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1、 2021 届河北衡水高中英语新高考书面表达复习专题 (02) 作文常用写作高级词汇短语替换表达 高考是为高校选拔人才,因此高考英语书面表达也 要从这个角度出发,尽可能使用高中所学的词汇。通常 来说,应遵循四大原则: 1. 难词优先难词优先 enough adequate old people senior citizens 2. 短语优先短语优先 should be supposed to use make good use of take advantage of 3. 具体优先具体优先 a good teacher a kind, patient and knowledgeable te

2、acher I am good at English. I have a good command of English and I won the first prize in the English speech competition. 4. 考纲词汇衍生词优先考纲词汇衍生词优先 I think he must be a teacher. I hold the view that he is undoubtedly a teacher. More and more students are interested inEnglish. An increasing number of stu

3、dents are surprisingly absorbed in learning English. 为了提高考生的英语表达水平,特意整理了常用替 换词汇。 名词和代词名词和代词 1. 课程 course curriculum 2. 机会 chance opportunity 3. 方法 way approach 4. 会议 meeting conference 5. 工作 job career / profession 6. 问题 problem issue / dilemma 7. 乐趣 fun entertainment/ amusement 8. 人们people/persons

4、individuals / characters / folks 9. 青少年 young people youths / adolescents 10. 老人 old people the elderly / the aged / senior citizens 11. 朋 友 friend 熟 人acquaintance / 伙 伴 associate / companion 12. 顾客 customer consumer / purchaser 13. 选择 choice option / alternative 14. 好处,优势 benefit / advantage/streng

5、th 15. 缺 点 , 不 足shortcoming drawback / disadvantage / weakness 16. 职业 jobcareer/employment/ profession 17. 事情 thing affair/ business / matter 18. 进 步progress 进 步 , 成 就 , 成 绩 advancement / achievement / accomplishment 19. 一些 some several 20. 大多数 most of the majority of 21. we = We Chinese We teenager

6、s We high school students We Chinese young generation 动词及动词短语动词及动词短语 1. 给 give offer 2. 希望 hope expect 3. 节约 save set aside 4. 提到 mention refer to 5. 应该 should be supposed to 6. 建立 build set up / establish 7. 拥有 have possess 8. 发展,促进 develop promote 9. 看见 seecatch sight of 10. 遇见 meetcome across 11.

7、 面对 facebe faced with 12. 解决 solvedeal with/ cope with 13. 参观 visitpay a visit to/ call on sb./ call at some place 14. 使 用 use make good use of / take advantage of / sb. have access to sth. / sth.be accessible to sb. 15. 学 习 learn pick up (偶 然 或 轻 松 学 到 ) / master(掌握) 16. 坐 sit be seated 17. 想 want

8、intend to / be eager to / have a strong desire to do sth. 18. 记得 rememberbear in mind that 19. 提 高improve enhance / promote / strengthen 20. 完成 finish complete / fulfill / accomplish / achieve 21. 保持 keep preserve; maintain; hold ;retain 22. 发生 happen occur / take place / come about 23. 显示 show indi

9、cate; reveal 24. 得到 get acquire / obtain / gain 25. 参加 join take part in / participate in /go in for 26. 感谢 thank appreciate 27. 考虑 consider take account of / take sth. into consideration / account 28. 拆除 destroy tear down / knock down 29. 激发,鼓励 encourage motivate 30. 喜欢 like be fond of / be keen on

10、 / be attached to 31. 理解 understand make sense of / figure out 32. 忍受 stand/bear tolerate / put up with 33. 帮助 help sb. assist / do sb. a favor / give sb. a hand / help sb. out 34. 重视 value treasure / have a high opinion of 35. 解释explain account for / illustrate/clarify 36. 知 道 know be acquainted wi

11、th / be familiar with/ be informed of 37. 意 识 到 realize become/be aware of / become/be conscious of 38. 代替 replace substitute / take ones place / take the place of 39. 导致,引起 cause result in / lead to / contribute to / bring about / give rise to 40. 想,认为 think hold the view that / take the attitude t

12、hat / it is widely shared that/ it is universally acknowledged that 41. 尽力 try try ones best/utmost to do sth. / make every effort to do sth. / make all efforts to do sth. / make great efforts to do sth. / spare no efforts to do sth. / do what/all one can to do sth. / go all out to do sth. / take pa

13、ins to do sth. 42. 分发 handout distribute 43. 想到 think of sth. come up with / put forward / sth.occur to sb. 44. 习惯于 be used to be accustomed to 45. 为 做 准 备prepare for make preparations for/ be well prepared for 46. 闻名 be famous for have a reputation for 47. 成功做某事 succeed in doing sth. make it 48. 照看

