2025届高考英语一轮复听力专题备考策略 ppt课件.pptx

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1、2024年高考英语一轮复习听力专题备考策略目录 CONTENTS 01近3年高考听力试题分析02黄冈市9月联考听力试题分析03听力一轮复习目标及重难点04团风中学高三英语组听力教学反思及备考具体做法PART 01近3年高考听力试题分析单击添加小标题单击此处输入你的正文,文字是您思想的提炼,请尽量言简意赅的阐述观点;单击此处输入你的正文,文字是您思想的提炼,请尽量言简意赅的阐述观点。年份主播第二节结构总词数语速题型2024 男美女美男美女美23343895词152词词/分分推理判断题10个;事实信息题8个主旨要义题1个;观点态度题1个2023 男男英英女美女美22443867词132词/分推理判

2、断题9个;事实信息题9个主旨要义题1个;观点态度题1个2022 男美女美男美女美23343855词120词/分推理判断题12个;事实信息题6个主旨要义题1个;观点态度题1个主播不同、语速加快主播不同、语速加快新课程背景下,近三年英语高考听力命题特点真题分析-语篇主题 真题分析-语音知识1.连读连读Bob and I are glad you come to see(i)us.(2024Text 1)I bought a desk and asked for It to be delivered to my house this Friday(2024Text 4)All settled in?

3、(2024Text 7)These days you can see traffic jams around schools at drop-off and pick-up times(2024Text 8)I love this time of year(2023 Text 2)I had a big breakfast and feel like a bit of walk(2022 Text1)真题分析-语音知识2.失去爆破失去爆破 I missed my 9 oclock train to Bedfold.The next train leaves at a quarter to te

4、n at Platform 11(2024 Text 5)He has sent two messages.We cant keep him waiting,it takes at least,get to city center,a hundred percent(2023 Text 1)Will it be alright if I take them this weekend?(2022 Text 6)真题分析-语音知识3.重读重读(表示强调,为对话中的重点信息)Thanks for the wonderful weekend.My flight will take off soon.D

5、o contact me when youre in Sydney.(2024 Text1)I cant come for dinner tonight.We need to talk.Its about my job.No,its better if we do it in person(2023 Text 6)I have a lot to buy.a good gift,.bags of toys(2022 Text 7)真题分析-题目与选项设置1.干扰项易混淆如:When will the next train to Bedford leave?(2024 Text 5)A.At 9:

6、45 B.At 10:15 C.At 11:00W:Next please.M:Oh,hi.I missed my nine oclock train to Bedford.Do I have to buy another ticket?W:No.The next train leaves at a quarter to ten at platform eleven.M:Thank you.真题分析-题目与选项设置2.选项多为材料线索的同义转换如:What is the womans suggestion?(2023 Text 7)A.Going to the city center.B.Ta

7、king a short cut home.C.Meeting Jim in the park.W:Jim will call on us this afternoon.Do you know where he is now?M:Er.wait.Let me see.He has sent two messages saying that hes done with his work at the office and got a taxi and.and hell arrive in twenty minutes.W:We cant keep him waiting outside our

8、home.We have to hurry.M:But it takes at least half an hour to get out of the city center by bus.Look at the traffic.W:Lets get off.We can save at least twenty minutes by walking through the park.M:Are you sure?W:Yes.A hundred percent.真题分析-题目与选项设置3.要求较强逻辑思维和推理能力如:1.When did Johnson join Sports Times?

9、(2024 Text 10)A.In 1981 B.In 1983 C.In 1985After graduating in 1981,he moved on to work at The Denver Weekly for two years and The Los Angeles Post for two more years before landing at Sports Times.PART 02黄冈市9月联考听力试题分析黄冈市2024年高三9月调考听力分析-语篇主题 此次调考试卷选材富有内涵,贴近学生生活,语境丰富,能激发学生参此次调考试卷选材富有内涵,贴近学生生活,语境丰富,能激

10、发学生参与和体验的兴趣,同时能使学生在语言活动中反思自己的生活和经历。与和体验的兴趣,同时能使学生在语言活动中反思自己的生活和经历。主题语境主题群对应语篇人与自我生活与学习Text 1 谈论与朋友见面的日期Text 2 拍照Text 4 二手电脑捐赠Text 5 谈论杂志Text 6 想去听音乐会但要写论文Text 7 熬夜看世界杯人与社会社会服务与人际沟通Text 3 购买鞋子Text 8 机场登机处故障Text 9 关于自行车店组织的骑行路线Text 10 人事经理介绍6个月实习期的工作黄冈市2024年高三9月调考听力分析-语音知识 听力材料总词数约为906词,语速为139词/分,男女均为

