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1、EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 数集全册配套完整教学课件数集全册配套完整教学课件 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 2 数字集成电路数字集成电路 -电路、系统与设计电路、系统与设计 引论 Jan M. Rabaey Anantha Chandrakasan Borivoje Nikolic July 30, 2002 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 3 本书的内容本书的内容 数字集成电路简介数字

2、集成电路简介. CMOS devices and manufacturing technology. CMOS inverters and gates. Propagation delay(传播延时), noise margins, and power dissipation. Sequential circuits. Arithmetic, interconnect, and memories. Programmable logic arrays. Design methodologies. 你要学习什么知识?你要学习什么知识? Understanding, designing, and o

3、ptimizing digital circuits with respect to different quality metrics: cost, speed, power dissipation, and reliability EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 4 数字集成电路数字集成电路 引论: 数字集成电路中的设计问题 CMOS 反相器 组合逻辑门的设计 时序逻辑门 设计方法 R, L ,C的互联问题 时序问题 设计运算功能块 存储器和阵列结构设计 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2

4、nd Introduction 5 简介简介 数字IC设计和以前相 比有什么不同? 未来有什么变化? EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 6 第一台计算机第一台计算机 图图1.1 世界上已知的第一个自动计算器世界上已知的第一个自动计算器 Babbage的的Difference Engine I (1832年)的工作部件年)的工作部件 (摘自(摘自Swade93,由伦敦科学博物馆提供),由伦敦科学博物馆提供) EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 7 ENIAC 第一台电

5、子计算机第一台电子计算机 (1946) EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 8 晶体管革命晶体管革命 First transistor Bell Labs, 1948 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 9 第一个集成电路第一个集成电路 Bipolar logic 1960s ECL 3-input Gate Motorola 1966 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 10 Intel 4004 微处

6、理器微处理器 1971 1000 transistors 1 MHz operation EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 11 Intel Pentium (IV) 微处理器微处理器 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 12 摩尔定律摩尔定律 1965年, 戈登.摩尔指出每个新芯片大体 上包含其前任两倍的容量,每个芯片的产 生都是在前一个芯片产生后的1824个月 内。 他预测半导体工艺的效率将会每18个月 翻一番。 EE141 Digital Integrated

7、 Circuits2nd Introduction 13 摩尔定律摩尔定律 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 LOG2 OF THE NUMBER OF COMPONENTS PER INTEGRATED FUNCTION Electronics, April 19, 1965. EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction

8、14 复杂性革命复杂性革命 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 15 晶体管数量晶体管数量 Courtesy, Intel EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 16 摩尔法则在微处理器上的应用摩尔法则在微处理器上的应用 4004 8008 8080 8085 8086 286 386 486 Pentium proc P6 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year Transistors (M

9、T) 2X growth in 1.96 years! Transistors on Lead Microprocessors double every 2 years Courtesy, Intel EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 17 尺寸增长尺寸增长 4004 8008 8080 8085 8086 286 386 486 Pentium proc P6 1 10 100 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year Die size (mm) 7% growth per year 2X growth in

10、 10 years Die size grows by 14% to satisfy Moores Law Courtesy, Intel EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 18 频率频率 Courtesy, Intel EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 19 功耗功耗 P6 Pentium proc 486 386 286 8086 8085 8080 8008 4004 0.1 1 10 100 1971 1974 1978 1985 1992 2000 Ye

11、ar Power (Watts) Lead Microprocessors power continues to increase Courtesy, Intel EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 20 功耗将会成为首要问题功耗将会成为首要问题 5KW 18KW 1.5KW 500W 4004 8008 8080 8085 8086 286 386 486 Pentium proc 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1971 1974 1978 1985 1992 2000 2004 2008 Yea

12、r Power (Watts) Power delivery and dissipation will be prohibitive Courtesy, Intel EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 21 功耗密度功耗密度 4004 8008 8080 8085 8086 286 386 486 Pentium proc P6 1 10 100 1000 10000 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year Power Density (W/cm2) Hot Plate Nuclear Reactor Rock

13、et Nozzle Power density too high to keep junctions at low temp Courtesy, Intel EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 22 生产趋势生产趋势 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 2003 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2005 2007 2009 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000

14、,000 10,000,000 100,000,000 Logic Tr./Chip Tr./Staff Month. x x x x x x x 21%/Yr. compound Productivity growth rate x 58%/Yr. compounded Complexity growth rate 10,000 1,000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Logic Transistor per Chip (M) 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 Productivity (K) Trans./Staff - Mo

