Unit 1 Laugh out loud单词(ppt课件) -2023新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、The Best MedicineUnit 1 Laugh out loudVocabulary mood n.情绪,语气;心境;气氛情绪,语气;心境;气氛 be in a good/bad/low/high mood 情绪好情绪好/不好不好/低落低落/高昂高昂_ adj.喜怒无常的;情绪多变的;郁郁寡欢的moody_ adv.易怒地,情绪不稳定地moodily形似词:moon n.月亮 the mood 振奋情绪振奋情绪be/feel in the/no mood for sth./to do sth.有做某事的心情有做某事的心情/没心情做某事没心情做某事lift circus n 马戏团马

2、戏团;圆形广场圆形广场clown n.小丑amusement n.消遣,娱乐消遣,娱乐【语法填空】【语法填空】1)The show is very _(amuse)and the cast(演员阵容演员阵容)is very good.2)The boy fell over the stone,much to the _(amuse)of his classmates.amusingamusement_ v.逗乐;消遣_ adj.感到有趣的 _ adj.感到有趣的amusebe amused at/by 被逗乐被逗乐an amusement park 游乐场游乐场with/in amusemen

3、t 开心地。开心地。keep sb.amused 使某人开心;使某人开心;amusedamusing to ones amusement 令某人感到好笑的是curly adj 卷曲的卷曲的 反义词:反义词:straight long dark curly hair 据考证,在十七世纪上叶,路易十三为了掩饰自己的秃顶而佩戴假发,随之经常接触他的贵族们开始效仿,而后假发风靡整个欧洲,无论男女,都喜欢带着假发出席活动,成为了一种社交礼仪。到了十七世纪六十年代,假发由英王查理二世传入英国上流社会,随后在英国普通民众中,包括法官和律师群体也成为了流行。到了乔治三世时期,民众戴假发的热情慢慢消失,除了主教

4、、马夫和法官律师外,人们都已经不戴了。而且之前的法官假发,都是现在的“气质长款”,1780年之后,才出现了现在的“马尾卷”短发,用以审理民事案件,而长款用在刑事案件中。直到1840年,长款假发才成为了礼仪装束的一部分,用于出席各种仪式活动。wig n 假发假发badge n.徽章徽章 ankle n.脚踝脚踝 national emblem国徽twist ones ankle 扭伤脚踝扭伤脚踝_ adj.有趣的;令人愉快的_ n.演艺人员 entertain v.使快乐,招待使快乐,招待 an entertaining programme 娱乐项目the entertainment busin

5、ess/world 娱乐业/界entertainer _ adj.感到快乐的entertainedentertainingcheer up(使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来cheer sb on(比赛中)为某人喝彩;为某人加油cheer v.为欢呼,喝彩;n.欢呼,喝彩Cheer up!Things will work out for the best.I tried to cheer him up.burst into cheers 爆发出欢呼声Cheers!干杯a cheerful smilecheerleader n 啦啦队员do the trick vi 奏效,达到预期效果trick or

6、 treat 不给糖就捣乱(万圣节习俗)play a trick/joke on=play tricks/jokes on 恶作剧perform/do magic tricks 表演魔术trick sb into doing stha tricky task 棘手的 examine vt.检查(身体);测验examination n.考试(考试(exam);检查);检查examiner n.主考人,审查员主考人,审查员examinee n.应试者,接受检查者应试者,接受检查者the National College Entrance Examinationtake/sit/do an exam

7、ination 参加考试参加考试a medical examination quiz n.小测验advertisement n.广告advertise v.公布,宣传,打广告advertiser n.登广告的人employ v.雇佣_ n.雇佣 反义:_ n.失业_ n.雇佣者_ n.雇员employeremployment employee 同义:hireunemployment employ sb as/to do sth 雇用某人当雇用某人当./做某事做某事be employed in doing sth 忙于做某事忙于做某事out of work/employment 失业失业impr

8、ess v.使留下深刻印象impression n.印象impressive adj.给人印象深刻的,感人的impressed adj.(对(对)印象深刻的)印象深刻的 /钦佩的钦佩的be impressed with/by 被打动impress sb.with sth.=impress sth.on sb.勤奋The teacher impressed the importance of Englis_me.deserve vt.应得,应受到 We all deserve a second chance,I guess.我想我们都应该再得到一次机会。deserve to do sth.应该做

9、某事 deserve doing/deserve to be done.值得被做eg:Hes a responsible writer,and he deserves respecting/to be respected./respect.deserved adj.应得的deserving adj.值得帮助的 stock n.库存 v.储备 emotion n.情绪,情感 emotional adj.情感的interaction between.and.和.之间的交流、相互作用eg:He praised the interaction between performers and their

10、audience.interact vi.相互交流;相互影响 interact with.与.交流/相互作用 翻译:Theres a spot on your shirt.They know whats going on because theyre on the spot.你衬衣上有块污渍。他们知道是怎么回事,因为他们就在现场。When he walked past,he spotted the man_ (steal)a car.他路过时,发现这个人在偷汽车。stealingcruelty n.残忍,残酷 cruelly adv.残忍地 be cruel to sb.对.残忍 gentle

11、 adj.温和的,轻柔的a gentle breeze 和风.illumination n.照亮;阐明equal adj.相等的 v.等于compose v.组成,构成;创作(乐曲、诗歌等)Practice1.A car is also very_(complicate),needing not only car payments,but insurance,maintenance,repairs,gas and more.2.To my_(amuse),he should forget the birthday of his own.3.That performance was pretty

12、 _(impress)4.Some famous English professors from the USA and China will be invited to be judges and make remarks _ the performances of the plicatedamusementimpressiveon5.The two boys _(whisper)when the head teacher came in from the back door.6.From these facts we can draw some _(conclude)about how the pyramids were built.7.His _(cruel)to the cat in the video made the netizens quite angry.were whisperingconclusionscruelty


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