11、美音1.连读(Text 8)M:Excuse me,my name is John Smith,and Im supposed to be on flight 345 to London.The departure time is in less than an hour,but the check-in counter is still closed.What had happened?W:Im so sorry,Mr.Smith.Were experiencing some technical issues with our check-in system at the moment.Ou

12、r team is working to resolve it as quickly as possible.2.重读(Text 5)M:This magazine claims that loose jeans are a new trend of fashion.W:Youre kidding!How old is that magazine?3.失去爆破(Text 2)M:Hey,you girls looking amazing.Come on,look over here and say cheese?W:Dad!Shoot me from the other side.I have

13、 got a situation on my right ear.M:OK,no problem.黄冈市2024年高三9月调考听力分析-题目与选项设置一、干扰项易混淆1.When will the man see mike?(Text 1)A.Next Thursday B.Next Monday.C.This SundayW:Mike came back from London last Monday.Have you got a chance to visit him?M:I plan to see him this Sunday.W:Arent you going to the conf

14、erence then?M:No,it has been rescheduled for next Thursday.2.What is the man doing now?(Text 2)A.Photographing B.Going shooting C.Making cheeseM:Hey,you girls looking amazing.Come on,look over here and say cheese?W:Dad!Shoot me from the other side.I have got a situation on my right ear.M:OK,no probl

15、em.黄冈市2024年高三9月调考听力分析-题目与选项设置二、同义词替换4.What will the boy do with his used computer?(Text 4)A.Give it away B.Throw it away.C.Continue using itM:What should I do with my used computer?I dont want to abandon it.W:If it can be reused,its of great wisdom to donate it,which extends the use of the computer.

16、12.What can we know from the conversation?(Text 8)A.The man missed the flight B.The man will get a privilege of boarding C.The mans flight has been rescheduled alreadyW:Thank you.To ensure you dont miss your flight,we can quicken your check-in process once the system is back online.Meanwhile,would y

17、ou like to proceed to the VIP lane when it opens?M:Yes,great.Will my flight be delayed?3.要求较强逻辑思维和推理能力20.Who will assist the listeners in finding their areas for improvemet?A.The speaker B.The manager C.The new formal employees (Text 10).Also,youll meet with someone whos recently completed the trial

18、 period on a weekly basis,whose role is to provide practical suggestions for you.黄冈市2024年高三9月调考听力分析-题目与选项设置PART 03听力一轮复习目标、重难点听力一轮复习目标及重难点:以听力技能训练和听力词块积累为目的开展听力训练力求达到:1.领略主旨,概括大意2.捕捉细节,提取有效信息3.熟知交际用语,合理做出推理判断听力一轮复习难点难点一:捕捉细节(信息点密集,干扰严重;信息点分散,记忆遗忘)难点二:同义转换难点三:综合运用信息,进行合理推断听音辨音ParaphraseEnglish-Englis

19、h dictionary语气、称呼推断开场白推断PART 04团风中学高三英语组听力教学反思及备考具体做法听力教学反思 在高三英语听力备考的过程中,可能存在以下问题:第一,训练方式单一第一,训练方式单一。大多数的听力训练都是教师播放听力音频,学生进行答题,很少会有其他形式的训练活动。第二,训练指导机械第二,训练指导机械。部分教师对于学生在听力中存在的问题并未一一解答,因而给出的指导指向性较弱 第三,训练目标模糊第三,训练目标模糊。师生在进行听力训练时并没有明确的语言技能或者语言知识的目标指向,备考效率较低。第四,听力训练孤立第四,听力训练孤立。听力训练过程中往往存在过分注重听而忽视说的现象,孤

20、立地进行听力训练。团风中学高三英语组听力一轮备考“5步法”一、整体规划,主题训练一、整体规划,主题训练。熟悉特定场景下的语用知识。例如,在近三年的高考听力中,都出现了“寻求帮助寻求帮助”、“计划安排计划安排”、“订酒店订餐订酒店订餐”、“兴趣兴趣爱好爱好”、“体育锻炼体育锻炼”等生活场景,围绕这些场景建构听力主题,引导学生进行场景主题训练熟悉不常见的场景:熟悉不常见的场景:黄冈市黄冈市9月调考月调考-Text 9 自行车店组织骑行活动自行车店组织骑行活动M:Lizzy,I wanted to talk to you about the cycling tour of the city that

