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1、 完形填空专题  广东省珠海市 2020 届高三英语上学期期末考试试题  There are many reasons why students dont do well in school Sometimes its related to, for example, learning  challenges, an(21) to connect with an instructor, or simply being bored  These reasons are relevant to me as a former at-risk stud

2、ent In the 10th grade, I failed 6 of 7 classes because I  didnt(22)with the teachers teaching method, and (23)with students who didnt care about school As a result,  I(24)10th grade and was assigned to Ms Felders office  Ms Felder made it clear that my (25)behavior wouldnt be allowed

3、She also provided a(n)(26) direction that  I didnt want, but really needed at that time Our ongoing conversations didnt (27) change my behavior, although  it was the first time an educator showed any (28)for me  The previous school year I didnt receive any offer of(29) from my teacher

4、s The(30) during my second attempt at  10th grade was Ms Felder - who was everywhere I didnt want her to be She was always in my (31): checking-in,  providing guidance, and supporting my growth I didnt want her(32), but its one of the best things that happened  in my life This seeming

5、ly (33)year with Ms Felder made a change in my thinking and behavior,  (34)unfortunately it would take many years before my performance and expectations for myself would slowly  change  My(35) journey was very difficult Part of the reason that I(36) pushing forward was that I (37) tha

6、t Ms Felder told  me to do better and have higher expectations for myself After many years of academic (38), I graduated with my  undergraduate degree from a famous university; Ms Felder: Thank you for being there, supporting this  once(39)youth Please know that the lessons you taught

7、 me are now(40)with at-risk students through my work to  help them to be and do better, too  1. A. inability B. interest  C. indication D. inspiration  2. A. agree B. deal  C. connect D. meet  3. A. exchanged B. associated  C. argued D. competed  4. A. feared

8、B. hated  C. stayed D. repeated    5. A. violent B. awesome  C. strange D. bad  6. A. unfair B. improper  C. tough D. easy  7. A. regularly B. luckily  C. clearly D. immediately  8. A. doubt B. comment  C. concern D. duty  9. A. assistance B. ex

9、amination  C. scold D. explanation  10. A. opportunity B. problem C. challenge  D. difference  11. A. plan B. business C. system  D. career  12. A. introduction B. influence C. involvement  D. information  13. A. unbearable B. useful C. universal  D. uniq

10、ue  14. A. so B. if C. but  D. because  15. A. spiritual B. educational C. professional  D. technical  16. A. suggested B. avoided C. considered  D. kept  17. A. remembered B. recorded C. noted  D. determined  18. A. applications B. struggles C. performan

11、ces  D. researches  19. A. absent-minded B. at-risk C. kind-hearted  D. hard-working  20. A. shared B. compared C. agreed  D. combined  【解析】1-5 ACBDD  6-10 CDCAD   11-15 BCACB   16-20 DABBA  1A考查名词及语境理解 A inability 无能力;B interest 兴趣;C indication 指示;

12、D inspiration  启发;结合语境可知此处表示它与学习挑战、无法与导师沟通有关,由此可知答案选 A  2C考查动词及语境理解A agree同意; B deal交易; C connect 联系;D meet 遇见;根据 前文 to connect with an instructor 可知,十年级时,我七节课中有六节不及格,因为我不了解老师的教学方 法,故答案为 C  3B考查动词及语境理解associate 联系;exchange 交换,交流;argue 争论;compete 竞赛,结合语境 可知此处表示与那些不关心学校的学生交往,associate w

13、ith 意为与联系,与交往,由此可知答案选 B  4 D考查动词及语境理解A feared 害怕;B hated 恨; C stayed 待在;D repeated 重复;此   处表示结果,我重读十年级,因此答案选 D  5 D考查形容词及语境理解violent 疯狂的,bad 坏的;strange 奇怪的,陌生的; awesome 令人惊叹 的,结合语境可知此处表示费尔德女士明确表示我的行为是不允许的,由此可知答案选 D  6 C考查形容词及语境理解tough 艰难的;unfair 不公平的;improper 不恰当的;easy 容易的,结合 语境可

