2021年安徽省中考英语复习:第四板块 题型一 听力理解.pptx

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1、题 型 归 纳 分 类 指 导 题型一 听力理解 英英 语语 2021 内 容 索 引 题型解法指导 素养训练提高 题型解法指导题型解法指导 一、对话理解一、对话理解 【命题特点】 安徽中考英语听力的对话理解分为短对话理解和长对话理解两种形式,该 题型是安徽省英语中考听力试题中比较稳定的题型,分值为10分,是所占分 值最高的听力题型之一。该题型主要是通过一个轮回的对话,考查学生对 所听录音材料的理解和判断能力,要求学生能识别语段中的重要信息,进行 简单的推断并选出正确答案。 【解题思路】 1.听前预览选项,了解一定的信息,并预测话题及内容。 2.在听的时候要注意抓住各小题中的地点、人名、时间或

2、数字的变化、 职业、关系等关键信息。 3.还要抓住表句意转折的but,表示否定的not,no,nothing等关键词。在听的 过程中根据对话内容采用排除、推理、辨别等方法来判断正确答案。 典例1短对话理解 你将听到5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 1.What would the girl want to buy? 2.Whats Peters job? 3.Where does Ted work after school? A.In a library. B.In a supermarket. C.In a restau

3、rant. 4.Whose is the volleyball? A.Victors. B.Vinces. C.Vinsons. 5.What does the man think of the new movie? A.Its moving. B.Its wonderful. C.Its exciting. 听力原文 1.W:I like that yellow blouse.Its really beautiful. M:Yes.It must fit you well. 2.W:Hi,Peter!Can you tell me a little bit about your job? M

4、:Sure.Im a director.Its interesting,but sometimes it makes me stressed. 3.W:Ted has a part-time job in a restaurant. M:Yes.But I think middle school students should not be allowed to work at night. 4.W:Is this volleyball yours,Victor? M:No,it isnt.It must belong to Vinson,Vinces brother. 5.W:There i

5、s a new movie on screen now.Did you watch it yesterday evening? M:Yes,I did.Its wonderful.Its one of the most wonderful movies Ive seen. 答案15 BCCCB 典例2长对话理解 你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6至7小题。 6.What are they talking about? A.A concert. B.Music. C.A musician. 7

6、.Where does the popular band come from? A.Canada. B.Australia. C.Italy. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至10小题。 8.When is the party? A.On Sunday. B.On Saturday. C.On Friday. 9.Can the girl go out at night? A.Yes,she can. B.No,she cant. D.We dont know. 10.How does the girl feel at home? A.Happy. B.Angry. C.Free. 听力原文 听下面

7、一段对话,回答第6至7小题。 W:What do you think of tonights concert? M:It was amazing!I like it very much. W:I agree with you.I especially loved the popular band from Italy. M:Yes.They sang well. W:Was it your favorite? M:Not really.In fact West Life was my favorite. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至10小题。 M:Sue,there will be a part

8、y in Rons house on Friday.Come with me,OK? W:Sorry,Bill.Im not allowed to go out at night. M:What a pity!Ive never thought your family has such a rule. W:So my family does.And Im not allowed to watch TV on school nights. M:Oh,no!That is my favorite.So whats allowed to do? W:Im allowed to study all t

9、he time,of course.I always feel a little angry at home. M:I think you should talk with your parents. W:I did that.But it didnt work. M:Maybe you can ask our teacher for help. W:That sounds like a good idea. 答案610 ACCBB 二、短文理解二、短文理解 【命题特点】 短文理解是根据所听到的短文内容,选择正确的答案回答短文后所提的问 题或根据短文意思,选择正确答案补全题干,所提供的选项为三

10、个。 【解题思路】 我们在做出选择前都应该从以下几个方面着手: 1.在听短文之前,一定要抓紧时间细读所给的问题及选项,并根据选项的内 容进行对比,对短文的内容进行预测(包括对问题中问句的内容进行推理), 提前了解短文中可能出现的单词、词组或句子。只有这样,在听短文时才 能有目的、有选择地作出正确的判断。 2.在听的过程中,一定要注意并简略地记下五个“W”和一个 “H”(What,When,Who,Why,Where,How),这有助于理解文章内容。 3.听第一遍录音时,要仔细将全文听完。听第二遍时,要有针对性地做些记 录,利用中间停顿时间将问题逐一解答。 4.最后,听完短文再进行归纳 、综合、