21、 our bike shop is leading this month.How is it going?W:Yes,Im almost done with transportation and hotel arrangements of the tour.M:I noticed you adjusted the tour plan by removing the visit to the community park.W:Yes,the destination is too far away,which takes about 30 minutes to cycle there.So the

22、re wouldnt be enough time to see everything.M:I understand your point.But I think its important that our customers here at the bike shop get to know the places in the city that are good for bike exercising.W:Well,we could make our participants informed of detailed directions on how to get to the par

23、k on the new path and hand them out here in the shop.That way,people could go by themselves on another day if they want to.M:Or,we could change the path to include the park.Lizzy,I want you to find out how much time is left before we finalize the plan.W:Yes,Ill do that.团风中学高三英语组听力一轮备考“5步法”二、遵循规律,搭建支

24、架二、遵循规律,搭建支架1.听前预读,获取关键词关键词2.听中采用“点点-线线-面面”策略3.听后提升听说能力:引导学生复述复述某几个题的内容,就刚才听到的内容发表一些评论评论,或者就该话题进行自由对话、发表演讲自由对话、发表演讲等“点-线-面”策略1.“点点-点策略点策略”事实信息题事实信息题只需要对材料中的某个细节进行提取和配对既可如2024年第7题:What is the man going to do?A.Plan a tree B.Move his car C.Check the map听力原文:M:Well,it wont get better until Wednesday.An

25、yway,I have to move the car away from the trees.“点-线-面”策略2.“点点-线策略线策略”推理判断题推理判断题需要考查学生在获取信息之后进行简单或复杂的信息梳理或匹配判断,可使用该策略,如2023年第4题:Why does the man apologize?A.For the terrible food B.For the overcharge C.For the waiters rudeness听力原文:M:Sorry,miss.We made a terrible mistake adding up the bill.Here is th

26、e ten dollars we have to return to you.第一个信息点made a mistake adding up the bill第二个信息点the ten dollars we have to return overcharge“点-线-面”策略3.“点点-线线-面策略面策略”用于题目设置为主旨大意题主旨大意题和观点态度题观点态度题的较难的短对话话题及大部分长对话试题,如2024年第12题:What is Jacks attitude toward parents driving their kids to school?A.Disapproving B.Encou

27、raging C.Understanding听力原文:W:I remember that when we were kids,we often walked,rode a bike,or caught the bus to school.Few of us were dropped off at the school gate by our parents.M:I see what you mean.These days you can see traffic jams around schools at drop-off and pick-up times.But its hard to b

28、lame the parents.They have good reasons for driving their kids to school,mostly to do with safety and convenience.dropped off by parentshard to blame the parentsthey have good reasonsUnderstand their behaviors团风中学高三英语组听力备考“5步法”三、精准诊断,及时、有效指导三、精准诊断,及时、有效指导1.针对语音困难语音困难的学生:纠正错误的发音(harmony-harmonious)2.

29、针对能听懂大部份材料但是细节上有问题细节上有问题的学生,向学生介绍常见的连读、读、弱读,重音弱读,重音节奏等语音常识(adapt-adaptable-adaptation)3.针对语义偏差语义偏差的学生,引导强化词汇学习(stimulate-accumulate)4.针对语用忽视语用忽视的学生,引导学生关注会话的语音语调、说话人的意图立场M:This magazine claims that loose jeans are a new trend of fashion.W:Youre kidding!How old is that magazine?团风中学高三英语组听力备考“5步法”四、耳灵

30、手快,多感官并用。四、耳灵手快,多感官并用。在长对话的英语听力当中,信息量比较大而且非常的杂乱,鼓励学生在听力过程中多动笔,对出现的一些地点、时间等有效的信息做好笔记,根据学生实际情况,运用一些速记速记的方法和符号的方法和符号能有有效的提高记笔记的速度和效率团风中学高三英语组听力备考“5步法”五、借力科技,五、借力科技,精听泛听,同步提升。精听泛听,同步提升。每周二下午第一节课为学生选择各种题材的多模态语篇进行泛听泛听训练。选取CGTN、VOA、TED演讲等不同音频或视频。选用合适的精听工具,切分断句,设置回放复读的次数,进行精听精听训练Practice makes perfect!Practice makes perfect!汇报完毕Thanks for your listening汇报人:赵娅楠 汇报时间:2024.9.26


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