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1、英语试卷 第 1 页 ( 共 12 页 ) 英语试卷 第 2 页 ( 共 12 页 ) 绝密启用前 贵州省贵阳 市 2012 年初中毕业生 学业 考试试题卷 英 语 (本试卷满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟 ) 第 卷 (选择题 ,共 100 分 ) .听力测试 (本大题共 30 分 ,每小题 1 分 ) A.听对话 ,选择 与 对话内容相符的图,并将答题卡上 该 选项涂黑。 (读 一遍 ) 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. 6. A. B. C. B. 听句子 ,选择恰当的应答,并将答题卡上该选项涂

2、黑。 (读一遍 ) 7. A. Good morning. B. Fine, thank you. C. Youre welcome. 8. A. It doesnt matter. B. Dont mention it. C. Thats right. 9. A. Well done. B. Good idea. C. No, thanks. 10. A. Thanks a lot. B. Excuse me. C. Certainly. 11. A. Id love to. B. Not at all. C. Thank you. 12. A. Hello, Jack. B. Youre

3、Jack. C. I dont know. C. 听对话 ,根据对话内容,选择正确的选项完成句子,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑 (读两遍 ) 13. The post office is on _. A. Center Street B. Bridge Street C. Main Street 14. Linda has been to _. A. the park B. the aquarium C. Disneyland 15. The boy _. A. has a headache B. has a cough C. has a toothache 16. The girl wants _

4、 dumplings. A. mutton B. chicken C. cabbage 17. The boy will buy a _ for Anna. A. backpack B. camera C. scarf 18. The watch costs _ dollars. A. 25 B. 15 C. 50 D. 听对 话及 问题,根据对话内容选择正确的答案,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。 (读两遍 ) 19. A. Volleyball. B. Basketball. C. Baseball. 20. A. 2 meters. B. 2 kilometers. C. 2 miles. 21

5、. A. An English party. B. A birthday party. C. A Christmas party. 22. A. In the classroom. B. In the hallway. C. In the music room. 23. A. Every Sunday. B. Every day. C. Every week. 24. A. Chemistry. B. Physics. C. Chinese. E. 听短文 及问题,根据短文内容选择正确的答案, 并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。 (读三遍 ) 25. A. His father. B. His moth

6、er. C. His brother. 26. A. Some fruits. B. Some bread. C. Some food. 27. A. Next to the supermarket. B. In the supermarket. C. Behind the supermarket. 28. A. Food for dogs. B. Food for cats. C. Food for birds. 29. A. Because the house was old. B. Because the house was small. C. Because the house was

7、 big. 30. A. After moving to a big house. B. When he grows up. C. When they have enough money. -在-此-卷-上-答-题-无-效- 毕业学校_ 姓名_ 考生号_ _ _ 提示:配详细答案解析,请到 搜索并免费下载! .单项选择 (本大题共 15 分,每小题 1 分 ) 根据句意或语境,选择可以填入句子的最佳选项, 并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。 31. Victor can play _ piano. He can join the music club. A. a B. an C. the 32. Li

8、nda is not good at Chinese, but she passed the exam _ t”he help of her classmates. A. with B. under C. without 33. Its polite to take _ flowers as a gift when you go to visit a friend. A. little B. any C. some 34. “What do we need for the salad?” “We need two apples and three _.” A. orange B. tomato

9、es C. broccoli 35. “_ delicious the ice cream is!” “Could you give me one more?” “Sure.” A. What B. How C. What a 36. “Have you ever been to Tokyo?” “Yes. I _ there twice. Its a modern city.” A. have gone B. have been C. had gone 37. “What do you think of the school uniforms?” “Very good. I like clo

10、thes _ make me feel comfortable.” A. that B. what C. who 38. When you leave the reading room, you should remember to _ the lights. A. turn on B. turn down C. turn off 39. In order to make our hometown more beautiful, trees _ around the city every year. A. plant B. are planted C. will plant 40. “Henr

