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1、2021 届新高考英语二轮复习题型混合练(届新高考英语二轮复习题型混合练(4) 一、 To err is human. To blame the other guy is even more human. Common sense is not all that common. Why tell the truth when you can come up with a good excuse? These three popular sentences are meant to be jokes, and yet they tell us a lot about human nature.

2、To err, or to make mistakes, is indeed a part of being human, but it seems that most people dont want to accept the responsibility for the problem. Perhaps it is the natural thing to do. The original quote about human nature went like this: To err is human, to forgive, divine(神圣的). This saying mirro

3、rs an ideal people should be forgiving of others mistakes. Instead, we tend to do the opposite-find someone else to pass the blame on to. However, taking responsibility for something that went wrong is a making of great maturity. Common sense is what we call clear thought. Having common sense means

4、having a good general plan that will make things work well, and it also means staying with the plan. Common sense tells you that you take an umbrella out into a rainstorm, but you leave the umbrella home when you hear a weather forecast for sunshine. Common sense does not seem to be common for large

5、 organizations, because there are so many things going on that one person cannot be in charge of everything. People say that in a large company, the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. And what is wrong with a society that thinks that making up a good excuse is like creating a work

6、 of art? One of the common problems with making excuses is that people, especially young people, get the idea that its okay not to be totally honest all the time. There is a corollary(直接推 论) to that: if good excuse is good even if it isnt honest, then where is the place of the truth? 1.According to

7、the passage, which of following seems the most human? A.To search for truth. B.To achieve ones ideal. C.To criticize others for ones own error. D.To make fun of others mistakes. 2.Which of the following is NOT based on common sense? A.A man tries to take charge of everything in a large company. B.A

8、student goes out with an umbrella in stormy weather. C.A companys next move follows a good plan. D.A lawyer acts on fine judgments. 3.What is the authors opinion about a good excuse? A.Bitter truth is better than a good excuse. B.Inventing a good excuse needs creative ideas. C.A good excuse is as re

9、warding as honesty. D.Making a good excuse is sometimes a better policy. 4.What would be the best title for his passage? A.To Blame or to Forgive B.A Mirror of Human Nature C.A Mark of Maturity D.Truth or Excuse 二、根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选 项。 A great life doesnt happen by accident. A g

10、reat life is the result of dividing your time, energy, and hard work towards what you want your life to be. Stop setting yourself up for stress and failure. _ Make the following secrets fit your own needs and style, and start creating your own great life today! A great life is the result of simplify

11、ing your life. People often misunderstand what simplification means. _ Instead, its a way to free up your energy and time for the work that you enjoy and the purpose for which you are here. In order to create a great life, you will have to make room for it first. A great life is the result of removi

12、ng distractions(使人分心的事). Up to 75% of your mental energy can be tied up in things that are not important but distracting you. Look around at someones life you admire. What do they do that you would like to adopt in your own life? Ask them how they do it. _ A great life is the result of your adjustme

13、nts. _ It may mean thinking about again how you spend your time, or choosing to spend your money in a different way. It may mean looking for new ways to spend your energy that agree with your particular definition of a great life. _ Theres an old saying everyone is familiar with-“A journey of a thou

14、sand miles beings with a single step.” In order to even move from the couch to the refrigerator, you have to start. Theres no better time to start than today. Its what you do today that will make a difference in your life tomorrow. A. A great life is the result of starting. B. A great life is the re

15、sult of having intention. C. Its not a way to remove work from your life. D. Start setting up your life to support success and ease. E. So it requires that you should make some changes. F. Its easy to spend your days on whatever gets your attention. G. Then you will find ways to free up your mental

16、energy for more important things. 三、 New Distractions Madelines family vacation to the beach was usually the highlight of her summer. This year however, her parents announced a new 1 no phones allowed for the entire week. No distractions, they said. But my friends will be 2 updates, Madeline protest

