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1、2024年河南省安阳市滑县老店镇第一初级中学中考二模英语试题一、阅读理解The Best Inventions of 2023Every year, TIME magazine puts out its list of the years best inventions. Some of these help us solve problems. Others make life easier or more fun. Here are 4 of them. A Cooler ColorUsually, the paint on a white building can throw back

2、80% to 90% of the sunlight that hits it. Now a new kind of whiter paint is made of chemicals that better reflect (反射) sunlight. It reflects up to 98% of the sunlight, which could cut down the use of air-conditioners by 40%. In this way, it can keep cities cooler. Virtual AnimalsAt the Hologram Zoo,

3、the animals are not realYou see a group of elephants running toward you and then running over you. Its really about showing people things they have never seen before. Visitors meet lifelike wonders such as giraffes and whales (鲸鱼) in action. Its a way for the public to see wildlife. The Language of

4、SongNow you can take music lessons on a smartphone by using Duolingo Apps music feature (功能). It uses an on-screen piano to teach basics of music. Its very easy. Just match sounds with notes and play along. You dont need natural talent to learn music. Easy WalkingThese might look like skates, but th

5、eyre actually battery-powered (电池供电的)shoes with wheels. The shoes use AI to sense when youre speeding up or slowing down, and control themselves accordingly. The wheels will lock when youre taking the stairs (楼梯). With Moonwalkers, you can walk faster without being tired out. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。1How can t

6、he new kind of whiter paint keep cities cooler?ABy using the air-conditioner.BBy using different kinds of chemicals.CBy throwing back most of the sunlight.DBy cooling down the walls of buildings.2What do we know about virtual animals?AThey are real animals in the zoo.BThey are animals full of techno

7、logy.CWe can make friends with them in the zoo.DWe can only see several kinds of animals in the zoo.3How can we learn to play the piano according to the text?ABy joining a music club.BBy buying piano lessons online.CBy using Duolingo App on a smartphone.DBy matching the sounds with notes on the book

8、.4What does the underlined sentence mean?AWe should use a key when taking the stairs.BWe cant wear the shoes when taking the stairs.CThe shoes will be powered off when we are taking the stairs.DThe shoes are just like normal shoes when we are taking the stairs.5Whats the purpose of the text?ATo intr

9、oduce some great inventions.BTo ask people to try these inventions.CTo make our lives easier and happier.DTo encourage people to invent something interesting.Touching China is a TV program on CCTV played once a year. It first appeared in 2003. Ten role models were praised in the program for their mo

10、ving stories and great achievements for our society. Wu Yuren, a 74-year-old physics teacher from Chinas Tongji University, was among them. She won the award (奖) for her efforts to share knowledge through short videos. By the end of 2023, Wus popular physics experiment (实验) videos had caught over 5.

11、2 million fans attention. In her short videos, she often wears a coat with several pockets and takes magical “toys”. She uses them as teaching tools. She is able to make use of these everyday objects to explain physical questions in a simple way. “I made these videos to make young people curious (好奇

12、的) about common life. And I hope they can use everyday tools to experience the fun of discovering the truth of science,” Wu said. Wu has been spreading physics knowledge actively for 16 years. She said childrens interest in doing experiments made her keep making videos. To guide students to put inte

13、rest into experimental research, Wu is going to put up online courses as well as short videos. According to CCTV, her videos are like “classrooms without walls”. The words of the Touching China Award said, “The popularity created by gray-haired people has created real energy (能量).”根据材料内容选择最佳答案。6How

14、long has the program Touching China lasted for?AFor less than ten years.BFor about ten years.CFor over twenty years.DFor over thirty years.7What made Wu Yuren win the award in Touching China?AHer hard-working spirit.BHer videos of the common life.CHer popular physics experiments.DHer efforts to shar

15、e knowledge online.8Why does Wu Yuren make use of everyday objects in the videos?ATo make people curious about daily life.BTo experience the fun of learning science.CTo explain physical questions in a simple way.DTo guide students to put interest into experiments.9Which words can best describe Wu Yu

