Unit10 Topic Talk (ppt课件) - -2023新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx

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1、Unit 10 Connections Topic TalkTopic Talk:两段听力对话。第一段对话谈论融洽的姐妹关系;第二段谈论如何用沟通解决矛盾,建立良好的邻里关系。单元话题:ConnectionsLesson 1 How closely connected are we?阅读论说文。“六度分隔理论”的提出和验证过程论证了人与人联系的必然性。Lesson 2 Community spirit 听力对话。调查对比了小镇居民的健康情况与社区秩序在不同年代的巨大差异。Lesson 3 Anne of great gables 阅读小说节选。充满敌意的Anne初次来到Marilla 和 Ma

2、tthew家,兄妹俩却对她关爱有加。Writing Workshop:A Letter of Application应用文写作。新闻报道。Redwood Street的一次“社区节”活动。Viewing Workshop:Should you trust your first impressions?视听课。视频展示了基于人们的行为所形成和更新的印象的分析。Reading Club 1:Hutong阅读说明文。北京胡同的历史与现状。Reading Club 2:The merchant of Venice 阅读戏剧片段:威尼斯商人之“法庭审判”。形成核心素养:世界是个“地球村”,人际联系与社会

3、交往具有必然性;良好的人际关系有益于个体和社会秩序;交往中需要包容、谅解、鼓励、互助,这让世界更温暖、更美好。Learning Objectives01020304 I can talk about people that I have connections with.I can get general understanding while listening.I can get specific information and understand words in context while listening.I can write a short paragraph about a

4、ny problem I have with other people and how to solve it.1.诊所,门诊部 n._ 2.美术馆,画廊 n._ 3.食品杂货的 n._ 4.体育馆,运动场 n._ 5.面包房,糕饼店 n._ ;面包师 n._6.自助餐厅 n._ 7.食堂,餐厅n._ 8.郊区 n._ 9.论坛 n._ 10.冲突,矛盾 n._ 11.干涉,干预 n._ v._ 12.羡慕,忌妒 n.&vt._ 13.冲突,摩擦(力)n._ 14.闲逛 _ 15.相处得好 _ 16.年龄相仿 _ 17.(冲突)发生,出现 _ 18.求同存异 _ 19.解决 _ 20.社区精神

5、 _【预习评价】【预习评价】clinicgallery grocerystadiumbakerbakerycafeteriacanteen suburbforumconflictinterventionintervenefrictionenvyhang outget on well withbe close in agecome upagree to disagreesort outcommunity spititActivity 1Pair Work Use the diagram to talk about your connections or people who are relate

6、d to you.How important are they to you?clinicgalleryLook at the pictures and learn the vocabulary before listening.grocery storestadiumActivity 2bakerycanteencafeteriasuburbRead the Text Builder.Then listen to the dialogue and complete it by underlining the words or expressions you hear.Activity 3Ac

7、tivity 4Listen to the dialogue.Answer the questions.1What problem did Max have?2How did he deal with the problem?Maxs neighbours were making too much noise in their flat in the evenings and it was disturbing him.He didnt want any conflict with them.He went over to the neighboursflat and told them ho

8、w unhappy the noise was making him.Quote.UnquoteDifferences between brothers cannot sever their blood ties.Zuo Qiuming兄弟虽有小忿,不废懿亲。We are like islands in the sea,separate on the surface but connected in the deep.William James我们就像海中的岛屿,表面分离,内心紧系。In every conceivable manner,the family is link to our pa

9、st,bridge to our future.Alex Haley 一切所能想到的方式里,家庭是我们联系过去的纽带、通向未来的桥梁。血缘关系可能的We call on the people of all countries to work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind,to build an open,inclusive,clean,and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace,universal security,and common prosper

10、ity.the report delivered at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China我们呼吁,各国人民同心协力,构建人类命运共同体,建设持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁荣、开放包容、清洁美丽的世界。习近平在中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会上的报告Quote.UnquoteCritical ThinkingWatch a vide of connections.Think about how to keep good relationships with others.Language pointsP6P6 教材原教

11、材原句句 we were hanging out 1.hang out 闲待,厮混;逗留;泡在某处If you are limiting your intake of sweets,dont hang out in the bakery.如果你正在限制自己对甜食的摄入,那就不要在面包房闲逛。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】hang on 别挂断(电话);稍等;紧紧握住;坚持;不放弃(to)hang up 挂断电话hang about/around 闲逛;徘徊;逗留hang about/around with sb 和某人长时间待在一起/泡在一块儿Hang on a minute.Ill just get

12、a pen.请稍等,我要拿支钢笔。Hang on to your faith,otherwise you wont obtain your initial goal.坚持自己的信仰,否则你就达不到最初的目标。conflict(1)n.抵触,冲突,矛盾搭配搭配in conflict with 与相冲突 come into conflict with sb 与某人发生冲突 (2)vi.冲突,抵触搭配搭配conflict with 与相冲突/矛盾These results conflict with earlier findings.这些结果与早期的发现相矛盾。envy(1)vt.羡慕,妒忌搭配搭配

13、:envy sb sth 妒忌/羡慕某人有某物 envy sb doing sth 妒忌/羡慕某人做某事 To be honest,we all envied him his talent in literature.I envy you having such a close family.(2)n.羡慕,妒忌搭配搭配:out of envy 出于妒忌with envy 羡慕地After he was promoted,the colleagues came into conflict with him out of envy.I watched with envy as the certi

14、ficate was awarded to Anna.P6 P6 教材教材原句原句 conflicts,arguments,interventionsissues,disagreements,envy,frictionP P教材教材原句原句 .it was really disturbing us.disturb vt.干扰,打扰,使中断;弄乱If you get up early,try not to disturb everyone else.如果你起得早,尽量不要打扰别人。Dont disturb the papers on my desk.别把我桌上的文件弄乱了。【词语辨析词语辨析】d

15、isturb与 interrupt(1)disturb 有“打扰,扰乱,使人心神不宁”之意,侧重“打扰”;(2)interrupt 有“打断,打扰”之意,侧重“打断”。New procedures often disturb the comfortable habits of the personnel.新的程序常常会打乱全体员工习以为常的习惯。He wanted to relate what he experienced last night but his wife interrupted him.他想把他昨晚的经历讲出来,但他妻子打断了他。P P教材原教材原句句 .they apolog

16、ised and said they would make less noise from then on.apologise vi.道歉,谢罪搭配搭配:apologise to sb for(doing)sth=say sorry to sb for(doing)sth 因(做)某事而向某人道歉The student apologised to his teacher for contradicting him.那个学生因为顶撞老师而向他道歉。【词语积累词语积累】apology n.道歉,谢罪make an apology to sb for(doing)sth 因(做)某事向某人道歉acc

17、ept/demand an apology 接受/要求道歉offer sb an apology/offer an apology to sb 向某人道歉owe sb an apology 欠某人一个道歉The film star made an apology to her fans for leaving them waiting outside for a long time.那位影星因让她的影迷们在外面等了很长时间而向他们道歉。I owe you an apology for disturbing you.因打扰了你,我应该向你道歉。Use the language you have learnt to write a short paragraph about any problem you had with other people and how you managed to resolve the problem.


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