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1、Unit 1口译技能:口译技能:An Introduction to Interpreting口译场景:口译场景:At the Travel AgencyWarming upInterpreting SkillsPutting into PracticeRelated Vocabulary and ExpressionsActing as an InterpreterKnowledge LinksContentsWarming upWarming upWhen talking about tourism,people will think of travel agencies.Of cours

2、e,some people choose group tour or self-driving travel,others choose self-organized travel.Now if you want to travel with your friends,what way will you choose?Discuses with your friends and tell them the reasons.Interpreting SkillsAn Introduction to Interpreting口译概述口译概述一、口译的定义及特点一、口译的定义及特点口译,简而言之即口

3、头翻译,是翻译的一种表现形式。它通过口头表达的口译,简而言之即口头翻译,是翻译的一种表现形式。它通过口头表达的形式,在两种或多种语言间,准确又快速地传递信息,从而达到即时交流的目形式,在两种或多种语言间,准确又快速地传递信息,从而达到即时交流的目的。的。与口译相对应的另一种翻译形式是笔译。口译与笔译有很多共同的特点。与口译相对应的另一种翻译形式是笔译。口译与笔译有很多共同的特点。一是它们都要达到在源语言一是它们都要达到在源语言(source language)和目标语言和目标语言(target language)间传间传递信息的目的。二是这两种形式的翻译都可以以递信息的目的。二是这两种形式的翻

4、译都可以以“信信”、“达达”、“雅雅”作为作为评判翻译质量的标准。然而,与笔译相比较而言,口译有其自身独有的特点。评判翻译质量的标准。然而,与笔译相比较而言,口译有其自身独有的特点。Interpreting SkillsAn Introduction to Interpreting口译概述口译概述一、口译的定义及特点一、口译的定义及特点一是现场反映的及时性一是现场反映的及时性。在口译现场,口译员听到源语言后要现场快速。在口译现场,口译员听到源语言后要现场快速地进行翻译,且很难获得场外的援助。关于这一特质,我国著名的翻译家梅地进行翻译,且很难获得场外的援助。关于这一特质,我国著名的翻译家梅德明教


6、头表达的流畅性。在理解记忆了源语言之后,口译在理解记忆了源语言之后,口译员要用目标语言,以口头形式流畅地表达出来。那么口头表达能力也是口译员要用目标语言,以口头形式流畅地表达出来。那么口头表达能力也是口译的重要特点。的重要特点。Interpreting SkillsAn Introduction to Interpreting口译概述口译概述一、口译的定义及特点一、口译的定义及特点同样以口头形式来进行表达,口译和口语之间有着不容忽视的区别。首同样以口头形式来进行表达,口译和口语之间有着不容忽视的区别。首先,口语是口译的基础,口译是在口语高级阶段训练基础上进行的。其次,先,口语是口译的基础,口译

7、是在口语高级阶段训练基础上进行的。其次,口语是指一个人用外语表达自己的思想和观点,而口译则是译员用外语表达口语是指一个人用外语表达自己的思想和观点,而口译则是译员用外语表达别人的思想和观点。译员不仅要努力正确理解讲话人的思想,还要竭力避免别人的思想和观点。译员不仅要努力正确理解讲话人的思想,还要竭力避免在口译中参杂自己的思想。在口译中参杂自己的思想。Interpreting SkillsAn Introduction to Interpreting口译概述口译概述一、口译的定义及特点一、口译的定义及特点旅游英语口译,作为口译在旅游环境中的运用也有它自身的特点。就口旅游英语口译,作为口译在旅游环


9、相关知识的积累,以及俗语、成语因此旅游英语口译人员平时就要注意旅游相关知识的积累,以及俗语、成语的翻译技巧训练。的翻译技巧训练。Interpreting SkillsAn Introduction to Interpreting口译概述口译概述二、口译的分类二、口译的分类口译按其操作形式,可以分为以下两种:口译按其操作形式,可以分为以下两种:交替口译交替口译(consecutive interpreting),是指口译员在演说者自然停顿的间,是指口译员在演说者自然停顿的间隙,将信息一组一组地传译给听众。这是目前运用最广泛的一种口译形式。隙,将信息一组一组地传译给听众。这是目前运用最广泛的一种口