11、判断,就可以顺利整理出相关信息, 从而确定正确答案。 典例3短文理解 你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。 11.Who is Emilios best friend? A.Jim. B.Martin. C.Mark. 12.Whats Emilios problem? A.He doesnt like his new school. B.He cant get on well with his parents. C.He cant study well in his new school. 13.Why do

12、other students make fun of Emilio? A.Because he is silly. B.Because he is short. C.Because he is fat. 14.When did Emilio fight with Jim? A.Last Monday.B.Last Tuesday.C.Last Friday. 15.How many pieces of advice did Martin give to Emilio in the letter? A.Only one piece. B.Two pieces. C.Three pieces. 听

13、力原文 Yesterday Emilio wrote to Martin,telling him that he didnt enjoy the new school at all.As all the other students were from the same primary school,they got on well with each other.Emilio tried to be friendly,but they didnt.Instead, they often made fun of him,for hes the shortest in the class.Las

14、t Monday he had a big fight with Jim because Jim said he was too short to play basketball. Although Jim said sorry to him later,Emilio felt upset.He had no idea about what to do.So Emilio really needs some help from his best friend,Martin. Now,in his letter back to Emilio,Martin gives him two pieces

15、 of advice.First of all,he shouldnt worry about being short.And the second,he could think about looking for a new friend. 答案1115 BABAB 三、信息转换三、信息转换 【命题特点】 信息转换考查的是一种迅速地辨音释义,理解语义并对听到的信息作出迅 速反应的一种能力。它不仅是指辨音能力,更重要的是对所听内容的理解 能力。信息转换以填空题为主,对写的要求很高。因此,考生要做的第一步 准备工作就是提高单词拼写的速度和准确性。尤其要重视对考试中常考 场景相关词汇的总结。多年的

16、经验以及研究结果告诉我们,故事发生的时 间、地点、人物、谈话内容以及后果等场景词汇反复出现的比率很大。 【解题思路】 1.在听之前了解所需填写的内容和所给句子,这有助于对短文内容的把握, 以便在听的时候做到有的放矢。 2.第一遍,要将全文仔细地听一次,尽可能弄明白文章大意。第二遍,听的过 程中要做记录,比如地点、人物、时间、所发生的事件等。特别是时间,一 般录音材料不会直接告诉具体时间,而是通过已知的相关时间推算出准确 时间。所以第二遍听的时候,一定要用最快的速度填上去。 3.听完之后,还要结合题目进行思考和判断,依靠对短文具体细节的回忆,写 出符合要求的答案。同时还应注意: (1)题目有无词

17、数限制;(2)填写好之后的句子是否正确。 典例4信息转换 你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅 填一词。短文读两遍。 The Giving Tree It is a story about a 16 and a tree. When the boy is young,he always 17 with the tree. When the boy becomes a man,the tree gives him wood to build a 18 . When the man wants to go to some other sunnier places,th

18、e tree gives him wood to make a 19 . At last the man and the tree are both happy because they are 20 again. 听力原文 The Giving Tree is a story about a boy and a tree who are good friends. When the boy is young,he always plays with the tree.Then when the boy grows up,he tells it he wants money.The tree

19、gives him its apples so that the boy can sell them for money in a market. Later,the boy becomes a man and wants to have a house.The tree gives him some wood to build a house.Finally,the man says he wants to go to some other sunnier places.The tree gives him wood to make a boat. The man comes back wh

20、en he is old.The tree is sad because it has nothing to give the man.But both the man and the tree are happy because they are together again. 答案16.boy 17.plays 18.house 19.boat 20.together 素养训练提高素养训练提高 .短对话理解 你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 1.Why does Lucy look happy? 2.What

21、does Linda have to do? 3.When will the party be held? A.On 30th April. B.On 30th May. C.On 31st May. 4.Which season does the man like better? A.Winter. B.Summer. C.Autumn. 5.Where does the man want to go? A.To the bus station. B.To the supermarket. C.To the post office. 你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。请在每小题所给的A

