1、2021年新高考英语外刊讲义第14课时原文续11-03Surveillanceat work is nothing new. Factory workers have long clocked in and out; bosses can already see whatidle workersdo on their computers. But AI makesubiquitoussurveillance worthwhile, because every bit of data is potentially valuable. Few laws govern how data are co
2、llected at work, and many employees unguardedly consent to surveillance when they sign their employment contract. Where does all this lead?工作中的监控并不是什么新鲜事。工厂工人一直都在打卡上下班;老板们也已经能看到无所事事的员工在电脑上干什么。但是有了AI之后,就值得部署无处不在的全面监控了,因为每一个数据都有潜在的价值。很少有法律规定该如何收集工作数据,而且许多员工在签订雇佣合同时都会毫无戒心地同意接受监控。这一切会导致什么结果?词汇讲解 surveil
3、lance它本义指“注视及纪录被怀疑正在涉及刑事活动的人或处所的动静”(Watching and recording the movements of a person or premises suspected of being involvedin criminal activity.),话题相关:CCTV cameras, interception, listening device, wire tappingo CCTV cameras:闭路电视摄影机o interception:截取,即“以听觉或以电磁、传音、机械或其他装置的方法获得邮递通讯或透过电讯系统传送的通讯的内容”(the
4、aural or other acquisition of the contents of any postal communication, telecommunication, or telecommunication through the use of any electro-magnetic, acoustic, mechanical or other device)o listening device:监听装置,即“能被用作记录或听取讲出的文字之工具、仪器、装置或设备”(An instrument, apparatus, device, or equipment capable o
5、f being used to record or listen to spoken words.)o wire tapping:窃听,即“使用电子或机械设备获取传输资讯或私人电话交谈内容、电脑数据、或发送至其他人的传真等”(The use of electronic or mechanical equipment to gain access to transmissions or private telephone conversations, computer data, or facsimiles, sent to someone else.) idle workers文中释义:无所事
6、事的员工idle文中这里表示“空闲的”、“工作不忙的”、“偷懒的”,同义于inactive和lazy相关同义词拓展如果偏向于lazy则同义词还有fainant, indolent,slothful如果偏向于inactive则同义词有inert, passive, dormant, torpid, supineo faineant kings under whose rule the country languished 国家在懒政的国王的统治之下日渐衰落o an indolent hanger-on 好逸恶劳的食客o slothful employees 懒惰的雇员o “The Honorab
7、le Mrs. Jamieson . . . was fatand inert, and very much at the mercy of her old servants” (Elizabeth C.Gaskell). “高贵的贾米逊夫人身材肥胖,行动迟钝,非常需要她的老仆人们的帮助 (伊丽莎白C盖斯凯尔)。o “Much benevolence of the passive order maybe traced to a disinclination to inflict pain upon oneself” (George Meredith). “人的许多被动的善行是源于不愿给自己造成
8、痛苦”(乔治梅雷迪斯)。o Her feelings of affection are dormant but easily awakened. “她的钟爱之情蛰伏着但很容易被唤醒。o “It is a mans own fault, it is from want of use, if his mind grows torpid in old age” (Samuel Johnson). “一个人老的时候如果因为很少使用头脑而使它变得麻木,那是他自己的过错”(萨缪尔约翰逊)。o “No other colony showed such supine, selfish helplessness
9、 in allowing her own border citizens to be mercilessly harried” (Theodore Roosevelt). “没有一个别的殖民地在自己边界上的居民被无情地蹂躏时能表现出这样一种苟安的、自私的无助”(希奥多罗斯福)拓展讲解上述倒数第二个例句中的want这里为熟词辟义,表示“缺少”。 ubiquitous它表示“无处不在的”(existing or being everywhere at the same time; constantly encountered),含义相近的词汇有omnipresent和widespreado Is
