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1、2024年内蒙古呼伦贝尔市阿荣旗中考二模英语试题一、单项选择1The Dragon Boat Festival of this year falls _ June 10th.AatBinConDto2Perhaps you should ask someone else for help _ you cant solve the problem.AsoBbutCsinceDunless3The weather report says the temperature is going to drop _ tonight.Then wed better dress warmly before go

2、ing out.AslowlyBquietlyCsuddenlyDdirectly4Listening to music can make _ easy to develop happiness.AitBoneCthisDthat5_ new is sweeping the Internet these days!You mean Sora? It can make videos according to peoples instructions.ANothingBAnythingCSomethingDEverything6As a volunteer, Liu Ming is proud o

3、f his _ in the Special Olympics World Games.AvictoryBprogressCachievementDexperience7To help people learn more about Chinese history and culture, Nanjing Museum _ to the public for free since 2008.Ahas openedBhas been openCwas openedDwas open8The TV show A journey built around good taste brings some

4、 guests to visit cities around China and _ the local cooking style.AexploreBfollowCimproveDprotect9Simon was the hero in the last basketball match.More than 30 points _ by him, believe it or not!AscoredBwere scoredCthrewDwere thrown10I havent seen you these days. What are you busy with?I _ the exam

5、for talent students.Aprepare forBam preparing forChave prepared forDwill prepare for11Would you like to enjoy the folk dance show A Dream of Red Mansions with me?Id love to. Could you please tell me _?Awhen will the show beginBwho the dancers wereChow long the show will lastDwhat the show was like12

6、Which “re-” in the following words has the same meaning as that in the word “reuse”?ArecommendBrememberCreturnDrecycle13What can we know from the sign on the right?AThe playground is open to the public.BThe playground is used for riding bicycles.CChildren can walk their dogs on that playground.DChil

7、dren aged 11 can play games on that playground.14Which of the following sentences has the same structure as “Running is a good way to exercise.”?APeople who run will have a healthier heart.BRunning gives you a chance to enjoy views.CYou can hear the wind blowing while running.DStarting an exercising

8、 habit sounds wonderful.15Im sorry to keep you waiting. Ill arrive in ten minutes._. Safety first.ANo wayBNo hurryCIm afraid notDYoud better not二、完形填空A traveller was in a desert, planning to walk across it in one month. Twenty more days passed, and the journey had been going on 16 . “Soon Ill be abl

9、e to walk out of this desert,” he thought gladly. But the desert was never friendly 17 travellers. In a short time, there came a strong sandstorm. He hurriedly 18 his head with the clothes, prostrate on the sand. After about ten minutes, the sandstorm 19 . He shook the clothes and stood up. At that

10、moment, he found himself in a hopeless situationthe backpack with food and water was swept away by the 20 . As we know, it seems 21 to leave the desert without food and water. 22 , he had a pear left. He held it in his hands tightly. “Not too bad, at least I have a pear. I 23 I can walk out of the d

11、esert.” Days and nights went by quickly, but the desert still looked endless. Besides, hunger, thirst and fear of 24 were always around him like ghosts. 25 , each time he was close to losing hope, he forced himself to stare at the pear that he had been 26 . “Not too bad, at least I have a pear.” A s

12、mall pear became the 27 for his survival (生存). Three days later, 28 he saw a village not far away, he laughed with excitement. He felt completely relaxedthe “pear” brought him back to 29 . To keep hope is the best weapon (武器) for victory, so never tell you “ 30 left” because only if you try to searc

13、h, you can always find a “pear” to pull you out of trouble.16AwellBbadlyCterriblyDheavily17AatBtoConDby18AfilledBbeatCplayedDcovered19AstoppedBhidCbeganDcontinued20AsnowBsandstormCdesertDsmoke21ArightBimpossibleCsafeDimportant22ASadlyBEasilyCCarefullyDLuckily23AwonderBbelieveCrememberDadvise24Adeath

14、BpainCillnessDsand25AHoweverBAndCOrDAlso26AsmellingBkeepingCeatingDimagining27AhopeBruleCquestionDplan28Aso thatBeven ifCas long asDas soon as29AdangerBsteepClifeDmind30AanythingBnothingCsomethingDeverything三、阅读理解While learning about history from books, why not use the power of the internet to learn

