2021中考英语(人教版)一轮复习教材梳理练习20 九年级(全一册) Unit 11~Unit 12.docx

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1、课时作业课时作业 20 九年级九年级(全一册全一册) Unit 11Unit 12 .单项填空。 1.(2020 湖北武汉)Hows Mr.Clarks small company? Quite good.It has grown to become a in the international trade. A.rule B.duty C.power D.sign 2.(2020 江苏扬州)Youll have to get your parents if you want to go on the trip. A.achievement B.announcement C.agreement

2、 D.advertisement 3.(2020 四川达州改编)Clara,you have kept Journey to the West for two weeks. Sorry,I wanted to give it back but was made Dazhou on business last week. A.leave B.to leave C.leave D.leaving 4.(2020 黑龙江绥化改编)By the time the teacher came,we cleaning the classroom. A finished B.have finished C.h

3、ad finished D.finish 5.(2020 安徽马鞍山十三中模拟)Their began when they met at the first day of Junior High School. Yeah.They have been friends for three years. A.agreement B.friendship C.hobbies D.argument 6.(2020 安徽六安叶集区模拟)Hi,Alfred,you look .What happened? I am very tired.I have been painting the bedroom a

4、ll day. A.glad B.excited C.pale D.frightened 7.(2020 安徽信息卷四)Shall we go traveling? We cant. ,we dont have enough money.Secondly,were too busy. A.To start with B.As a result C.After all D.In fact 8.(2020 安徽泗县二中模拟)Even though were in difficult times,we need to keep hope . A.real B.alive C.fresh D.clos

5、e 9.(2020 安徽明光三中模拟)Ted hopes the weather improves.If not,theyll have to the picnic. A.cancel B.mention C.value D.announce 10.(2019 湖北宜昌)Its a pity that my teachers parents allow me to swim alone. After all you are too young,safety first. A.either;or B.neither;nor C.both;and D.not only;but also .完形填空

6、。 (2021 预测) A greedy(贪婪的) mouse saw a basket full of rice.He wanted to eat it.So he made a 11 hole in the basket.He got into the basket through the hole.He ate a lot of rice.He felt 12 .He was happy. Now he wanted to 13 .He tried to come out through the hole,but he could not.His 14 was big.He tried

7、again.But it was of no 15 . The mouse started 16 .A rabbit was passing by.It heard the mouses cry and asked,“Why are you crying?” The mouse explained,“I made a hole and came into the 17 .Now I am not able to get out through that hole.” The rabbit said,“It is because you ate too much. 18 till your st

8、omach gets small.”The rabbit laughed and went away. The mouse fell asleep in the basket.Next 19 his stomach got small.But the mouse wanted to eat,so he ate and ate.He was full again.He thought,“I will go out tomorrow.” A 20 passed by.He smelt the mouse in the basket and ate the mouse. 11.A.big B.sma

9、ll C.warm D.comfortable 12.A.full B.excited C.upset D.lonely 13.A.hang out B.come out C.walk around D.give up 14.A.eye B.face C.head D.stomach 15.A.way B.road C.use D.power 16.A.working B.crying C.running D.sleeping 17.A.bottle B.box C.bag D.basket 18.A.Wait B.Relax C.Hide D.Search 19.A.week B.year

10、C.season D.morning 20.A.tiger B.bird C.cat D.dog .补全对话。 (2021 预测) A:Did you and Amy have fun last night,Kitty? B:Well,John.yes and no. A:21. B:Yes,she was.And waiting for her made me angry. A:Where did you go? B:First we went to the Rockin Restaurant,but Amy didnt want to stay there.22. A:Thats funn

11、y.Loud music always makes me want to dance. B:Me too.23. It was quiet and the food was great.We had a good time. A:24. B:No.We went to the movies.We saw a movie called Love Me Forever.It was a really good movie,but it was so sad that it made me cry. A:Sad movies dont make me cry.25. B:Really?Sounds

12、fun! A.Then we went to the Blue Lagoon. B.Then did you go to the concert at the high school? C.They just make me want to leave! D.Was she on time as usual? E.How was the movie? F.Was Amy late as usual? G.She said that loud music made her tense. .阅读理解。 A (2020 贵州黔西南州) One day,Tom was walking home whe

13、n he suddenly noticed a young man sitting on the bridge railing(栏杆).He was going to jump into the river to kill himself. “Hey,young man!What are you doing?Are you going to jump?” Tom asked.“Yes,I am.” the young man answered.His voice had pain in it,but Tom could tell he didnt really want to do this.

