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1、高考英语背好句练词汇1.At the moment, the aged artist achieves the ambition of holding his personal oil painting exhibition and the price of the tickets is very low so that he can share his view of natural beauty with the public.此时,这位老艺术家实现了他开个人油画展的愿望,因为门票价格很低,所以他能和大众一起分享他的自然美的观点。English英译汉Chinese Translation汉

2、译英moment /mumnt/n.片刻,瞬间,时刻aged /edd/a.年老的;陈的;旧的artist /:tist/n.艺术家,美术家achieve /ti:v/vt.完成,实现,达到ambition /mbin/n.抱负,雄心,野心hold /hld/n.抓住, 握住 v.握着;夹住;抓住personal /p:snl/a.个(私)人的;亲自的oil /il/n.油;石油;油画painting /pent/n.画, 油漆, 绘画exhibition /eksibi()n/n.展览(会)11low /lu/a./ ad.低(的);低下(的)12share /e/v.分享,分担;分配 n.

3、份额 pl.股份13view /vju:/n.观点;观察;景色 vt.看待;观察14natural /ntrl/a.自然(界)的,正常的;天赋的;天然的15beauty /bju:ti/n.美,美丽;美人,美的东西16public /pblik/n.公众,民众 a.公众的;公共的;公开的2.This winter holidays, they are eager to travel around the Europe, such as France, Italy, Germany, Britain and so on.这个寒假,他们渴望去环游欧洲,例如法国、意大利、英国等。English英译汉

4、Chinese Translation汉译英winter /wint/n.冬,冬季eager /i:g/a.热切的,渴望的Europe /jurp/n.欧洲France /frns/n.法国Italy /itli/n.意大利3.During rush hours, many clerks still choose undergrounds or buses rather than their own private cars as main traffic tools and some young ones even ride bicycles because it is too diffic

5、ult to park cars in the city centre.高峰期时,一些职员仍旧选择地铁或者公交车,而不是自己的私家车作为交通工具,一些年轻人甚至骑自行车,因为市中心停车太难了。English英译汉Chinese Translation汉译英rush /r/v.冲;仓促从事;突袭 n.冲;匆忙;繁忙时刻rush hour高峰时间choose /tu:z/vt.选择,挑选underground /ndgraund/n. 地铁 adj. 地下的, 秘密的 adv. 在地下, 秘密地rather thanprep.而非. conj.宁可 . 也不愿, 与其 . 倒不如, 而不是priv

6、ate /praivit/a.私人的;秘密的main /mein/a.主要的,最重要的ride /raid/v./ n.骑(马),乘(车)bicycle /baisik()l/n.自行车 vi.骑自行车park /p:k/v.停放(车辆等) n.公园;停车场4.Before the lecture in the college, the inventor raised a question who had the ability to take out a coin at the bottom of the bottle without touching it or breaking it i

7、nto pieces.在大学里做讲座前,这位发明者提出了一个问题,谁能从瓶底取出一个硬币而不碰到它,也不能把瓶子打碎。English英译汉Chinese Translation汉译英lecture /lekt/n./v.演讲,讲课college /klid/n.大学,学院inventor /invent/n.发明者raise /reiz/vt.提出;引起;升起;饲养 n.上升, 增高, 高地question /kwest()n/n.问题;疑问;难题 vt.询问;怀疑ability /biliti/n.能力,本领;才能,才智coin /kin/n.硬币,钱币bottom /btm/n.底;末尾b

8、ottle /btl/n.瓶touch /tt/v.触摸;感动;接触 n.接触;触觉11break /breik/n.休息 vt.打破;弄坏 vi.破碎12piece /pi:s/n.片,块,段,件;断片,碎块5.At the weekends, especially when it is sunny and warm, many people can be seen swimming on the surface of the sea; in addition, many families relax themselves at the beach and take a sun bath.周

9、末,特别是晴朗温和的天气,能看到一些人在海上游泳,此外,一些家庭在海岸上放松自己,晒日光浴。English英译汉Chinese Translation汉译英especially /ispeli/ad.特别,尤其,格外sunny /sni/a.阳光充足的surface /s:fis/n.表面,面;外表sea /si:/n.海,海洋addition /din/in additionn.加,加法;增加的人(或物)另外,此外relax /rilks/v.放松,(使)松弛beach /bi:t/n.海滩,沙滩bath /b:/n.浴,洗澡;浴缸6.At the moment, the aged arti

