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1、 1 UnitUnit8 8 教学过程教学过程 一、一、 课堂导入课堂导入 二、二、 复习预习复习预习 第十一讲第十一讲 适用学科适用学科 英语 适用年级适用年级 六年级 适用区域适用区域 广州版教材 课时时长(分钟)课时时长(分钟) 1 课时/60 分钟 知识点知识点 1. Unit8 高频词 later,felt,until 等。 2. 高频词组 be surprised,feel ill 等。 3. 过去式时态的判断句型以及不规则动词过去式。 教学教学目标目标 4. 知识:知识:1、掌握 Unit8 高频词 later,felt,until 等。 2、掌握高频词组 be surprise

2、d,feel ill 等。 3、掌握过去式时态的判断与不规则动词过去式等。 方法:方法:自主学习与教师引导,课堂讲解与随堂练习相结合。 能力:能力:1、能正确拼写课文词汇短语并灵活运用。 2、能通过语境的分析,正确把握运用过去式写日记的使用。 教学重点教学重点 1、Past experiences 写作中相关短语句型的灵活运用。 2、能在过去式中准确使用过去式各种句型等。 教学难点教学难点 1、Past experiences 日记记述格式以及不规则动词过去式拼写。 2、特殊疑问句中过去式时态 be 动词与行为动词句型的正确使用。 2 教师引导学生以提问、 回顾、 抽测笔记的形式复习上节课所学

3、的 Unit7 中相关短语句型及形 容词比较级的用法,针对上节课的作业进行讲评、订正、答疑,并通过描述过去的一些生活 经历导入本节课所要学习的新内容。 三、知识讲解三、知识讲解 知识点知识点 1 1:词汇短语详解词汇短语详解 1 Disneyland n.迪士尼公园 Donald Duck - 唐老鸭/唐纳德 ;Goofy - 高飞 Snow White - 白雪公主 Winnie the Pooh - 小熊维尼 ;Belle: 贝儿;Daisy Duck: 黛丝鸭 Donald Duck: 唐老鸭 ;Kanga - 袋鼠妈妈 ;Lady - 小姐|丽滴 Lilo - 莉萝 ; Mickey

4、Mouse - 米奇/米老鼠 ;Mulan - 木兰/花木兰 * Muses - 缪斯女神 ;Peter Pan - 小飞侠彼得潘 e.g. Hong Kong Disneyland is the first theme park inside the Hong Kong 香港迪士尼乐园是香港第一个主题公园。 2.later adv. 后来 反义词:ago adv.以前 ten years later 十年后 ; ten years ago 十年前 e.g. He went to his hometown ten years later. 他十年后回到了他的家乡。 3.felt v.感觉,觉得

5、 ,认为,摸索 (feel 的过去式) feel better 感觉好些 ;feel like doing 想要做 e.g. After taking the medicine,I felt much better. 吃过药之后,我感觉好多了。 4.sat v.坐(sit 的过去式) 反义词:stood v.站,位于 (stand 的过去式) e.g. I sat between my father and my mother in this picture. 这张照片中我坐在爸爸和妈妈中间。 5.until prep. 直到,在以前,到为止 同义词:till 直到,在以前, e.g. I d

6、idnt go to bed until my mother came back home yesterday. 昨天直到妈妈回到家我才睡觉。 6. good adj . 好的;比较级:better 最高级:best bad/ill adj.坏的,劣质的/生病的,坏的 ;比较级:worse 最高级:worst e.g. What a good girl!多么好的一个女孩子! 7.surprised adj.惊讶的;出乎意料的 v. 使惊奇, (surprise 的过去式) Surprise n.惊奇,突然袭击 be surprised at sth 对感到惊奇;使感到意外;对感到吃惊 e.g.

