
上传人(卖家):优雅的小书虫 文档编号:7939240 上传时间:2024-09-06 格式:DOCX 页数:7 大小:292.92KB
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1、auutdtrdrtsdz +发音小窍门+帮你纠错Lesson 7Section1 双元音au uSection2 辅音(破擦音) t d Section3 辅音(破擦音) tr dr Section4 辅音(破擦音) ts dzSection5 发音小窍门:y的变音1. “傲”2. 发音代言人cowkauSection1 auSection1 auSection6 帮你纠错:不注意元音的发音长度3. 常见发音字母或组合ou-sound, ground ow-powder, towel4. 单词精读练习Section1 auSection1 au5.6. 经典句子u howhauudownda

2、unuhourauoutside the houseI found that I had gained at a pound.u aboutbautu soursauu outautu outputautputu crownkraunu shoutautu crowdkraudu powerpauu poundpaundshout out loudly from mouth to mouth climb a mountainThe cow was doused by a shower. How about reading aloud?Wow! The flowers are beautiful

3、.u outlineautlain ualoudlaudu foundfaundclean the cow houseI found the towel just now.u loudlaudu outcomeautkmu cowardkaudincrease the outputu proudpraudu mountainmauntin17. 绕口令Section1 au1.精确口形图Section1 uThe loudest hound in town bow-wowed at a mouse.8.推荐歌曲镇子上声音最大的猎狗在对着一只老鼠汪汪直叫。 u的发音类似汉字“欧”和“ou”。2.

4、发音代言人Dont Cry Out LoudMelissa Manchester9.经典名句诵读April showers bring May flowers.四月雨带来五月花。swallow swlu3.常见发音字母或组合o-most, openoa-road, coatou-soul, shoulder ow-low, slowSection1 u4.u toadtudustonestunupostpust5. 重要短语have no hopeSection1 u6. 经典句子He grows old.u almost:lmustu also:lsuu thoseuzu coldkuldu

5、 goatgutu toetuu strokestruku smokesmuku bonebunu hopehupu homehumu goguu holdhuldu poempuimu foldfuldu nosenuzu localluklgo home wrote a poem hold a post so coldHe rowed the boat over the ocean. It is so cold outside.He wrote home hoping for a big loan. I hope I can go home tomorrow.2Section1 u 7.绕

6、口令口腔肌肉练习Section2 t d1.The oboe and cello sat alone, echoing tone for tone.8. 推荐歌曲双簧管和大提琴双重奏,音调此起彼伏。 t类似于汉语拼音“ch” 或者汉字“吃”的发音。 d类似于汉语拼音汉字“织”的发音。Hello, I Love YouThe Doors9. 经典名句诵读There is no smoke without fire.无风不起浪。2.发音代言人chicken tikin jeep di:pSection2 t d3.4. 单词精读练习Section2 t dtdu changeteindu agee

7、idch-church, chatj-jazz, jumpu cheertiu juicedu:stch-kitchen, butcherg-gentle, generalu chancet:nsujokedukt-nature, questiondg- budget, lodgeru cheatti:tu cheapti:pu teachti:tu chairtejobdbuu joindinu judgeddu jacketdkit35. 重要短语Section2 t d6. dSection2 t dtchange the choiceda Japanese jeepJames lost

8、 his job just now. Do you like Jacks jazz music?a cheap chicken legjoin in the juryA good job is a good friend.cheer upcheat on the checkan aged judge traffic jamJim jogs in the jungle.A gentle judge judges justly.free of chargejump from one job to another6.经典句子tChina has changed a lot these years.

9、Is life a question of choice or chance? Cheer for your environment.The chairman is changing his gestures.Section2 t d 7.绕口令口腔肌肉练习1. 精确口形图Section3 tr drtThe chief chief chewed the cheap cheese.dJames the jailer changed jails chairs and chained the首席长官咀嚼便宜的乳酪。狱卒詹姆士换了监狱里 tr类似汉字“戳”的轻声音,要带。但不振动声 dr类似汉字“捉

10、”的轻声音。2. 发音代言人chairs to the jail.房上。treetri:dragon drgn4Section3 tr dr 3.常见发音字母或组合5重要短语. trSection3 tr drdrtrtr-trip, try4.单词精读练习tru trooptru:pu truetru:drdr-dress, dropdru dressdresu drydraiforeign trade another try travel by traina brief introductiona traditional training 6.经典句子 trdry the dress dr

11、ive the car dripping drops try to drink sweet dreamsu triptripu tradetreidu trytraiu traintreinu tricktriku dropdrpu drinkdriku dreamdri:mu driftdriftu drawdr:He is trying to treat the man better.A stranger is wandering in the streets. This truck is cheap.These trees are going to be used in a trial.

12、 Trick or treat?6.经典句子drSection3 tr drSection3 tr dr 7.绕口令口腔肌肉练习I dreamed of playing the drum. I stopped drinking.A dewdrop dropped from the leave. George has dreadful manners.Joe drove his car to buy some drug.trThe tacky tractor trailers trucks.破烂的拖拉机是用来拖卡车的。drThe drummers drummed. The鼓手敲鼓。吸毒者讨厌鼓d

13、ruggers hate the drummers drums.So the druggers drugged the drummers.手的鼓。于是吸毒者就给鼓手下了麻药。5Section4 ts dz“c”的发音,1.Section4 ts dz 3.常见发音字母或组合 ts类似汉字“刺”和汉语拼音但不要振动声带。 dz类似汉语拼音“z”的发音。tsts-cats, lots4.单词精读练习tsdzds-beds, handsdz2.发音代言人u datesdeitsuseedssi:dzparents prnts friends frendzu getsgetsu catsktsu sh

14、otstsu meetsmi:tsu hurtsh:tsu ratsrtsu headshedzu handshndzu sandssndzu readsri:dzu bedsbedzu fieldsfi:ldz5. 重要短语tsthree cats lots of seats in the streets eats fruitsSection4 ts dzdzuse spades to move sands comfortable beds different mindsmy friendsSection4 ts dz6. 经典句子 dzHe stands there with books

15、in hand. Dont store these seeds in the sands. He has three lovely birds.Susan holds his hands tightly.go nutsseveral brandsHe sends cards to his friends before the New Years coming.6.tsHe has lots of cats.The students are reading digests.One of the dentists treats me very well.He has been thinking a

16、bout these projects for many nights.When she meets him, she always beats him.6Section4 ts dz 7.绕口令口腔肌肉练习tsA box of biscuits, a box of mixed一,一Section5 发音小窍门:y的变音如果以t、d、s、z结尾的单词后面接以字母y开头,biscuits. Bob bought three boxes of biscuits and two boxes of mixed biscuits.合饼干。鲍勃买了三盒饼干和两盒混合饼干。t+y-t例:Nice to me

17、et you.mi-t d+y-d 例:Did you make this mess?di-ddzEdwards seeds are in that childs爱德华的种子在那s+y-I miss you.mi-hands.个孩子的手里。z+y-例:He was your friend.w-Section6 帮你纠错: 不注意元音的发音长度由于母语的影响,中国人在发元音时,普遍存在短元音不够短,长元音及双元音又不够长、不够饱满的问题。No pains, no gains.The car is out of oil. It is cold outside.She likes kids very much.7


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