2020新人教版 必修一 Unit 5 Languages around the World Period threeDiscovering Useful Structures教学设计.docx

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1、Unit5 Languages around the World Period three Discovering Useful Structures 学习目标 1.Master the usage of such important words and expressions as despite,variety,major,means,regard,appreciate,date back etc.;learn to express yourself by using them. 2.Learn the method of constructing knowledge trees thro

2、ugh self-study 尽管 观察思考 China is widely known for its ancient civilisation which has continued all the way through into modern times,(even) though there were the many ups and downs in its history. 归纳总结 (1)despite prep.即使;尽管(+ ) (2)though /even though /although conj.即使;虽然(+ ) 即学活用 选词填空(although,though

3、,despite) (1)It is unbelievable that Mr Lucas leads a simple life his great wealth. (2) birds use their feathers for flight,some of their feathers are for other purposes. 2.【教材原句】It dates back several thousand years to the use of longgu. 它可以追溯到数千年前使用龙骨的时期 【词块】date back to 观察思考 In China acupuncture d

4、ates back to ancient times. 在中国,针灸疗法可以追溯到古代。 There is a wooden tower dating from the Qing Dynasty in the village. 村子里有一座清朝的木塔。 归纳总结 date back to 相当于 date from,意为“追溯到;始于”,一般无进行时态和被动语态, 作后置定语时,用动词-ing 形式。 联系拓展 out of date 过时的;陈旧的 up to date 最新的;时髦的 即学活用 翻译或完成句子 (1)这一传统可追溯到 15 世纪。 (2)The dictionary is

5、(过时的):many words have been added to the language since it was published. 3. 【教材原句】 Over the years,the system developed into different forms,as it was a time when people were divided geographically,leading to many varieties of dialects and characters. 在随后的年代里,这一体系发展成了不同的形式,这是由于当时中国人居住地域的分隔, 从而导致不同的方言

6、和汉字变体的产生。 【句型】when 引导 从句,指代 在从句中作 【词块】lead to varieties of 【单词】variety n.(植物、语言等的)变体,异体,多样化 观察思考 Opinions on this matter vary from person to person. 对这件事的看法因人而异。 With the development of economy,there are various goods in stores. 随着经济的发展,商店里有各种各样的商品。 There are a variety of books for us to choose from

7、,like history books,science books,literary books and so on. 有各种各样的书供我们选择,像历史书、科技书、文学书等。 归纳总结 (1)vary from.to.由到不等 (2)various adj.不同的;各种各样的(diverse/different) (3)a verity of=varieties of=various 各种各样的 即学活用 用 vary 的正确形式填空。 (1)The weather here from hour to hour. (2)She decided to move to the countrysid

8、e for reasons. (3)The club offers a wide of games to the local teenagers. 4.【教材原句】Emperor Qinshihuang united the seven major states into one unified country where the Chinese writing system began to develop in one direction. 秦始皇统一七个诸侯国后,在这个统一的国家里,汉字书写体系开始朝着一个方向发展。 【词块】one unified country the Chinese

9、 writing system in one direction 【单词】major adj.主要的,重要的,大的 n.主修课程;主修学生 vi.主修,专门研究 观察思考 There is a major problem with parking in many cities. 在许多城市停车都是个大问题。 I think I should change my major to art history. 我想把专业改成艺术史。 He inspires me to major in English in college,to be a bridge between China and the w

10、orld. 他鼓励我在大学主修英语,在中国和世界之间起沟通作用。 归纳总结 major in 主修 即学活用 (1)你是英语专业的学生吗? (2)He was also a major player in training others in the art of canal planning and building. 5. 【教材原句】 That writing system was of great importance in uniting the Chinese people and culture. 这一书写体系对于团结中国人民和中国文化具有重要意义。 【词块】be of grea

11、t importance 观察思考 These dictionaries are of much help to learners of English. 这些词典对英语学习者有很大帮助。 This medicine is of no use.这种药吃了没有效果。 归纳总结 “of +(great/much/some/no/little)+抽象名词” 表示人或物具有某种特性。此句中 be of great importance 相当于 be very/greatly important。这种结构在句中除了作表语外,还可以作定 语。常用于此结构的抽象名词有:use,help,value,bene

12、fit 等。 即学活用 完成句子 (1)Doing morning exercises will be (对有好处)to your health. (2)Coal is (很重要) to the development of industry. (3)Dont throw anything that may be (有用的). 6.【教材原句】Even today,no matter where Chinese people live or what dialect they speak,they can all still communicate in writing. 即使在今天,不论住在

