2020新外研版必修一Unit1-A new start核心考点专项练习(含答案).doc

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2020新外研版必修一Unit1-A new start核心考点专项练习(含答案).doc_第1页
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2020新外研版必修一Unit1-A new start核心考点专项练习(含答案).doc_第5页
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1、Unit1-A new start 核心考点专项练习核心考点专项练习 【分项练习】【分项练习】 【1-impression】 单句语法填空 He had given a very (impress) performance. My teacher impressed the importance of being honest me. Punishment seemed to make no (impress) on the child. The girl impressed us her skillful hands. 【2-breathe】 (1)选词填空(breath/breathe)

2、When we , the air goes into our lungs. She is always short of when she climbs the stairs. (2)单句写作 阿历克斯深深吸了一口气,然后跳入池中。 Alex , then jumped into the pool. 我跑上楼后上气不接下气。 Im after running up the stairs. 【3-panic】 单句语法填空 Often people a panic will do foolish things. Some people were panicked into (sell) sto

3、cks. She got into panic when she couldnt find the exit. 【4-challenge】 (1)单句语法填空 Teaching young children is a (challenge) job. My brother challenged me a game of chess. Her deskmate challenged her (memorize) 100 English words a day. (2)单句写作 他接受了朋友的挑战,比赛登顶泰山。 He to climb to the top of Mount Tai. 【5-on

4、e by one】 单句写作 发言人对这些问题逐一作了说明。 The speaker explained these questions . 我爷爷的健康状况正在逐渐好转。 My grandfathers health is improving . 他们拥抱着,肩并肩离开了。 They hugged each other and walked away . 他的英语讲得一天比一天好。 His English got better . 【6-depend】 (1)单句语法填空 Whether you can win the prize depends your performance. We c

5、ant depend on others (solve) the problems for us. (2)句型转换 We can depend on his arriving here on time. We can he will arrive here on time. 【8-when】 (1)单句写作 一个周五,我们正在打扫厨房,这时女儿听到求救的呼喊。 One Friday, we the kitchen my daughter heard cries for help. 昨天我刚完成我的作业,我妈妈就让我练习弹钢琴。 I my homework my mother asked me

6、to practise playing the piano. (2)一句多译 汤姆正要关窗户,这时一只小鸟吸引了他的注意。 Tom the window his attention was caught by a bird. Tom the window his attention was caught by a bird. 【8-现在分词作状语】 (1)单句语法填空 (hear) the news that the famous host Li Yong passed away, his fans felt upset. (fail) in the exam twice, his broth

7、er couldnt graduate on time. (2)句型转换 When he was watching TV, my grandfather fell asleep. TV, my grandfather fell asleep. Studying hard, he didnt pass the exam. hard, he didnt pass the exam. 【9-感叹句】 (1)单句语法填空 beautiful the city is! kind women they are! quickly the boy is writing! a nice present! (2)

8、句型转换 What an interesting story it is! 【10-argue】 (1)单句语法填空 Im not going to argue you, but I think youre wrong. It is beyond (argue) that Hong Kong is an indivisible part of China. The saleswoman argued Mr Smith buying the car. (2)单句写作 我们尽力说服她不要独自去那儿。 We try to alone. 【11-apply】 单句语法填空 Unfortunately,

9、 my (apply) for a scholarship was rejected. This rule cannot apply children. He is now applying himself to (study) traditional Chinese medical science. Id like to apply the position you advertised in China Daily. 【12-schedule】 (1)单句语法填空 The building is scheduled (complete) by the end of the year. (2

10、)单句写作 我们在这个项目上落后于预定计划了。 We are on this project. 谈判将如期举行。 The negotiation will begin . 【13-opportunity】 单句语法填空 This is a great opportunity (improve) ourselves. Hurry up! There is no time (get) changed. Graham worked very hard to improve her ability (dance) 【14-graduate】 单句语法填空 He has graduated physic

11、s. And now he is looking for a job. Her parents are flying to Canada to attend her (graduate) After graduating university, Mary spent two weeks travelling abroad. My sister is graduate of Peking University. 【15-frightened】 单句语法填空 Its (frighten)to think it could happen again. The little girl was (fri

12、ghten) that her mother wouldnt come back. My hair stood on end with (frighten) 【16-figure】 写出下列句中 figure 的含义 My uncle has an income of seven figures a year. He has become a figure known to everyone. She does exercise every morning to keep her figure. The wall was covered with figures of birds and fl

13、owers. We figured that youd want to rest after your trip. 【17-in particular】 (1)单句语法填空 There are so many books here. Why do you like that one particular? WeChat is very popular in recent years, (particular) among young people. (2)单句写作 她已经尽力了。请不要对她的工作太挑剔。 She has already tried her best. Please dont h

14、er job. 【18-情态动词+现在完成时】 单句语法填空 Bill (go) too far. His coffee is still warm. Sorry, Mum! I failed the job interview again. Oh, its too bad. You (make) full preparations. I (worry) before I came to the new school, for my classmates here are very friendly to me. 【综合练习】【综合练习】 【单句填词】 1Mr Howarth gave us

15、very (specifically) instructions. 2The article made no (refer) to previous research on the subject. 3Miriam was too (frighten) to tell her family what had happened. 4If you are not a (subscribe), you can subscribe today. 5.This job provides them with an opportunity (develop) new skills and enrich th

16、eir experience and knowledge. 6The school opened a new course for students wishing to i their English. 7 He studied his map, trying to m the way to Roses street. 8The environmental health c will meet again next Wednesday. 9The gunman (calm) walked away and escaped in a car that was waiting for him o