14、知此处表示她也提供了我不想,但当时确实需要的强硬方向,因此答案选 C  7 D考查副词及语境理解luckily 幸好;regularly 定期地;immediately 立即;clearly 清楚地,此处表 示我们的谈话没有立即改变我的行为,因此答案选 D  8 C考查名词及语境理解concern 关心,担忧;comment 评论;doubt 怀疑;duty 职责,此处表示虽 然这是第一次有老师关心我,因此答案选 C  9 A考查名词及语境理解scold责骂;examination 考试;assistance 协助;explanation 解释,此处表示 上一学年

15、我没有收到老师的任何帮助,因此答案选 A  10 D考查名词及语境理解difference 不同点;opportunity 机会;problem 问题;challenge 挑战,结合 语境可知此处表示在我 10 年级的第二次尝试中,不同之处在于费尔德女士-她在我不想让她出现的任何地 方,由此可知答案选 D  11 B考查名词及语境理解plan 计划;system 系统;business 事务;career 生涯,职业,结合语境可 知此处表示她总是做我的事:办理入住手续,提供指导,支持我的成长由此可知答案选 B  12 C考查名词及语境理解introduction

16、介绍;involvement 参与,插手;influence 影响;information 消 息,结合语境可知此处表示我不想让她插手,因此选 C  13 A考查形容词及语境理解universal 普遍的;useful有用的;unbearable 难以容忍的;unique 独特的, 结合上下文可知此处表示与费尔德女士在一起的这一年似乎让我难以忍受, 这改变了我的思想和行为, 由 此可知答案选 A  14 C考查连词及语境理解结合语境可知这里表示转折,意为但不幸的是,我的表现和对自己的期望 需要很多年才能慢慢改变,因此答案选 C  15 B考查形容词及语境理解edu

17、cational 教育的;spiritual 精神的;professional 职业的;technical 技 术上的,结合语境可知此处表示我的教育之旅很艰难,因此答案选 B  16 D考查动词及语境理解suggest 建议;keep 保持;consider 考虑,认为;avoid 避免,结合语境可   知此处表示我不断向前推进的部分原因是, 我记得费尔德女士告诉我要做得更好, 对自己有更高的期望 , keep doing sth意为不断做某事,因此答案选 D  17 A考查动词及语境理解record 录音;remember 记住;note 做笔记;determi

18、ne 决定,结合语境可 知此处表示我不断向前推进的部分原因是,我记得费尔德女士告诉我要做得更好,对自己有更高的期望, 由此可知答案选 A  18 B考查名词及语境理解struggle 挣扎;application 申请书;performance 表演;research 研究,结合 语境可知此处表示经过多年的奋斗,我从一所著名的美国大学本科毕业,因此答案选 B  19 B考查形容词及语境理解absent-minded 心不在焉的;hard-working 努力的;kind-hearted 好心的; at-risk 处于危险中的,可能遭受伤害的,根据语境可知此处表示费尔德女士:

19、谢谢你在那里,支持这个曾 经处于危险中的年轻人,因此答案选 B  20 A考查动词及语境理解share 分享;compare 比较;agree 同意;combine 结合,结合语境可知此 处表示请知道,你教我的课程现在也通过我的工作与有风险的学生分享,帮助他们做得更好,因此答案 选 A  本文主要讲的是作者曾是一位学习很困难的学生,后来在费尔德老师的教育下作者有了很大的转变  近几年高考试题中的完形填空有新的变化,试题所涉及的知识面不断拓宽,综合难度不断提高做完型填 空首先要通读全文,了解大意一篇完形填空的文章有许多空格,所以,必须先通读一至两遍,才能大概 了解文

20、章的内容千万不要看一句,做一句其次要逐句分析,前后一致选择答案时,要考虑整个句子 的内容,包括搭配、时态、语法等答案全填完后,再通读一遍文章,检查是否通顺流畅了,用词得当, 意思正确  广东省潮州市 2020 届高三英语上学期期末考试试题  第一节(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。  A mother and daughter were rescued from the wreckage (残骸) of a car crash than

21、ks to an app. It can  _21_ people anywhere in the world using just three _22_.  Valerie Hawkett, 33, lost _23_ of her Ford Fiesta while _24_ round a sharp bend in Somerset last  October. Ms Hawketts _25_went flying over a bush and landed on its _26_  in a field.  Her four-ye

22、ar-old _27_ Tegan was in the back and the _28_ mother called the police to come to    her aid  but she didnt know _29_ she was.  Officers were able to find their way to Ms Hawkett in the field- after _30_ her the link to a website  called what3words. It is able to find the e

