《通信与电子信息科技英语》课件unit 8.ppt

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1、Introduction to Matlab New words and phrases1 matrix n.矩阵(pl.matrices)2 project n.项目,工程3 stateoftheart n.目前发展水平;发展现状4 evolve v.(使)发展,(使)进展5 instructional adj.教育的,指导的6 introductory adj.介绍的,导言的,初步的7 productivity n.生产力;生产率8 intuitive adj.直观的,直觉的9 community n.团体10 academia n.学术界,学术机构11 recognized adj.公认

2、的,经过验证的12 instrumentation n.仪器;测试设备Introduction to Matlab 13 architecture n.体系结构 open architecture开放式体系结构14 companion n.同伴,共事者15 insight n.洞察力,见识16 simulation n.模仿,模拟17 prototype n.样机,原型prototypingn.样机研究,原型设计18 dynamic n.动态的19 diagram n.图表20 numeric adj.数字的21 functionality n.函数性22 compact adj.紧凑的,简洁

3、的23 creativity n.创造力,创造24 alternative n.可供选择的办法、事物Introduction to Matlab 25 builtin adj.内置的,固定的,嵌入的builtin interface嵌入式界面26 platform n.平台27 acquisition n.采集,获得data acquisition数据采集28 visualize vt.形象化,想象visualizationn.视觉化,形象化29 import vt.输入30 Fortran n.一种计算机语言formula translation31.Java n.一种计算机程序设计语言32

4、 interactive adj.交互式的33 Excel (微软公司的)表格处理软件34 addon n.附加,附加物35 compiler n.编译器36 exploration n.探险,探测Introduction to Matlab 37 algorithm n.算法38 incorporate vt.合并,并入,合为一体 algebran.代数学 linear algebra线性代数40 subroutine n.子程序41 embed vt.(使)嵌入42 vector n.矢量,向量43 optimize vt.优化44 routine n.程序external routine

5、外部程序45 eigenvalue n.特征值46 singular adj.奇异的singular value奇异值47 factorization n.因数分解matrix factorization矩阵因子分解48 plotting n.绘图,标图plot n.图表,曲线Introduction to Matlab 49 polynomial n.多项式;adj.多项式的50 interpolation n.内插51differentiation n.微分法,求导数differential adj.微分的;n.微分differential equation微分方程52 convoluti

6、on n.卷积,褶积53 regression n.回归54 integration n.积分(法)numerical integration数值积分55 quadrature n.求积分56 parabolic adj.抛物线的57 elliptic adj.椭圆的,椭圆形的 sparseadj.稀疏的 sparse matrix 稀疏矩阵59 iterative adj.迭代的iterative method迭代法60 contour n.轮廓,围线Introduction to Matlab 61 customize v.定制62.written adj.书面的63.live adj.生

7、动的64.histogram n.直方图,矩形统计图65.mesh n.网目,网格;vt.使成网状66.sphere n.球,球体67.patch n.补片,碎片68.triangulate vt.使成三角形69.grid n.格子,栅格70.scalar n.标量71.annotation n.注解,注释72.rendering n.绘制,描绘Introduction to Matlab 73.quiver n.容器74.ribbon n.带状物75.scatter n.散点图,散射,散布76.stem n.杆77.animation n.动画78.legend n.图标符号,图注79.is

8、o 相等的(元音前作is)isosurface adj.等面的 80.streamline adj.流线型的81.versatile adj.通用的,多用途的82.tackle vt.解决,处理(问题)1.stand for 代表,代替2.home base 工作基地;大本营,总部Introduction to Matlab 3.in place of 代替4.external database 外部数据库5.structured language 结构化语言6.matrix factorization 矩阵分解7.curve fitting 曲线拟合(法)8.linear equation

9、线性方程9.partial fraction expansion 部分分数展开10.digital filter 数字滤波器11.FFT(fast Fourier transform)快速傅立叶变换12.descriptive statistics 描述统计(学)13.data preprocessing 数据预处理 14.initial value 初值15.ODE(ordinary differential equation)常微分方程Introduction to Matlab16.DAE(differentialalgebraic equation)微分代数方程17.PDE(parti

10、al differential equation)偏微分方程18.GUI(graphical user interface)图形用户接口19.API(application programming interface)应用程序接口20.TIFF(tagged image file format)标记图像文件格式21.JPEG(joint photographic experts Group)联合图像专家组(课文中指JPEG压缩图像文件)22.PNG(portable network graphic)可移植的网络图像文件格式23.BMP(bit map)位图24.HDF(hierarchical

11、 data format)层次数据格式Introduction to Matlab25.AVI(audio video interleaved)声音图像交错存放的文件格式,声像文件26.PCX 图形文件27.OOP(objectoriented programming)面向对象程序设计28.geographic mapping 地理制图29.data structure 数据结构Introduction to Matlab The name MATLAB stands for matrix laboratory.MATLAB was originally written to provide

12、easy access to matrix software developed by the LINPACK and EISPACK projects.Today,MATLAB uses software developed by the LAPACK and ARPACK projects,which together represent the stateoftheart in software for matrix computation.MATLAB has evolved over a period of years with input from many users.It is

