高考英语一轮复习(课标2卷B版)课件:专题二 介词、介词短语和动词短语.ppt

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1、考点一考点一 介词及介词短语介词及介词短语 五年高考 1.(2018北京,14)Good morning, Mr. Lees office. Good morning. Id like to make an appointment next Wednesday afternoon. 答案答案 for 句意:早上好,这里是Lee先生的办公室。早上好,我想预约下周三下午的 见面。本题考查介词的基本用法。appointment for.在此处表示“的预约”。 2.(2018天津,11)Bob thought he couldnt go to the party because he had to w

2、rite a report, but he went all. 答案答案 after 句意:由于得写一份报告,鲍勃原以为自己参加不了那场聚会了,但是他最后还是 去参加了。本题考查介词短语。根据句意可知填after。after all还是,终究。 3.(2018江苏,33)Chinas soft power grows in line the increasing appreciation and under- standing of China globally. 答案答案 with 句意:中国的软实力的增长是与全球对中国不断增长的欣赏和理解紧密相连 的。考查介词短语。in line with

3、为固定短语,意为:与紧密相连。 4.(2017北京,35)Many people who live along the coast make a living fishing industry. 答案答案 in 句意:很多居住在沿海的人都以捕鱼业为生。本题考查介词。in符合语境。 5.(2017天津,12)When you drive through the Redwood Forests in California, you will be trees that are over 1,000 years old. 答案答案 among 句意:当你开车穿越加利福尼亚的红杉林时,你会置身于寿命超

4、过一千年的树 木之中。设空处应该用介词表示“在(三者或以上)之中”,故用among。 6.(2017天津,13)We offer an excellent education to our students. return, we expect students to work hard. 答案答案 In 句意:我们向我们的学生提供优质的教育,作为回报,我们希望学生努力学习。考查 介词短语。in return意为“作为回报,作为报答”。 7.(2017江苏,32)Determining where we are in relation our surroundings remains an e

5、ssen- tial skill for our survival. 答案答案 to 句意:通过对比我们周围的环境来确定我们的位置仍然是我们生存的一项重要技 能。本题考查介词短语。in relation to sth.“相对某事物而言”,符合语境,故此处填to。 8.(2016浙江,6)That young man is honest, cooperative, always there when you need his help. short, hes reliable. 答案答案 In 句意: 那个年轻人诚实且有合作精神,当你需要他帮忙的时候,他总是随叫随到。 简言之,他是可以信赖的。i

6、n short 简言之。 9.(2016浙江,7)The study suggests that the cultures we grow up influence the basic pro- cesses by which we see the world around us. 答案答案 in 句意: 这项研究表明我们在其中成长的文化影响我们看待周围世界的基本方法。 本句采用定语从句的形式考查介词。 “we grow up ”为定语从句,先行词为the cul- tures,将先行词代入定语从句后为:We grow up the cultures.故设空处填介词in。 10.(2015安徽

7、,33)They believe that there are transport developments the corner that will bring a lot of changes for the better. 答案答案 around 句意:他们相信交通的发展就要到来了,这将会带来很多更好的变化。本题考 查介词短语。around the corner意为“要到来”。 11.(2015福建,22)A common memory they all have their schooldays is the school uniform. 答案答案 of 句意:他们对于他们学生时代的

8、共同记忆是校服。本题考查介词用法。本句包含 一个定语从句“they all have their schooldays”,将先行词memory代入定语从句后为: They all have a common memory their schooldays.由此可见设空处表示所属关系,故答案 为of。 12.(2015福建,32)Human life is regarded as part of nature and, as such, the only way for us to sur- vive is to live harmony with nature. 答案答案 in 句意:人类生活

9、被认为是大自然的一部分,严格说来,我们生存的唯一方式是与大自 然和睦相处。in harmony with意为“与协调”。 13.(2015湖北,30)This meeting room is a non-smoking area. I would like to warn you ad- vance that if you smoked here you would be fined. 答案答案 in 句意:这间会议室是无烟区。我想事先提醒你如果在这儿吸烟的话你会被罚款 的。考查介词短语。in advance提前,事先。 14.(2015陕西,12)The little pupil took

10、his grandma the arm and walked her across the street. 答案答案 by 句意:那个小学生挽着奶奶的手臂带她过了马路。本题考查介词。take sb. by the arm“挽着某人的手臂”。 15.(2015浙江,10)Most people work because its unavoidable. contrast, there are some peo- ple who actually enjoy work. 答案答案 By 句意:大多数人工作是因为那是不可避免的,相比之下,还有一些人是真的喜欢工 作。本题考查介词词组。by contr

