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1、英语长难句分析-横向跳槽对未来职业发展更有利导读今天的长难句选自经济学人的一篇关于螃蟹职业发展路线的文章,传统发展路线强调向上,但是螃蟹发展路线强调横向发展。长难句原文:Another paper, by Xin Jin of the University of South Florida and Michael Waldman of Cornell University, concluded that lateral moves did not just benefit organizations: employees who experienced them were more likel

2、y to be promoted and to enjoy higher wage growth later in their careers than employees who did not. 第一步:拆分Another paper(主语), 插入语解释说明paper: by Xin Jin of the University of South Florida and Michael Waldman of Cornell University, concluded(谓语) 宾语从句:that lateral moves(主语) did not just benefit(谓语) organ

3、isations:同位语从句: employees(主语) 定语从句:who experienced them were(谓语) more likely to be promoted and to enjoy higher wage growth later in their careers than(比较) employees 定语从句:who did not.第二步:生词词组lateraladj. 侧面的,横向的n. 侧部;边音vt. 横向传球lateral move横向移动,横向跳槽employeen. 雇工, 雇员promotevt. 提升,提拔筹划,发起,创立推销第三步:整合翻译抓住

4、句子主干简化后的基本框架a paper concluded that lateral moves did not just benefit organisations一论文得出的结论,横向跳槽不仅有利于组织。参考译文:南佛罗里达大学的金欣(音译)和康奈尔大学的迈克尔沃尔德曼的另一篇论文得出结论,横向跳槽不仅有利于组织:经历过横向跳槽的员工比没有经历过的员工更有可能在职业生涯后期获得晋升,并享受更高的工资增长。练习As hiring processes increasingly emphasize skills, recruiters are likely to put comparativel

5、y less emphasis on CVS and comparatively more weight on what you know.参考译文:随着招聘流程越来越注重技能,招聘人员可能会相对不那么重视简历,而相对更看重你懂些什么。英语长难句分析-专家对经济保持乐观导读:由于美联储不断降息,俄乌冲突导致的能源危机等,全球经济不断面临风险,现在工作也是越来越难找了,但专家认为对中国经济保持乐观。长难句原文来自中国日报:Despite challenges stemming from weakening external demand and mounting uncertainties, t

6、hey expressed optimism regarding Chinas capacity to achieve its annual GDP growth target of around 5 percent, citing proactive fiscal and monetary measures aimed at stimulating domestic demand as key factors supporting the outlook.第一步:拆分状语:Despite challenges stemming from weakening external demand a

7、nd mounting uncertainties, 主句:they(代指经济专家) expressed(谓语) optimism 现在分词作伴随状语(是指状语的动作伴随主句发生)解释为什么“乐观”:regarding Chinas capacity to achieve its annual GDP growth target of around 5 percent, 又一个现在分词作伴随状语解释说明如何去做:citing proactive fiscal and monetary measures aimed at stimulating domestic demand as key fa

8、ctors supporting the outlook.第二步:生词词组mountingv. 爬上;增加(mount的ing形式)adj. 逐渐增加的proactiveadj. 主动的,积极的;先发制人的optimismn. 乐观, 乐观主义monetaryadj. 财政的;货币的outlookn. 展望;态度,观点;景色vt. 比好看;用目光压倒vi. 朝外看第三步:整合翻译抓住句子主干简化后的基本框架Despite challenges,they expressed optimism /doing sth /to do sth/doing sth/at doing sth.(动词短语解释

9、说明内容和方法)尽管很多挑战,但是专家表示乐观,解释内容和方法参考译文:尽管外部需求减弱和不确定性增加带来了挑战,但专家对中国实现5%左右的年度GDP增长目标的能力表示乐观,并指出旨在刺激国内需求的积极财政和货币措施是支撑前景的关键因素。 练习Justin Yifu Lin, dean of Peking Universitys Institute of New Structural Economics, said the annual growth target is achievable if the government steps up both fiscal and monetary

10、 policies to stimulate consumption and investment. 参考译文:北京大学新结构经济研究院院长林毅夫表示,如果政府加强财政和货币政策以刺激消费和投资,年度增长目标是可以实现的。英语长难句分析-早期社交媒体被视为科技的又一进步今日长难句原文:In this way, early social media can be seen as just another step in the long progression of technological improvementsfrom the Postal Service through the tel

11、ephone to email and textingthat helped people achieve the eternal goal of maintaining their social ties.第一步:拆分In this way, early social media(主语) can be seen(谓语被动) as just another step in the long progression of technological improvementsfrom the Postal Service through the telephone to email and tex