15、 more? Here some bloggers (博主) show us nature in their eyes on their accounts (账号).Uncle Cools Animal WorldIt is an account run by Huang Xin. He introduces animals to internet users in interesting ways. In one of his videos, he compares birds to different kinds of people in A Dream of Red Mansions (

16、红楼梦). “I hope my videos help connect people with the wonderful nature and make people love animals,” said Huang.Nature in Our EyesLu Jing and Hui Dong are two plant lovers. They run the account on Douyin and Bilibili. Their journey through the forest has been full of challenges. But they can tell pl

17、ants stories in a simple way. And what attracts the audience (观众) is their introduction to the culture and folk stories behind plants. They hope to help the audience get to know the plants around us through their stories.Fact of Wild InsectsIt is an account made by Liu Pengyu and his insect-loving f

18、riends in 2018. They share videos of rare (稀少的) insects on social media. “People step on many insects without realizing some insects are as special as pandas,” Liu said. The team hopes more people will join them to protect insects.31How many accounts are mentioned in the passage?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFo

19、ur.32Who compares a bird to Lin Daiyu in A Dream of Red Mansions?ALiu Pengyu.BLu Jing.CHui Dong.DHuang Xin.33The audience like Nature in Our Eyes because of _.Athe challenges through forestsBthe three plant lovers they knowCthe culture and stories behind plantsDthe funny way of telling plants storie

20、s34Liu Pengyu and his friends hope people can _.Awatch pandasBprotect insectsCresearch pandasDstep on insects35In which section of a newspaper can you probably read the text?AAnimal WorldBTravel and CultureCBloggers CornerDLife and HealthA new game is becoming popular with young people: tens or even

21、 hundreds of people come together, choose to be “cats” or “mice”, share locations on their phones, and then play hide-and-seek in a big open-air space.Young people say that this game not only gets people to exercise but also throws them into the joys of childhood memories. It helps them deal with pr

22、essure and turns running into a fun social game.On Sept. 24, I went to experience the activity with Patrick McCarthy in the park. There were around 30 people. Most of us didnt know each other. The game had two rounds (轮). In the first round, five people were “cats” and the rest were “mice”. With fiv

23、e minutes for “mice” to run and hide, the “cats” found them using the locations they shared on a map app. The second round was group competition.We all played hide-and-seek when we were little. When I invited McCarthy, he asked, “Whats the purpose of playing this game as an adult (成人)?”It turned out

24、 (结果是) that the game was a joyful experience for him. The use of GPS made it much more fun. “It was a creative way of bringing something new to old games with technology,” said McCarthy. “It is a good way to make friends, as they need teamwork.”For me, its good that this activity got me moving as Im

25、 not so interested in doing sports in my daily life. However, I could have had more fun if the park werent so big.36Why is the new game popular with young people according to Paragraph 2?AIt brings fun for them.BIt gives them no pressure.CIt improves their memories.DIt gets them to do less sports.37

26、What can we know about the new game?A“Cats” are more than “mice”.B“Cats” find “mice” with a map app.CPlayers need to know each other well.DThe space for the activity is very small.38What does the underlined word “it” refer to in Paragraph 5?AThe teamwork.BThe technology.CThe fun.DThe game.39What doe

27、s the writer think of the game?AHe thinks the game is creative.BHe thinks the game makes him do sports.CHe believes the game isnt interesting.DHe believes the game helps him make friends.40Whats the passage mainly about?AA new way to play hide-and-seek.BA joyful experience of playing games.CThe rule

28、s for playing hide-and-seek.DThe importance of technology in games.There is no doubt that technology has bad a big influence on our lives. People from all around the world can now talk to each other almost at once on mobile phones and the Internet. People can easily solve their problems with the hel

29、p of computers and the world wide web. With this technology, it seems that the world is more connected now than ever before. Even so, there have been worries about technology making people feel lonely and disconnected from others around them.So does this mean that technology makes us lonely?In my op

30、inion, it is hard to say Yes or No.Its true that humans need communication with catch other. If we depend on technology too much to communicate, this can badly impact our mental (心理的) health. For me, technology is a tool. And just like any other kind of toollike scissors, a pencil or a ruler, for ex

31、ample, it depends on how we use it: in a right way or in a right place. Take social media (社交媒体) as an example. If you only use it to compare yourself with others, you might feel sad and lonely. But if you use it as a tool to connect with friends and family or to start a new community to talk about