14、 look after attend to 49. 向某人寻求帮助 ask someone for help turn to sb. for help 50. 累,筋疲力尽 be tired be exhausted / be worn out 51. 感 谢 show thanks to sb. show appreciation/ gratitude to sb. 52. 不得不做 have to do cant help but do sth. 53. 美 化 学 校 make our school beautiful beautify our school/ campus 54. 对感

15、兴趣 be interested in be absorbed in / show interest in / be addicted to / becaught up in / be crazy about / be keen on 55. 忙于做某事 bebusy doing be engaged in / be occupied with / be buried in 56. 反对 be against be opposed to/ object to 57. 肯定 be sure/certain to do sth. be bound to do sth./ be convinced

16、to do sth. 58. 决定做某事 decide to do sth. make up ones mind to do sth. / be determined to do sth. 59. 对厌倦 be bored with be fed up with 60. 不听某人的话 dont listen to sb. turn a deaf ear to sb. 61. 由组成 be made up of consist of / be composed of 62. 对满意 be pleased with be satisfied with / express ones satisfac

17、tion with/ be content with 63. 对有影响 have an effect on have an influence/ impact on 64. 吸引注意力 draw one s attention attract ones attention / capture ones attention 65. 注意, 专心于 pay one sattention to focus on / concentrate on / set ones mind on 66. 即将到来 becoming soon be around the corner/ approaching 67

18、. 把看作,当作 treatas regardas / look onas / think of as 68. 擅长 be good at have a good command / grasp of 形容词形容词 1. 勤 奋 的 , 努 力 的 hardworking diligent / industrious 2. 幸运的 luckyfortunate 3. 巨大的 largeenormous 4. 必要的 necessary indispensable 5. 唯一的 only unique 6. 常见的 commonuniversal 7. 可用的 usableavailable 8

19、. 小心的 careful cautious 9. 适当的 proper appropriate 10. 著名的 famous well-known / outstanding 11. 足够的 enoughadequate 12. 明 显 的 clear obvious/ apparent / evident 13. 聪明的 cleverbright / brilliant / intelligent / knowledgeable/ intellectual 14. 诚实的 honest sincere / genuine 15. 有用的 helpfulbeneficial / reward

20、ing 16. 便宜的 cheap economical / inexpensive 17. 美丽的beautiful attractive / eye-catching/ appealing / charming 18. 高兴的 happy delighted / pleased 19. 富裕的 rich wealthy / well-off 20. 惊人的 surprising amazing / astonishing 21. 有活力的 energetic dynamic / vigorous 22. 流行的 popular prevailing / catch on 23. 教 育 性

21、 的 , 启 发 性 的 educational instructive / enlightening 24. 有趣的 interesting appealing / absorbing / fascinating 25. 不开心的 sad frustrated / discouraged / depressed / low-spirited 26. 困难的 difficulttough / challenging / have somedifficulty/trouble in doing sth. 27. 好 的 good splendid / fabulous/ remarkable/

22、outstanding/ positive / favorable / promising( 有 希 望 的 ) /perfect / excellent / distinguished 28. 重 要 的important vitally important / crucial / essential /significant / fundamental / of great/vital importance /of great significance / sb.attach importance to sth. 29. 越 来 越 多 的 more and more an increas

23、ing/ a growing number of 30. 许多,很多 many many a / a good(great) many / a large(great, good) number of/ quitea few much a good (great) deal of / a large amount of a lot of plenty of / a large supply of / a large(great, huge, vast) quantity of / large quantities of 副词副词 1.现在 nowadays currently 2. 通常 us

24、ually more often than not 3.突然 suddenly all of a sudden 4.非常 veryexceedingly / extremely 5.有时 sometimes occasionally / from time to time 6. 最后 finally eventually 7. 立刻 immediately in a flash 8. 仅仅 only merely / barely 连词连词 1. 一就as soon as on doing(/ hardly/ scarcely)when/ no sooner than/ immediately

25、/instantly / the moment / the instant / the minute 2. 如果 if as long as / on condition that 3. 为了 so that/ in order that in case(以防)/ for fear that(生怕,唯恐) 4. 因此 so therefore / consequently / as a result / as a consequence 5. 和 and as well as / along with / together with / in addition to 6. 尽管 althoug

26、h/though despite / in spite of the fact that 18. 因为 becausein that / for the reason that / now that (短语)介词(短语)介词 1. 在期间 during in the course of 2. 因为 for(prep.) because of / owing to / thanks to / due to / on account of / as a result of / as aconsequence of 插入语插入语 1. 例如 forexample for instance 2. 事实

27、上 infact as a matter of fact/ actually / in reality 3. 在我看来 In myopinion in my view from my point of view / as far as I can know / as far as I am concerned 4. 首先 firstly/ first first of all / to start with / to begin with / in the first place 5. 其次 secondly/ second besides/ moreover / furthermore / in addition / whats more / in the second place 6. 最后 finallyeventually / last but not least / at last/ in the end 7.总 之 In short /in a word in brief / in conclusion /in a nutshell /to sum up


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