12、ting(插入语解释说明the long progression)定语从句修饰improvements: that helped people achieve the eternal goal of maintaining their social ties.第二步:生词词组progressionn. 前进;连续be seen as被视为eternaladj. 永恒的;不朽的Maintainvt. 保持;继续,保养,维护,坚持;主张tien. 领带,领结;带子,绳子,纽带;关系,联系v. 打结;系,缚,捆,扎第三步:整合翻译抓住句子主干简化后的基本框架social media can be s

13、een as a step in the progression that achieve the goal.社交媒体被视完成目标进程的一步。参考译文:在这种情况下,早期的社交媒体可以被视为漫长的技术进步过程中的又一步-从邮政服务到电话,再到电子邮件和短信-帮助人们实现维持社会关系的永恒目标。英语长难句分析-消费是一种享乐主义吗今日长难句原文来自卫报The anthropologist Daniel Mille studied shoppers in London and saw that many people do not see consumption as an act of hedo

14、nism, but as necessary provisioning for themselves and their families. 第一步:拆分The anthropologist Daniel Mille(主语) studied shoppers in London and saw(谓语) 宾语从句:that many people(主语) do not see(谓语) consumption as an act of hedonism, but as(比较) necessary provisioning for themselves and their families.第二步:

15、生词词组anthropologistn. 人类学者,人类学家shoppern. 购物者;顾客hedonismn. 快乐主义;快乐论,享乐主义provisionn. 提供,供给,给养,供应品 规定,条款v. 为提供所需物品第三步:整合翻译抓住句子主干简化后的基本框架The anthropologist saw that many people do not see consumption as , but as . 人类学家发现很多人不认为消费是而是参考译文:人类学家丹尼尔米勒对伦敦的购物者进行了研究,发现许多人并不认为消费是一种享乐主义行为,而是认为这是为自己和家人提供所需物品的必要行为。 练

16、习The items brought into the household were a way of showing thought and concern about the needs of the people in it .自己动手练习一下吧(tips:可以长按划线,先将谓语动词标注出来哦)参考译文:带进家庭的物品是一种思考和关心家庭成员需求的方式英语长难句分析-足协引入公众监督制度今日长难句原文:As part of Chinas ambitious soccer revival project, the Chinese Football Association has intro

17、duced a public supervision system, inviting ordinary fans, media representatives and local disciplinary inspectors to oversee daily operations of the sports governing bodies at all levels and report any wrongdoings or disciplinary violations as whistle blowers. 第一步:拆分背景:As part of Chinas ambitious s

18、occer revival project, 主句:the Chinese Football Association(主语) has introduced(谓语) a public supervision system(宾语),监管制度内容:inviting ordinary fans, media representatives and local disciplinary inspectors 目的:to oversee daily operations of the sports governing bodies at all levels and report any wrongdoi

19、ngs or disciplinary violations as whistle blowers.虽然句子很长但是只有一个句子一个谓语,没有其他分句。第二步:生词词组ambitiousadj. 有抱负的, 雄心勃勃的,有野心的revivaln. 复活;复兴;恢复精神;苏醒;再生效supervisionn. 监督, 管理wrongdoingn. 坏事,不道德行为disciplinaryadj. 规律的;训练的;训诫的violationn. 违反, 冒犯, 侵害违反(行为、事例)Whistle blowern. 美俚告密者,揭发者第三步:整合翻译as 什么背景下, the Association

20、 has introduced a supervision system,监管制度的内容inviting sb to oversee sth and report sth.协会引进监管制度,邀请某人监督和报道某事参考译文:作为中国雄心勃勃的足球复兴计划的一部分,中国足协于近日引入了公众监督制度,邀请普通球迷、媒体代表和地方纪律检查员监督各级足球运动管理机构的日常运作,并举报任何不法行为或违纪行为。 练习The move to get the masses involved was announced on Thursday, as former Chinese mens national te

21、am head coach Li Tie stood trial over allegations of bribery and match-fixing at a court in Xianning, Hubei province.参考译文:这一让大众参与其中的举措是在周四对外宣布的, 同日,前中国男足国家队主教练李铁因涉嫌受贿和操纵比赛的指控在湖北省咸市法院接受审判。英语长难句分析-西方还是拜托不了对俄罗斯能源的依赖今日长难句原文:According to a report by London-based Think Tank Royal United Services Institute