11、y, you _ tell the teacher if you want to go out of the classroom.” “Sorry, sir.” A. are supposed to B. are surprised to C. are afraid to 41. If Bob _ away from the junk food, he will be in good health. A. stay B. will stay C. stays 42. Jimmy has sixteen broken bikes to _ and give away to kids who do

12、nt have bikes. A. fix up B. set up C. put up 43. Teresa is _ nervous _ she cant talk in front of the class. A. such, that B. too, to C. so, that 44. It took Janet three hours _ reading this interesting story. A. to finish B. finished C. finishing 45. “Whose notebook is this?” “It _ Jims. It has his

13、name on it” A. cant be B. must be C. can be .情景交际 (本大题共 10 分,每小题 1 分 ) A.从右栏句子中找出左栏各句的正确应答,并将 答题卡上 该选项 涂黑。 46. Nice to meet you! A. Oh, can you play chess? 47. Thank you for your help, Jane. B. Nice to meet you, too! 48. What do you think of soap operas? C. Have a good trip! 49. I will go to Kunming

14、 for summer vacation. D. I cant stand them. 50. I want to join the chess club. E. Sorry to hear that. F. Youre welcome. B.补全对话 从 所给的 选项中选择 五个 选项填空, 使 对话完整, 并将 答题卡上该选项涂黑。 A: You look worried, Paul. B: I am, Ms Gao. Im having trouble learning English. A: You said you liked English. 51 B: I cant get th

15、e pronunciation right. A: Well, listening can help. 52 You can listen to them at home and repeat the sentences that are difficult for you. B: Thats a good idea. But what about all the new words? 53 A: You can always write the new words in your note book and study them at home. You can even study in

16、the train on the way to school. B: That might really help! Thanks. And sometimes I just dont understand what people are saying. A: Why dont you join an English language club to practice speaking English? 54 B: Maybe Ill go. The only other problem I have is that I dont get much writing practice. A: M

17、aybe you should find a pen pal. B: 55 Thanks Ms Gao. A. Do you learn English by watching videos? B. Why dont you borrow the teachers tapes? C. That sounds like a fun way to practice writing D. I really have learnt a lot from you, Ms Gao. E. I forget a lot of new words. F. The English club meets afte

18、r school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 英语试卷 第 5 页 ( 共 12 页 ) 英语试卷 第 6 页 ( 共 12 页 ) G. Whats the problem? .完形填空 (本大题共 15 分,每小题 1 分 ) 通读短文,理解大意,从各题所给的选项中选择可填入短文的最佳选项 ,并将 答题卡上该选 项 涂黑。 A Did you know that tea the most popular drink in the world (after water), was invented by accident? Although 56 wasnt bro

19、ught to the western world until 1 610, this beverage was discovered over three thousand years before that. According to an ancient Chinese legend, the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea when he 57 drinking water over an open fire, some leaves from a nearby bush 58 the water and remained there for some

20、 time. The emperor noticed that the leaves in the water produced a 59 smell. Later he decided to 60 the hot mixture. It was quite delicious. And in this way, one of the worlds favorite drinks was invented. 56. A. coffee B. water C. tea 57. A. was boiling B. was looking for C. was carrying 58. A. fel

21、l off B. fell into C. fell down 59. A. terrible B. unpleasant C. pleasant 60. A. smell B. taste C. look B John Smith had wanted to be a pilot since he was a child, so when he won the lottery and had a lot of money, he decided to buy his own plane. Then he 61 flying lessons. Unfortunately, he wasnt a

22、 very good student. But at last be 62 his pilots exam, and had his license. He was allowed to 63 without an instructor. For a while he was happy taking the plane on his own. But he soon felt 64 in the plane, so he decided to ask friends to come with him. But his friends 65 because they had all seen how he drove his car. He was not the safest driver on the road. At


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