32、your hobbies and interests, the loneliness will turn into love and friendship.When you feel lonely after staring at your computer screen all day, maybe you can use that technology to reach out to a reliable (可靠的) friend and invite him or her out for lunch or a coffee.41What is the effect of technolo

33、gy in our lives according to the passage?AWe can read electronic books.BWe can solve our problems on the Internet.CWe can buy almost anything we need online.DWe can make friends with people around the world.42If we use technology too much, what will we feel _ according to Paragraph 4?ATired and slee

34、py.BBored and worried.CWarm and happy.DSad and lonely,43What is the writers idea of technology?AIt is a kind of tool.BIt is a friend of ours.CIt is a pair of scissors.DIt is a way of communication.44Which word is close to the underlined word “impact”?A连接B保护C影响D进入45Which can be a proper title for the

35、 text?ASocial Media is Important to UsBTechnology Can be Good and BadCComputers and the Internet Help UsDPeople Need to Communicate with Each OtherI love snakes, while my mother does not. Lots of people who are afraid of snakes have never seen one. Neither has my mother. So where does the fear come

36、from?To find out the answer, scientists put pictures with snakes, pandas, cats, flowers and many other things in front of a group of people of all ages, even babies. People found snakes faster than flowers. It wasnt just snakes. They found “black faces”, another example, spiders (蜘蛛), faster than “s

37、afe” things like flowers. It seems we find things that might be dangerous to us faster. Maybe we are born to be afraid of them.Scientists also found people learned to fear snakes faster. Why did they fear snakes? Most of them said that in their experiences, they were influenced by the scared voice a

38、nd faces of those who met snakes, but wasnt bitten by snakes. After all, if we had to be bitten by a snake to learn that its dangerous, we might learn our lesson too late.So why is it important whether we are afraid of snakes or not? It may not matter much to us, but it is really very important to s

39、nakes. People protect animals they like, not animals they fear. Snakes may not be as cute as pandas, but theyre just of the same importance to the environment. Snakes eat insects and mice that are pests (害虫) to humans. Snakes are also food for other animals, so, when we kill snakes, were breaking th

40、e balance.How can we reduce our fears to give snakes a chance? Scientists did a study recently. Some volunteer students went on a field trip. With the help of safety tips, everyone could safely touch and hold a snake. It turns out that snakes arent so bad when you know the way to stay with them. Mos

41、t people who were afraid of snakes before the field trip werent afraid afterwards. In fact, snakes even became some students favorite animal. Hmm, maybe I should take my mom on the next field trip.46In the writers opinion, what are “black faces”?AThings make people feel dangerous.BFaces of animals i

42、n the picture.CThings that have black faces.DFaces of people in danger.47What does the writer mean by saying “we might learn our lesson too late” in the third paragraph?AWe might never see any snakes.BWe are not in danger any longer.CWe might not fear snakes any more.DWe might already be killed by s

43、nakes.48How do the scientists help people reduce the fear of snakes?ABy teaching people skills of killing snakes.BBy driving snakes away through a field trip.CBy teaching them the right way to stay with them.DBy giving snakes a chance to show they are good.49What can we learn from scientists after r

44、eading the passage?ADont be afraid and find chances in danger.BAlways remember to give people safety tips.CFace failures bravely and never give up trying.DFind problems and do research to solve them.50Which fits the scientists idea best? People 1_. People also learn to fear snakes from others experi

45、ences.So people are afraid of snakes and they 2_.So snakes arent protected by people though they 3_.a. are born to fear snakesb. need to be protectedc. dont protect animals they fearA1-c, 2-a, 3-bB1-b, 2-a, 3-cC1-a, 2-c, 3-bD1-a, 2-b, 3-c四、任务型阅读阅读短文,根据文章内容,完成下列表格。每空一词。What would the world be like if

46、 cars could drive themselves? Imagine seeing an empty car passing by on its way to pick up its owner, or a car full of passengers who are reading, listening to music or even sleeping. But none of them are worried about the road ahead.Well, all of this could be the future of driving. There are several companies, including Google, working on driverless cars. So far, no Google self-driven cars have gotten a traffic ticket (罚单), but some of them have been in accidents when other cars hit them.These cars are now still in the testing stage


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