23、xact _31_ of any location on Earth. It told Ms Hawkett the  three-word square she was in “Weekend foggy earphones”  which _32_ policemen to a road near a field  on the A36 heading out of Norton St Philip, Somerset.  Ms Hawkett, from Trowbridge, Wiltshire, said: “It was absolutely

24、 brilliant. Its really, really _33_ . I  could have been in that field all day _34_ the three-word location.”  Ms Hawkett said her car landed on its side, with the only means of _35_being through the back  passenger-side door. She said:“The only thing _36_ me in my seat was my seat be

25、lt. But I _37_ to get  that undone and get me and my daughter out through the back door. I _38_ the police after we got out the car.”  Ms Hawkett and Tegan were taken to a _39_ nearby to be checked over  but were told they were  _40_ injured and sent home shortly afterwards. &nbs

26、p;21. A. trust B. accept C. train D. find  22. A. words B. videos C. pictures D. signals  23. A. sight B. control C. hope D. track  24. A. driving B. walking C. running D. cycling  25. A. phone B. glasses C. vehicle D. freezer  26. A. side B. front C. back D. middle  27

27、. A. son B. niece C. daughter D. nephew  28. A. excited B. panicked C. grateful D. curious  29. A. how B. who C. where D. what  30. A. handing B. texting C. attaching D. applying  31. A. effect B. function C. advantage D. position  32. A. compared B. added C. connected D. di

28、rected  33. A. cheap B. good C. safe D. light  34. A. thanks to B. in favor of C. but for D. in relation to  35. A. success B. attempt C. support D. escape  36. A. following B. holding C. pushing D. attracting  37. A. managed B. promised C. pretended D. forgot  38. A. h

29、elped B. inspired C. called D. stopped    39. A. hospital B. shelter C. subway D. motorway  40. A. steadily B. rapidly C. obviously D. slightly  【答案】21. D  22. A  23. B  24. A  25. C  26. A  27. C  28. B  29. C  30. B   31. D &nbs

30、p;32. D  33. B  34. C  35. D  36. B  37. A  38. C  39. A  40. D  【解析】  这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一对母女在开车途中遭遇事故,向警察求救但是她们自己都不知道她们 所处的位置。警察通过给她发送一个 what3words 的链接,通过这位妈妈收到的三个单词,警察确定了她们 的位置,并营救了她们。  【21 题详解】  考查动词辨析。 句意: 它能仅用三个单词找到任何地方的人。 A. trust 信任, 盼望;

31、B. accept 接受; C. train 训练;D. find 发现。这个空格与第四段中的“It is able to find the exact”呼应。故选 D。  【22 题详解】  考查名词辨析。句意同上。A. words 单词;B. videos  视频;C. pictures 图片;D. signals 信号。这个 空格与下文中提到的这个 app 的网站名字 what3words 呼应,故选 A。  【23 题详解】  考查名词辨析。句意:33 岁的 Valerie Hawkett,去年十月在萨默塞特开车,一个急转弯的时候车子失

32、 控了。A. sight 视力,景象;B. control 控制;C. hope  希望;D. track 轨道,足迹。上文中提到这对母女 遭遇了车祸(car crash) ,所以我们可知是车子失控了。故选 B。  【24 题详解】  考查动词辨析。句意同上。A. driving 开车;B. walking 走路;C. running 跑步;D. cycling 骑脚踏车。 由上文中的“car crash”可知,她们开的是汽车,故选 A。  【25 题详解】  考查名词辨析。句意:Hawkett 女士的车飞过了矮树丛,侧翻在一块地里。A. ph

33、one 手机;B. glasses 眼睛;C. vehicle 车辆;D. freezer 冰箱。由第六段中的“her car landed on its side”可知,她的车侧翻了,所以 与 car 可以互换的只有 vehicle。故选 C。  【26 题详解】  考查名词辨析。句意同上。A. side  侧面,旁边;B. front 前边;C. back 后边;D. middle 中间。同样   由本句中 landed 与第六段首句中的 landed 呼应可知,“on its side”也是上下呼应关系。故选 A。  【27 题详解】 &

