American writer,everybody here.A. knowsB. is known asC. is known to D. is known for6. I hope he will come to see me before hehere.A. leave B. leaves C. will leave D. left7. My teacher told me that AustraliansA. spokeB. speakC. speaks D. are s

3、peakingEnglish.8. I think sheright now.A. reading B. reads C. is reading D. read9. - Where are the children?- Theya good time in the garden.A. are having B. have C. have had D. had10. - Wheremy glasses? I can t find them.- Ithem on the bookshelf, but they aren t there.A. you put, putB. you have put,

4、 have putC. have you put, putD. did you put, have put11. When the police arrived, the man A. died B. was deathfor 10 minutes.C. had died D. had been dead12. By the time this talk is over, we A. will be learning B. are learningC. world learn D. will have learnta lot about the earth.13. Theteachers to

5、ldme thattheyme tosmooth awaythedifficulties.A. helped B. will helpC. help D. were going to help14. -Have you seen him today?-Yes, Ihim this morning.A. has seenB. see C. will see D. saw15. Heworried when he heard this news.A. is B. was C. does D. did16. What s your friend goingnext week.A. doing B.

6、do C. does D. to do17. I don t think that it s true. He s alwaysstrange stories.A. tell B. telling C. told D. tells18. Have you everWest Hill Farm?A. gone toB. arrived C. come to D. been to19. How longhethe novel?A. has, borrowed B. has, keptC. has, lent D. is, using20. HeA. is beginingto do this le

7、ssons at eight every evening.B. is beginningC. begin D. begins21. The childrenA. are going to hasB. is going to haveC. are havingD. are going to havea swim this afternoon.22. Therea telephone call for my brother Steven yesterday.A. isB. are C. was D. were23.heon well with his friends this term?A. Do

8、es, gets B. Does, getC. Is, getting D. Is, geting24. Whoaway my pen? I can t find it.A. haven takenB. takesC. has taken D. took25. Shall wefootball this Saturday?A. playB. playing C. plays D. to play26. The childrenat school now.A. isB. areC. was D. were27. Mr. Smithshort stories, but heA. is writin

9、g, is writingB. is writing, writesC. writes, is writingD. writes, writesa TV play these days.28. He said hethe league for two years.A. has joined B. has been inC. had been in D. joined29. She likes watering trees in the garden,she?A. doesn tB. don tC. isn t D. didn t30. Whatyouto do to keep the room

10、 clean?A. do, haveB. does, haveC. did, have D. are, have31. Some flowersby Kate already.A. have been watered B. wateredC. have watered D. has been watered32. When winter comes, the leaves A. are going to B. will C. will be D. wouldfall.33. Ito the cinema. Ithere every Sunday.A. go, goB. am going, go

11、C. go, am goingD. am going, am going34. Youabout the future now,you?A. don t think, don tB. aren t thinking, aren tC. don t think, doD. aren t thinking, are35. He was afraid that heA. would lostB. would loseC. is going to D. shall losehis way.36. Weeach other since he left here.A. didn t seeB. hadn

12、t seenC. haven t seen D. had seen37. Mr. SmithA. is goingout for a walk in the park every day.B. goes C. went D. go38. Hefrom home for a long time.A. has gone away B. had gone awayC. has left D. has been away39. You mustn t go too high, or you A. will be B. are C. would be D. is going todangerous.40

13、. We have known each otherA. since we were young B. after we were youngC. when we are youngD. if we are young.41. She promised shedo better work.A. would B. willC. shall D. is going to42. How long has this shop A. be open B. been open C. opened D. been opened?43. Mr. SmithA. had lived B. have liveC.

14、 have lived D. has livedhere since he moved to his city.44. -Have you read the newspaper?-No, I havenA. too B. yet t.C. just D. already45. Our knowledge of the universeall the time.A. grow B. is growingC. grows D. grew46. She won t go to the cinema if shethe work tomorrow.A. doesn t finish B. won t

15、finishC. will finish D. finish47. My grandmafor half a year.A. has been dead B. was deadC. has died D. died48. Sheto the Great Wall several times.A. goesB. has goneC. went D. has been49. The earthround the sun.A. moveB. movesC. moved D. will move50. Liu Fengweithree yuan for the lost library book.A.

