牛津译林版 必修第一册 新教材Unit 2 Let's talk teens 词汇分层解析 1.docx

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1、1 Until 2 Lets talk teens 1 词汇 含义 延伸拓展 14 forum n. 论坛, 讨 论会 2 nest n. 鸟窝,巢穴 vi. 筑巢,巢居 15 performance n. 表现, 表 演,执行 perform v. 表 演 performer n. 表演者 3 roof n.屋顶,顶部 【复】roofs 16 adventure n. 冒险, 冒 险经历 【派】 adventurous adj. 喜欢冒 险的 4 battle n. & vi.& vt. 争论,战斗,斗争 battle with sb. 与某 人较量 battle against sth.

2、与抗争 battle for 为斗争 17 kangaroo n. 袋鼠 【复】 kangaroos 5 teenager n. 青少年 18 rent n. 租金 vi. & vt. 租 用,出租 6 tension n. 紧张情况,紧 张, tense adj. 令人紧张 的,紧张的 19 grocery n. 食品杂 货,食品杂 货店 7 rate n. 速度,率 vi. & vt. 评估,评 价 at the rate of 以的 速率 at any rate 无论如何 20 emergency n. 突发事 件,紧急情 况 emergent adj. 新兴的 8 target n.

3、目标。对象 vt. 把作为攻击 对象 【同】 objective, goal, aim 21 pipe n. 烟斗, 管 子,管乐器 9 anger n. 怒气,怒火 【派】angry adj. 愤 怒的 22 operation n.手术,运 转,操作 operate v.动手术 10 adult n. 成年人 【同】grown-up 23 lap n.大腿部, (跑道等的)一圈 11 breakdo wn n. (关系)破裂,故 障 break down 出故障, 禁不住哭出来,分解 break up 解散,破 碎,结束,放假 24 flat n.公寓 adj. 平坦的 12 editor

4、 n. 主编,编辑,剪 辑师 edit v.编辑 【派】 edition n. 版本 25 argue vi. & vt. 争 吵 【派】 argument 13 skin n. 皮肤,皮毛 【派】skinny adj. 极 瘦的, 皮包骨的, fur n. 皮毛 26 rough adj. 艰难的,粗 糙的 2 27 regular adj. 有规律的 【反】irregular adj. 不规则的 see eye to eye with sb. (on sth.) 与某人看 法一致 have ones eye on 密切 注视 28 unique adj. 独一无二的, 独特的,特有的 be

5、 unique to sb. / sth 某人/ 物独具的 think sth. through 充分考虑,全盘考虑;相透 29 passive adj. 消极的,被动 的 active adj. 积 极地,主动的 back down 承认错误,认输 30 youth adj. 青年时期,青 春, (the youth) 年轻人 youth adj. 年 轻的 back down 承认错误,认输 31 flexible adj. 灵活的,可变 动的,柔韧的 flexibility n. 柔 韧性,灵活性 be on sbs back about sth. 缠磨,烦扰 32 downtown a

6、dv. 在市中心 n. 市区,adj. 市中心的 draw sth out of sth. 提取,支取 draw ones attention 吸引某人的注意 【提高】【提高】 1. argument n. 争吵,争论,论点,论据 【课文原句】Heated arguments and cold silences are common between teenagers and their parents. 青少年和他们的父母之间经常会有激烈的争论和冰冷的沉默。 【常用搭配】 have an argument with sb. about / over sth. 为某事与某人争吵 get int

7、o an argument 争吵起来 avoid an argument 避免争吵 Probably the worst thing about being a penguin is after youre in an argument youll try to waddle away angrily but still look adorably cute. 身为企鹅最糟糕的一点也许是, 一场激烈 的争吵之后,你试图摇摆着愤然离开,而在别人眼中仍是一个小可爱。 【联想词】 argue v. 争论,争吵,论证,争辩 argue with sb. 与某人争辩 argue about / over

8、 sth. 为某事争论 argue against / for (doing) sth. 争辩反对/ 据理力争(做)某事 What do you usually argue about with your parents? 你通常因为什么和你的父母争吵 呢? 2. anxious adj. 忧虑的,担忧的,令人焦虑的,渴望的 【课文原句】 You may feel anxious that you are developing at a different rate to your friends, shooting up in height or getting left far behin

9、d. 你可能会感到焦虑,因为你的成长速度与你的 朋友不同,你的身高在猛增,或者远远落后(于你的朋友). 【常用搭配】 be anxious about sth. 担心某事 be anxious for sb. 为某人担心 be anxious for sth. 渴望得到某物 be anxious (for sb. ) to do sth. 渴望(某人)做某事 3 be anxious that忧虑/ 渴望 We are anxious about his safety. 我们担心他的安全。 George was sincerely anxious that his son could find

