中考英语复习:专题十三 句子 课件(共117张PPT).ppt

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1、专题十三 句子,考纲考点,真题链接,真题评析,强化训练,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,一、句子的分类,(一)按用途分 1. 陈述句,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,【特别提示】,首页,末页,2. 疑问句,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,【拓展知识】 1. 常用的特殊疑问词,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,2. 特殊的反意疑问句,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,

2、首页,末页,3. 祈使句,首页,末页,首页,末页,4. 感叹句,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,(二)按结构分 1. 简单句 由一个主语(或者并列主语)和一个谓语(或者并列谓语)构成的句子叫简单句。其基本句型有5种。,首页,末页,2. 并列句 由并列连词 and, so, but, or 等把两个或者两个以上的简单句连在一起而构成的句子叫并列句。,首页,末页,3. 复合句,随学随练,句型转换。 1. Her mother works in a hospital. (改为一般疑问句) _ 2. Is Liz a boys name? Is Liz a girls name? (改为选择疑问句

3、) _ 3. It is cold today. (改为反意疑问句) _,首页,末页,Does her mother work in a hospital.,Is Liz a boys or a girls name?,It is cold today, isnt it?,4. Time passed quickly. (改为感叹句) _ 5. Tom lives alone. Tom is happy. (改为并列句) _,首页,末页,How quickly time passed!,Tom lives alone, but he is happy.,首页,末页,二、宾语从句,(一) 宾语从

4、句的用法,首页,末页,(二) 宾语从句的种类,首页,末页,(三) 宾语从句的语序,(四) 宾语从句的时态,主句的时态:一般现在时 从句的时态,例句:I think that he has finished his homework. 我认为他已经完成家庭作业了。 “John speaks highly of you. ” Tom tells me. Tom tells me that John speaks highly of me. 汤姆告诉我约翰高度评价了我。 (主句用 tells,是一般现在时,从句原时态是 speaks,在这里还是用 speaks),主句的时态:一般过去时 从句的时态:

5、1. 一般过去时或过去进行时 条件:主从句的动作同时发生,例句:Mr. Green didnt know when his son came home yesterday evening. 格林先生不知道他昨晚儿子是几点回家的。 She said that she was working on the Internet. 她说她在上网。,主句的时态:一般过去时 从句的时态:2. 过去将来时(了解即可) 条件:从句动作发生在主句动作之后,例句:Jim told me he would spend his holiday in the south. 吉姆告诉我他将到南方去度假。,主句的时态:一般过

6、去时 从句的时态:3. 过去完成时(了解即可) 条件:从句动作发生在主句动作之前,例句:He didnt know what they had come here for. 他不知道他们来这里的目的。,主句的时态:一般过去时 从句的时态:一般过去时 条件:从句的动作发生在主句动作之前,并含有某一具体时间状语,例句:She said she came to work here in 2001. 她说她是 2001 年来这里工作的。,主句的时态:一般过去时 从句的时态: 一般现在时 条件:不受时间限制的客观事实、真理等,例句:The teacher said that the moon goes

7、around the earth. 老师说月球绕着地球转。,(五) 宾语从句的否定转移,当主句主语为第一人称,谓语动词为 think, believe, suppose, expect 等时,如果宾语从句表否定的意思, 应将从句的否定词转移到主句中,即将主句谓语动词变为否定式。 如: I dont think they have finished their work yet. 我认为他们还未完成他们的工作。,随学随练,用合适的连接词填空。 1. I cant understand _ he likes computer games so much. 2. I cant remember _

8、I have seen him before. 3. I hope _ it will snow this winter. 4. Let me know _ you can come or not. 5. Can you tell me _ the No.3 bus stop is?,首页,末页,why,whether/ if,that,whether,where,三、定语从句,(一) 定语从句的引导词(关系词) 常考的关系代词有:,首页,末页,(二) 引导词(关系词)的用法,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,(二) 引导词(关系词)的用法,首页,末页,(三) 定语从句引导词的特殊用法 1.