16、 paidB. spent C. cost D. took51. Ithe bike for over four years.A. have boughtB. have buyC. have had D. bought52. He told us that hethat factory the next day.A. had visitedB. has visitedC. will visit D. would visit53. His motherthe Partylastyear. SheaParty memberforayear.A. joined, wasB. has joined,

17、isC. joined, has beenD. has joined, has been54. We don t know if itthe day after tomorrow.A. will rain B. rainsC. rained D. would rain55. He said hehis life for his country.A. give B. gave C. had given D. would give56. He alwaysto the park on Sunday morning.A. go B. goes C. went D. is going57. Look,

18、 the studentsto the teacher carefully.A. is listening B. are listeningC. listen D. listened58. Hein this school in 1958.A. taughtB. has taughtC. teaches D. had taught59. They said theyA. will flyB. had flownC. would fly D. flewto England the next day.60. Theythe work in two days.A. had finished B. w

19、ould finishedC. is finishing D. will finish61. By the end of last week, wetwo thousand words.A. would learn B. have learnedC. had learned D. were learning62. When he left, his mother.A. is cooking B. cookedC. was cooking D. cooks63. We ll go to play with snow if ittomorrow.A. snowB. snowsC. will sno

20、w D. snowed64. Thereno milk in the glass.A. haveB. has C. are D. is65. The trainwhen we got to the station.A. has just left B. had just leftC. leaves D. left66. Dr Smith is not at home. Heto work.A. has gone B. has beenC. had been D. had gone67. That man knows a lot about New York. I heard hebefore.

21、A. had gone to the cityB. had been in thereC. had been thereD. had been New York68. The artistto Europe. He is there now.A. has gone B. has beenC. had gone D. had been69. Miss Brown said sheneverto North China before.A. has, goneB. has, beenC. had, gone D. had, been70. Whatyour grandmathis time yest

22、erday?A. is, doingB. was, doingC. did, do D. had, done71. Ito see the film because I have lost my ticket.A. won t go B. didn t goC. don t go D. haven t gone72. The students will have a football match if itfine next Saturday.A. will be B. would beC. was D. is73. She asked me if IA. have readB. had re

23、adC. would read D. will readthe story before.74. Whattheyat eight yesterday evening?A. are, doing B. did, doC. have, done D. were, doing75. You can t see him now because he A. is having B. have C. has D. was havingan important meeting.76. Ito my brother since last summer.A. didn t write B. hadn t wr

24、ittenC. haven t written D. don t write77. Li Ping will visit the Great Wall as soon as he A. will be B. is C. was D. has beenfree.78. One day when I the post office I A. pass, see B. was passing, saw C. passed, saw D. pass, sawmy uncle.79. Hehesome mistakes in the test.A. said, will make B. said, ma

25、deC. said, had made D. said, make80. They tired so they stopped A. are, have B. were, have C. were, to have D. are, havinga rest.81. My fatherevery day.A. takes a walk B. took walkC. take a walk D. is taking a walk82. Mary is seven years old. She A. is B. will C. was D. will beeight next year.83. A

26、table and many chairsA. was B. wereC. are being D. was beingmade by him yesterday.84. I ll go with you as soon as I A. will finish B. shall finish C. finish D. finishedmy work.85. Treesgreen in spring.A. turn B. turnsC. would turn D. is turning86. Yesterday IA. lay B. lie C. laid D. lainin bed all d

27、ay because I had a fever.87. Hello, Mike.Its you. Iyouin Beijing.Howlonghaveyou been here?A. don t know, wereB. hadn t know, areC. haven t known, areD. didn t know, were88. A: Whenagain?B: When heA. he comes, comes. I ll let you know.B. will be come, will comeC. he comes, will comeD. will he come, c

28、omes89. The last busA. had gone B. have goneC. went D. has gone. I had to walk home.90. A: Are you making cakes? B:A. Yes, I do B. Yes, I am.C. Yes, I m D. Yes, I m making91. -What time?-My watch.A. it is, stoppedB. is it, has stoppedC. it is, has stopped D. is it, is stopping92. Whaton Sunday?A. do

29、es he sometimes doB. is he often doingC. has he doneD. is usually he do93. Didyouhear someoneatthedoorwhen youTV last night?A. knock, was watchingB. knock, watchingC. knock, were watchingD. knock, are watching94. ThatJapaneseknowstheSaltLakeCity. I heardhebefore.A. a lot of, had been thereB. a lot a

30、bout, had been thereC. lot, had been thereD. a lot of, had gone there95. As soon as we saw his face, wethe newsbad.A. knew, was B. know, wereC. know, was D. know, were96.Reading English magazines andnewspapershelpful to yourstudy of English.A. is B. are C. will D. is going to do97. Mary, whatdoing?A

31、. she is B. are you C. you are D. is98. A: Is this a new radio? B: No, I A. have B. have had C. had had D. will haveit for five years.99. I m sure he will come to see me before he A. will leave B. is leaving C. would leave D. leavesBeijing.100. It seemed that heA. have lost B. lostC. had lost D. has lostedsomething expensive.


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