7、 This lady is surprised at what happened to her pet. 这位女士对发生在她宠物身上的事感到吃惊。 Her beauty surprised me. 我惊讶于她的美貌。 知识点知识点 2 2 课文重点句型拓展课文重点句型拓展 3 1. Ben and I went on a trip to Hong Kong 一次香港之旅 有关旅行词汇拓展:go on a trip 去旅行; go on holiday 去度假 .journey 一般用于路途较远的长途线性旅游 e.g. A pleasant journey to you! tour 一般用于巡回

8、游,比如巡游世界一圈,这样的,一般都是回来了才用这个说, 完成了一个轨迹, e.g. Id like to tour in companies that go round the country. 我喜欢随流动剧团作巡回演出。 travel,简单性的 e.g. His hobby is travelling. 他的爱好是旅行。 trip 一般用于简单的旅行出差之类的 e.g. He has gone on a business trip. 他出差去了。 所以从享受角度来说,从好到差应该是 journey, tour, trip, travel。 2. Ben said he was very

9、excited because is was his first visit to the island. 本说他很兴奋因为那是他第一次(香港)岛之旅。 拓展知识: 加 ing 的是形容事或者物的 exciting 兴奋的; interesting,有趣的,boring 无聊的 加 ed 的是形容人的感受 excited 兴奋的; interested,有趣的,bored 无聊的 e.g. He is interested this interesting book . 他对这本有趣的书感兴趣。 He is bored to work with a boring person. 他因与一个无聊

10、的人一起工作而感到无聊。 3. We took a photo with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck and played lots of different games. 我们与米老鼠和唐老鸭拍照并玩了很多不同的游戏。 Take photos 拍照; take a photo with sb/sth 与合影 Lots of = a lot of= plenty of 大量的(后接可数名词与不可数名词) e.g. Many people like taking photos with the scenic spots when they travell. 很多人喜

11、欢旅游的时候与景点合影留念。 4. Ben sat with me until I felt better. 本一直坐在我身边直到我感到好些。 Until 直到 e.g. They didnt go home until the rain stopped. 他们直到雨停了才回家。 e.g. This pair of glasses is Toms. 这副新眼镜是 Tom 的。 5.The next day we went shopping . 第二天我们去逛街。 4 the next day 第二天 ; the other day 几天前,不久前一天 e.g. He met an old fr

12、iend the other day. 他前几日遇到了一位老朋友。 6.How did they go to Hong Kong? 他们是怎样去香港的? did 是过去式标志, go 是动词, 故特殊疑问句中要借助助动词 did, 而助动词 do, does, did 后的第一个动词要用原形。 e.g. How long did you spend doing some reading yesterday? 你昨天阅读花费了多长时间? 7.I didnt know they came to Hong Kong. 我不知道他们来了香港。 拓展:助动词 did,do,does 后面的第一个动词用原

13、形,之后的动词根据语境判断使用。 e.g. He didnt know whose this book was? 他不知道这本书是谁的? 8. In the dream,I was alone. 在这个梦中我是孤独的。 n. 梦想,愿望;梦 adj. 梦的;理想的;不切实际的 vt. 梦想;做梦;想到 拓展短语:dream of doing 梦想着做 e.g. Many people dream of having a happy life.很多人梦想着拥有幸福的生活。 知识点知识点 3 3 英文日记格式英文日记格式 星期和日期写在左上角,日期格式用月日年(美式)或日月年(英式)都可以,天气写

14、在右 上角 。 1. 年、月、日都写时,通常以月、日、年为顺序,月份可以缩写,日和年用逗号隔开。例 如:December 18, 2003 或者 Dec. 18, 2003。 2. 如果要写星期,星期要紧挨日期星期要紧挨日期,它既可以放在日期前面,也可以放在日期后面,星期 也可以省略不写。星期和日期之间不用标点,但要空一格,星期也可缩写。例如:Thursday Dec. 18, 2003 或 Dec.18,2003 Thursday 3. 天气情况必不可少。天气一般用一个形容词如:Sunny, Fine, Rainy, Snowy 等表示。天 气通常位于日记的右上角。 范文: Sunday J

15、une 19(th) ,2014 sunny Today I traveled with my friends at the East Lake, East Lake changes a lot. Such as when boating clearance than before to see the water and even in some places can still see the bottom of the lakes water, in addition, to spend more than a tree height of the road clean! Know th

16、at as a result of national importance to control pollution, people care sites, as long as we had the determination, East Lake will be even better! Today my parents took me to my grandfathers house. I played with my cousin. Suddenly 5 my cousin suggested going to the park and having a rest. “thats a

