外研版(2020新版)必修三 Unit 4 Amazing art Unit 4Amazing art单元测试.docx

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1、 新外研版高中英语必修新外研版高中英语必修三三 Unit 4 Amazing art 单元测试单元测试 (考试时间:(考试时间:120 分钟分钟 分值:分值:150 分)分) 一、根据汉语提示写出正确的单词(每小题根据汉语提示写出正确的单词(每小题 0.5 分,共分,共 5 分)分) 1. I thought I could hear footsteps on the_ (楼梯). 2. This great_ (战役) was vividly recorded in the documentary film. 3. I like the taste of _(葡萄酒)and enjoy tr

2、ying different kinds. 4. She has the determination that her brother _ (缺乏). 5. I took a fresh rose out of the _(花瓶)on our table and handed it to my wife. 6. Alice looked at Jenny and Mark, who had risen to _ (迎接) her. 7. Even the _ (皇帝) has his poor relatives. 8. This material is very thick and the

3、_ (缝衣针) is not strong enough to go through it. 9. He watched the smoke rise from his _ (香烟). 10. The _ (频繁的) travel that is typical of your career may not suit your new lifestyle. 二、用所给单词的正确形式填空(每小题二、用所给单词的正确形式填空(每小题 0.5 分,共分,共 5 分)分) 1. He drew pictures for books, and was also a _ (sculpt) and a ph

4、otographer. 2. Have you seen the _ (exhibit) of Picassos works? 3. Theres no post office in the _ (neighbour). 4. The film _ (vivid) reflects the life of the present-day high school students. 5. He will _ (demonstration) how the new device works. 6. Gorge had not seen his mother all that much, becau

5、se _ (most) she worked abroad. 7. My grandmother looks beautiful and _ (elegance) as always. 8. Mathew Brown is an experienced TV and radio _ (broadcast). 9. China must strive to _ (stimulation) its domestic consumption instead of relying on investment and exports. 10. Chinese _ (calligrapher) requi

6、res constant practice before you can master the art. 三、选择合适的短语,并用其正确形式,完成句子(每小题三、选择合适的短语,并用其正确形式,完成句子(每小题 1 分,共分,共 5 分)分) 1. _, can I have a look at your photo album? 2. Its human nature for parents to _ their children. 3. _ what they are talking about. 4. I found the key_when I was cleaning the roo

7、m. 5. The newspaper job had me doing the same thing _. 四、阅读理解四、阅读理解(每小题(每小题 2 分,共分,共 30 分)分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A At this selection of four museums, more French will be heard and visitors might feel a sense of satisfaction when knowing they have arrived at a place that native Pari

8、sians also enjoy when be fond of, by accident, by the way, get a load of, day after day going on a trip. Museum of Natural History Being a must-see place in the museum at present, the Grand Gallery of Evolution dates back to the 1880s. Playing as a zoology building in the past, it reopened to the pu

9、blic in 1994. The entire museum exhibits more than 9,000 preserved (保存) animals and insects. Museum of Music The museums collection covers centuries of European classical music and instruments, with decorated pianos and hundreds of horns and string instruments. Live performances take place in the ga

10、lleries of the museum every day. The museum provides two versions of its English-language audio (声音的) guide, one for children and the other for adults. Fairground Art Museum At this museum, guides describe the history of Europes traveling fairs and explain signs that identify the beginning of the co

11、untry with a carousel horse (旋转木马). Book your tickets ahead of time on the museums website. Tours in French are offered several days a week all year round, and English-language tours are offered in the summer months. Museum of Arts and Crafts It was founded during the French Revolution to show its a

12、dvanced (先进的) science and technologies and has since received several updates. Early planes, including the first to cross the English Channel, hang from the ceiling of one building. The collection has different exhibitions, with ancient cars, early engines and elements used in the building of the St

13、atue of Liberty. 1. What do we know about the Grand Gallery of Evolution? A. It was once closed to the public. B. It was first built 25 years ago. C. It studies all kinds of wildlife in nature. D. It shows several thousand kinds of animals. 2. What suggestion is given to visitors to the Fairground A

14、rt Museum? A. Choose a proper guide for your travel. B. Learn some French before your travel. C. Know the history of France ahead of time. D. Book tickets beforehand at proper time. 3. What can we infer about the Museum of Arts and Crafts? A. It keeps many old collections. B. It still keeps its orig