17、ed. Theyll have to wait, her mom said. What if something bad happens? Madeline changed her 3 . Her mom shook her head as she opened a drawer. Madeline saw that her parents, phones were already in it. Madeline had to 4 her phone in, too. That night after dinner, Madeline wandered into the kitchen. St

18、ill hungry? Dad asked. No, she answered. Then she gave him a 5 look and said in her sweetest voice, Couldnt I have my phone back? Just so I can tell everyone what a (n) 6 time Im having? Cant, he said. Its not here. Remember? Check out the bookcase in the living room, he suggested. Might find someth

19、ing you like. She walked into the living room and spotted a jigsaw puzzle(拼图玩具) on the bookcase. She took it, put the pieces on the table, and began to 7 them. After what seemed like minutes, she looked up. It was past ten oclock. She had been 8 for almost two hours! The puzzle was less than half do

20、ne. The next morning, the golden sun was rising over the blue ocean. The sky was cloudless. The scene 9 Madeline of a photo that Brandi had shared. Her friends had the oohs and ahs over it. This view was even better. It would leave everyone speechless. Madelines hand 10 to the bedside table, but the

21、re was nothing there. That evening, Madeline lost herself in the jigsaw puzzle again. She felt a little excited every time the shapes 11 . Soon, all that were left were a few gaps. She quickly put the remaining pieces into place. The puzzle was 12 . She stepped back to 13 the finished puzzle. The pi

22、cture showed an old painting of several farmhands working in a brown field and there was a giant rainbow arching across the sky. Madeline enjoyed the puzzle for a few minutes, trying to 14 the image in her mind. Then, she quietly started taking it 15 . That, she thought, was just for me. 1. A. rule

23、B. reform C. date D. discovery 2. A. providing B. expecting C. considering D. selecting 3. A. behaviour B. strategy C. mind D. gesture 4. A. bring B. hide C. push D. drop 5. A. curious B. serious C. strange D. loving 6. A. limited B. amazing C. boring D. ordinary 7. A. collect B. sort C. mix D. exam

24、ine 8. A. reading B. thinking C. working D. watching 9. A. warned B. reminded C. convinced D. persuaded 10. A. rolled B. pointed C. shot D. rose 11. A. moved B. changed C. met D. gathered 12. A. clear B. separate C. complex D. complete 13. A. recognize B. resolve C. appreciate D. describe 14. A. pre

25、serve B. present C. create D. improve 15. A. away B. down C. over D. apart 四、 Three hundred years ago, the maohou or hairy monkeys quickly became much loved by the people in Beijing. How did somebody come up with them? The story _(go) that the shopkeeper of a Chinese medicine shop was often seen sho

26、uting at his employees. One evening an apprentice(学徒) was tidying up the ingredients(原料) _ (use) to make Chinese medicines in the shop. To pass the time, he found _ (he) making a little figure out of the feathery flowers and the head and legs of a cicadas(蜂) skin. The apprentice showed it to his col

27、leagues, _ (joke) that it looked like their bad-tempered boss. The little creature became such _ hit that he started making more figures. Thus, Beijings unbelievable craft of hairy monkey making _ (born). Nowadays, hairy monkeys are far _ the most popular childrens gifts on the market in Beijing. Ma

28、ss-produced toys have _ (obvious) reduced demand for handmade figures. But thats not to say that hairy monkeys have completely died out. Walk among the _ (seller) and giant teddy bear stands of todays temple fairs in Beijing, _ you might still find a few places selling hairy monkeys. They are withou

29、t doubt one of the citys most amazing crafts. 五、 假设你是李华,你的朋友 John 沉迷于抖音 (TikTok) 而不能自拔,写信向你寻求帮助,请你 给他回一封电子邮件。内容包括: 1. 表示理解和关心; 2. 沉迷抖音的影响; 3. 提出具体建议。 要求: 1. 词数 80 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear John, _ _ _ Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua 六、阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 “Wanted: Violin.