17、good idea.” I said. Then we prepared for the traveling. After lunch, the sky turned dark. After that , it rained heavily. It meant our plan is impossible. What a pity day! 四四、例题精析、例题精析 【例题【例题 1 1】 【题干题干】 _ you happy last Childrens Day ? A. Were B. Do C. Did D. Are 【答案】【答案】 :A 【解析】【解析】 : 此题考查“be happ

18、y”这一固定结构的用法,last 过去式标志,相信有部分同 学把 happy 当做动词而选助动词 did,故本题答案为 A。 【例题【例题 2 2】 【题干题干】 My sister went on holiday in Beijing last week.(对划线部分提问) 【答案】 :【答案】 :When and where did your sister go on holiday? 【解析】 :【解析】 : 该题考查了过去式特殊疑问句的使用, last week 是对时间提问选 when, in Beijing 是对地点提问,went 是过去式标志故要借助助动词 did,故答案如上。

19、【例题【例题 3 3】 【题干题干】( )My parents used to_ me _ places of interesting during holidays. A. takes,to B. took,in C. take,to D. takes,in 【答案】 :【答案】 :C 【解析】 :【解析】 :本题考查“used to do sth(过去常做某事)”与”take sb to someplace(带 某人去某地方)”固定搭配的用法,根据句子中“used to do sth”可判断第一 空 take 用原形,故选 C。 【例题【例题 4 4】 【题干题干】 We didnt st

20、op_ until our teacher _ into classroom before. 6 A. talking, comes B. talking,came C. talk,came 【答案】【答案】B 【解析】【解析】 本题考查“stop doing”与“notuntil(直到才) ”用于过去式的用法,故 第一空用 talking,第二空 before 是过去式标志 come 用过去式 came ,故选 B。 五、课堂运用五、课堂运用 【基础】【基础】 一、翻译短语。 1. 一 次 激 动 人 心 的 旅 行 _ 2. 感 到 累 _ 3. 拍 照 片 _ 4. 吃 太 多 食 物

21、_ 5.第二天_ 6.走在大街上_ 7. 做 了 一 个 梦 _ 8. 十 二 个 月 前 _ 9.去钓鱼_ 10.无聊的一天_ 二、二、写出下列动词的过去式 。 look_ watch_ like_ hope_ plan_ stop_ carry_ go_ study_ play_ stay_ let_ put_ me et_ catch _ teach_ buy_ bring_ think _ sit_ run_ give_ win _ know _ feel_ sleep_ keep_ fly_ 【巩固】【巩固】 三、用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. We _ (live) in Jap

22、an last year. 2. Susan_ (stop) the car on the street yesterday. 3. My mother_ (clean) my room and _(study) for the English test last Sunday. 4. What _ you _(do) last night? 5. On Saturday morning I _(play) football and _ (do)some reading. 7 6. _ you _ (have) bread for breakfast this morning? 7. She

23、_ (give) me a nice present last night. 8. The police _ (stop) the car and _ (catch) the t hief (小偷) just now. 9. Tom _ (carry) water for the old man last Saturday. 10. Uncle Wang _ ( come )into the room and _ ( find ) something to eat. 四、句型转换。 1. We sang some English songs. 否定句:_ 一般疑问句:_ 2. All the

24、students were very excited. 否定句:_ 一般疑问句:_ 3. My friends were late for school. 否定句:_ 一般疑问句:_ 4. Su Hai took some photos at the Sports day. 否定句:_ 一般疑问句:_ 5. Nancy went to school early. 否定句:_ 一般疑问句:_ 【拔高】【拔高】 五、书面表达:用日记记述你母亲节那天的活动。 提示:上午,你用零花钱给母亲买了一些鲜花,放在花瓶内。下午你去市场买菜,为一家人 做了一顿可口的饭菜。晚饭后,你送母亲自己制作的贺卡,并祝她节

25、日快乐;告诉母亲要多 注意自己的健康,不要过度劳累,你还保证今后会帮助他做一些家务;母亲感动得流下了眼 泪 (不要逐句翻译) 词汇: pocket money 零花钱 vase 花瓶 overwork 过度劳累 be moved to tears 感动的流泪 答案与解析答案与解析 一、一、1.an exciting trip 2.feel tired 3.take photos 4.eat too much food 8 5.the next day 6. walk on the street 7.had/dreamed a dream 8. twelve months ago 9.go fi