22、、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 1.M:Hi,Lucy.You look happy.Any good news? W:I passed the math test this time. 2.W:Hi,Michael.Why didnt Linda join you in the game?What happened to her? M:Her mother is badly ill,and she has to look after her. 3.M:When is the school party? W:Its 30th May. 听力原文 4.W:Do you p

23、refer winter or summer? M:Neither.I prefer autumn. 5.M:Excuse me.Could you tell me the way to the nearest supermarket? W:Go along the street,and then turn left at the second crossing.You cant miss it. 参考答案 15 CBBCB .长对话理解 你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6至7小题。 6.W

24、hy is Bob sad? A.Because hes ill. B.Because his mother is ill. C.Because he failed his exam. 7.What may happen after the conversation? A.The speakers will be as sad as Bob. B.The speakers will have a party. C.The speakers will help Bob. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至10小题。 8.Whats the relationship between the two spe

25、akers? A.Classmates.B.Mother and son.C.Student and teacher. 9.Whats the boys problem? A.He cant decide what to wear to the party. B.He failed his final exam and feels very sad. C.There is something wrong with his clothes. 10.What will they do after the exam? A.Hold a party. B.Help with the party. C.

26、Go shopping. 听下面一段对话,回答第6至7小题。 W:Do you have any plans for the coming New Years holiday? M:Not really.I used to go to Bobs New Years party,but that doesnt seem possible this year. W:Why? M:His mom has been sick since October.He told me that he was so upset. W:Oh.Im sorry to hear that. M:Maybe we sho

27、uld do something to make him a little happier. W:Sure.Thats what friends are for. 听力原文 听下面一段对话,回答第8至10小题。 W:Hello? M:Hi.This is Jacky.Is Jenny there? W:Speaking. M:Jenny,I have something to discuss with you. W:Whats the matter? M:Well.What are you going to wear at Garys party?Im having trouble decid

28、ing what to wear. W:I think Ill wear pink.Its my favorite color. M:I know.Do you want to go shopping with me after the exam? W:Sure. 参考答案 610 BCAAC .短文理解 你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。 11.What does Mike study in the school? A.Math. B.Computer. C.English. 12.Where does Mi

29、ke come from? A.Mexico. B.Japan C.India. 13.How long is Mikes class every day? A.4 hours. B.5 hours. C.6 hours. 14.Why does Mike understand his teacher? A.Because she doesnt speak English quickly. B.Because he thinks she is a good teacher. C.Because she doesnt speak English. 15.What does Mike think

30、of his school life? A.Easy. B.Boring. C.Good. 你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A、B、 C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。 Mike goes to the Greenwood School every day.There are classes for math,English and computer.Mike studies English in this school.He is in beginning English.This is his fourth year in the US,but h

31、e doesnt speak English.He only knows some easy words.There are another ten students in his class.Six are like him,and theyre from Mexico.There are three students from Japan,and one from India.Mikes class is from 8:00 to 12:00 every day.His teacher is only 20 years old.But shes a good teacher.He unde

32、rstands her because she doesnt speak English quickly.Mike likes his school life.Its not easy and they have a lot of homework.But he is happy to be back to school. 参考答案 1115 CAAAC 听力原文 .信息转换 你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅 填一词。短文读两遍。 A Picnic When Last 16. my family went on a picnic. Where We went

33、to the 17. by car together. Who Father,mother,two sons and two daughters had a very good time there. How long We stayed there for a 18. day. Things to take 19. bags of things:ice cream,salad,melons,sandwiches,orange juice,strawberries,some water and 20. I have a big family.There are 4 children in my

34、 family.My two sons are Nick and Vince.My two daughters are Eliza and Kay.The four children give my wife and me a happy life.Last Saturday,my family went to the park to have a picnic.We went there by car and we stayed there for a whole day.All of us had a very good time. Before we went out,we packed

35、 all of the things for the picnic.Nick would like some ice cream.Vince would like some salad.Eliza would like some melons and Kay would like some sandwiches.All of them would like some orange juice and strawberries.My wife and I also took some water and some clothes.We had three bags of things for the picnic at last. 参考答案 16.Saturday 17.park 18.whole 19.Three/3 20.clothes 听力原文


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