15、. Source: Sematech Complexity outpaces design productivity Complexity Courtesy, ITRS Roadmap EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 23 为什么要缩小尺寸为什么要缩小尺寸? Technology shrinks by 0.7/generation With every generation can integrate 2x more functions per chip; chip cost does not increase signifi

16、cantly Cost of a function decreases by 2x But How to design chips with more and more functions? Design engineering population does not double every two years Hence, a need for more efficient design methods Exploit different levels of abstraction EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 24 设

17、计中的抽象层次设计中的抽象层次 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 25 设计要求设计要求 数字设计的质量评价 成本 可靠性 可测量性 速度(延迟, 工作频率) 功耗、能耗 性能 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 26 集成电路的成本集成电路的成本 固定成本 设计时间、人力 间接成本 可变成本 硅处理, 封装, 测试 按体积 按片面积 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 27 固定成本在增加固定成本在增

18、加 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 28 固定成本固定成本 Single die Wafer From Going up to 12” (30cm) EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 29 单个晶体管成本单个晶体管成本 0.0000001 0.000001 0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 cost: -per-transi

19、stor Fabrication capital cost per transistor (Moores law) EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 30 成品率成品率 %100 per wafer chips ofnumber Total per wafer chips good of No. Y yield Dieper wafer Dies costWafer cost Die area die2 diameterwafer area die diameter/2wafer per wafer Dies 2 EE141 D

20、igital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 31 缺陷缺陷 area dieareaunit per defects 1yield die is approximately 3 4 area) (die cost dief EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 32 一些例子一些例子 (1994) Chip Metal layers Line width Wafer cost Def./ cm2 Area mm2 Dies/ wafer Yield Die cost 386DX 2 0.90

21、 $900 1.0 43 360 71% $4 486 DX2 3 0.80 $1200 1.0 81 181 54% $12 Power PC 601 4 0.80 $1700 1.3 121 115 28% $53 HP PA 7100 3 0.80 $1300 1.0 196 66 27% $73 DEC Alpha 3 0.70 $1500 1.2 234 53 19% $149 Super Sparc 3 0.70 $1700 1.6 256 48 13% $272 Pentium 3 0.80 $1500 1.5 296 40 9% $417 EE141 Digital Integ

22、rated Circuits2nd Introduction 33 1.3.2 功能性和稳定性功能性和稳定性 为什么一个制造出来的电路所测得的行为 特性通常都会与预期的响应有差别? 原因1:制造过程导致的差异 每个生产批次之间、甚至同一圆片或芯片上器 件的尺寸和参数都会有所不同。 原因2:芯片上或芯片外存在的干扰噪声。 如电源噪声、并排放置导线间的串扰噪声 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 34 数字集成电路中的噪声数字集成电路中的噪声 i ( t ) 电感耦合电感耦合 电容耦合电容耦合 电源线和地线噪声电源线和地线噪声 v (

23、 t ) V DD EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 35 串扰噪声串扰噪声 Crosstalk vs. Technology 0.16m CMOS 0.12m CMOS 0.35m CMOS 0.25m CMOS Pulsed Signal Black line quiet Red lines pulsed Glitches strength vs technology EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 36 电压传输特性电压传输特性 V(x) V(y) V O

24、H V OL V M V OH V OL f V(y)=V(x) Switching Threshold Nominal Voltage Levels VOH = f(VOL) VOL = f(VOH) VM = f(VM) EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 37 逻辑电平映射至电压范围逻辑电平映射至电压范围 V IL V IH V in 斜率 = -1 斜率 = -1 V OL V OH V out “ 0 ” V OL V IL V IH V OH 不确定区 “ 1 ” EE141 Digital Integrated Ci

25、rcuits2nd Introduction 38 噪声容限噪声容限 Noise margin high Noise margin low V IH V IL 不确定区不确定区 1 0 V OH V OL NM H NM L 门输出门输出 门输入门输入 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 39 再生性条件再生性条件 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 40 再生性条件再生性条件 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduc

26、tion 41 扇入与扇出扇入与扇出 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 42 理想传输门理想传输门 R i = R o = 0 Fanout = NMH = NML = VDD/2 g = V in V out EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 43 老式老式 反相器反相器 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 44 传播延时传播延时 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2

27、nd Introduction 45 环振环振 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 46 一阶一阶 RC 网络网络 v out v in C R tp = ln (2) t = 0.69 RC Important model matches delay of inverter EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 47 功耗功耗 Instantaneous power: p(t) = v(t)i(t) = Vsupplyi(t) Peak power: Ppeak =