15、inal look. C. Its a museum about art and culture. D. It only provides French-speaking guides. B Look and listen, and that concert poster just might be singing. Engineers have designed antennas(天线)that can turn everyday objects, from posters to clothing, into radio stations. Anyone walking or driving

16、 by can tune in and hear whats on. The devices use radio waves, but they dont generate their own. They hijack(劫持)the same waves that carry music and news to your smart phone. Vikram Iyer co-led the project with Anran Wang, a graduate student in computer science and engineering. The two got the idea

17、for their invention by paving attention to what was already around them. “Its the ideal way to minimize the power consumption for any kind of communication,” notes Iyer. Their research had focused on new types of wireless communications that wont require much energy. They wanted something that would

18、 work outdoors in a city. Then they realized the air is already filled with wireless communications in the form of radio stations. Radio waves carry energy at the speed of light from tall transmission towers to radios in cars, phones and homes. These waves of the antennas take in existing radio wave

19、s and change them slightly. Those changes add new sound information. The changed waves are then sent back out into the world where people can listen in. So the device only needs enough power to change the waves, not to generate them. The scientists tested their device with a poster. It advertised a

20、Seattle concert by Simply Three. People standing almost 4 meters away from the poster could use FM receivers on smart phones to listen to all songs of the bands music. Those in cars as far as 18 meters away could use car radios to pick up some parts of the songs. The technology could even extend to

21、clothes. Iyer, Wang and their team turned the shirt into an antenna. It let the shirt talk to the wearers smart phone. If a sensor in the shirt tracked a persons heart rate during exercise, for instance, the antenna could transmit those data to the wearers phone. 4. The underlined word “generate” in

22、 the first paragraph is closest in meaning to “_”. A. promote B. repair C. produce D. recycle 5. Which of the following is one advantage of the new antennas? A. They are small-sized. B. They save energy. C. They can be used in villages. D. They can improve radio signals. 6. What is the third paragra

23、ph mainly about? A. The working principle of the antennas. B. The way the antennas take in radio waves. C. The benefit people can get from the antennas. D. The situation where the antennas can be used. 7. What can be inferred from the text? A. The antennas can be available at present. B. Vikram Iyer

24、 created the antennas with much money. C. The antennas cannot be used in the students dormitory and classroom. D. The closer people stay to the antennas, the stronger signals they pick up. C Kites have been around for a long time. The Chinese invented kites over 2000 years ago. A determined man name

25、d Mo Zi had an idea as he watched hawks (鹰) fly. He spent three years making a wooden hawk “kite”. It broke after one flight! Mo Zi and his Chinese friends did not give up. Soon they perfected the art of creating kites. Kites became part of many Chinese festivals. Pictures of kites were also on vase

26、s and in paintings. But kites were meant to fly in places other than China! Marco Polo visited China in the 13th century and brought kites back to Europe with him. Europeans loved them, and the art of kiting “took off”! Many kites have stories behind them. One Chinese novel, called Journey to the We

27、st, was written around 1400 AD. In the story, a priest (僧侣) traveled with three students. One student was a monkey. The second student was a man with pig ears. The third student was a former river monster. These characters often appear on Chinese kites. Another splendid Chinese kite is the dragon ki

28、te. A dragon kite is made of many round discs strung together. Often the dragon is bright red, with fat horns and white teeth. The dragon is the king of beasts in Chinese myths. It represents goodness, even though it looks scary. Two kinds of kites have pictures of birds on them. One kite is called

29、the phoenix (凤凰) bird kite. The phoenix bird symbolizes peace. Another kite shows the red-headed crane. The crane represents happiness, good fortune, and a long life. Kites come in all shapes and sizes. Flat or bowed kites have a simple shape, such as a diamond or a rectangle (长方形). Delta (三角形) kite

30、s are triangular. Rokkaku kites are six sided and often bear a striking image. Sometimes these kites “fight” each other until one kite drops from the sky. The other kite then wins the “battle”. 8. Who introduced Chinese kites to Europe? A. A foreigner from Europe. B. Three students in Journey to the

31、 West. C. The priest in Journey to the West. D. A Chinese artist. 9. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. The novel Journey to the West mainly talks about the art of kiting. B. The characters in the novel Journey to the West are often painted on kites. C. The dragon kite represents happines