10、 happiness and security. 乔治真诚地渴 望他的儿子可以找到幸福和安全感。 【联想词】 anxiously adv. 焦虑地 anxiety n. 焦虑,忧虑 with anxiety 焦急地 we waited with great anxiety for more news about the accident. 我们非常焦虑地等待着更 多有关着这一事故的消息。 【联想拓展】 be eager for sth. / to do sht. desire for sth. / to do sth. long for sth/ to do sth. be dying for

11、 sth. / to do sth. 3. shoot (shot, shot) vi. & vt. (使朝某方向)冲,奔;射击;射杀;摄影 【课文原句】You may feel anxious that you are developing at a different rate to your friends, shooting up in height or getting left far behind. 你可能会感到焦虑,因为你的成长速度与你的 朋友不同,你的身高在猛增,或者远远落后(你的朋友). They had almost reached the boat when a fig

12、ure shot past them. 他们差不多快到船边时, 一个人影从他们身边飞奔而过。 【常用搭配】 shoot a movie 怕电影 shoot at 向射击 shoot at fame 一举成名 shoot to number one/ to the top of the charts 蹿升到第一名/ 排行榜首 shoot up 迅速长高 shoot sb. in the leg/ head 击中某人的腿部/ 头部 shoot oneself in the foot 搬起石头砸自己的脚,自找麻烦 Alina Reyes shot to fame a few years ago wi

13、th her extraordinary first novel. Anila Reyes 几 年前因她那部不同凡响的小说处女作而一句成名。 He was shot in the leg during the armed robbery. 在一次武装抢劫中,他被射中了腿。 Glen really shot himself in the foot shouting at his boss like that. Glen 对老板那样大吵大闹, 真是自找麻烦。 【联想词】 shot n. 射击,射门,尝试,照片 He pulled out his gun and fired three shots.

14、 他掏出枪开了三枪。 4. spot n. 粉刺,斑点,污渍,地点,场所 【课文原句】 You might worry about your changing voice, weigh problems or spots. 你可能会担 心你的变声,体重问题或粉刺。 Panic set in, but Mary couldnt run- she was frozen to the spot. 玛丽很惊慌, 但她又不能跑 开-她被吓呆了。 【常用搭配】 4 historic spot 历史遗迹 on the spot 立马,当场,在现场,在原地 He had to make a decision

15、on the spot. 他得马上做出决定 We ought to find out the views of the people on the spot. 我们应当了解一下在现场的那 些人的看法。 vt. (spotted, spotted) 发现,认出,看见,注意到 Can you spot the difference between these two pictures? 你能看出这两幅画的不同之处 吗? 【常用搭配】 spot sb. sth. doing sth. 发现某人/ 某物在做某事 be spotted with sth. (表面)满是某物的斑点 Neighbors sp

16、otted smoke coming out of the house. 邻居们发现有烟正从那座房子里冒出 来。 His shirt was spotted with oil. 他的衬衣上满是油点。 5. desire n. 渴望,愿望,欲望 【课文原句】 You have both a new desire for independence and a continued need for your parents love and support. 你既对独立充满新的渴望,又对父母的爱和支持有不断的需求。 There is a strong desire for peace among t

17、he people. 人们对于和平有着很强烈的渴望 【常见用法】 have a desire to do sth. 有做某事的渴望 have a desire for sth. 有对某物的渴望 a desire that 的愿望 vt. 渴望,愿望,期望渴望,愿望,期望 The hotel had everything you could possible desire. 这家宾馆有你想要的东西应有尽有。 【常见搭配】【常见搭配】desire to do sth. 渴望做某事 6. struggle vi. & n. 奋斗,斗争,搏斗 【课文原句】ON the other hand, when

18、 you are struggling to control your feelings, you wish they could be more caring and patient-sometimes they forget that growing up is a rough ride. 另一方 面,当你努力克制自己的感情时,你希望他们能更加体贴,更有耐心-有时候他们忘记了成 长是一个艰难的过程。 【常用搭配】 struggle for 为而斗争 struggle against/ with 与作斗争 struggle to do sth. 努力做某事 struggle to ones

19、feet 挣扎着站起来 He struggled against cancer for two years. 他同癌症抗争了两年。 6. calm vt. 使平静,使镇静 【课文原句】When you disagree with your parents, take a minute to calm down and try to understand the situation from their point of view. 当你不同意父母的观点时,花点时间冷静下 来,试着从他们的角度了解状况。 【常用搭配】 calm (sb./sth) down (使某人/某物)平静下来,镇静 Its not easy to calm the excited man down. 很难使那个激动的人平静下来。 Lucy and her assistant hid in their car until the angry bees had calmed down. Lucy 和他的 5 助手们躲在他们的车里知道愤怒的蜜蜂平静下来。


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