14、Tom tried to draw his attention “You have any kids?” Then the young found a picture of his daughter on his mobile phone. “Try to think how your daughter will live on without her dad at a young age.” Tom said.His heart was beating fast,but he stayed calm.By doing so,Tom learned about the young mans t

15、rouble. “I am having a hard time,” the young man said,“I cant make any money.I am hungry,and I cant live without heroin(海洛因).” By this time,Tom had walked closer to him.He made the young man believe that he cared if he jumped into the river.Finally,the young man turned,took Toms hand and climbed dow

16、n. Soon the police drove the young man away.Tom has never got his name.But he always remembers the last words the young man said to him.“Thank you!And you are really a hero to me.” 26.What was the young man going to do? A.To end his life. B.To enjoy the river. C.To practice jumping. D.To watch Tom w

17、alking. 27.What was the young mans real trouble? A.He had a pain in his voice. B.He was poor and taking heroin. C.He had a serious heart trouble. D.His daughter was dying. 28.Why did the young man finally give up killing himself? A.Because Tom pulled him down. B.Because he thought of his daughter. C

18、.Because the police drove him away. D. Because he was greatly moved by Tom. 29.What can we know from the above story? A.Tom finally saved the young man. B.Tom became a hero of the country. C.The young man was caught by the police. D.The young man became a good person. B (2021 预测) A rich couple wante

19、d to throw a big party at their house.So they went shopping and bought many expensive things.Then they called a porter (搬运工) to send the things home.The porter was an old man.His clothes were torn.It looked as if he wasnt even able to meet his daily needs.The couple paid the money and gave the porte

20、r their home address.Then they left. The couple reached their home.Hours passed,but the porter still didnt come.The wife became angry,“The poor man has no money to buy food,but we handed him all kinds of expensive things.Im sure he must have disappeared with our things.” The couple decided to go to

21、the police station to report the case.On their way,they saw a young porter and they noticed that their things were in the mans cart (手推车).They stopped him. “What happened?” they asked. The porter replied,“The poor old man has been sick since last month.He was about to send your things,but he was too

22、 weak to go any further.He was poor,but he was honest.Before he fell down,he said to me,Please take the things in my cart and send them to this address.Here is the money they paid. ” The couple felt so sorry.They learned that honesty had no class (阶级) and that they should respect (尊重) everyone. 30.W

23、hy did the couple go shopping that day?(不超过 10个词) 31.Where were the couple going when they saw the young porter?(不超个 10个词) 32.What did the couple learn at last?(不超过 15个词) .单词拼写。 33.(2019 四川成都改编)The manager will be so busy next month that he has to c (取消)a few unimportant meetings. 34.(2019 浙江杭州改编)Hi

24、s team had lost the game because of him.He felt like there was a heavy w (重量) on his shoulders as he walked home alone. 35.(2019 甘肃天水改编)After discussing the project several times,they reached an a (协议) finally. 36.(2021 预测)There are three soccer c (教练) in the soccer club. 37.(2021 预测)I think Mike wa

25、s ill.Because his face looked p (苍白的). .书面表达。 请根据以下所给内容,写一篇 80100 词的日记,可适当发挥,使行文连贯。 假如今天是 10 月 21 日,星期四,晴天。今天上午你的一个朋友称赞你的歌唱得好,而且声音很甜。 你感到很兴奋,因为你的梦想正是当一名歌手。当你把这个想法告诉妈妈时,她毫不犹豫地(without hesitation)告诉你:“不可能的,放弃你的想法吧。”她的话让你感到很沮丧,你知道妈妈只希望你好好关 注学习而不是流行音乐。 课时作业 20 九年级(全一册) Unit 11Unit 12 .1.C 句意:克拉克先生的小公司怎么

26、样?不错。它已成长为国际贸易中的一个大国。 rule规则;duty职责;power有权力或影响力的国家;sign符号、手势。根据“Quite good.”可知,克拉 克先生的小公司已经发展的很强大了,故 power 符合语境。故选 C项。 2.C 句意:如果你想去旅行,你必须征得父母的同意。achievement 成就;announcement 公 告;agreement 同意;advertisement 广告。根据语境句意理解,表示“同意”,所以名词需要用 agreement。故选 C项。 3.B 句意:克拉拉,你已经借了西游记两周了。对不起,我本来想还的,但上周我因 出差离开达州了。由 w