11、ast意为“相比之下,对比而言”。 16.(2015浙江,17)These comments came response to specific questions often asked by local newsmen. 答案答案 in 句意:对当地新闻记者常常问起的特定问题,这些评论正好做出了回复。本题考查 介词词组。in response to意为“回答,对做出反应”。 17.(2015浙江,3)Have you ever heard of the trees that are home animals both on land and sea? 答案答案 to 句意:你听说过成为海陆

12、两栖动物的栖息地的树吗?本题考查介词。be home to为 固定搭配。 18.(2015重庆,10)Last year was the warmest year on record, with global temperature 0.68 the average. 答案答案 above 句意:去年是有记录以来最温暖的一年,全球气温超过了平均气温0.68摄氏度。 考查介词。根据语境可知此处表示“在之上,高于”,所以要用介词above。 19.(2014北京,23)Jane is in a hurry because the train to the airport leaves half a

13、n hour. 答案答案 in 句意:简很着急,因为去飞机场的火车半小时后就发车了。“in+一段时间”用于表 示将来的句子中,意为:在之后。 20.(2014重庆,7)She drove so fast at the turn that the car almost went the road. 答案答案 off 句意:她在转弯处开得如此快,以至于车差点偏离公路。off 离开,偏离。 21.(2014福建,22)Our club is open to everyone regardless age,sex or educational back- ground. 答案答案 of 句意:我们的俱

14、乐部对所有人开放,不分年龄、性别和教育背景。regardless of不管, 不顾。 22.(2014浙江,10)While staying in the village,James unselfishly shared whatever he had with the villagers without asking for anything return. 答案答案 in 句意:在村庄停留期间,James无私地和村民分享他所拥有的一切,不要求任何回报。 23.(2014浙江,12)Facing up to your problems instead running away from th

15、em is the best approach to working things out. 答案答案 of 句意:面对你的问题而不是逃避它们才是解决问题的最好办法。instead of 而不是。 24.(2014陕西,14)The Scottish girl blue eyes won the first prize in the Fifth Chinese Speech Contest. 答案答案 with 句意:在第五届汉语演讲比赛中,那位有着一双蓝色眼睛的苏格兰姑娘获得了一 等奖。with表示“具有”。 25.(2014江西,33)It is unbelievable that Mr.

16、 Lucas leads a simple life his great wealth. 答案答案 despite 句意:令人难以置信的是,尽管很富有,但Lucas先生过着简朴的生活。despite 尽管。 考点二考点二 动词短语动词短语 1.(2018天津,3)At first Robert wouldnt let his daughter go diving, but eventually he gave as she was so confident about her skills. 答案答案 in 句意:起初罗伯特不让他女儿去潜水,但他最终还是妥协了,因为她对自己的(潜水) 技能很自

17、信。本题考查动词短语。give in屈服;让步;投降。 2.(2018江苏,25)Developing the Yangtze River Economic Belt is a systematic project which calls a clear road map and timetable. 答案答案 for 句意:开发长江经济带是一个系统工程,这项工程需要一个清晰的路线图和时间 表。考查动词短语。call for 需要;要求。 3.(2017天津,5)Mr. and Mrs. Brown would like to see their daughter settle , get m

18、arried, and have kids. 答案答案 down 句意:Brown夫妇想看到他们的女儿安定下来、结婚生子。settle down表示“过 安定的生活”,符合语境。 4.(2017江苏,25)Working with the medical team in Africa has brought the best in her as a doctor. 答案答案 out 句意:在非洲医疗队的工作让她作为医生的才能得到了最大限度的发挥。本题考 查动词短语。bring out意为“使显现,使表现出”。 5.(2016天津,8)Mary was silent during the ear

19、ly part of the discussion but finally she gave voice her opinion on the subject. 答案答案 to 句意:在讨论的前期玛丽一言不发,但最后她就这个话题发表了意见。give voice to 表露心声,表白心迹。 6.(2016天津,14)I hate it when she calls me at workIm always too busy to carry a con- versation with her. 答案答案 on 句意:我讨厌上班时她给我打电话我总是很忙,没法和她进行谈话。carry on 进行(从事

20、)。 7.(2016天津,12)Im going to take advantage this tour to explore the history of the castle. 答案答案 of 句意:我打算利用这次旅行探索那座城堡的历史。take advantage of利用。 8.(2016浙江,12)When their children lived far away from them, these old people felt cut from the world. 答案答案 off 句意:当孩子们住得离他们远时,这些老年人就觉得与世界隔绝。cut off使与 外界隔绝。 9.(