22、 or RUSI, it says that despite measures to cut economic ties with Russia, several Western Nations still rely on the countrys nuclear fuel to power their reactors.第一步:拆分方式状语:According to a report by London-based Think Tank Royal United Services Institute or RUSI(或简称RUSI), 主句:it(代指a report) says 宾语从句:

23、that 让步状语:despite measures to cut economic ties with Russia, several Western Nations(主语) still rely(谓语) on the countrys(代指俄罗斯) nuclear fuel to power their reactors.第二步:生词词组despiteprep. 尽管,即使不由自主地,忍不住地measuren. 措施;程度;测量;尺寸v. 测量;估量;权衡economic ties经济联系rely on依靠,依赖nuclear fuel核燃料第三步:整合翻译抓住句子主干简化后的基本框架ac

24、cording to a report,it says that despite measures,western nations still rely on the nuclear fuel.报告称尽管采取了一系列措施,但是西方国家还是依赖核燃料.参考译文:总部位于伦敦的智库英国皇家联合军种国防研究所(RUSI)的一份报告称,尽管采取了切断与俄罗斯经济联系的措施,一些西方国家仍依赖俄罗斯核燃料为其反应堆提供动力。 练习Imports into France from Russia of enriched uranium have increased significantly since t

25、he start of 2022,so there was an increase of about 184% in volume. 参考译文:自2022年初以来,法国从俄罗斯进口的浓缩铀大幅增加,数量增加了约184%。英语长难句分析-中国发展还存在哪些问题今日长难句选自UNDP对于中国发展的评价And I think perhaps the most significant, you know, development over time has been Chinas ability to also recognize that air quality, biodiversity, cli

26、mate change, carbon emissions are going to erode that development progress if theyre not addressed. 第一步:拆分And I think perhaps 省略that的宾语从句:the most significant development(主语) over time has been(谓语) Chinas ability to also recognize 宾语从句:that air quality, biodiversity, climate change, carbon emissions

27、 are going(谓语) to erode that development progress (条件状语从句)if theyre not addressed., you know(非常口语的一个插入语,可以先忽略),第二步:生词词组significantadj. 重要的, 重大的, 可观的,有意义的, 有用意的over time超时;随着时间的过去recognizevt. 认出,识别出某人某事物,承认有效属实;认可air quality空气质量biodiversityn. 生物多类状态, 生物多样性climate change气候变化carbon emission碳排放第三步:整合翻译参

28、考译文:我认为,随着时间的推移,最重要的发展也许是中国也认识到,如果不解决空气质量、生物多样性、气候变化、碳排放等问题,发展进程将会减缓。练习And so China has invested very heavily in decarbonization,the green transition, green finance system. All of these are now drivers in Chinas ability to build a 21st century economy. 因此,中国在脱碳、绿色转型、绿色金融体系方面投入了大量资金。所有这些现在都是中国建设21世纪经

29、济体的动力。英语长难句分析-中国留学生起诉美国歧视性法案今日长难句原文:Two Chinese students at Florida International University and a professor at the University of Florida are filing a lawsuit in a federal court against a new state law that restricts students from China and six other countries from being employed as graduate assista

30、nts to conduct academic research projects. 第一步:拆分Two Chinese students(主语) 地点状语:at Florida International University and a professor(主语) 地点状语:at the University of Florida are filing(谓语)a lawsuit(宾语) in a federal court 目的状语:against a new state law 定语从句修饰a new state law:that restricts(谓语) students(宾语) f

31、rom(第一个from作介词短语) China and six other countries from(第二个from是restrict的固定搭配) being employed(被动) as graduate assistants 不定式短语补充说明:to conduct academic research projects.第二步:生词词组restrict sb from doing sth限制某人做某事lawsuitn. 诉讼(尤指非刑事案件);诉讼案件conductv. 组织,实施,进行;指挥n. 行为举止;管理academicadj. 学院的;学术的;理论的n. 大学生,大学教师;

32、学者第三步:整合翻译抓住句子主干简化后的基本框架Two Chinese students and a professor are filing a lawsuit against a law that restricts students from being employed as graduate assistants.参考译文:来自佛罗里达国际大学的两名中国学生、以及来自佛罗里达大学的一名教授,正在联邦法院提起诉讼,反对该州推出一项新法律,该法律限制来自中国和其他六个国家的学生被聘为研究生助理来进行学术研究项目。练习The law, SB 846, was signed by Governor Ron DeSantis in May 2023 and went into effect on July 1. 参考译文:2023年5月,这项名为SB846的法案由州长罗恩德桑蒂斯签署,并于当年的7月1日正式生效。


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