牛津译林版(2020)Book1Unit2 Reading II 语言点(33张) .pptx

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1、Unit 2 Lets talk teens Reading Reading (II) (II) Language pointsLanguage points 1 1. . _ ( (在某事上在某事上) )与某人看法一致与某人看法一致 2 2. . _ 快速长高快速长高,蹿个儿蹿个儿 3 3. . _ 从某人的角度从某人的角度、观点出发观点出发 4 4. . _ 充分考虑充分考虑,全盘考虑全盘考虑,想透想透 5 5. . _ 导致导致 6 6. . _ 采取行动去做某事采取行动去做某事 7 7. . _ 经历经历,遭受遭受 8 8. . _ 结果是结果是 9 9. . _ 独立地独立地,独自地

2、独自地 1010. . _ 平静平静,镇静镇静,安静安静 1111. . _ 承认错误承认错误,认输认输 Useful Expression see eye to eye with sb. (on sth. ) shoot up from ones point of view think sth through result in/ lead to take action to do sth go through turn out on ones own calm down back down (1) n.C,U争吵争吵,争论争论,辩论辩论 have an argument with sb.(

3、 about/ over sth.) (因某事)与某人争吵或争论(因某事)与某人争吵或争论 1. argument (2) n.C论据论据,理由理由,论点论点 an argument for/ against sth. 支持支持/反对某事的理由或论据反对某事的理由或论据 argue v. 争论,辩论;说服争论,辩论;说服 argue with sb. about/over sth. 就某事与某人争论就某事与某人争论 argue for/against 据理赞成据理赞成/反对反对 argue sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事说服某人做某事 argue sb. out of

4、doing sth. 说服某人不做某事说服某人不做某事 Practice Practice 1)她支持这次旅行的理由是它可以开阔我们的眼界。她支持这次旅行的理由是它可以开阔我们的眼界。 Her _ the trip is that it can broaden our horizons. 2)他反对那个计划的理由听起来有道理。他反对那个计划的理由听起来有道理。 His _ the plan sounds reasonable. 3) We had an argument _ the waiter _ the bill. 4) She got into _ (争论争论)her friend. a

5、rgument for argument against with about an argument with 5)They had an _ where to spend their holiday. 他们就去哪度假而争论。他们就去哪度假而争论。 6)Most of the members _,which made him satisfied. 大多数成员支持他的计划,这让他很满意。大多数成员支持他的计划,这让他很满意。 7)They strongly argue _there next Sunday. 他们强烈反对下周日去那里。他们强烈反对下周日去那里。 argument about/o

6、ver against going argued for his plan 8)他父亲努力说服他参加那个重要的活动。)他父亲努力说服他参加那个重要的活动。 His father tried to _ that important activity. ( persuade ) His father tried to _ that important activity. ( argue ) persuade him to take part in argue him into taking part in (1) adj. 忧虑的忧虑的,担心的担心的 Are you anxious and res

7、tless if you are separated from your mobile phone? (山东高考例句山东高考例句) be anxious about sth/for sb. 担心某事担心某事/某人某人 The drought has made farmers anxious about the harvest. 2. anxious 2) adj. 渴望的渴望的 be anxious (for sb.) to do sth. 渴望渴望( 某人某人)做某事做某事 be anxious/eager for sth. 渴望渴望(得到得到)某物某物 be anxious that .

8、anxious adj. 忧虑的;渴望的忧虑的;渴望的 anxiously adv. 忧虑地,不安地忧虑地,不安地 anxiety n. 忧虑,担心;渴望忧虑,担心;渴望 with anxiety 焦虑地焦虑地 1)She seemed_ traveling on her own. 她似乎对独自旅行忧心忡忡。她似乎对独自旅行忧心忡忡。 2)She was anxious _ (finish) school and get a job. 她渴望毕业找一份工作。她渴望毕业找一份工作。 3)The parents of those children were waiting _ (anxious)

9、outside the hall. 4) People all over the world are _ peace. 5) The girl is anxious _(gain) new knowledge. anxious about to finish anxiously anxious for to gain 分词短语分词短语shooting up in height or getting left far behind作作 伴随状语伴随状语,句子的主语是分词的逻辑主语句子的主语是分词的逻辑主语。 3. Line 9-10 You may ., shooting up in heigh

