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1、Unit 3 War and peace 1. An order issued by Supreme Allied Commander General Eisenhower to the troops read. 盟军最高指挥官艾森豪威尔将军向部队发布的命令写道(p.26) 2. Boats were hit and men drowned,while those who did make it to the beach faced heavy machine gunfire. 船只被撞,人溺水身亡,而那些真正到达海滩的人则面临着猛烈的机器 炮火。(p.27) 【词汇精讲】 make it 是

2、动词短语,表示“成功;赶上;做成或完成某事” 。 3. The seventh man was the next one to get across the beach without being hit. 第七个人是下一个没被击中就穿过海滩的人。(p.27) 【词汇精讲】get across 是动词短语,表示“通过;使理解,表达清楚;被传 达”。 4.Age shall not weary them,nor the years condemn.年龄的增长和岁月的 流逝并非宣告他们将会老去。(p.27) 【词汇精讲】condemn 是动词,表示“迫使(陷于不幸的境地)” 。 4. Code-n

3、amed “Operation Overlord” ,it was the largest combined sea,air and land operation in history,the aim being to free north-west Europe from German occupation. 代号为“霸王行动”,它是历史上最大的海陆空联合行动,目的是使西 北欧摆脱德国的占领。(p.26) 5. Boats were hit and men drowned,while those who did make it to the beach faced heavy machine

4、 gunfire. 船只被撞,人溺水身亡,而那些真正到达海滩的人则面临着猛烈的机器 炮火。 (p.27) 【句式剖析】 本句中 while 是并列连词,连接并列句,表示转折和对比。 【句式拓展】 while 引导状语从句的用法 (1)引导时间状语从句,表示“当的时候” (2)引导让步状语从句,表示“虽然,尽管” 7.Government troops have put down the uprising.政府军镇压了起义。 (p.29) 【词汇精讲】put down 是动词短语,表示“记下,放下;镇压” 。 8. Peacekeepers monitor the peace process i

5、n areas that have experienced friction and civil wars,making sure that previously warring parties keep to their agreements. 维和人员在经历过摩擦和内战的地区监测和平进程,确保先前交战各 方遵守协议。(p.31) 【词汇精讲 1】friction 是名词,表示“冲突;摩擦” 。 9.The purpose of doing this was to destroy the morale of ordinary people and stop them from support

6、ing the war effort.这样做的目的是破 坏普通人的士气,阻止他们支持战争。(p.30) 【句式拓展】 不 定 式 作 表 语 表 示 具 体 动 作 或 将 来 动 作 。 当 主 语 是 aim,duty,hope,idea,mistake,plan,purpose,suggestion 等为中心词的名词 词组,或是 what 引导的名词性从句时,不定式说明主语的内容。 【温馨提示】 不定式作表语时,一般要带 to,但若谓语部分中含有 do 的 各种形式时,符号 to 可省去。 10. They had to live in rough buildings,packed 40

7、 to a room,like sardines. 他们不得不住在简陋的房子里,像沙丁鱼一样,一个房间挤了 40 人。 (p.32) 11. “On windy days,we had to hold down the paper on the desk,which would otherwise be blown away,”he said. 他说:“在刮风的日子里,我们必须把桌子上的报纸压着,否则会被风吹 走的。”(p.32) 【词汇精讲】 hold down 是动词短语,表示“保住;阻止上涨;压制,控制”。 12. In 1938,the Japanese army offered a

8、large sum of money for Yangs head and a large number of troops surrounded his men. 1938 年,日军提供一大笔钱悬赏杨的头颅,大批军队包围了杨的部下。 (p.35) 13. In early 1940,facing a critical lack of supplies,Yang decided to let his men break through in small groups,but his own section of 60 men was betrayed to the Japanese. 1940

9、 年初,面对严重的物资短缺,杨决定让手下小队突围,但他自己那 一组 60 人被出卖给日本人。(p.35) 【词汇精讲】break through 是动词短语,表示“冲突;突破” 。 14. It is no wonder that many,if not most,of Chinas leading scholars and scientists emerged at Lianda,including the two Nobel Prize-winning physicists,Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao. 难怪在联大涌现出了许多中国顶尖的学者和科学家,包括两位

10、诺贝尔 物理学奖获得者杨振宁和李正道。(p.32) 【句式剖析】its no wonder that 的省略形式是 no wonder,表示“难 怪;怪不得” 。 【句式】 (1)no wonder (that).=its no wonder (that).难怪;不足为奇 sb wonders whether/if/when/why/how.某人想知道是否/什么时候/为什 么/怎么 (2)there is no doubt (that).毫无疑问 there is no point (in) doing sth 做某事毫无意义 there is no need to do sth 没有必要做某事 it is no use/good doing sth 做某事无益 15. Driven by a sense of commitment,a great many joined the army to resist the Japanese invaders and defend the honour of the nation. 在一种责任感的驱使下,许多人参军抵抗日本侵略者,保卫国家的荣誉。 (p.32)


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