30、 Cant pay much. Contact” I rarely read the classified advertisements, so why did I notice that one? I laid the paper on my lap and closed my eyes, remembering what had happened many years before, during the Great Depression when my family struggled to make a living on our farm. I, too, had wanted a

31、violin. When my older twin sisters began showing an interest in music, Harriet Anne learned to play Grandmas piano, while Suzanne turned to Daddys violin. Simple tunes became lovely melodies. My baby brother danced; Daddy hummed and Mother whistled. I just listened. When my arms grew long enough, I

32、tried to play Suzannes violin. Oh, how I wanted one! But I knew it was out of the question. One evening as the twins played in the school orchestra. I closed my eyes tight to capture the picture firmly in my mind. Someday, Ill sit up there, I vowed silently. It was not a good year. At harvest the cr

33、ops didnt bring as much as we had hoped. Yet even though times were hard, I couldnt wait any longer to ask, “Daddy, may I have a violin of my own?” “Cant you use Suzannes?” “Id like to be in the orchestra too, and we cant both use the same violin at the same time.” Daddys face looked sad. That night

34、, and many following nights, I heard him remind God in our family prayers, “ and Lord, Mary Lou wants her own violin.” One evening we all sat round the table. The twins and I studied. Mother sewed and Daddy wrote a letter to his friend, George Finkle, in Columbus, Ohio. Mr Finkle, Daddy said, was a

35、fine violinist. When Daddy received a letter from Columbus a few weeks later, he asked me, “Mary Lou, do you want to go with me to visit Mr Finkle?” He drove us to Columbus and we came to a fine, old house. A tall man opened the door. He and Daddy heartily shook hands, both talking at once. “Mary Lo

36、u, Ive been hearing things about you. Your Daddy has arranged a surprise for you!” He picked up a case, opened it, lifted out a violin and started to play. The melody surged and spoke like waterfalls. Oh, to play like him, I thought. Finishing the piece, he turned to Daddy. “I found it in a pawnshop

37、(当铺)for seven dollars. Its a good violin. Mary Lou should be able to make a beautiful music with it.” Then he handed the violin to me. 注意: 1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右; 2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; Paragraph 1: I noticed the tears in Daddys eyes as I finally comprehended. It was mine! _ _ _ Paragraph 2: I force

38、d my thoughts to the present and read again the advertisement. _ _ _ 答案以及解析答案以及解析 一、 答案:1.C; 2.A; 3.A; 4.B 解析:1.推理判断题。从引言后第一段倒数第三句话说“关于人性的起初说法是犯错是人,宽 恕是神。这种说法映射出神应该宽恕别人的错误。而我们人正好相反,而是推卸责任,批评别 人的错误。然而,对所犯的错事负责任就是成熟的标志。所以 C 项是正确答案 2.推理判断题。 倒数第二段倒数第二句话说靠常识似乎对于一个大的组织并不适合,因为有太 多的事情要处理以至于一个人不可能负责全部工作。所以 A

39、 项 “一个人负责一个大公司的 全部工作属于非常识” 。B 项从“Common sense tells you that you take an umbrella out into a rainstorm”得出。 C项和D项从“Having common sense means having a good general plan that will make things work well, and it also means staying with the plan. ”得出选 A 3.推理判断题。从最后一段最后一句话 if good excuse is “good” even if

40、it isnt honest, then where is the place of the truth? 如果好的借口是重要的,即使它是不诚实的,那么真理的地位又 在哪里?作者用了一个反问说明追求真理比寻找理由更为重要。 得出 A 项是正确答案;C 项一 个好的借口和诚实一样的有价值是错的;从 what is wrong with a society that thinks that making up a good excuse is like creating a work of art?认为编一个好的理由就是在创造一件艺术品,这 样的社会怎么了?作者用了一个反问来对找理由的否认,可以推