10、译形式。由于演说者的停顿可能在一个句子,几个句子,甚至一个段落之后,因此交由于演说者的停顿可能在一个句子,几个句子,甚至一个段落之后,因此交替传译对口译笔记的要求较高。替传译对口译笔记的要求较高。同声传译同声传译(simultaneous interpreting),是指在演说者发言的同时,口译员是指在演说者发言的同时,口译员不做停顿地把讲话内容传译给听众。这种口译形式多用于国际会议等多语种不做停顿地把讲话内容传译给听众。这种口译形式多用于国际会议等多语种的环境下,其特点是效率高,难度大,成本高,准确度相对较低。的环境下,其特点是效率高,难度大,成本高,准确度相对较低。Interpreting

11、 SkillsAn Introduction to Interpreting口译概述口译概述三、口译人员的基本素质三、口译人员的基本素质根据口译的特点和要求,出色的口译员首先要有敏锐的听力理根据口译的特点和要求,出色的口译员首先要有敏锐的听力理解能力,良好的口头表达能力及突出的准确记忆能力。其次要掌握解能力,良好的口头表达能力及突出的准确记忆能力。其次要掌握口译笔记等多种口译技巧。再次要有扎实的语言功底,广泛的知识口译笔记等多种口译技巧。再次要有扎实的语言功底,广泛的知识面及跨文化意识。面及跨文化意识。Interpreting SkillsAn Introduction to Interpre


13、人们对贴近生活实景,生动、形象还与待识记语料是否具有形象性有关。人们对贴近生活实景,生动、形象的描述记忆起来会比较容易,印象也比较深刻。的描述记忆起来会比较容易,印象也比较深刻。Interpreting SkillsAn Introduction to Interpreting口译概述口译概述四、口译记忆训练方法四、口译记忆训练方法在口译学习过程中要进行一些记忆训练以提高记忆能力。常见的记忆在口译学习过程中要进行一些记忆训练以提高记忆能力。常见的记忆训练有:训练有:1.信息视觉化和现实化训练:信息视觉化和现实化训练:运用联想将所接收的信息在大脑中形成运用联想将所接收的信息在大脑中形成图像。图像


15、半自动化半自动化”的技能的技能加以掌握,即在听到一段讲话后能够加以掌握,即在听到一段讲话后能够“本能本能”地对其进行逻辑层次的分析地对其进行逻辑层次的分析并加以记忆。并加以记忆。Interpreting SkillsAn Introduction to Interpreting口译概述口译概述四、口译记忆训练方法四、口译记忆训练方法3.影子训练:影子训练:影子练习影子练习(shadowing exercise)又叫跟读练习。就是用同又叫跟读练习。就是用同种语言几乎同步地跟读发言人的讲话或事先录制好的录音、资料等。该训种语言几乎同步地跟读发言人的讲话或事先录制好的录音、资料等。该训练的目的是培养

16、译员的注意力分配(练的目的是培养译员的注意力分配(split of attention)和听说同步进行的)和听说同步进行的同声传译技能。做影子练习时,开始的时候可以与原语同步开始,经过一同声传译技能。做影子练习时,开始的时候可以与原语同步开始,经过一段时间的练习后,可以在原语开始后半句话到一句话跟读原语。跟读原语段时间的练习后,可以在原语开始后半句话到一句话跟读原语。跟读原语时不仅仅是鹦鹉学舌,要做到耳朵在听(原语)、嘴巴在说(同种语言复时不仅仅是鹦鹉学舌,要做到耳朵在听(原语)、嘴巴在说(同种语言复述)、脑子在想(语言内容)。在跟读完一段述)、脑子在想(语言内容)。在跟读完一段5-8 分钟长

17、度的讲话或短文之分钟长度的讲话或短文之后,应该可以概述出原语的主要内容。另外还可增加一些后,应该可以概述出原语的主要内容。另外还可增加一些干扰性干扰性练习,练习,譬如一边听、一边写些不相关的内容,如数字、人名等,分散使用注意力,譬如一边听、一边写些不相关的内容,如数字、人名等,分散使用注意力,那样效果会更好。那样效果会更好。Interpreting SkillsAn Introduction to Interpreting口译概述口译概述四、口译记忆训练方法四、口译记忆训练方法4.复述练习复述练习:原语复述练习(原语复述练习(retelling)是影子练习的延续。就是用原)是影子练习的延续。就