34、nbsp;考查名词辨析。句意:她四岁的女儿 Tegan 坐在后座位上,这位恐慌的妈妈给警察打电话求救-但是 她不知道她在哪儿。A. son 儿子;B. niece 外甥女,侄女;C. daughter 女儿;D. nephew 侄子,外甥。由文 章首句中的“A mother and daughter”可知,是母女两个遭遇了车祸,所以坐在后座的是她女儿。故选 C。  【28 题详解】  考查形容词辨析。句意同上。A. excited 激动的;B. panicked 惊慌失措的;C. grateful 感谢的,令人愉 快的;D. curious 好奇的,有求知欲的。根据常识可知

35、,发生车祸之后,当事人肯定是很恐慌的。故选 B。  【29 题详解】  考查宾语从句。句意同上。A. how  如何;B. who 谁;C. where  哪儿;D. what 什么。由下一段 中讲述的警察如何找到她们,可知这位女士是不知道自己所处的位置。故选 C。  【30 题详解】  考查动词辨析。句意:向她发送 what3words 网站的链接后,警察能够找到了 Hawkett 女士在地里的位 置。A. handing 交给;B. texting 发信息给;C. attaching 附上,依恋; D. applying 应用。由

36、于警察和 Hawkett 女士是在两个不同的地方,结合选项,所以他们联系的方式只能是发信息,并且网站地址是无法应用在某 人身上的,只能是发送过去。故选 B。  【31 题详解】  考查名词辨析。句意:它能帮忙找到地球上任何地方的具体位置。A. effect 影响,效果;B. function 功 能; C. advantage  优势, 利益; D. position 位置。 下句中讲述的这个软件如何帮助警察找到 Hawkett 女士, 所以这个空格处应该是说这个软件能帮助找到位置。故选 D。  【32 题详解】  考查动词辨析。句意:这个软件

37、告诉 Hawkett 女士三个词:周末、雾、耳机,这三个词将警察导向了 通往一块地的小路上。A. compared 比较;B. added 增加;C. connected 连接;D. directed 指向,指导。由于 警察是跟着网站给的三个字的信息及地址去寻找 Hawkett 女士的,也就相当于是这个软件给他们指路。故 选 D。  【33 题详解】    考查形容词辨析。句意:Hawkett 女士说:“这个软件是极棒的。真的很好。” A. cheap 便宜的;B. good 好的;C. safe 安全的;D. light 轻的。引号中的 It 前后一致,这两句话

38、句式也一致,根据意思,空格处单词 应该是 brilliant 的近义词。故选 B。  【34 题详解】  考查介词短语。句意:要不是那三个字的定位,我可能要在那块地里呆一整天。A. thanks to 多亏;B. in  favor of 有利于,支持;C. but for 要不是;D. in relation to 关于,涉及。这句话中使用的是与过去情况相反 的虚拟语气,but for 是虚拟语气的标志词,故选 C。  【35 题详解】  考查名词辨析。句意:Hawkett 女士说她的车侧翻在地上,唯一逃出的途径是通过后排乘客侧门。A. &n

39、bsp;success 成功; B. attempt 试图; C. support 支持; D. escape 逃出。 由下文中的“get me and my daughter out through  the back door”可知, 他和她女儿最终是要通过后门逃出去的, 也就是说后门是他们逃脱的唯一途径。 故选 D。  【36 题详解】  考查动词辨析。 句意: 她说: “唯一将我固定在座位上东西是我的安全带。 ” A. following 跟随; B. holding 保持,握住;C. pushing 推;D. attracting 吸引。由下句中的“ge

40、t that undone(将它打开)”可知,安全带将 她固定在了座位上,也就是让她保持在座位上。故选 B。  【37 题详解】  考查动词辨析。句意:我试图将安全带解开,让我和我女儿都从后门出来。A. managed 设法做成某事; B. promised 许下,应允;C. pretended 假装;D. forgot 忘记。由下句中的“after we got out the car”可知,她们 成功逃出了车。故选 A。  【38 题详解】  考查动词辨析。句意:我们从车里出来后,我给警察打了电话。A. helped 帮助;B. inspired 激