13、 produced by MathWorks,as shown in Fig.81.In university environments,it is the standard instructional tool for introductory and advanced courses in mathematics,engineering,and science.In industry,MATLAB is the tool of choice for highproductivity research,development,and analysis.Introduction to Matl

14、ab MATLAB is an intuitive language and a technical computing environment.With a usercommunity more than 500 000 strong spread throughout industry,government,and academia,MATLAB is the recognized standard worldwide for technical computing.MATLAB is used in a variety of application areas,including sig

15、nal and image processing,control system design,earth and life sciences,finance and economics,and instrumentation.The open architecture makes it easy to use MATLAB and companion products to explore data and create custom tools that provide early insights and competitive advantages.Simulink is a simul

16、ation and prototyping environment for modeling,simulating,and analyzing real world,dynamic systems.Simulink provides a block diagram interface that is built on the core MATLAB numeric,graphics,and programming functionality.Exercises.Please translate the following words and phrases into Chinese.1.mat

17、rix computation2.control system design3.earth and life science4.open architecture5.I/O6.structured language7.matrix factorization 8.image processing toolbox 9.addon 10.curve fitting矩阵计算矩阵计算控制系统设计控制系统设计地球和生命科学地球和生命科学开放型结构开放型结构输入输入/输出输出(Input/Output)结构化语言结构化语言矩阵因数分解矩阵因数分解图像处理工具箱图像处理工具箱附加附加曲线拟合曲线拟合(法法)

18、Exercises11.external routine12.timeconsuming13.descriptive statistics14.PDE15.geographic mapping16.data structure17.stateoftheart18.GUI19.OOP20.iterative method外部(例行)程序外部(例行)程序耗费时间的耗费时间的,旷日持久的旷日持久的描述统计描述统计(学学)偏微分方程(偏微分方程(partial differential equation)地理制图地理制图数据结构数据结构目前发展水平;发展现状目前发展水平;发展现状图形用户接口(图形用户

19、接口(graphic(al)user interface)面向对象程序设计面向对象程序设计(object oriented programming)迭代法迭代法Exercises.Please translate the following words and phrases into English.1.矩阵2.数值积分3.数据采集4.线性代数5.部分分数展开6.嵌入式界面7.奇异值8.常微分方程9.稀疏矩阵10.面向对象的程序设计11.初值12.特征向量Matrixnumerical integrationdata acquisitionlinear algebrapartial frac

20、tion expansionbuiltin interfacesingular valuesODE(ordinary differential equation)sparse matrixOOP(Object Oriented Programming)initial valueeigenvectorExercises.Fill in the blanks with the missing word(s).1.MATLAB has evolved over a period of years with input from many users.2.Simulink provides a blo

21、ck diagram interface that is built on the core MATLAB numeric,graphics,and programming functionality.3.Users have found that the combination of the intuitive MATLAB interface,language,and the builtin math and graphics functions make MATLAB the preferred platform for technical computing compared to C

22、,Fortran,and other languages and applications.4.Using the builtin math and graphics functions and easytouse tools,you can analyze and visualize your data on the fly.5.These algorithms,developed by experts in mathematics,are the foundationof the MATLAB language.Exercises6.The math is optimized for ma

23、trix and vector operations,so you can use it in place of lowlevel languages like C and C+.7.These functions are intended to help scientists and engineers visualize and understand large,often complex,multidimensional data.8.Language features include data structures,objectoriented programming(OOP),gra

24、phical user interface(GUI)development tools,debugging features,and the ability to link to C,C+,Fortran,and Java routines.9.With MATLAB,you can customize virtually (virtually,virtual)any aspect of your plots and produce highquality graphics for written and live presentations.10.MATLAB frees engineers

25、 and scientists to focus on their real work,avoiding the timeconsuming tasks of looking for,developing develop,developing),debuging,and maintaining homegrown codes.Exercises.Answer the following questions according to the text.1.What is the original purpose of writing MATLAB?MATLAB was originally wr

26、itten to provide easy access to matrix software developed by the LINPACK and EISPACK projects2.In which areas is MATLAB used according to the text?MATLAB is used in a variety of application areas,including signal and image processing,control system design,earth and life sciences,finance and economic

27、s,and instrumentation.Exercises3.Please write out the key features of MATLAB from the textThe key features of MATLAB include:Numeric computing for quick and accurate results Graphics to visualize and analyze your data Interactive language and programming environment Tools for building custom GUIs In

28、tegrate with external applications comprised of C,C+,Fortran,Java,COM components and Excel Support for importing data from files and external devices and for using low level file I/O(plus access to databases and additional hardware via addon products)Conversion of MATLAB applications to C and C+with

29、 the Compiler.4.Why can MATLAB give you immediate access to highperformance numeric computing?With more than 600 mathematical,statistical,and engineering functions,MATLAB gives you immediate access to highperformance numeric computingExercises5.Please list some functions in MATLAB for performing mat

30、hematical operations and analyzing data.MATLAB provides many functions for performing mathematical operations and analyzing data,including functions for working with:1)Matrices and linear algebra;2)Polynomials and interpolation;3)Signal processing;4)Data analysis and statistics;5)Function functions;6)Differential equations;7)Sparse matrices.


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