18、是用原语跟读完一段讲话内容后,停下来凭记忆对刚刚跟读的内容用同种语言进语跟读完一段讲话内容后,停下来凭记忆对刚刚跟读的内容用同种语言进行复述,开始做该类练习时,间隔时间可以相对短一点,在掌握要领之后行复述,开始做该类练习时,间隔时间可以相对短一点,在掌握要领之后再逐渐加长,复述时不要求绝对地准确。再逐渐加长,复述时不要求绝对地准确。5.口译笔记:口译笔记:口译笔记(口译笔记(note taking)是辅助记忆的手段,是在听讲)是辅助记忆的手段,是在听讲过程中用简单的文字或符号记下讲话内容中能刺激记忆的关键词。通过关过程中用简单的文字或符号记下讲话内容中能刺激记忆的关键词。通过关键词能够提示口译

19、者讲话人所表述的意思,掌握其表述内容的前因后果、键词能够提示口译者讲话人所表述的意思,掌握其表述内容的前因后果、上下文的逻辑关系。除此之外,数字、地点、人名容易一听就忘,所以也上下文的逻辑关系。除此之外,数字、地点、人名容易一听就忘,所以也要及时记下这些必要的细节。(第四单元详述)要及时记下这些必要的细节。(第四单元详述)Putting into PracticeVocabulary WorkWork on the following words and phrases,then write the translated version in the space:1.Listening Int

20、erpretingPutting into PracticeSentences:英汉口译英汉口译English-Chinese InterpretationListen to the tape and interpret the following sentences from English into Chinese:Whats the price of this trip?Is there anything worth seeing?本次的旅游费用是多少?本次的旅游费用是多少?那里有什么值得看的吗?那里有什么值得看的吗?1.Listening InterpretingPutting int

21、o PracticeSentences:英汉口译英汉口译English-Chinese InterpretationListen to the tape and interpret the following sentences from English into Chinese:Whats the weather like there?Are there any groups of tour I can go with?那里的天气怎么样?那里的天气怎么样?有什么我可以参加的旅行团吗?有什么我可以参加的旅行团吗?1.Listening InterpretingPutting into Prac

22、ticeSentences:英汉口译英汉口译English-Chinese InterpretationListen to the tape and interpret the following sentences from English into Chinese:There is a special rate for 50,000RMB for this package,including everything such as airline tickets,tour guides,hotels and food.有一个价值有一个价值5万元人民币的特价套餐,包括所有费用,例如飞机万元人民

23、币的特价套餐,包括所有费用,例如飞机票,导游,酒店和食物。票,导游,酒店和食物。Im thinking of traveling to Hangzhou in August.Could you recommend some tourist programs for me?我打算我打算8月份去杭州旅游,您能给我推荐一些旅游项目吗?月份去杭州旅游,您能给我推荐一些旅游项目吗?1.Listening InterpretingPutting into PracticeSentences:英汉口译英汉口译English-Chinese InterpretationListen to the tape a

24、nd interpret the following sentences from English into Chinese:Whats on the schedule for today?When is the proper time to visit Beijing?今天有哪些日程安排?今天有哪些日程安排?何时游览北京最好?何时游览北京最好?1.Listening InterpretingPutting into PracticeSentences:汉英口译汉英口译Chinese-English InterpretationListen to the tape and interpret

25、the following sentences from Chinese into English:我想到巴厘岛去。我想看看去云南旅行有哪些路线。I want to go to Bali.Id like to look at some travel routes to Yunnan.1.Listening InterpretingPutting into PracticeSentences:汉英口译汉英口译Chinese-English InterpretationListen to the tape and interpret the following sentences from Chi

26、nese into English:坐飞机去的时间是5天。我们有一些很棒的套餐。The transportation by air will take 5 days.We have some great tour packages.1.Listening InterpretingPutting into PracticeSentences:汉英口译汉英口译Chinese-English InterpretationListen to the tape and interpret the following sentences from Chinese into English:我们会住在半岛酒

27、店和海滩度假山庄。这两所酒店提供的设施都很完美。这个旅游项目包括3个历史古迹和7个自然景点。We will stay in Peninsula Hotel and Beach Holiday Resort.Both hotels offer perfect devices.The tour includes 3 historic spots and 7 natural scenic spots.1.Listening InterpretingPutting into Practice1.Listening InterpretingSentences:汉英口译汉英口译Chinese-Englis