28、Vsupplyipeak Average power: Tt t Tt t supply supply ave dtti T V dttp T P)( 1 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 48 能量能量 and 能量延时能量延时 Power-Delay Product (PDP) = E = Energy per operation = Pav tp Energy-Delay Product (EDP) = quality metric of gate = E tp EE141 Digital Integrated Circu

29、its2nd Introduction 49 一阶一阶 RC 网络网络 Vdd Vout isupply CL E0-1 = CLVdd2 PMOS NETWORK NMOS A1 AN NETWORK E0 1 P t dt 0 T Vddisupplyt dt 0 T VddCLdVout 0 Vdd CLVdd 2 = EcapPcapt dt 0 T Vouticapt dt 0 T CLVoutdVout 0 Vdd 1 2 - -CLVdd 2 = v out v in CL R EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 5

30、0 数字集成电路数字集成电路 -电路、系统与设计电路、系统与设计 第2章 制造工艺 July 30, 2002 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 51 本章内容本章内容 制造工艺概述 设计规则 IC封装 数字集成电路的未来趋势 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 52 2.2制造工艺概述制造工艺概述 CMOS 工艺过程工艺过程 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 53 现代现代 CMOS 工艺过程工艺过

31、程 p-welln-well p+ p-epi SiO2 AlCu poly n+ SiO2 p+ gate-oxide Tungsten TiSi2 现代双阱CMOS工艺的截面图 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 54 设计电路设计电路 VDDVDD Vin Vout M1 M2 M3 M4 Vout2 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 55 版图版图 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 56 氧化

32、氧化 光照掩模光照掩模 工艺步骤工艺步骤 涂光刻胶涂光刻胶 去除光刻胶(沙洗)去除光刻胶(沙洗) 旋转、清洗、干燥旋转、清洗、干燥 酸刻蚀酸刻蚀 光刻机曝光光刻机曝光 光刻胶显影光刻胶显影 一个光刻过程的典型操作步骤(摘自一个光刻过程的典型操作步骤(摘自Fullman99) 光刻过程光刻过程 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 57 形成形成SiO2图形的工艺步骤图形的工艺步骤 Si衬底衬底 Si衬底衬底 Si衬底衬底 (a) 硅基础材料硅基础材料 (b)氧化及淀积负光刻胶后氧化及淀积负光刻胶后 (c)光刻机曝光光刻机曝光 光刻胶

33、光刻胶 SiO 2 紫外光紫外光 图形的光照掩膜图形的光照掩膜 曝光的光刻胶曝光的光刻胶 SiO2 Si衬底衬底 Si衬底衬底 Si衬底衬底 SiO 2 SiO 2 (d)显影和刻蚀光刻胶后化学显影和刻蚀光刻胶后化学 或等离子刻蚀或等离子刻蚀SiO2 (e) 刻蚀后、刻蚀后、 (f)去除光刻胶后的最终结果去除光刻胶后的最终结果 变硬的光刻胶变硬的光刻胶 变硬的变硬的 化学或等化学或等 离子刻蚀离子刻蚀 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 58 双阱双阱CMOS工艺中制造工艺中制造NMOS管和管和PMOS管的工艺流程管的工艺流程 p

34、 + P外延外延 (a)基础材料:基础材料:p+衬底及衬底及p外延层外延层 p + (c)采用有源区掩模互补区进行采用有源区掩模互补区进行 等离子刻蚀绝缘沟槽后等离子刻蚀绝缘沟槽后 p + P外延外延 SiO 2 3 Si N 4 (b)淀积栅氧和氮化硅牺牲层淀积栅氧和氮化硅牺牲层 (作为缓冲层)后(作为缓冲层)后 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 59 双阱双阱CMOS工艺中制造工艺中制造NMOS管和管和PMOS管的工艺流程管的工艺流程 SiO 2 (d)沟槽填充氧化物、沟槽填充氧化物、CMP平整平整 化及移去氮化硅牺牲层后化

35、及移去氮化硅牺牲层后 (e) n阱和阱和VTP调整的离子注入调整的离子注入 n (f) p阱和阱和VTn调整的离子注入调整的离子注入 p EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 60 双阱双阱CMOS工艺中制造工艺中制造NMOS管和管和PMOS管的工艺流程管的工艺流程 (g)多晶硅淀积与刻蚀后多晶硅淀积与刻蚀后 poly(silicon) (h) n+源源/漏及漏及p+源源/漏注入后。漏注入后。 这些步骤也掺杂多晶硅这些步骤也掺杂多晶硅 n p + n + (i) SiO2绝缘层淀积及接触孔刻蚀后绝缘层淀积及接触孔刻蚀后 SiO 2