13、哪里,也不论说何种方言,中国人仍然能通过书写(汉字)进行交流。 【句型】no matter where 引导 从句 观察思考 Any person,no matter who they are,must go through an identity check. 任何人,无论他们是谁,都要接受身份检查。 Ill leave anyway,no matter what you say. 不管你说什么,我都要离开。 归纳总结 no matter(what/how/where/when/who)是一个引导让步状语从句的连词结构, 意为无论 (什么,怎样,哪里,何时,谁),相当于 whatever,h

14、owever,wherever,whenever,whoever。 即学活用 (1)不管这幢房子多少钱,他都要买下来。 (2)不管发生什么,你我永远是朋友。 7.【教材原句】Written Chinese has also become an important means by which Chinas present is connected with its past. 汉字也成为连接中国现在与过去的一个重要媒介。 【句型】 by which 引导 从句,which 指代 在从句中作 。 【词块】written Chinese be connected with 【单词】means n.

15、方式;方法;途径 观察思考 Every possible means has been tried to make him give up smoking. All possible means have been tried to make him give up smoking. 为了让他戒烟每一种可能的方法都试了。 归纳总结 means 是单复数同形的名词,其谓语动词的数要根据 means 前的修饰语来决定。 联系拓展 by this means 用这种方法 by all means 尽一切办法;务必;(表示答应)当然可以 by no means 绝不;一点也不(放于句首时,句子用部分倒

16、装语序) by means of 借助;依靠 即学活用 (1)Watching films is regarded as (很好的娱乐方 式). (2)请务必准时上交报告。 (3)This is a two-year course taught (借助)lectures. (4)Punishment is by no means a wise choice to help students grow up mentally and physically. 8. 【教材原句】 The high regard for the Chinese writing system can be seen i

17、n the development of Chinese characters as an art form,known as Chinese calligraphy,. 中国人对其书写体系推崇备至,这体现在汉字发展为一种艺术形式书法 【词块】an art form known as 【单词】regard n.尊重;关注 vt.把视为;看待 观察思考 We all have high regard for our English teacher. 我们都非常尊敬我们的英语老师。 Many people regard foreign language learning as a door to

18、the world. 一些人认为学习外语是一扇通往世界的门。 Please give him my (best) regards.请代我向他问好。 With/In regard to his suggestions,we discuss them fully.关于他的建议,我们将充分讨论。 归纳总结 (1)have regard for (2)regard.as. (3)give ones regards (regard 要用复数) (4)with/in regard to 即学活用 (1)Even to this day,Lincoln is (被看作) one of the most in

19、spiring figure in the world. (2)Burt (非常敬重)his old law professor. (3)He has no regard for other peoples feelings. 9.【教材原句】As China plays a greater role in global affairs,an increasing number of international students are beginning to appreciate Chinas culture and history through this amazing languag

20、e. 随着中国在全球事务中扮演着越来越重要的角色,越来越多的国际学生开始通过汉语这 一奇妙的语言欣赏中国的文化和历史。 【词块】play a role in an increasing number of appreciate Chinas culture and history 【单词】appreciate vt.欣赏;重视;感激;领会 vi.增值 观察思考 You cant really appreciate foreign literature in translation. 看翻译作品不能真正欣赏到外国原著文学的美好之处。 I really appreciate working wit

21、h someone who does such a good job. 我非常乐意与工作如此出色的人共事。 I would greatly appreciate it if you could give me a hand.如果你能帮助我,我将不胜感激。 归纳总结 (1)appreciate 其后可接 (2)当 appreciate 后接宾语从句时,一般先加 it,再接宾语从句。类似的词还有 hate,dislike,love,like,depend/rely on 等。 即学活用 (1)非常感谢你的帮助。 (2)有任何问题请告诉我们,我们将不胜感激。 (3)如果你能给我这个机会的话,我将不胜

22、感激。 巩固提升 .根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子 1.According to the expert,the temple has a history (追溯到)the early Tang Dynasty. =According to the expert,the temple has a history which (追溯到)the early Tang Dynasty. 2.Id like to buy a new coat,because this one is (过时了). 3.It is a book (有价值).Id like to buy a copy. .选短语填空 in r