16、ren?ACalm and serious.BCheerful and brave.CFriendly and humorous.DKnowledgeable and creative.10Which can be the best title for the text?AClassrooms without wallsBShort videos, great successesCThe moving stories behind awardsDShort videos make physics fun againWe all know that the eyes are the window

17、s of the soul. People use different methods to protect them, such as exercising, taking some medicine, eating some kinds of food and so on. Do you know what kind of common food is good for our eyes? The answer, of course, is carrots which are common in our daily life. However, a new study suggests t

18、hat besides carrots, grapes are also good for our eyes. Researchers from the National University of Singapore have found that eating just a few grapes a day can improve our vision (视力). This is especially good for people who are older. Dr. Eun Kim, the lead researcher, said, “Our study is the first

19、to show that eating grapes is good for our eyes, which is very exciting, especially with a growing and ageing population.” Dr. Kim added that grapes were fruits that can easily get. This is good news for people who dont really like carrots. The study is published in Food &Function. Thirty-four adult

20、s took part in experiments over 16 weeks. Half of them ate one-and-a-half cups of grapes per day. The other half ate a snack (小吃). Dr. Kim did not tell them whether she was testing the grapes or the snack. She thought that not telling this information would give better test results. She found that p

21、eople who ate the grapes had improved muscle strength (肌肉力量) around the retina (视网膜). The retina passes information about light to the brain. It protects the eyes from blue light which is bad for our eyes. A lot of blue light comes from computers, smartphones and LED lights. In a word, although food

22、 has a certain effect on protecting our eyes, we still need to take good care of them. Lets start now! 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。11How does the writer lead into the topic “grapes are good for eyes” in Paragraph 2?ABy asking a question.BBy telling a joke.CBy using an old saying.DBy making a survey.12Who are grape

23、s especially good for?ABCD13What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?AThe process and the result of the study.BThe suggestions and opinions from the researchers.CThe exercise people take to improve their muscle strength.DThe harmful blue light that people get from smartphones.14Whats the structure of

24、 the text?(P1 =Paragraph 1)ABCD15Where can we read this text?Awww. Bwww. Cwww. Dwww. Diaries are wonderful articles that allow you to discuss your feelings, write down your dreams or ideas and show your daily life in a safe and private way. 16 Here are some advice that may help you. Write about the

25、events of your day. For example, you could write about the English exam you take at school that day. Are you feeling good about the exam? 17 Are you nervous to receive your grade? 18 Work on one thought or feeling at a time and explore (探讨) it as fully as you can. For example, if you feel sad, you c

26、an write a diary explaining why you have this feeling and any events that may cause sadness. Write down inspirational quotes (励志名言) and what they mean to you. They can come from anywherea famous person, your favorite book or movie. Record the quote in your diary and note where it comes from. 19 For

27、example, you might write down a quote like, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started” which comes from Mark Twain. Write a diary about what this means to you and what things you need to get started on to achieve certain goals. Explore your favorite subjects or hobbies in depth. Make a list of

28、 topics that you love or your favorite hobbies. The subjects can be anything you want, as long as they interest and inspire you. 20 After that, you will be clear what to write and you can start. 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺、内容完整。AWrite down your recent feelings.BDo you wish you had studied

29、 more?CThen, explain what it means to you in your own words.DBut sometimes we dont know how to choose the topics.EThen choose one topic from the list and create a diary about it.二、完形填空先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。“Come on, Dave,” said Jake. “Lets try out our new snowboards! The snow

30、 is 21 .”“Im not ready,” Dave said. He watched his older brother 22 his coat and head for the door. “Whats to get ready?” Jake asked. Dave wanted to say that he was afraid of other kids laughing if he failed. But he said 23 .“Go with your brother, Dave,” said Mom. “Hell show you 24 to do it.”The bro

31、thers walked to the 25 and Dave could see the hill ahead of them. It was so 26 that the park had built wooden steps to help snowboarders climb up. Kids were standing on the snowboards one by one, screaming (尖叫 ) all the way down. Dave couldnt 27 if their cries meant they were happy or afraid. His br