26、shing 10. a boring day 二、二、look-looked watch-watched like-liked hope-hoped plan-planned stop-stopped carry-carried go-went study-studied play-played stay-stayed let-let put-put meet-met catch -caught teach-taught buy-bought bring-brought think -thought sit-sat run-ran give-gave win -won know -knew f

27、eel-felt sleep-slept keep-kept fly-flew 三、三、1.lived 2.stopped 3. cleaned 4. did, do 5.palyed,did 6.Did, have 7.gave 8.stopped, caught 9.carried 10. came, found 四、1.We didnt sing any songs .Did you sing any songs? 2. All the students werent very excited.Were all the students very excited? 3. My frien

28、ds werent late for school.Were your friends late for school? 4. Su Hai didnt take any photos at the Sports day.Did Su Hai take any photos at the Sports day? 5. Nancy didnt go to school early. Did Nancy go to school early? 五、 , Today is Mothers Day. , , ,gve her a card and , help their mothers with t

29、he housework moved to tears 课程小结课程小结 本节课学习与拓展 Unit部分。主要围绕课文重点词组短语句型以及日记与特殊疑问句 综合运用进行讲解。 过去式是阶段性考试以及期末毕业考的必考知识点, 同学需要重点掌握。 另外,近年来阶段性考试以及期末考对语法点的考查往往是与语境相结合,因此,同学 在做题时要结合语境来分析题目,灵活地运用语法知识。 9 课后作业课后作业 【基础基础】 一一、 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 (1) May_ (finish) her homework very late yesterday evening. (2) Han Mei _

30、(bring) her pet to the park that day. (3) His father _ (buy) a new computer for him last week. (4) Miss Du_ (walk) to work every day last term. (5) We _ (move) to Shenyang 8 years ago. (11).Lily _ ( study ) in the classroom for two hours an d then _ ( leave ). (12).Jimmy _ ( do ) a lot today. He _ (

31、 go ) shop ping and _ ( cook ) supper. (13).We _ ( go ) to the cinema last night. The film _ _ ( be ) very good. (14).What time _ you _ ( get ) to school this morni ng? 【巩固巩固】 二、按要求变换句型 1、Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句) Lucy _ _ her homework at home. 2、He found some meat in the fridge(冰箱).(变一般疑

32、问句) _ he _ _ meat in the fridge? 3、There was some orange in the cup.(变一般疑问句) _ there _ orange in the cup? 4. Frank read an interesting book about history. (一般疑问句) _ Frank _ an interesting book about history? 5. Why not go out for a walk? (同义句) 10 _ _ _ out for a walk? 【拔高拔高】 三、三、阅读理解。 There is a tel

33、ephone on my desk. Its my good friend. It helps me a lot. My telephone number is 8445816 . Sometimes when I have something to talk about with my classmates. I dont need to go out. I call them. I write down many telephone numbers of my friends. My best friend Johns number is 8459471 . When I cant rem

34、ember my homework, I ask him by telephone. There are some Telephone Messages beside my telephone. When I am out, my mother writes down the massages for me. 1. Whose telephone number is 8445816? A. Johns mothers. B. His own. C. His classmates. D. Johns. 2. What time does he call his classmates? A. Wh

35、en he doesnt know how to do his homework. B. When he doesn t remember the telephone numbers of others. C. When he forgets what the homework is. D. When he doesnt need to go out. 3. Why does mother write down the massage for him? Because _. A. he isnt out B. he is working at his lessons C. he forgets

36、 the phone number D. he isnt in 4. What does he think of the telephone? A. Useless B. Important C. Best friend D. Helpless 5. Where is the telephone? A. In his office. B. In his house. C. In his classroom. D. In his room. 答案: 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. D 1根据文章,这个电话号码是他自己的。 2当他忘了做什么家庭作业时,打电话给同学,而不是不知道怎样做家庭作业时打电话。 3“I am out”是外出,不在家里的意思。be outbe not in。 4. 由文章内容可知。 5从“There is a telephone on my desk”可以推测出,电话的具体位置应该是在他的 房间里。 课后评价课后评价 11


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