36、EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 61 双阱双阱CMOS工艺中制造工艺中制造NMOS管和管和PMOS管的工艺流程管的工艺流程 (j)第一层第一层Al淀积及图形形成后淀积及图形形成后 Al (k) SiO2绝缘层淀积、通孔刻蚀及绝缘层淀积、通孔刻蚀及 第二层第二层Al淀积和图形形成后淀积和图形形成后 Al SiO 2 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 62 高级镀金属法高级镀金属法 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Intro

37、duction 63 高级镀金属法高级镀金属法 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 64 2.3设计规则设计规则 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 65 3D 透视图透视图 Polysilicon Aluminum EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 66 设计规则设计规则 设计规则是电路设计者和工艺工程师之间的接口 设计规则是制造各种掩膜的指南 单元尺寸: 最小线宽 scalable design r

38、ules: lambda parameter absolute dimensions (micron rules) EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 67 CMOS Process Layers Layer Polysilicon Metal1 Metal2 Contact To Poly Contact To Diffusion Via Well (p,n) Active Area (n+,p+) Color Representation Yellow Green Red Blue Magenta Black Black Bl

39、ack Select (p+,n+) Green EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 68 Layers in 0.25 m CMOS process EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 69 Intra-Layer设计规则设计规则 Metal2 4 3 10 9 0 Well Active 3 3 Polysilicon 2 2 Different Potential Same Potential Metal1 3 3 2 Contact or Via Select

40、 2 or 6 2 Hole EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 70 晶体管版图晶体管版图 1 2 5 3 Transistor EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 71 通孔和接触孔通孔和接触孔 1 2 1 Via Metal to Poly Contact Metal to Active Contact 1 2 5 4 32 2 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 72 选择层选择层 1 33 2

41、2 2 Well Substrate Select 3 5 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 73 CMOS 反相器版图反相器版图 AA n p-substrateField Oxide p+n+ In Out GNDVDD (a) Layout (b) Cross-Section along A-A A A EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 74 版图编辑器版图编辑器 图图A.1 max版图工具的显示窗口。窗口中画出了两个堆叠版图工具的显示窗口。窗口中画出了两个

42、堆叠NMOS晶体管的版图。晶体管的版图。 窗口左边的菜单可用来选择一个工艺层,使一个具体的多边形可以放在这个工艺层上窗口左边的菜单可用来选择一个工艺层,使一个具体的多边形可以放在这个工艺层上 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 75 设计规则检查设计规则检查 poly_not_fet to all_diff minimum spacing = 0.14 um. EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 76 棍棒图棍棒图 1 3 In Out V DD GND CMOS反相

43、器的棍棒图。数字代表晶体管的宽反相器的棍棒图。数字代表晶体管的宽长比 Dimensionless layout entities Only topology is important Final layout generated by compaction program EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 77 2.4 封装封装 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 78 封装要求封装要求 电气要求电气要求: 低参数低参数 机械特性机械特性: 可靠性和牢固性可靠性和牢

44、固性 热特性热特性: 散热率越高越好散热率越高越好 低成本低成本: 价格低价格低 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 79 压焊技术压焊技术 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 80 载带自动压焊(载带自动压焊(TAB) EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 81 倒装焊倒装焊 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 82 印刷版安装方法印刷版安装

45、方法 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 83 封装类型封装类型 1 裸芯片裸芯片 2 双列直插(双列直插(DIP) 3 针栅阵列(针栅阵列(PGA) 4 小外廓小外廓IC(SOIC) 5 方形扁平封装(方形扁平封装(QFP) 6 引线塑封芯片载体(引线塑封芯片载体(PLCC) 7 无引线载体(无引线载体(LCC) EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 84 封装参数封装参数 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introducti

46、on 85 多芯片模块多芯片模块 图为图为 航空用处理器模块航空用处理器模块 (经(经Rockwell Collins公司同意翻印)公司同意翻印) EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 数字集成电路数字集成电路 -电路、系统与设计电路、系统与设计 器件 Jan M. Rabaey Anantha Chandrakasan Borivoje Nikolic July 30, 2002 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 本章的目标本章的目标 定型了解定型了解MOS器件器件 介绍用于手工分析的简单器件模型介绍用于手工分析的简单器件模型 介绍用于介绍用于SPICE模拟的细节器件模型模拟的细节器件模型 未来的发展趋势未来的发展趋势 EE141 Digital Integrated Circuits2nd Introduction 二极管二极管 EE141 Digi


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