41、出 A 和 B 项错。选 A。 4.主旨大意题。从全文来看,作者用三个引言导出人性这个话题,从责备还是宽恕,常识还是非 常识,真理还是借口三方面来体现人性。 所以选 B“人性的镜子”; A 项和 D 项只是第二段和最 后一段的段落大意,不能代表全文。C 项是第二段的一个细节。选 B。 二、 答案:DCGEA 解析: 1.答案:D.句意:开始建立你的生活去支持成功和放松.根据Make the following secrets fit your own needs and style, and start creating your own great life today可知,选出以下适合自己

42、 的需要和风格的秘诀,今天就开始为自己打造美丽的人生.故此处 D 符合语境.故选 D. 2.答案:C.句意:这不是把工作脱离你生活的方法.根据Instead, its a way to free up your energy and time for the work可知,相反,这是一种为你的工作释放你的能量和时间的方法.此处 C 符 合语境.故选 C. 3.答案:G.句意:然后你会找到方法来让你的精神放在更重要的事情上.根据What do they do that you would like to adopt in your own life? Ask them how they do i

43、t可知,他们做什么,你想要 在自己的生活中采纳什么,问他们他们是怎样做的.故此处 G 符合语境.故选 G. 4.答案:E.句意:所以要求你做出一些改变.根据a great life is the result of your adjustments可 知,好的生活是调整的结果.故此处 E 符合语境.故选 E. 5.答案:A.句意:一个好的生活是开始的结果.根据Theres an old saying everyone is familiar with-A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.可知,有一句人们熟悉的老话- 千

44、里之行,始于足下.故此处 A 符合语境.故选 A. 三、 答案:1-5 ABBDD 6-10 BBCBC 11-15 CDCAD 解析: 1.根据下文 no phones allowed for the entire week 可知父母宣布了一项整周不用手机的 新规定。 2.根据下文 Theyll have to wait 可知朋友会等待她消息的更新。 3.她跟妈妈讨价还价失败了,故此处指她改变了策略。 4.根据上文 Madeline saw that her parents phones were already in it.可知 Madeline 也不得不把 自己的手机放了进去。drop

45、意为“使掉下”。 5.根据下文的 said in her sweetest voice 可推知,她用带着爱的眼神讨好地看着爸爸。 6.从上文可知, Madeline 一家是去度假,故她想告诉朋友们她度过的假期很棒。 7.通过上文她发现了一个拼图玩具,以及下文她把拼图拼好了可知,此时她开始整理拼图碎 片。sort 意为“整理;把分类”。 8.通过下文的 The puzzle was less than half done.可推知 Madeline 已经忙活了将近 2 个小时 了。 9.根据上文的 The next morning, the golden sun was rising over t

46、he blue ocean. The sky was cloudless.可知, 这个美景让 Madeline 想起了朋友曾经分享的一张照片。 此处为 remind sb. of sth.的搭配,意为“让某人想起某事物”。 10.通过上文可知 Madeline 的手机被妈妈收起来了,此时她想往床头柜拿手机。此处 shoot 意为“(使)急速移动”。 11.根据上下文可知,每当拼图被拼在一起的时候, Madeline 都感到有点兴奋。 12.根据上文的 She quickly put the remaining pieces into place 可知, Madeline 把拼图完成了。 13.

47、根据生活常识可知, 拼图完成后, 一般会欣赏已经完成的拼图。 appreciate 意为 “欣赏” 。 14.根据下文的 in her mind 可知,她试图在脑海里保存这个拼图。 preserve 意为“保存;保 留”。 15.根据下文的 That, she thought, was just for me.可知她把已经拼好的拼图拆了。 take apart 意为“拆散;拆开”。 四、答案: goes used himself joking a was born from obviously sellers and 解析:考查主谓一致。据说,人们经常看到一家中药店的店主对他的伙计大喊大叫。The story goes that“据说,传闻”为固定用法,所以填 goes。 考查非谓语动词。一天晚上,一个学徒正在整理店里用来做中药的原料。 the ingredients 与 use 之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,应用动词-ed 形式作定语,所以填 used。 考查反身代词。


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