10、t or getting left far behind. _, she didnt go to school as usual today. 因为生病,她今天没像往常一样去上学。因为生病,她今天没像往常一样去上学。 _,they made me pay for the damage. 尽管知道了这一切,他们还是让我赔偿损失。尽管知道了这一切,他们还是让我赔偿损失。 He sat at the table, _. 他坐在桌子旁看他坐在桌子旁看中国日报中国日报。 Being ill Knowing all this reading China Daily BY ZYH 4. shoot up 快

11、速长高,激增快速长高,激增 猜测词义猜测词义 1. He shot at the bird with his gun but he didnt shoot it. 2. The player should have shot instead of passing. 3. Where was the movie shot? 4. They had almost reached the boat when a man shot past them. 开枪,射击,射杀开枪,射击,射杀 射门,投篮射门,投篮 拍摄拍摄 猛冲猛冲,奔,奔 BY ZYH 1) cn. (攻击的攻击的) 对象;目标;靶子对象

12、;目标;靶子 a target for sb/sth .的攻击对象的攻击对象/目标目标 a target group/audience 目标群体目标群体/观众观众 set a target 制定目标制定目标 hit/miss the target 中靶中靶/脱靶脱靶 2) vt. 把把.作为攻击目标;面向作为攻击目标;面向 target .at. 使使.面向面向.; 针对针对. 5. target BY ZYH 1) 最近他成了众矢之的。最近他成了众矢之的。 Recently he _(become)the target of critisim . 2) 这个宣传计划是针对年轻人的。这个宣传计

13、划是针对年轻人的。 The campaign is _the young. 3) 不知怎么地他脱靶了。不知怎么地他脱靶了。 He _ somehow. 4) 你最好制定你能达到你最好制定你能达到 的目标。的目标。 Youd better _that you can achieve. has become targeted at missed the target set targets 1)_,the kid broke her favorite cup on purpose. 让她生气的是,孩子故意打碎了她最喜欢的茶杯。让她生气的是,孩子故意打碎了她最喜欢的茶杯。 To her anger

14、6. anger to ones anger 让某人生气的是让某人生气的是 angry adj. be angry at/with sb. 生某人的气生某人的气 be angry at/about sth. 因为某事而生气因为某事而生气 2) Please dont be angry _ me. It isnt my fault. 3) After the words,he closed the door _ and left . 4) As he was angry with his father,he left his home one night. _ ,he left his home

15、 one night. with angrily Angry with his father 7. desire My sister is now a senior high school student. She desires/has a desire that she (should) be admitted to/into a famous university. Besides, she has a strong desire to major in English while I desire her to study medicine in the future. But now

16、 she desires to have a good time in the coming winter holiday. BY ZYH 1) cn.渴望渴望;欲望欲望;渴求渴求;渴望的人或物渴望的人或物 have a strong desire to do sth. 迫切想要做某事迫切想要做某事 have a strong desire for sth. 急于想得到某物急于想得到某物 2) vt.渴望渴望; 希望得到;想要希望得到;想要 desire to do sth. 渴望做某事渴望做某事 desire sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事希望某人做某事 desire that

17、. (should) do. 渴望渴望. 1) make+宾语宾语+省略省略to的不定式的不定式作宾补作宾补 When you help others, it will make you feel better about yourself. Up to a billion people could eventually be made to move because of climate change. 8. Line 19 Unfortunately, your parents . and that makes you feel unhappy. 主动省主动省to,被动,被动to还原还原

18、make + 宾语宾语 + 宾补宾补 2)make + 宾语宾语 + adj. 表示使某人表示使某人/某物某物 She has won the game, which made her parents proud. 3)make + 宾语宾语 + n. 表示使某人表示使某人/某物成为某物成为 (若宾补表示独一无二的职位或头衔若宾补表示独一无二的职位或头衔,则其前不用冠词则其前不用冠词) He has a strong sense of responsibility, so we are willing to make him monitor of our class. 4)make + 宾语宾

19、语 + 过去分词过去分词 The speaker raised his voice in order to make himself heard. 9. struggle 1) vi. 奋斗,努力;斗争,抗争;搏斗奋斗,努力;斗争,抗争;搏斗 struggle against/ with struggle for struggle to do sth struggle to ones feet 和和.作斗争作斗争 为为奋斗奋斗 努力做某事努力做某事 挣扎着站起来挣扎着站起来 2) n.(sing.). 难事难事;(cn.) 斗争,奋斗,努力斗争,奋斗,努力 做某事是一件难事做某事是一件难事 I