10、there no escape from the ubiquitous cigarette smoke in restaurants? 餐厅里吸烟的烟雾就没有地方躲得过去吗?o ubiquitous traffic wardens到处都是管违章停车的交通管理员o “plodded through the shadows fruitlessly like an ubiquitous spook” (Joseph Heller) “像无所不在的鬼一样,徒劳地在阴影中缓慢不停地走动” (约瑟夫赫勒)omnipresent相关构词拓展omnipresent的构词十分规整“omnipresent= om
11、ni- + present”,其中包含词缀omni-表示“全” (all),示例补充:o omnidirectional “全方向的”o omnipotence “全能”o omniscience “全知”o an omnivore (=an animal that eats all kindsof food) “杂食动物”英语点睛翻译知识点:英汉成语的互译方法分析:成语是一个民族在长期使用语言过程中,千锤百炼创造出来, 具有浓厚的历史、民族和地方色彩的,独特、固定的表达方式。中文多喜欢用四字格,在此段中就有了idle-无所事事,ubiquitous-无处不在和unguardedly-毫无戒心
12、三个四字格表达。那么,在汉英的成语互译中都有些什么方法呢?1. 借用法(译成本族语中相应的同义成语)由于人们在感情上,在对客观事物的感受及社会经历等方面存在相似之处,有的英语成语和汉语成语在内容和形式上都符合或基本符合,它们不仅有相同的意义或隐义,并且有相同的或类似的比喻, 翻译时可采用借用法 ,即将其直接套译成相应的汉语成语或英语成语。如:plain sailing 一帆风顺to spend money like water挥金如土like father, like son有其父必有其子to add fuel to the fire 火上浇油to fish in troubled water
13、s 混水摸鱼a nodding acquaintance 点头之交a drop in the ocean 沧海一粟an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth 以眼还眼, 以牙还牙smell of the baby 乳臭未干Walls have ears. 隔墙有耳Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁to go from bad to worse 每况愈下at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟to burn one s boats 破釜沉舟to shed croco
14、dile tears 猫哭老鼠2. 直译法有些英汉成语比喻形象生动,具有鲜明独特的民族和地方色彩,反映了中英两国的文化习俗, 蕴含了一定的地理、历史、宗教信仰等背景知识。为了能够忠实地反映这些成语的内在特点,可以采取保留原文表达方式的直译。现举例如下:英语-汉语: to show one s cards 摊牌, a gentleman s agreement 君子协定, to turnover a new leaf 揭开新的一页。汉语-英语: 自食其果 to eat the fruit of one s own doings,路遥知马力, 日久见人心 A long road tests a h
15、orse s strength and a long task proves a man s heart。3. 意译法有些成语由于文化因素的影响,在本族语中找不到相应的同义成语, 有些成语的形成时期较早, 有些成语包含典故, 仅从字面上是译不通的。如果仅从字面上翻译, 就会出现将“胸有成竹” 译成 There is a bamboo in one sheart 这样的笑话。在忠于原文的前提之下 ,根据上下文可采用意译, 即对原文的比喻或表达形式在译文中作适当的调整,进行文化补充, 使之既保持了原文思想内容的完整性, 又符合本族语的表达习惯。英语-汉语: the apple of one s e
16、ye 掌上明珠, to rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨 , to break the ice 打破僵局, a bolt from the blue 晴天霹雳, to let the cat out of the bag 泄漏天机。汉语-英语: 出人头地 to be head and shoulders above others, 变本加厉 to step up ,吹毛求疵 to pick a hole in one s coat , 生灵涂炭 to plunge the people into misery and suffering。有时,为了帮助读者理解,有的还需要加注。
17、如: carry coals to New castle 运煤到纽卡尔, 多此一举 (注: 纽卡尔是英国的一个产煤中心), 班门弄斧 show off one s proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban the master carpenter 。参考文献: 1黄频频.英汉成语的文化差异与翻译J.安徽广播电视大学学报,2006(04):84-86.写作积累 Surveillance at workis nothing new. 工作中的监控并不是什么新鲜事。 Factory workers have longclocked in and out工厂工人一直都在打卡上下班 Few lawsgovernhow data are collected at work, and many employeesunguardedlyconsent to surveillance when they sign their employment contract.Where does all this lead?很少有法律规定该如何收集工作数据,而且许多员工在签订雇佣合同时都会毫无戒心地同意接受监控。这一切会导致什么结果?-未完待续-