27、as made可知,此处是被动语态结构,make由主动语态变为被动语态时,其 后需用带 to的动词不定式表达。故选 B项。 4.C 句意:老师来的时候,我们已经打扫完了教室。by the time引导的句子是一般过去时,主句用 过去完成时。故选 C项。 5.B 句意:他们的友情从他们初中首次相见就开始了。是呀。他们已经成为朋友三年 了。agreement 同意;friendship 友谊;hobby爱好;argument 争吵。 6.C 句意:你好,阿尔佛雷德,你看起来很苍白。出什么事了吗?我很累。我一整天都在 粉刷卧室。glad高兴的;excited 兴奋的;pale苍白的;frighten

28、ed 害怕的。 7.A 句意:我们去旅游好吗?我们不能去。首先,我们没有足够的钱;其次我们也很忙。 to start with首先;as a result 结果;after all 毕竟;in fact实际上。 8.B 句意:虽然我们处于困难时期,我们需要保留希望。real真实的;alive活着;fresh新鲜的;close 亲密的。 9.A 句意:Ted希望天气好转。如果不好转,他们将不得不取消野炊。cancel 取消;mention提 到;value珍视;announce宣布。 10.B 句意:很遗憾的是我的老师和父母都不允许我独自去游泳。毕竟你太小,安全第 一。对于 swim alone

29、,老师和家长们都持否定态度,应用否定意义的连接词。neither.nor“既 不也不”;由答语“you are too young,safety first”可知,选 B项。 .【主旨大意】本文是寓言故事。文章通过叙述一个贪心的老鼠在米篮子里贪得无厌偷吃大 米最终丢失性命的故事,告诉人们一个道理:不要贪得无厌。 11.B 由下文的“He tried to come out through the hole,but he could not.”可知,老鼠吃饱后不能从 洞里出去了,故判断洞很小。 12.A full“饱的,满的”;excited“兴奋的”;upset“沮丧的”;lonely“孤独的

30、”。由上句可知,老鼠吃了很 多米,故判断它吃得很饱。 13.B hang out“闲逛”;come out“出来”;walk around“到处走走”;give up“放弃”。由下句的“He tried to come out”可知,老鼠想出来。 14.D 由上文可知,老鼠吃了很多米,很饱,故判断它的肚子很大。 15.C 句意:他又试了一次,但是没用。故选 C项。 16.B 由下文的“It heard the mouses cry”可知,老鼠开始哭了。 17.D 由上文的“So he made a hole in the basket”可知,老鼠挖了一个洞进到篮子里。 18.A wait“等”

31、;relax“放松”;hide“躲藏”;search“搜查”。句意:等到你的肚子变小的时候吧。故选 A项。 19.D 由上句可判断,第二天早晨老鼠的肚子变小了。 20.C 由下句的“ate the mouse”可判断,猫经过这里。 .2125 FGABC .【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述的是 Tom在回家的路上发现有一个年轻人打算跳河 自杀。Tom就决定和这个年轻人进行交谈,缓解他激动的心情,最终成功救下了这个年轻人。 26.A 细节理解题。根据文中第一段中的句子“He was going to jump into the river to kill himself.” 可知他是要跳河自杀

32、,也就是想结束自己的生命,故答案选 A项。 27.B 细节理解题。根据文中第四段中的句子“I cant make any money.I am hungry,and I cant live without heroin.”可知他挣不到钱,很贫穷,而且还吸毒。故 B项符合题意。 28.D 推理判断题。由短文第四段的内容可知 Tom和他交谈,慢慢靠近他,最终他被 Tom所深 深地感动了,从而放弃了自杀。故答案选 D项。 29.A 推理判断题。根据短文最后一段内容可知警察来把这个年轻人带走了,他被成功解救了。 故 A项表述与短文内容相符,答案选 A项。 30.They wanted to throw

33、 a big party at their house. 31.To the police station. 32.They learned that honesty had no class and that they should respect everyone. .33.cancel 34.weight 35.agreement 36.coaches 37.pale .One possible version: October 21st Thursday Fine This morning one of my good friends told me I sang well and m

34、y voice sounded sweet.What he said made me feel excited because I have dreamed of being a singer one day.However,when I told my mother about it,she replied without hesitation,“Its impossible!Give it up!” Mothers words made me sad.I know the only thing she expects me to do is to pay attention to my studies instead of pop music.


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