41、发,鼓舞; C. called 打电话;D. stopped 停止。由下文可知,警察来了,将其母女带到医院。所以 Hawkett 女士是给警 察打了电话。故选 C。  【39 题详解】  考查名词辨析。句意:Hawkett 女士和 Tegan 被带到附近的医院检查。A. hospital 医院;B. shelter 避难 所;C. subway 地铁;D. motorway 高速公路。由句中的“to be checked over(被检查)”可知,Hawkett 女士   和 Tegan 是被带到了医院。故选 A。  【40 题详解】  考查副

42、词辨析。 句意: 她们被告知, 受伤很轻, 很快就被送回了家。 A. steadily 稳定地, 稳固地; B. rapidly   迅速地;C. obviously 明显地;D. slightly 些微地,轻微地。由句中的“sent home shortly afterwards(随后很快 被送回家)”可知,她们受伤不严重。故选 D。  广东省佛山市 2020 届高三上学期教学质量检测(期末)英语试题  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳 选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。  Two Texas foo

43、tball players have gone viral (走红) after they knelt together in prayer (祈祷). And it  couldnt have come at a more 41 moment. The final whistle sounded after a(n)    42 game that saw Sherman High School completely defeat West Mesquite High 56-55. What  happened next left the crowd

44、 43  : Shermans Gage Smith, instead of  44  with his team, went  over to Mesquites Ty Jordan and the two took a knee together.  The  45  was that Smith recently learned that Jordans mother, Tiffany, was battling stage 4 cancer,  and that was 46 the two pl

45、ayers knelt in prayer for Jordons family.  As the two 47 , the wife of Smiths coach snapped a picture of the heartwarming moment. And then  Jordans aunt  48  the image on Facebook, obtaining more than 100,000  49  in just an hour.  The moving  50   made T

46、iffany cry. Its been a hard time for Tiffany, who was diagnosed ( 诊  断 ) with lung and bone cancer last winter. The 51 hospital stays cost Tiffany her job earlier this month, and    52  , her health insurance. And she now has to   53   the high cost of treatments hersel

47、f. Smiths  54 prayer lifted her spirits.  Smith said he and Jordan had played on a summer football team together before becoming    55  this last game. However, Smith wont let this break their  56  . “During the game,   were gonna play and try to 57  , bu

48、t you still have that  58  for the other opponent,” says Smith. “I  wanted to do that prayer for him.”  “Hes such a true leader and he is so  59  that a lot of the guys on the team  60 him,” said  head coach J.D. Martinez. “Im glad that other people are having

49、 the opportunity to see it, too.”    41. A. important B. difficult C. touching D. entertaining  42. A. amusing B. tough C. educational D. nation-wide  43. A. embarrassed B. confused C. frustrated D. annoyed  44. A. celebrating B. praying C. practicing D. fighting  45. A

50、. truth B. problem C. news D. secret  46. A. when B. where C. how D. why  47. A. whispered B. hugged C. shook hands D. stood up  48. A. posted B. found C. scanned D. polished  49. A. rewards B. copies C. votes D. likes  50. A. game B. reunion C. gesture D. spirit  51. A

51、. temporary B. over-night C. long D. secret  52. A. in turn B. in a way C. for a moment D. without exception  53. A. look forward to B. forget about C. cover D. estimate  54. A. frequent B. daily C. unexpected D. unconditional  55. A. acquaintances B. enemies C. players D. captai

52、ns  56. A. hearts B. routines C. promise D. bond  57. A. compromise B. cooperate C. learn D. win  58. A. respect B. passion C. blame D. sorrow  59. A. enthusiastic B. ambitious C. aggressive D. sympathetic  60. A. inspired B. followed C. instructed D. understood  41 C 4

53、2 B 43 B 44 A 45 A 46 D 47 B 48 A 49 D 50 C  51 C 52 A 53 C 54 C 55 B 56 D 57 D 58 A 59 D 60 B  广东省汕头市金山中学 2020 届高三英语上学期期末考试考试题  第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、G 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。  I had driven home to celebrate my 38th birthday with my mother. Whe

54、n I arrived, I found her sitting_21_  at the kitchen table, a chocolate cake and two boxes wrapped in orange ribbon (丝带)in front of her. “Happy    birthday!” she said,_22_ at the boxes. “Open them.”  As she knows me _23_ than anyone, shed gotten me exactly what I wantedrunning clothes. I  _24_ her and thanked her and proceeded (接着)to eat the cake.  “Too many _25_ ,” I said, not really caring.  “Youll run them off tomorrow,”


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