32、other Jake was taking the two 28 at a time. “Come on!” he called to Dave. Dave started up. 29 he was a little afraid, the line of kids on the steps behind him meant he had to keep climbing. At the top, the boys joined a group of kids waiting their 30 . Dave stamped (跺) his feet on the ground to stay

33、 31 . His brother stopped and looked at Dave. “Do you want me to go down with you?” He asked. Seeing his older brothers 32 calmed Dave. He knew Jake wanted to fly down the hill without his little brother. “Are you two going or not?” a girl behind him said. Dave took a deep breath. “Im going. By myse

34、lf.” “Good for you, Dave,” Jake said. Dave stood on the snowboard and 33 his two feet. His heart was beating. He started and went so 34 that he couldnt stop. He couldnt even scream. At last, he stopped at the bottom. He 35 and lay on his back, breathing hard“Are you all right?” Jake asked. Dave sat

35、up slowly and looked around. “Dave, say something! Say something!” Jake said. Dave smiled. “Again?”21AcleanBlittleCperfectDcommon22Aput onBput awayCput offDput out23AanythingBeverythingCsomethingDnothing24AhowBwhereCwhyDwhen25AdoorBparkCschoolDmountain26AsmoothBheavyCdeepDhigh27ArefuseBstopCtellDhel


37、eelingmakeelsejustlaughfavoriteAre you a happy person? Are you looking for a way to get this warm 36 in your heart? There are many easy things you can do each day to help you feel in a good mood (心情). Watch a funny show or movie. Anything that helps you 37 is sure to brighten your mood. Laughing 38

38、you feel relaxed. You can just sit down to enjoy one of your 39 comedies, which can cheer you up and make your day. Instead of comparing yourself with someone 40 , make a comparison with yourself in the past. Look at the ways that youve changed and 41 into the person you are now. Remember that peopl

39、e only show off 42 best selves and you never know what experiences they really had. Offer a helping hand. When there are 43 to help out a friend, see what you can do. When you put someone else before yourself, you feel happy even if you arent getting anything from the person in return. 44 promising

40、to help someone out is enough to make you feel good. Exercise. Staying active is helpful to make you feel 45 than before. If you have 15 minutes free during the day, thats enough time to improve your mood.四、短文填空阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。As the art of writing Chinese characters, Chinese calligr

41、aphy, or shufa, is one of the highest forms of Chinese art. People usually use a brush and ink (墨) 46 write on xuan paper. The development of Chinese calligraphy began with the earliest discovered Chinese charactersthe oracle bone inscriptions(甲骨文) of the Shang Dynasty 47 Anyang, Henan Province. Ove

42、r time, calligraphy has become an art form, rather than just 48 way of recording. The kind of brush, ink and paper can all influence the writing. Whats more, it 49 said that the feelings of the writer are directly reflected on calligraphy. Where 50 is Chinese language, there is Chinese calligraphy.

43、The art is still highly valued today, for it is more than just writingit is one kind of living heritage(遗产).五、补全对话根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Excuse me, I am writing an article about ways of travelling. 51 ?B: Certainly not. Im glad I can help. A: 52 ?B: I went to Wuhan by car this wint

44、er holiday. And I also took the high-speed train to Nanjing last summer holiday. A: How do you like the high-speed train? B: It is safe and fast. A: 53 ? B: Yes, I have. I took a plane to Kunming two years ago. I spent only 4 hours flying there. A: It sounds like a wonderful trip. Which one do you l

45、ike best, the high-speed train, the car or the plane? B: The plane. 54 . We can also have different experiences on a plane. A: My family will go to Harbin this winter by plane. Its my first time to take the plane and Im excited. B: 55 !六、书面表达56社团活动可以使我们的生活更加多姿多彩。为了丰富我们的社团活动,学校校刊英语专栏以“Better activiti

46、es, happier teenagers”为主题面向学生进行征文。请你根据以下表格信息,用英语写一篇短文,向专栏投稿。要点提示信息Activitiesplay basketball/ play soccer/ dance/ perform/Benefits(好处)get a strong body/ relax ourselves/Suggestions要求:1. 文中不得出现考生的真实姓名和学校名称;2. 词数 100 左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。Better activities, happier teenagersThe colorful club activities help make teenagers happier and more confident._


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