21、2016江苏,30)Many businesses started up by college students have taken thanks to the comfortable climate for business creation. 答案答案 off 句意:多亏适宜创业的宽松的环境,很多大学生创办的公司都已经取得了成功。 take off成功,起飞。 10.(2015湖北,25)There is no doubt that this candidates advantage lies his ability to com- municate with foreigners in

22、 English. 答案答案 in 句意:毫无疑问这位候选人的优势在于他能用英语和外国人交流。考查动词短 语。lie in在于,根据语境可知答案。 11.(2015湖北,26)Dont worry. Im sure your missing glasses will turn sooner or later. 答案答案 up 句意:不要担心。我确信你丢失的眼镜迟早会被找到的。考查动词短语。turn up (失去后偶然)被发现。根据语境可知答案。 12.(2015江苏,27)The university started some new language programs to cater th

23、e countrys Silk Road Economic Belt. 答案答案 for 句意:这所大学开设了一些新的语言课程来满足该国丝绸之路经济带的需要。本 题考查动词短语。cater for满足的需要。 13.(2015江苏,29)The whole team count Cristiano Ronaldo, and he seldom lets them down. 答案答案 on 句意:整个队都指望着Cristiano Ronaldo,他很少让他们失望。本题考查动词短 语。count on相当于depend on,意为“指望,依赖”。 14.(2015陕西,25)Peter will

24、 take his post as the head of the travel agency at the end of next month. 答案答案 up 句意:Peter将会在下个月末就职成为该旅行社的主管。本题考查动词词组。take up ones post意为“就职”。 15.(2015天津,10)Tom had to turn the invitation to the party last weekend because he was too busy. 答案答案 down 句意:因为太忙了,上周末汤姆不得不拒绝了参加聚会的邀请。考查动词短语。 turn down拒绝,根据语

25、境可知答案。 16.(2015浙江,11)We tend to have a better memory for things that excite our senses or appeal our emotions than for straight facts. 答案答案 to 句意:与直接事实相比,我们倾向于对那些令我们的感官兴奋和对我们的情绪有吸 引力的事物有更好的记忆力。appeal to意为“对有吸引力”。 17.(2015浙江,7)Body language can give a lot about your mood, so standing with your arms f

26、olded can send out a signal that you are being defensive. 答案答案 away 句意:肢体语言可能会泄露很多关于你的情绪的东西,因此,抱臂而立有可能传 达一种信息你的戒备心很强。本题考查动词短语。give away意为“泄露”。 18.(2014大纲全国,31)Caroline doesnt have a gift for music,but she makes up it with hard work. 答案答案 for 句意:Caroline虽然没有音乐天赋,但她靠努力学习弥补这个缺陷。make up for 弥 补。 19.(201

27、4安徽,26)Terry,please look up your cell phone when Grandma is talking to you. 答案答案 from 句意:Terry,奶奶和你说话时请不要低头玩手机。look up from从抬起头看。 20.(2014安徽,28)When the sports hero turned at our party,he was welcomed with open arms. 答案答案 up 句意:当这位体育健将出现在我们的聚会上时,他受到了大家的热烈欢迎。turn up 到场,出现。 21.(2014浙江,19)How could you

28、 turn such a fantastic job when you have been out of work for months? 答案答案 down 句意:在你已经失业好几个月的时候,你怎么会拒绝这样一份绝好的工作呢?turn down意为“拒绝”。 22.(2014江西,27)Anyway,were here now,so lets get down some serious work. 答案答案 to 句意:反正大家现在都在这儿,那我们开始做一些重要的工作吧。get down to 开始 做。 23.(2014湖北,25)Ive been trying to phone Char

29、les all evening,but there must be something wrong with the network;I cant seem to get . 答案答案 through 句意:整个晚上我一直都在给Charles打电话,但网络一定出现了问题,我似乎 不能打通电话。get through通过,完成,接通电话。 24.(2014湖北,26)Is this your necklace,Mary? I came it when I was cleaning the bathroom this morning. 答案答案 across 句意:这是你的项链吗,Mary?我今天