28、h InterpretationListen to the tape and interpret the following sentences from Chinese into English:我给您建议一个旅游行程吧。您去过故宫吗?Id like to suggest an itinerary for you.Have you ever been to the Forbidden City?Putting into PracticeListen to the dialogue for the first time,and repeat after the speakers.Then li

29、sten to the dialogue for the second time,and retell the main idea by your own words.And forthe third time of listening,please interpret the dialogue into Chinese at the pauses.R:Receptionist J:JohnsonR:Welcome sir.What can I do for you?J:Yes,I want to go toWudang Mountain for a visit.R:No problem.Ac

30、tually,it is the peak season to visitWudang Mountain at present.J:Sounds great.Are there any groups of tour I can go with?R:Yes,there will be one this weekend.Is it convenient to you?J:I am afraid not.My best friend will visit me at the weekend.How about next weekend?R:There will be one tour group.T

31、hey are from Hong Kong.Can you join them?2.Shadowing&RetellingPutting into Practice2.Shadowing&RetellingJ:All right.Whats the weather like there?R:It is cool in the morning and at night,but hot in the daytime.J:What is special in summer?R:There are wind,thunder and rainstorm with cloud and fog surro

32、unding the mountain in summer,which will not let you down.There are full of attractive places of interest.J:Whats the price for this trip?R:488 RMB for two days and 598 RMB for three days.Which one do you prefer?J:I would like a three-day visit.Will the meals be included?R:No,you have to enjoy your

33、meals at your own expenses.J:Do I have to pay a deposit or a full price?R:Full price please,sir.J:Well,when and where will you pick me up next weekend?R:We will pick you up at Yangtze Hotel on Riverside Road at 7 a.m.next Saturday.Please go there on time.The tour guide will meet you at the gate of t

34、he hotel.J:All right.I will be very punctual.R:See you.Have a pleasant trip.Putting into Practice3.Chinese-English Alternating InterpretationListen to the tape and interpret the following dialogue alternatively into English orChinese:A:早上好。需要什么帮助吗?B:Morning.Id like to create a travel itinerary.A:请问您

35、想去哪儿?B:I have no idea.But I hope to visit the seaside.A:好的,青岛怎么样?现在是去青岛最好的季节了。B:Ive been there before.I think a southern city is better.A:三亚呢?蓝色的大海,软软的沙滩,柔和的微风。真的很不错。B:Sounds great.Do you have any brochures?Putting into PracticeText One中国西安旅行路线中国西安旅行路线享受中国2011 黄金假日第一天:第一天:9月月29日,星期四日,星期四17:10 抵达西安咸阳

36、国际机场18:30 入住西安假日酒店19:30 晚餐20:30 自由活动4.Sight InterpretingRead the following passages and translate them into English or Chinese:Putting into PracticeText One中国西安旅行路线中国西安旅行路线第二天:第二天:9月月30日,星期五日,星期五07:30 早餐08:30 从酒店出发09:30 参观秦始皇兵马俑和华清池12:00 午餐(梨园春餐馆)15:00 参观大雁塔17:00 返回酒店19:00 酒店晚宴20:00 唐代歌舞表演Putting in

37、to PracticeText One中国西安旅行路线中国西安旅行路线第三天:第三天:10月月1日,星期六日,星期六08:00 早餐09:00 参观碑林11:30 午餐13:00 参观城墙14:30 参观钟鼓楼和穆斯林广场17:00 在市中心纪念品店购物18:30 酒店内晚餐19:30 自由活动第四天:第四天:10月月2日,星期日日,星期日07:30 早餐08:30 结账退房10:30 咸阳机场起飞,结束全部行程Putting into PracticeText TwoHow to Find a Reliable Travel AgencyWhen making your travel pla

38、ns,it becomes very important to find a reliable travel agency.Here are some points to help you find one.1.Choose a travel agency that has several branches across the country for a national trip,or across the world for an international trip.2.Before booking any travel agency,read their brochures care

39、fully.Most importantly,read all of the fine prints.See what they say about the travel itinerary.Dont hesitate to ask and ask again.3.Conduct your own background search on the travel agency you are thinking about.You should read reviews on online discussion boards and social networking websites.So,wh