9、 下列情况只能用 that (不用 which) 来指代物,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,2. 下列情况只能用 who (不用 that) 来指代人,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,随学随练,用合适的连接词填空。 1. The woman _ is speaking at the meeting is our class teacher. 2. The book _ I bought last week is The Adventure of Tom Sawyer. 3. I have read all the books _ you gave me. 4. We tal

10、ked about the persons and things _ we could remember. 5. Ill remember those _ help me.,首页,末页,who/ that,which/ that,that,that,who,四、状语从句,(一) 引导状语从句的从属连词,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,(二) 状语从句的时态(主将从现),首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,随学随练,用所给动词的正确形式填空。 1. Shell go shopping as soon as she _ (finish) washing the clothes. 2

11、. She asked if you _ (return)the book to the library. 3. I didnt know who _ (be)the tallest in our class. 4. Could you tell me what you _ (do)at eight oclock last night? I was doing my homework at that time.,首页,末页,finishes,had returned,was,were doing,5. Dont get off the bus until it _ (stop).,首页,末页,

12、stops,五、There be 句型,(一) 含义,首页,末页,(二) 构成,首页,末页,首页,末页,首页,末页,(三) 注意事项 1. There be 句型中 be 动词的形式要和其后的主语在人称和数上保持一致,即就近原则,首页,末页,首页,末页,2. There 与 be 动词中间可插入一些表推测的情态动词、表示时态的短语和一些动词短语,首页,末页,3. There be 句型和 have/ has 的区别,首页,末页,4. There be+主语+doing+介词短语。 如:,随学随练,单项填空 ( ) 1. There isnt _ water in the glass. Lets

13、 go and get some. A. many B. lots C. any D. some ( ) 2. There _ a lot of news about him on TV last night. A. was B. had C. is D. were ( ) 3. There _ many changes in the village recently. A. is B. are C. have been D. to be,首页,末页,C,A,C,( ) 4. There _ a lot of meat on the plate. Would you like some? Ju

14、st a little, please. A. is B. are C. am D. be ( ) 5. There _ some books, a pen and a ruler on the desk. A. is B. are C. have D. has,首页,末页,A,B,首页,末页,( ) 1. (2018云南) _ fast China is developing! Yes, we are so lucky to live in such a great country. A. What B. What a C. How D. How a ( ) 2. (2018四川凉山)Mom

15、, can I play computer games this evening? _ your homework first, and then well talk about it. A. Finishing B. Finish C. To finish D. Finished,首页,末页,C,B,( ) 3. (2018江苏南京)Before you start reading, ask yourself _ you are reading this book. Most people read for two main reasons, pleasure or knowledge. A

16、. why B. what C. where D. when ( ) 4. (2018 湖北黄冈)Class, you should be thankful to those people _ helped and supported you. We will, Miss Chen. A. which B. whom C. who D. whose,首页,末页,A,C,( ) 5. (2018贵州) _ do your parents come to visit you in the US, Tom? Once a year. A. How often B. How long C. How s

17、oon D. How far,首页,末页,A,首页,末页,1. How often do you chat with your friends online? _(一个月一次). Im busy with my study. 2. I dont know _(为什么他要离开). Because he has to look after his mother. 3. _ (多久以后)can you finish this English examination? In about one and a half hours.,一、根据中文提示完成句子。,首页,末页,Once a month,why

18、 he is leaving,How soon,4. Ill go to the USA next month. _ (做什么)for? 5. Would you like to go out to play basketball with me? _ (我很乐意),but I should finish my homework first. 6. He told me _(医院在哪里). 7. I wonder _(为什么人们养宠物鱼).,首页,末页,What,Id love to,where the hospital was,why people keep pet fish,8. He i

19、s a quiet boy. He _(有很少朋友), does he? 9. _ (不要害怕)! The snake will go away later. 10. _(多么漂亮的)the Haizhu Lake is!,首页,末页,has few friends,Dont be afraid,How beautiful,( ) 1. _ is the dictionary? Its 22.95. A. How old B. How long C. How thick D. How much ( ) 2. Well go for a picnic if it _ this Sunday. Wish you a lovely weekend. A. rain B. doesnt rain C. wont rain D. didnt rain,二、单项


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