17、utside. 10 beautiful the West Lake is! 11I was (好奇的) to find out what she had said. 12Finally he became ill under the great (压力) of work. 13As soon as we arrived on the island, we were eager to (探险) 14The booklet gives a brief (描述) of each place. 15These paintings come from his private c . 16 True f

18、riends always share their sadness and happiness each other. 17The judges have made their final (select) 18 Eating fish can provide health benefits, (particular) to the heart. 19The knife needs (sharp) 20We (live) in the city for ten years. 21We (交换) gifts at Christmas. 22I was impressed by the teams

19、 (表现) 23The movie has won a number of (奖项) 24Working in the cafe is a valuable (机会) for people who expect to develop their skills in a friendly customer service environment. 25She is s to bring up a family alone. 26After studying in junior high school for three years, the students will go on studyin

20、g in s high school. 27The car broke down on the road so there must be something wrong with the e . 28There are two teaching buildings, a library and a lab in our c . 29I often hear her (sing) in the next room. 30 Meeting new people and starting conversations is often (challenge). 31 (see) the police

21、, he made a run for the exit. 32Andrew hurried in, slightly out of (breathe) 33She had complete (confident) in the doctors. 34In our (eager) to make a living, we often forget about our quality of life. 35The polices arrival panicked the thief running away. 36 (he) rapid progress in English made us (

22、surprise) 37Our main aim is (increase) sales in Europe. 38He found important to master English. 39Elaine is a girl of high (intelligent) 40His words sounded (reason) 【单句写作】 1看看这些乌云,看起来好像要下雨了。(as if) Look at these black clouds. It it is going to rain. 2我正要出门,天开始下雨了。(be about to do when) I it began to

23、 rain. 3从你的话看,她一定告诉了你所有的事情。(musthave done) From what you said, she all about it. 4听起来汽车的发动机好像出了毛病。如果这样的话,我们最 好把它立即送到修理厂。(状语从句的省略) It sounds like something is wrong with the cars engine. , wed better take it to the garage immediately. 5 这是一个年轻人加深对世界了解的机会。 (its an opportunity for sb. to do sth.) deepe

24、n their understanding of the world. 6公众已对引入转基因食品进行了广泛的讨论。 There has been over the introduction of genetically modified food. 7他已报名参军。 He has the army. 8我预计在 5 点钟抵达洛杉矶。 I LA at 5 oclock. 9老师手里拿着本书走进了教室。(with宾语介词短语作宾 补) The teacher came into the classroom . 10老板只在乎你做了什么而不是你说了什么。(what 引导宾语 从句) The boss

25、 only cares but not . 11我正在街上走,突然看到一位老人从自行车上摔了下来。(sb. was/were doing . when . ) I I suddenly saw an old man fall off his bicycle. 12 听到教师的声音, 学生们立即停止了讲话。 (现在分词作状语) , the pupils stopped talking at once. 13多么糟糕的情况呀!(感叹句) it is! 14明天我要给他写封信,告诉他这个好消息。(主谓双宾) 15我注意到凯特整个早上都在图书馆里看书。(主谓宾语 宾补) 16这故事听起来很有趣。(主系

26、表) 17在过去的 10 年间它的经济发展迅速。(主谓) 18在业余时间我喜欢听流行音乐和收集邮票。(主谓宾) 参考答案: 【分项练习】 1、impressive on impression with 2、breathe breath took a deep breath out of breath 3、in selling a 4、challenging to to memorize accepted his friends challenge 5、one by one little by little side by side day by day 6、on to solve depend

27、 on it that 7、were cleaning; when had just finished; when was about to close; when was on the point of closing; when 8、Hearing Having failed Watching Though he studied 9、How What How What How interesting the story is! How interesting a story it is! 10、with argument into argue her out of going there

28、11、application to studying for 12、to be completed behind schedule on schedule 13、to improve to get to dance 14、in graduation from a 15、frightening frightened fright 16、数字 人物 身材 图案 认为 17、in particularly be too particular about 18、cant/couldnt have gone should have made neednt have worried 单句填词: 1 答案:

29、specific2 答案:reference3 答案:frightened 4 答案:subscriber5 答案:to develop6 答案:improve 7 答案:memorize8 答案:committee9 答案:calmly 10 答案:How11 答案:curious12 答案:pressure 13 答案:explore14 答案:description15 答案:collection 16 答案:with17 答案:selection18 答案:particularly 19 答案:sharpening20 答案:have lived21 答案:exchange 22 答案

30、:performance23 答案:awards24 答案:opportunity 25 答案:struggling26 答案:senior27 答案:engine 28 答案:campus29 答案:sing30 答案:challenging 31 答案:Seeing32 答案:breath33 答案:confidence 34 答案:eagerness35 答案:into36 答案:His; surprised 37 答案:to increase38 答案:it39 答案:intelligence 40 答案:reasonable 单句写作: 1 答案:looks as if 2 答案:w

31、as about to go out when 3 答案:must have told you 4 答案:If so 5 答案:Its an opportunity for young people to 6 答案:widespread public debate 7 答案:applied to join 8 答案:am scheduled to arrive in 9 答案:with a book in his hand 10 答案:what you do; what you say 11 答案:was walking in the street when 12 答案:Hearing the

32、 teachers voice 13 答案:What a terrible condition 14 答案: Tomorrow Ill write him a letter and tell him the good news. 15 答案:I noticed Kate reading in the library all the morning. 16 答案:The story sounds very interesting. 17 答案:Its economy has developed rapidly in the past ten years. 18 答案:In my spare time I enjoy listening to popular music and collecting stamps.


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