10、st achieves the ambition of holding his personal oil painting exhibition and the price of the tickets is very low so that he can share his view of natural beauty with the public.此时,这位老艺术家实现了他开个人油画展的愿望,因为门票价格很低,所以他能和大众一起分享他的自然美的观点。English英译汉Chinese Translation汉译英moment /mumnt/n.片刻,瞬间,时刻aged /edd/a.年老

11、的;陈的;旧的artist /:tist/n.艺术家,美术家achieve /ti:v/vt.完成,实现,达到ambition /mbin/n.抱负,雄心,野心hold /hld/n.抓住, 握住 v.握着;夹住;抓住personal /p:snl/a.个(私)人的;亲自的oil /il/n.油;石油;油画painting /pent/n.画, 油漆, 绘画exhibition /eksibi()n/n.展览(会)11low /lu/a./ ad.低(的);低下(的)12share /e/v.分享,分担;分配 n.份额 pl.股份13view /vju:/n.观点;观察;景色 vt.看待;观察

12、14natural /ntrl/a.自然(界)的,正常的;天赋的;天然的15beauty /bju:ti/n.美,美丽;美人,美的东西16public /pblik/n.公众,民众 a.公众的;公共的;公开的7.This winter holidays, they are eager to travel around the Europe, such as France, Italy, Germany, Britain and so on.这个寒假,他们渴望去环游欧洲,例如法国、意大利、英国等。English英译汉Chinese Translation汉译英winter /wint/n.冬,冬

13、季eager /i:g/a.热切的,渴望的Europe /jurp/n.欧洲France /frns/n.法国Italy /itli/n.意大利8.During rush hours, many clerks still choose undergrounds or buses rather than their own private cars as main traffic tools and some young ones even ride bicycles because it is too difficult to park cars in the city centre.高峰期时

14、,一些职员仍旧选择地铁或者公交车,而不是自己的私家车作为交通工具,一些年轻人甚至骑自行车,因为市中心停车太难了。English英译汉Chinese Translation汉译英rush /r/v.冲;仓促从事;突袭 n.冲;匆忙;繁忙时刻rush hour高峰时间choose /tu:z/vt.选择,挑选underground /ndgraund/n. 地铁 adj. 地下的, 秘密的 adv. 在地下, 秘密地rather thanprep.而非. conj.宁可 . 也不愿, 与其 . 倒不如, 而不是private /praivit/a.私人的;秘密的main /mein/a.主要的,最

15、重要的ride /raid/v./ n.骑(马),乘(车)bicycle /baisik()l/n.自行车 vi.骑自行车park /p:k/v.停放(车辆等) n.公园;停车场9.Before the lecture in the college, the inventor raised a question who had the ability to take out a coin at the bottom of the bottle without touching it or breaking it into pieces.在大学里做讲座前,这位发明者提出了一个问题,谁能从瓶底取出

16、一个硬币而不碰到它,也不能把瓶子打碎。English英译汉Chinese Translation汉译英lecture /lekt/n./v.演讲,讲课college /klid/n.大学,学院inventor /invent/n.发明者raise /reiz/vt.提出;引起;升起;饲养 n.上升, 增高, 高地question /kwest()n/n.问题;疑问;难题 vt.询问;怀疑ability /biliti/n.能力,本领;才能,才智coin /kin/n.硬币,钱币bottom /btm/n.底;末尾bottle /btl/n.瓶touch /tt/v.触摸;感动;接触 n.接触;

17、触觉11break /breik/n.休息 vt.打破;弄坏 vi.破碎12piece /pi:s/n.片,块,段,件;断片,碎块10.At the weekends, especially when it is sunny and warm, many people can be seen swimming on the surface of the sea; in addition, many families relax themselves at the beach and take a sun bath.周末,特别是晴朗温和的天气,能看到一些人在海上游泳,此外,一些家庭在海岸上放松自己,晒日光浴。English英译汉Chinese Translation汉译英especially /ispeli/ad.特别,尤其,格外sunny /sni/a.阳光充足的surface /s:fis/n.表面,面;外表sea /si:/n.海,海洋addition /din/in additionn.加,加法;增加的人(或物)另外,此外relax /rilks/v.放松,(使)松弛beach /bi:t/n.海滩,沙滩bath /b:/n.浴,洗澡;浴缸5


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