23、egard to have regard for be regarded as 1.Yao Ming one of the greatest famous Chinese athletes. 2.She other peoples property. 3.I have nothing to say your complaints. .翻译句子 1.我找到了很多种记忆英语单词的方法。 (1) (2) 2.如果你能给我一些建议,我将感激不尽。 3.Whatever difficulty we will meet,we wont lose heart. 核心素养专练 挑战一 牛刀小试 .单句语法填空

24、 1.The novel is regarded one of the excellent works. 2.I appreciate your (give)me so much of your time. 3.So far,every possible means (try) to solve the problem. 4.These data have been collected from (vary) sources. .根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子 1.The train is a safe (交通方式). 2.尽管起起伏伏,但她从不甘心任凭命运摆布。 ,she never take

25、s her fate lying down. 3.不论在哪里,我们都要注意自己的行为。 ,we should pay attention to our behaviour. .选短语填空 ups and downs as if (be) related to no matter struggle for 1.Money and fame are not happiness.True happiness lies in being satisfied with your life and being grateful for all the things you have received. 2

26、. how much money you can earn and how successful you become in the future,you should always remember where you are from and keep your family and friends close to your heart. 3.Life is always full of .Be brave and do not complain when you experience hard times.Just be strong and make the best of thin

27、gs.You will get over tough times sooner than you think. 4.Studying is not easy for me at all.However,I fully understand it is something worth putting effort into.I am not good scores in exams,but rather,a chance for a better future. 5. Be comfortable with who you are.Be happy and laugh every day.Dan

28、ce nobody is watching.Sing no one is listening. 挑战二 走进生活 中华优秀传统文化是我们最深厚的文化软实力,它源远流长,博大精深,其中书法是中国 汉字特有的一种传统艺术,请写一篇 80 词左右的短文和大家分享一下你对书法艺术的见解。 请尽量使用这个单元的单词、短语和句型,如 variety,means,regard,appreciate,date back 等。 (设计意图:灵活运用所学知识点,学会运用实际操练的方法感悟语言知识并在运用中体 验英语表达之美。) 参考答案 课堂探究 1.【句型】定语;civilisation;主语 【词块】因为而广

29、为人知 自始至终;从头到尾 沉浮;兴衰;荣辱 归纳总结 (1)n./pron./doing (2)句子 即学活用 (1)despite (2)Although/Though 2.【词块】追溯到;始于 即学活用 (1)This tradition dates back to the 15th century. (2)out of date 3.【句型】定语;a time;状语 【词块】导致;造成 各种各样的 即学活用 (1)varies (2)various (3)variety 4.【词块】一个统一的国家 汉字书写体系 朝一个方向 即学活用 (1)Are you an English majo

30、r?/Do you major in English? (2)他也是一名在运河规划和建设方面给他人提供培训的主要参与者。 5.【词块】很重要 即学活用 (1)of benefit (2)of great importance (3)of use 6.【句型】状语 即学活用 (1)No matter how much the house costs,he will buy it. (2)You and I will always be friends,no matter what happens. 7.【句型】定语;means;状语 【词块】汉字 与有关;与连接;与联结 即学活用 (1)a go

31、od means of entertainment (2)Please by all means hand in the report on time (3)by means of (4)惩罚绝对不是帮助学生身心成长的明智选择。 8.【词块】一种艺术形式 作为而闻名 归纳总结 (1)尊敬 (2)把看作 (3)问候;致意 (4)关于 即学活用 (1)regarded as (2)had high regard for (3)他无视别人的感受。 9.【词块】在中扮演重要角色;在中起作用 越来越多的 欣赏中国的文化和历史 归纳总结 (1)名(代)词、动词-ing 形式、名词性从句等作宾语 即学活用

32、(1)I appreciate your help very much. (2)We would appreciate you letting us know of any problem. (3)Id appreciate if you could give me the opportunity. 巩固提升 .1.dating from/back to dates from/back to 2.out of date 3.of great value .1.is regarded as 2.has regard for 3.in regard to .1.(1)Ive found a var

33、iety of /varieties of ways to remember English words. (2)Ive found various ways to remember English words. 2.Id appreciate it if you could give me some advice. 3.无论遇到什么困难,我们都不会泄气。 核心素养专练 挑战一 牛刀小试 .1.as 2.giving 3.has been tried 4.various .1.means of transport/transportation 2.Despite ups and downs 3.No matter where we stay .1.related to 2.No matter 3.ups and downs 4.struggling for 5.as if;as if


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