30、早上打扫浴室的时候偶然发现了它。come across碰到,偶然遇到。 A A组组 2016201620182018年高考模拟年高考模拟单句填空单句填空 时间:15分钟 分值:23分 三年模拟 考点一考点一 介词及介词短语介词及介词短语 1.(2018东北三省三校一模,66)The Great Wall stretches Dandong in the east to Lop Nur in the west, along the southern edge of Inner Mongolia. 答案答案 from 句意:长城沿着内蒙古的南部边界,从东部的丹东一直延伸到了西部的罗布泊。 表示“从

31、到”用from.to.结构。 2.(2018辽宁沈阳一模,42)Although Darwins father was initially the trip, which would keep his 22-year-old son away for five years, he finally gave in. 答案答案 against 句意:虽然达尔文的父亲最初反对这次出行,因为那会让他22岁的儿子五年回 不了家,但是他最终还是妥协了。根据“which would keep his 22-year-old son away for five years”可知,达尔文的父亲当初反对这次出行。

32、再根据设空处前的系动词was可知设空处填 介词against。 3.(2018辽宁沈阳郊联体一模,70)And today its the only teahouse still serving stall tea such a low price, though theres no profit in it. 答案答案 at 句意:如今,这是唯一一家还在以如此低的价格提供大碗茶的茶馆,尽管无利可图。 与price搭配的介词为at,表示“以的价格”。 4.(2018黑龙江哈三中一模,63)On Dec.1, Zuckerberg, 31, announced the birth of his

33、first child and the start the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. 答案答案 of 句意:在12月1日,31岁的扎克伯格宣布他的第一个孩子出生了,同时宣布了“扎克 伯格陈计划”的开始。the start of.意为“的开始”。 5.(2018内蒙古呼伦贝尔一模,65)A good memory is great importance, but it is not enough to only memorize rules from a grammar book. 答案答案 of 句意:好的记忆力非常重要,但是只记语法书上的规则是不够的。“be+o

34、f+抽象名 词”相当于be+形容词。 6.(2018陕西宝鸡质检,67)Consequently, telegrams, letters, and telephone calls all over the country poured in. 答案答案 from 句意:结果,来自全国的电报、书信和电话蜂拥而至。根据句意可知此处表示 “来自”,from符合语境需要。 7.(2017陕西宝鸡质量检测一,64)On that day this match became a hot topic Weibo and WeChat in China. 答案答案 on 句意:在那天,这场比赛在中国的微博和微

35、信上成为一个热点话题。与Weibo和 WeChat连用的介词为on。 8.(2017陕西榆林一模,61)It was a long, hard day for me. I was going back home from work bus. 答案答案 by 句意:这天对我来说又漫长又艰难。我正要乘公交车下班回家。“by+交通工 具”为常用介词搭配,意为“乘坐某种交通工具”。 9.(2017重庆第一次诊断模拟,67)Candidates who apply should be American citizens and have at least a bachelors degree in bi

36、ology, physics or mathematics, and 3 years experience. 答案答案 of 句意:提交申请的候选人应该是美国公民且在生物、物理或数学方面至少取得学 士学位,还要有三年的经验。一段时间+of experience为固定搭配。 10.(2017黑龙江哈尔滨三中一模,69)Looking back, I know the greatest difficulty on our way success is our fear. 答案答案 to 句意:回顾过去,我知道我们在通往成功的路上最大的困难是我们的恐惧。on one s way to.意为“在某人去

37、的路上”。 11.(2016吉林一中第六次质量检测,70)A lot of parents dont know what is suitable their children. 答案答案 for 句意:很多父母不知道什么适合他们的孩子。be suitable for 意为“适合”。 考点二考点二 动词短语动词短语 1.(2018新疆乌鲁木齐二诊,66)There are 22 local authorities on the Isle of Man, consisting 4 town, 2 district, 2 village and 14 parish authorities. 答案答案

38、 of 句意:马恩岛有22个当地的官方机构,含4个镇级、两个区级、两个村级和14个行 政小区级的官方机构。consist of为固定短语,意为“由组成”。 2.(2018黑龙江哈三中二模,61)A team of scientists has finally been able to figure how and why young sunflowers move. 答案答案 out 句意:一支科学家团队最终弄明白了向日葵在未成熟时如何移动以及为什么移 动。figure out为动词短语,意为“理解;弄明白”。 3.(2018内蒙古赤峰二中二模,69)Yang Lu, co-founder o

39、f Fenda, said the price depended supply and demand. 答案答案 on/upon 句意:分答的创始人之一杨璐说,价格根据供求关系而定。depend on/upon为 固定短语,意为“依靠;视而定”。 4.(2018辽宁丹东一模,68)Guan Zhengwen, chief director of the show, considers written Chinese the root of Chinas cultural heritage. 答案答案 as 句意:该节目总导演关正文认为汉语书面语是中国文化遗产的根源。consider. as.意