40、en you are looking for a travel agency,dont just look at its cost because it will only give you as much as it has charged you.Reputation is important and it is also important that you should feel comfortable using their services.Dont be hasty and do a lot of research.You are sure to find a reliable

41、travel agency.Related Vocabulary and ExpressionsVocabularyRelated Vocabulary and ExpressionsVocabularyRelated Vocabulary and ExpressionsExpressions:1.Welcome sir.May I help you?先生,欢迎你。有什么我可以帮你吗?2.I want to go to Hong Kong for my vacation.我想去香港度假。3.How about a relaxing vacation in Bali?去巴厘岛过一个轻松的假期怎么

42、样?4.Whether youre in search of quiet relaxation or unbridled stimulation,Bali gives you the best of both.不管你要寻找的是安静的放松或是激烈的刺激,巴厘岛都可以给你最好的。5.How many places will be visited?And what are they?Where will we be staying and how about the food there?参观的地方有多少个?是哪些?我们会住在哪里?还有,那里的食物怎么样?Related Vocabulary and

43、 ExpressionsExpressions:6.I want to travel to more places this time and join a tour group.这次我要报个团,多去几个地方。7.The price list and service details are in the booklet,please take a look at it.收费表和服务细则都在这个小册子上,请看看吧。8.Can you tell me some scenic spots that are worth a visit?都有什么值得参观的景点?9.I need a guide who

44、can speak German.Can you arrange one to accompany me?我需要一个会说德语的导游。你能安排一个吗?10.I will make the reservation without a guide for the following week.我就预订下个星期的旅程吧,到时不要导游了。Acting as an InterpreterTask AListen to the tape and interpret the following dialogues alternatively into English or Chinese:A:早上好!我能为您

45、效劳吗?B:Good morning.Could you help me with a vacation plan?A:您确定了您准备到哪儿吗?B:I dont know where I want to go yet.Could you recommend some places to me?Its the first time I have been in China.A:当然,在中国有很多景点。您是想游览有历史古迹的城市呢,还是观风景呢?B:Both.A:我可以给您一些旅游手册以供参考。B:I will look at them right now.A:请问您本次旅游的预算是多少?B:I

46、think that I can spend about two hundred dollars a day.A:您慢慢选择目的地吧,选定后我再帮您预订!B:Thank you very much!Acting as an InterpreterTask AListen to the tape and interpret the following dialogues alternatively into English or Chinese:A:Can you tell me more details on what is included in the tour package?B:好的,

47、巴士7:30从酒店门口出发,车程5个小时,中途停两站欣赏风景。A:What about the hotel accommodations?B:酒店离市中心很近,是五星级的,有两个餐厅,服务设施齐全。A:Great.What will we do at the city of Shanghai?B:第二天绕市区观光4小时,下午去外滩游览。A:Thank you very much.B:不用谢,祝您玩得愉快!Acting as an InterpreterTask BRead the following passage and interpret it from English into Chin

48、ese:CITSCITS was founded in 1954,through its 57 years development,CITS has been blooming from a foreign affairs reception unit at its early stage under the State Council into a large state owned key enterprises group integrating all inclusive services in travel industry.CITS owns a national network

49、with 122 CITS branches and sub-branch offices across the whole country to provide service wherever people travel within China.CITS is a prestigious trademark of high value in China and is the only tourism company among the countrys Top 500 Enterprises,with its real asset being 1 billion RMB.Knowledg

50、e Links随着北京随着北京2008 年奥运会的胜利召开,旅游,尤其在中国境内的旅游已经掀起年奥运会的胜利召开,旅游,尤其在中国境内的旅游已经掀起新一轮的高潮。游历中国是外国友人认识中国、了解中国的最直接、最有效的方式。新一轮的高潮。游历中国是外国友人认识中国、了解中国的最直接、最有效的方式。因此,如何将中华民族悠久的历史、博大精深的文化、醉人的风景和淳朴的风土人因此,如何将中华民族悠久的历史、博大精深的文化、醉人的风景和淳朴的风土人情展现出来,让外国友人了解到一个真实的中国已成为导游人员义不容辞的责任和情展现出来,让外国友人了解到一个真实的中国已成为导游人员义不容辞的责任和义务,同时也给他


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