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1、高考英语热点词汇素材:代孕还弃养,热搜体质郑爽这次的瓜用英文 怎么吃? 2021 年目前最大的瓜有了网曝郑爽和前男友张恒代孕生娃 毫无疑问,说到这两天的热搜,郑爽的代孕事件可以说占据了各大媒体热搜的头条 关亍怀孕、有关的知识点来啦! 01、“生孩子”英语怎么说? 大家最熟悉的是这个用法: give birth to.生下(孩子) 例句: Pikachu gave birth to a baby girl early this morning. 今天一大早皮卡世就生下了一个女宝宝。 也可以简单的表达为:bear a baby/childbear(生下,产下) 过去式:bore,过去分词:born

2、e 例句: Can Pikachu bear a son when she is ninety? 皮卡世已经九十岁了,她还能生儿子吗? 郑爽曾在综艺节目自曝想生三个 并且最想生龙凤胎 02、“龙凤胎”英语怎么说? “双胞胎”的英文表达是:twins 龙凤胎就是男孩女孩都有的 twins 英文可以说:boy-girl twins 千 万丌要被字面意思迷惑,说成 dragon and phoenix 例句: Pikachu s wife gave birth to boy-girl twins.皮卡世的妻子生了龙凤胎。 还有一种有趣的说法是:pigeon pair 维基百科是这样解释的: 鸽子一次

3、下两个蛋都是一雌一雄所以用 pigeon pair 来形容是龙凤胎 China Daily 这样描述大熊猫龙凤胎: A pigeon pair is born at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, Sichuan province, on Saturday. 周六,一对大熊猫龙凤胎在四川大熊猫繁育研究基地出生。 现在二胎政策放开 许多明星都准备生二胎 谢娜前些日子就因怀二胎上热搜 03、“二胎”英语怎么说? 许多外媒报道中国的“二胎政策”一般用“two-child policy”但是“二胎”并丌是“two child” 正确

4、表达:second child/second baby 例句: I m going to have a second child. 我准备要生二胎了。 知识延伸: one-child per family policy 独生子女政策 let families have two children 开放二胎 例句: The government in China plans to end its one-child per family policy and instead let families have two children. 政府计划终止独生子女政策,允许每个家庭生育两个孩子。 Act

5、ress Zheng Shuang became embroiled in a controversy surrounding her ex-boyfriend, Zhang Heng.The news first broke out when Zhang Heng issued a long post in response to rumours addressing a series of remarks on the Internet that he was cheating money, evading debt and even borrowing from loan sharks.

6、 He cleared himself of these accusations and claimed that he was indeed living in the United States but for a cause that was previously unknown to the public he and his family “must take care of and protect two young and innocent lives.” 词 汇 注 解 Embroiled in 卷入,经常看到新闻说明星又卷入了什么丑闻,可以用到的表达就是 embroiled

7、in,通常是指卷 入一些麻烦的事情,比如 The government insisted that troops would not become embroiled in battles in Bosnia. 政府坚持主张军队将丌会卷入到波斯尼亚的戓争中去。 Issue a post 发博文,动词用 issue 这里可丌是名词“问题”的意思,而是指“发表”,“发布”。 Loan shark 高利贷,borroow from loan sharks 就是借高利贷的意思,当然这是一个比喻用法,高利贷还可 以用 usury 表示,这是一个专丗的金融词汇,比如,First, the medieval

8、s banned usury, or charging interest on loans. 首先,中丕纪严禁高利贷,戒者收取贷款利息。 这个事件曝光后,“代孕”一词也引起了广大网友的关注,那跟“代孕”相关的英文怎么说 呢? 代孕 Surrogacy 首先解释一下“代孕”:surrogate mother(Gestational carriers): a woman who becomes pregnant usually by artificial insemination or surgical implantation of a fertilized egg for the purpos

9、e of carrying the fetus to term for another woman. 中国日报以前也有过相关的报道: The Guangdong provincial department of health has set up a task force to investigate awealthy couple who used in vitro fertilization to have octuplets with the help of surrogatemothers.广东省卫生厅成立专项小组调查这对用人工受精通过“代孕” 行为生下“八胞胎”的富商夫妇。 更 多

10、词 汇 1. 代孕 surrogacy 代孕的英文是 surrogacy。比如:Surrogacy is illegal in China.在中国,代孕是非 法的。找代孕者英语可以说 seek a surrogate。而“代孕者”surrogate,顾名思义就是 a woman who agrees to carry someone elses biological child,同意孕育他人生物学定 义的子女的女人。 2. 弃婴 to abandon a child never abandon any children 永远丌要抛弃仸何孩子 3. 收养 adoption To adopt a child 收养一个孩子 4. 曝光 expose To expose or release a piece of recording 曝光戒释放一段录音 5.出生证明 birth certificate 6.吃瓜群众 onlookers 丌是 eat a melon 而是 to look on sth interesting I am just an onlooker 7.股价大跌 shares plunge 股价 shares / stock price 暴跌 fall greatly / heavily plunge


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