40、为“认为是;把看作”。 5.(2018黑龙江齐齐哈尔一模,66)A web user even commented, “ I only needed 7 seconds to fall love with this young man.” 答案答案 in 句意:一位网民甚至评论说:“我只用了7秒钟就爱上了这位年轻人。”fall in love with意为“爱上;喜欢上”。 6.(2018辽宁葫芦岛一模,70)Besides, the four innovative ways of life appeals youths from 20 countries participating in t

41、he Belt and Road innovation. 答案答案 to 句意:此外,这四种创新的生活方式对于参与“一带一路”创新的来自20个国家的 年轻人来说具有吸引力。appeal to对有吸引力。 7.(2017宁夏银川一中一模,70)Classical Chinese poetry has proven to have a strong influence world poetry. 答案答案 on/upon 句意:中国古典诗歌已经被证明对世界诗歌有巨大的影响。have an influence on/upon.意为“对有影响”。 8.(2017陕西西安一模,61)Volunteeri

42、ng to help people in need combined traveling to a far- away place is a new trend in the travel industry. 答案答案 with 句意:把自愿帮助生活困难的人和去远方旅游结合到一起,这在旅游业中是一个 新趋势。combine.with.把与结合起来,本句中过去分词短语combined with.在句中 作后置定语。 9.(2017吉林通化第一次质量检测,62)At night the man was about to go out to steal. Before setting out, he

43、 thought for a moment about the promise he made God. 答案答案 to 句意:晚上,这个人正要出去偷盗。出发前,他思考了一会儿,想到了自己曾对上帝作 出的承诺。make a promise to sb.对某人作出承诺。 10.(2017吉林长春普通高中第二次模拟,66)In the following weeks, Sally worked out 10 class rules and posted them the walls of the classroom. 答案答案 on 句意:在接下来的几周里,Sally想出了10条课堂规则并把它们贴

44、在教室的墙上。 post sth. on.意为“把某物贴在”。 11.(2017新疆乌鲁木齐第二次诊断,64)When you make a mistake, the last thing you want to do is run away it. 答案答案 from 句意:当你犯错误时,你最不想做的事情就是逃避错误。run away from.回避 ;逃避。 12.(2016重庆南开中学二诊,69)At last they tried to fill the plane carbon dioxide, which poisoned all of the small creatures. 答

45、案答案 with 句意:最后他们设法使飞机充满二氧化碳,这毒死了所有的小动物。fill.with. 意为“用装满/注满”。 B B组组 2016201620182018年高考模拟年高考模拟单句改错单句改错 时间:14分钟 分值:21分 1.(2018东北三省三校一模)My little sister was too young to go by herself, so I volunteered to ac- company with her on the ride. 答案答案 删除with 句意:我妹妹太小不能独自前往,因此我主动提出陪她乘坐。accompany陪 伴,为及物动词,后面可直接

46、跟宾语,不需要介词,故删除with。 2.(2018黑龙江哈三中一模)We joined in a voluntary activity organized by our school in Sunday. 答案答案 第二个inon 句意:在周日,我们参加了学校组织的志愿活动。在表示“在具体某一 天”时,需用介词on。常与in搭配的名词有week、month、year等。 3.(2018辽宁沈阳一模)She set up a good example to the laid-off workers. 答案答案 删除up 句意:她为下岗工人们树立了一个良好的榜样。set up建立;set a g

47、ood example to sb.为某人树立良好的榜样。 4.(2018宁夏银川一中一模)When I was fifteen years old, our family moved in a new house and I got my own room. 答案答案 ininto 句意:当我十五岁的时候,我们家搬进了新房子,我有了自己的房间。move in- to“搬进;移入”后可加宾语,而move in中的in为副词,后面不可加宾语。本句中有宾语a new house,故将in改为into。 5.(2018甘肃兰州二模)We were very happy because of we did a good deed. 答案答案 删除of 句意:因为做了一件好事,所以我们非常开心。because of为介词短语,后面用 名词、代词或动名词作宾语;because为连词,用来引导原因状语从句,故将of删除。 6.(2018陕西榆林一模)At last, Li Ping won first prize. Many members said the activity had bene- fited them for many ways. 答案答案 forin 句意:最终,李萍获得了第一名。很多成员说这个活动让他们在很多方面受 益。in many ways意为“在很多方面”。


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