20、t is a struggle to do sth a struggle for independence the struggle between good and evil (1)The struggle _ freedom was long and hard,but he never gave up. 争取自由的斗争是长期而且艰难的,但是他从不放弃。争取自由的斗争是长期而且艰难的,但是他从不放弃。 (2)The woman has been struggling _ illness for years. 这个女人已经与病魔斗争了很多年。这个女人已经与病魔斗争了很多年。 (3)Hearin

21、g this amazing news,the woman struggled _ . 听到这个令人惊奇的消息,这个女人挣扎着站起来。听到这个令人惊奇的消息,这个女人挣扎着站起来。 (4)The young man lived in this city and struggled for a better life.(用用 非谓语动词改写非谓语动词改写) The young man lived in this city, _ . for with/against to her feet struggling for a better life 1) vt. 使平静,使镇静使平静,使镇静 He

22、took a deep breath to calm himself down. After I calmed down, I played football better. 2) adj.镇静的镇静的,沉着的沉着的 He can always keep/stay/remain calm whatever happens. 10. calm 熟词生义熟词生义( (天气天气) )无风的无风的;(;(海洋海洋) )风平浪静的风平浪静的 The sky is blue, and the sea is calm. 辨析比较辨析比较 calm表示人在危急、危险的情形中保持镇静表示人在危急、危险的情形中保

23、持镇静; quiet表示人的外表安静或性情稳定表示人的外表安静或性情稳定; still表示站、坐、躺的姿势静止、不动表示站、坐、躺的姿势静止、不动; silent表示没有声音,沉默,不讲话。表示没有声音,沉默,不讲话。 (1) When facing danger, one should keep _ . (2) When taken photo, one should keep _. (3) When someone else is asleep, one should keep_. (4) When in class , one shouldnt keep _ about the teac

24、hers questions. calm still quiet silent n.精神压力,紧张;强调精神压力,紧张;强调 vt.强调,着重;重读强调,着重;重读 (1) Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress. (2) The expert lays great stress on the importance of protecting the environment. (3) He stressed the importance of good education. (4) You stress the first

25、 syllable in happiness. 11. stress n. 压压力力 n. 强调强调 vt. 强调强调 vt. 重读重读 (1) stress out (使使)焦虑不安,疲惫不堪焦虑不安,疲惫不堪 (2) under stress 压压力之力之下下 lay/put/place great stress on 强强调调 (3) stressed adj. 焦焦虑的;紧张虑的;紧张的的 (4) stressful adj. 充满压力的;紧张的充满压力的;紧张的 I have been really stressed _ at work recently. It was a very

26、 _ (stress) time for all of us. out stressful 1. It is said that the new TV program is targeted _ adults. 2. I wonder why he could face the challenge so _ (calm). 3. He was viewed _ a hero by the villagers for saving the boy. 4. When she saw the scene,she tried to hold her _ (angry). 5. They wont ac

27、cept higher prices without an _ (argue). at calmly anger as argument Consolidation exercises 6.I admire these young people _ (struggle) for their dreams. 7.We waited _ (anxious) before the result was coming through. 8.Police said that they were _ (concern) about the boys safety. 9.She told me that s

28、he had been really _ (stress) at work recently. 10.The man was so stubborn that he refused to back _ even if he was defeated. struggling anxiously concerned stressed down (1) struggle (2) anxious (3) normal (4) concern (5) argument (6) stress (7) calmed down (8) go through Word formation Parts of sp

29、eech Suffixes Words Adjectives -ce -ty/ity independence, silence, absence, significance, patience, confidence, evidence, intelligence, distance, importance, difference, violence honesty, safety, certainty, difficulty, loyalty, cruelty, naughty, majority, ability, reality, personality, nationality, p

30、opularity Parts of speech Suffixes Words Nouns -hood -ship adulthood, childhood, likelihood, boyhood, brotherhood, manhood, neighborhood relationship, friendship, hardship, partnership, , ownership, scholarship, membership, leadership Parts of speech Suffixes Words Verbs -ment -tion/-sion -th argument, movement, punishment, achievement, development, improvement, treatment, judgment, agreement, management communication, decision, conclusion, action, solution, devotion, education, description, discussion, creation, invention, suggestion, collection growth, breath, warmth, death


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