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1、 - 1 - 河南省鹤壁市淇县第一中学河南省鹤壁市淇县第一中学 20182018- -20192019 学年高一英语上学期第一次月学年高一英语上学期第一次月 考试题考试题 第 I 卷 第一部分:听力(满分 30 分)略 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A On Sunday morning,after listening to a sermon(布道) about making “A World of Difference”, we stopped

2、at the gas station for a snack and drinks. When we pulled in to the parking lot we noticed a young girl sitting on the road. She was outside in January , in the Midwest, with only a sweatshirt. No coat or gloves. She didnt look very happy. I approached her and asked if she was okay. She said yes and

3、 told me that she had run out of gas down the road, walked to the gas station, and was now waiting for someone to bring her a gas can and a little money so she could get her car running again. By the look on her face I thought she had been waiting for a while. I,hesitantly,asked if we could give her

4、 a lift somewhere . I was fearful that she might be worried about our intentions. She graciously(有礼貌地) refused and said she would simply wait. I went inside the gas station to pick up the items we had come for, but I couldnt stop thinking about the young girl sitting outside in the cold and wished I

5、 could do something to help her. So I bought a gift certificate for her. With it she could either buy the gasoline she said she needed or she could at least go inside and purchase a drink and some food to keep her warm while she waited for someone to come to get her. She was so surprised when I hand

6、ed her the gift certificate. Walking away I got the feeling that help didnt come her way very often. She was very thankful for the gift certificate - but I thought it did just as much to - 2 - lift my spirits as it did hers! 21. Why did the young girl wait on the road? A. Because she waited for her

7、friends. B. Because her gas had given out and she waited for someone to help her. C. Because she wanted to buy some food. D. Because she wanted to borrow some money. 22. Where did the author go on Sunday morning? A: The nursing home. B. The shop. C. The hospital. D. The church. 23. What can we learn

8、 from the last paragraph? A. People often helped the young girl. B. The author regretted having helped the young girl later. C. The young girl seldom helped others. D. People seldom helped the young girl like the author. 24. How did the author help her? A. The author bought her a certificate that sh

9、e needed. B. The author helped her to borrow the gas. C. The author bought her some food and drinks. D. The author bought her a coat. B Good relationships are definitely good sources of happiness in life. We all want happy relationships but if we do not keep that relationship alive,it can also be on

10、e of the most distraught things in life. There may be no hard and fast rules in making good relationships, as each of us has different preferences and points of view as to what is a great relationship. The following are some major key players in making relationships work. It is often said that build

11、ing good relationships is all about communication. Good communication indeed governs a good relationship-knowing the right thing to say, when to say it,how to say it,and accepting some things that are better left unsaid. I personally think communication must be broadened because relationships involv

12、e more - 3 - decisions to make. From study to work,from money to entertainment and even in things about yourself or about your friends that you do not know, communication is essential in these aspects of the relationships. Of course, being with someone is not saying that you totally agree with him o

13、r her all the time. You and your friends come from different family backgrounds, raised in different environments so there may be disagreements here and there. However, it is important in making relationships work to express disagreements without pushing the relationship to end. Again, good communic

14、ation and learning to compromise(妥协)at times are essential. As relationships last longer, you may also discover things about you and your friends that you may not have known before. Therefore,supporting each other on both your “hidden selves“ can also make a good relationship. Love is an important a

15、spect of building relationships and for me,I always believe that love needs open communication, respect,support and understanding each other in making relationships work. 25. The underlined word“distraught”in Paragraph 1 probably means A. upsetting B. surprising C. funny D. helpless 26. To communica

16、te well with people, you should know that A. your friends need to have the same backgrounds with you B. compromises are essential at any time C. a white lie is necessary sometimes D. supporting each other in anything helps build a good relationship 27. According to the text,which of the following ar

17、e important for a good relationship? a. communication b. support c. hidden selves d. love A. abd B. acd C. bcd D. abc 28. What would be the best title for the text ? A. The importance to express disagreements B. Forbidden rules in building good relationships C. Different opinions on good relationshi

18、ps - 4 - D. Keys to making relationships work C Speaking two languages can actually help offset(抵消) some effects of aging on the brain, a new study has found. Researchers tested how long it took participants to switch from one cognitive(认知的)task to another, something thats known to take longer for o

19、lder adults, said the lead researcher, Brian Gold,a neuroscientist at the University of Kentucky. Golds team compared task-switching speeds for younger and older adults,knowing they would find slower speeds in the older population because of previous studies. However,they found older adults speaking

20、 two languages were able to switch mental activities faster than those who didnt. The study only looked at lifelong bilinguals(会说两种语言的人),defined in the study as people speaking a second language daily since they were at least 10 years old. First,Gold and his team asked 30 people ,either bilingual or

21、 monolingual,to look at a series of colored shapes and respond with the name of each shape by pushing a button. Then,they presented the participants with a similar series of colored shapes and asked them to respond with what colors the shapes were by pushing a button. Finally,they presented particip

22、ants with a series of colored shapes, but they mixed prompts( 提 词 ) for either a shape or a color to test participants task-switching time. The bilingual people were able to respond faster to the moving prompts. Researchers found bilingual peoplenot only able to switch tasks faster 一 they had differ

23、ent brain activities compared with their monolingual peers. Krishna called bilingualism a”beautiful natural experiment“, because people grow up speaking two languages,and studies have shown that they get certain cognitive benefits from switching between languages and determining which to respond wit

24、h based on whats going on around them. Gold said he grew up in Montreal,where he spoke French at school and English at home,prompting relatives to question whether his French language - 5 - attention would somehow stop his ability to learn English. “Until recently,learning a second language in child

25、hood was thought of as dangerous,”he said, “Actually, its beneficial.” 29. Krishna called bilingualism a”beautiful natural experiment“ because A. people speaking two languages are beautiful B. people speaking two languages are natural C. people speaking two languages like the experiment D. people grow up, benefiting from speaking two languages 30. Golds relatives were puzzled when he spoke French at school and English at home because A. they thought it would affect h

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