32、s, good fortune and a long life. D. A phoenix bird is a main character in the novel Journey to the West. 10. Which statement expresses an opinion rather than a fact? A. Kites became part of many Chinese festivals. B. There are many different kinds of kites. C. The dragon kite is the most splendid Ch

33、inese kite. D. Kites were invented 2000 years ago. 11. Which kind of kite has six sides? A. Red crane kites. B. Delta kites. C. Rokkaku kites. D. Flat or bowed kites. D A new study explores the custom of tipping in the United States. Many Americans give tips to people who perform a job for them, esp

34、ecially workers in the service industry. They pay a little extra to people cutting their hair, driving them across town or serving them a meal at a restaurant. Researchers from Princeton Survey Research Associates (PSRA) found that men give bigger tips to restaurant workers than women. And people wh

35、o live in the northern U.S. are more generous with tips than those living in the South. People who earn $50,000 or more a year give bigger tips than those who earn less $ 50,000. Michael Lynn is a professor of consumer behavior and marketing at the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration i

36、n New York. In other words, he knows a lot about the issue of tipping. In earlier surveys, researchers found mixed results on the generosity of different sexes when it comes to tipping in some studies, men gave bigger tips than women; in others, women gave more money. Lynns own research found that m

37、en give bigger tips when the restaurant server is a woman and women give more when the server is a man. Lynn added that in any survey dealing with human generosity, people can say they give more than they really do. There is no way of finding out if people answering a researchers questions are telli

38、ng the truth. Anyway, here is something to keep in mind. If you are able to give the person serving you a tip or a bigger one than what is expected, your generosity, will be welcome. Many service workers dont make much money, and even an extra dollar or two can make a difference in their lives. 12.

39、Who might give the smallest tip to the same server according to Paragraph 2? A. A woman living in southern America. B. A man living in northern America. C. A man earning over $50,000. D. A woman earning over $50,000. 13. What is Lynns finding? A. Its hard to say who gives bigger tips. B. Women are m

40、ore generous than men. C. People give more tips to the opposite sex server. D. Men always give more tips than women. 14. What does Lynn say about the research on tips in Paragraph 3? A. People may forget how many tips they have given. B. Making sure of the reliability of the results is difficult. C.

41、 Most people taking part in the research are generous. D. Researchers should find honest people to do the survey. 15. What is the authors attitude towards tipping? A. Tipping is unfair to other servers. B. He encourages people to give more. C. Its up to your own choice. D. Its your duty to give tips

42、. 五、五、七选五七选五(每小题(每小题 2 分,共分,共 10 分)分) The old-fashioned art of letter writing is at risk of disappearing altogether because of our fast world of telephones, fax machines and computers. 1 There is the amusement of its arrival, the pleasure of seeing who it is from and, finally, the enjoyment of the c

43、ontents. Writing a letter to my friend and my family has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. It probably began with the little notes I would write to my father. My father, also, always insisted I write my own thank-you letters for Christmas and birthday presents. 2 When I left home t

44、o train as a teacher in New York, I would write once a week, and so would my father. Occasionally my mother would write and it was always a happiness to receive her long, amusing letters. 3 Of course, we also made phone calls but it is the letters I remember most. I receives many letters from my boy

45、friends. In my youth I seemed to attract people who had to work or study away at some time and I was only able to keep in touch with them by letter. 4 I found that I could often express myself more easily in writing than by talking. I am fond of the letters that come with birthday or Christmas cards

46、. Notes are appreciated, but how much better to have a years supply of news! And its better still when its an airmail envelope with beautiful stamps. 5 Like my mother before me, I insist they write their own thank-you letters. My daughter writes to me little letters, just as I did to my mother. I st

47、rongly urge readers not to allow letter writing to become another “lost art”. A. It didnt matter how short or untidy they were as long as they were letters. B. But instead of harming the relationships, letter writing seemed to improve them. C. Yet, to me, receiving a letter cannot be matched by any other form of communication. D. The letters from home contained just everyday events concerning my parents and their friends. E. Poor handwriting can spoil your enjoyment of a letter. F. We had been corresponding (通信) for 29 years but had never met. G. I am delighted that my ch


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